
Racial Disparities Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Despite all of the nuanced information... Black women in America are far more likely to die as it relates to pregnancy than any other race in this country."
"Black women deserve to go to hospitals and not die while they're giving birth. So what are we going to do about that?"
"The population health impact of COVID-19 has exposed in plain sight decades, if not centuries, of inequities that have systematically undermined the physical, social, material, and emotional health of racial and ethnic minority populations and other groups."
"Corporate America hasn't just failed to help the black community; it is complicit in generating the disparities we see today."
"If white capitalism isn't helping white poor people, what the hell makes you think that black capitalism is going to somehow help black poor people?"
"The very metric we're using to declare black people's increased relative criminality is frequency of occurrence in the criminal justice system, which we've just proven is biased against them."
"The racial disparities in this country don't exist because we've forgotten about them or don't know about them; there are people who are perfectly comfortable maintaining their existence, whether they do so through malice or through ignorance brought about by severe political bias."
"According to the CDC a young black man aged 10 to 43 is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a white male."
"Black lives matter is obviously a necessity if you look at the racial disparities if you look at just the videos and if you just look at the numbers and the data and all the studies you know it's a necessity something that needs to be here."
"The fact that black Americans are more than five times as likely to be incarcerated as white Americans is wrong."
"Economically has not been good for black people."
"If you're black, you're going to have a worse experience in the justice system than if you are white."
"Three things that really hold young black men and women back in America but particularly men for these three things in America today remain education incarceration and discrimination."
"This report found many racial disparities, but when it looks deeper into the problems it found that they're not all down to race."
"Income disparities: blacks earn only half of what their white counterparts do."
"Ultimately, I think these gun control laws are gonna be used disproportionately against young men of color."
"When white folks catch a cold, Black folks get pneumonia."
"23 blacks only make up 13% of the population. But they make up 23% of children in foster care. That's a quarter of the kids that are in foster care are black."
"What I've done on modern slavery, the race disparity audit that I set up, that actually shines a light on the inequalities and injustices."
"Mediocre white men typically have permission to fail while black people have a mandate to succeed."
"Kyle Rittenhouse had a million dollars worth of whiteness. A black person couldn't pay for that type of legal assistance."
"There's no uglier truth in our community than what you talked about. The black homicide victimization rate is seven times higher than that of whites."
"Studies show that student debt weighs heavier on graduates of color."
"The incarceration rate among African Americans, it's unconscionable."
"In the black community, access to mental health care is lacking."
"Black respondents were nearly twice as likely to strongly oppose the death penalty than were whites."
"There is also a two-tiered system of justice when it comes to people who are accused of crimes in blue cities who are white versus people who are accused of crimes in blue cities who are black."
"Black people facing similar low-level charges as white people were 68 percent less likely to see those charges dismissed at court."
"Disparities between racial groups are normal due to different histories, demographics, and cultures."
"Y'all are mad at a black person who's skeptical about taking medicine? Let's not act like medical treatment has been fair to black people in the past."
"The city is marked by real inequality and real racial disparities."
"Black people compromise nearly 20%, but serve 51% of the nights in jail."
"Violence, especially against minorities at the hands of police, is not unique to the United States, but it's the rate of that violence in the U.S. that is staggering."
"It is harder for a darker skinned black woman to have a baby and to secure a spouse with some resources to help take care of that baby."
"Black pain and black suffering don't get the same attention anywhere."
"I think the racial disparities that existed before this decision are still real we need to make sure our young people have access to a K-12 education that is of high quality."
"The disparity of police brutality is so flagrant that cops literally use it to calm down white people sometimes."
"Black workers amongst black workers the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1 percent more than twice what it is for white workers."
"No one wants to go back into the kind of lockdown we were in."
"If you do not accept that race is a factor in disparities in healthcare employment opportunities in Britain then you will not have the full picture."
"Disparities between black Canadians and white Canadians are identical, and in some specific cases worse than the disparities between black Americans and white Americans."
"Why are black people in jail at higher rates than white people? That's the question, right?"
"There are issues about housing instability and insecurity if you black people in particular that important to look at."
"As Gabby Petito's case grips the nation families of color with missing loved ones remind the nation they're hurting too."
"If he was black it might be different, right?"
"The tax system impoverishes black Americans and how we can actually fix that."
"There's still a pandemic in America that is killing black and brown people in higher numbers."
"It's endemic. People of color, particularly black people, are treated differently by the police."
"In the 21st century, it's more dangerous for a black woman to have a baby in the United States than any other developed nation."
"Black wealth has always been at the very bottom of the chart."
"The difference between black girls' experience and white girls' experience really stood out."
"The reason why there's a big gap between black and brown home ownership and white home ownership is because white people take the value out of their homes and help their children."
"Black people get caught, white people don't, but they do crimes every day."
"Does it bother you that every day between 1200 to 1500 black babies are aborted?"
"Black women have 40% more access to white-collar jobs than black men."
"The means of living for colored men are becoming more and more precarious and limited."
"You can't on the one hand, the same people who sit on the judiciary who has the same people who voted for other aggrieved groups to be restored or made whole the difference is race and racism."
"Black Americans are poorer today than they were when it began."
"Black men are really being subject to a double whammy and that it's going to be impossible for us to make meaningful progress at large on something like closing racial disparities without specific measures targeting black men."
"African Americans don't engage in any higher risk behaviors than people of other races."
"Race is a public health issue because your race in most countries of the world predicts how long and how well you will live."