
Business Operations Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"They are part of the business operation and work closely with the technology team to improve the quality of the services being delivered."
"Manufacturers are going to have to pass on those higher costs to their customers because they have to operate at a profit."
"The purpose of accounting is to show you how the business is doing by identifying, recording, and communicating the important stuff."
"The cash flow statement shows where money's being generated and where it's being spent and employed throughout the company."
"An online business manager is in charge of organizing projects and then telling the executive or the business owner, 'Okay, next you need to do this. Now focus on this. Now we need to contact this person.'"
"I feel that you truly get how business works."
"The point of sale is where the restaurant experience kind of begins and ends but it starts at the supply chain."
"You were trying to make [] more convenient by [] up the store."
"I just really like the feeling of like printing off all the labels at once and seeing like all 18 labels come out of my rolo printer at once. It just makes me feel like an actual business person."
"We are going to get out of the business of reacting to supply chain crises as they arise and get into the business of preventing future supply chain problems."
"Our quality control measures help make sure that there are no mistakes in our product quality."
"I strongly recommend some sort of inspection before the order ships."
"Having a systematic process that's basically repeatable."
"It's all about what the market will bear. Nothing else actually matters."
"3.8 million on 10 gross profit, no credit line."
"We're in business, okay okay, oh it's all over the place too, okay this one seems very useful."
"I want these corporations to go back to doing what they do: making stuff I want to buy, providing services I want to use. Isn't that their mandate?"
"Our facilities and dealerships are safely in operation."
"It completely changes the way the customer interacts with our crews."
"Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure Karen eating at their restaurant when it's closed is probably the last thing they want to do."
"Coinbase intends to function normally without an official or unofficial headquarters."
"It helps our business, and obviously I don't agree with that."
"If you're an entrepreneur, you want to buy and sell stuff, you want to scale stuff."
"Zip Air is actually a wholly owned subsidiary of Japan Airlines or Jal they began operations in late 2020 so they're brand new."
"This man's supposed crime was merely operating his business."
"I think if the cdc were to say that there are such things as vaccine passports and businesses that require them including restaurants say broadway broadway they would open immediately and that would."
"The business is largely dependent on who's funding and who's in power."
"Price is probably the number one thing everyone wants to know."
"You actually get incredibly good rates with UPS inbound through Amazon."
"You do not need FCC certification to manufacture product... you need it to sell a product."
"Starbucks is planning more price hikes after already raising prices in October and in January. So this company can raise prices seemingly as much as they want."
"Whenever you hear 200 million you're like wow that's a lot but it's actually not uh they make more than 200 million in a month."
"Riot Games is not a sovereign all-powerful entity. It's a business that has to function within the laws of the governing land."
"There's a price on the tag, you can't do this every day with every wholesale customer coming in. You gotta have a system if you're gonna get through this, right?"
"It's standard practice to check for that," regarding undisclosed litigation.
"Managing the people is a hell of a lot easier than managing the money."
"Nobody's going to do that if a restaurant has room for 10 employees they can't hire 30."
"The question was whether the syndicates had moved beyond conventional betting and started behaving more like corporations."
"We're working on it, we're gonna get our stock back up and so, I would still appreciate some patience."
"We have experienced no problem... there's been hardly a disturbance in our spreads."
"Parlor claims they didn't use these higher level services. Taking that as true, there are still problems."
"We're gonna try to make the drinks real quick."
"Running a company is sales. You gotta make the phone calls."
"Customer service is Paramount. I don't give a what it is, if you own a paint company, if you own a cleaners, whatever the case may be."
"All money has to hit the business bank account. If that number on your bank statement doesn't mirror what you're really making, then you're not making that money."
"This is a real-life business doing real money right now."
"It's absolutely what we do is not a loophole."
"The destruction of the stock at Anheuser-Busch affects millions of people."
"The insurance market for shipping has been built up over a very long period and is dominated by a small number of players."
"It has been closed for like the last year and a half and this is the second month that it's back."
"It's mind-blowing just how much of a well-running machine it is."
"I'm the real deal, I'm hopping on a private jet in the morning to oversee the delivery of these masks."
"You must...come through that cutting up, getting two or three boxes, getting a bit of paper, and it's a good turnover."
"Less hassle, less returns, less customer service."
"Guy makes a thing, guy sells it to other guy who wants it. What could be more simple? Why would government want to make it much, much, much less simple than that?"
"Maintaining staff is crucial for consistency."
"Absolutely fantastic operations on there today."
"You own a portion of the underlying cash flows of a real company that operates every day."
"You can't have unsafe staff delivering product to your customers."
"It's business as usual after the 18th of October, folks."
"We need to know the next available invoice number."
"Make shipping the easiest part of having an online store."
"Running the photo booth took no skill... one of these is scalable."
"Our order bank is filling up so give me a call as soon as possible."
"We get the money out like the SEC within 72 hours of us contacting the business, the money is in their account. That's cool, we're not going away after one month."
"They have been running up a massive metaphorical bill."
"FedEx ground sets the rates and those rates change and update anywhere from one to three years."
"I find it very arrogant that there are stores in New York City that don't have a gate."
"Shipping times make a huge difference for your customer feedback ratings."
"We'll try our best to make sure that this would not affect you in any way whatsoever."
"They've got shipping times I have one two three days which is absolutely insane."
"A good amount of things we've got to get pulled packed and shipped today, figured we'd take you guys along for the ride."
"That's so crazy. You're a pizza place. I should be able to get a full pizza from you."
"We talk about supply chains and what he expects to happen."
"It's an easier function than coming in and saying can I have this."
"I am building a machine, I'm not the machine."
"Value created by marketing is no different from the value created by manufacturing."
"High energy prices raise the cost of operating businesses."
"In order to make that happen, you gotta have Machinery that you can count on."
"Apple has officially reopened all of its U.S retail stores."
"The only reason why businesses are open is because God is getting ready to transfer the wealth."
"Accounting refers to keeping track of money, so in companies and organizations, there is usually an accounting department."
"Every Friday morning, we open up cases just like your customers."
"I enjoy it. I love the operational side of what is this photography business."
"It's just it shouldn't be possible but they're doing it."
"You're gonna open again now when tourism comes back, you're open all the time, right?"
"I disclosed that Chris can legally bind the team entity."
"We're gonna make over a million dollars if everything goes to plan and we'll finally be getting rid of all this munitions in my bunker."
"The statement of profit or loss... summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses of a company over a period of time."
"Activity ratios... provide insights into how well a company utilizes its resources and operations."
"Managing beauty inventory can be a little more finicky than with other products."
"Don't go around trying to find someone to be your friend. Go around looking for someone to be a friend to."
"A simple fact that I operate as a business...write it off."
"Why was there no list of stock? Why was there no price list?"
"For example your virtual assistants can use this tool to answer customer complaints so for example..."
"I got the full sales floor with these guys already building them in."
"One of the weaknesses that we have is it's really easy for us to run out of stuff because we don't prepare for things personally and business is running out of stuff because they're not prepared for stuff either."
"Learn the back end, it's the most important part."
"No, we're definitely going to put a lot of new go fast parts... Okay, did you change what you want? I just write the checks, exactly."
"I just want the cruise lines to be able to operate their business in a way that they think they can keep people safe."
"Spurs aren't doing anything. They're closed for business."
"There's also still plenty of business being done in the embedded end of the spark Market."
"He was quite decisive... we popped out the non-slow letter."
"All of our work was contracted through the government's procurement vehicles."
"Now that small business, they don't have to wait for confirmation. They get that money instantly."
"You see guys one of us is working hard everybody's over here having a powwow on the phones this is marketing marketing and research."
"thank you alright that was much all fun as far as the order of her products perfection she did everything the way she's supposed to"
"The stock market is about companies' underlying business."
"Most businesses aren't rocket science but in most businesses a thousand little things have to go right every day to make money."
"we're doing what we can like I said as soon as we sold out the night one replace the order just takes a while to kind of get everything in and and accounted for."
"Power Apps enables you to transform your manual business operations into digital automated processes."
"Master data is the stuff that you use over and over again and defines how you're going to run your business."
"We are operating 12 hours and 24 hours to keep up with the demand. I know many companies are going to be out of the way but we are geared up to double our business this coming year working with you."
"We're doing everything, steel planets, I mean parts are starting to show up, we are ordering parts from all over the world guys to get in here to keep this shop going."
"Escalating cases can happen based on timing or a case issue. You can also control assignments based on criteria and business hours."
"During the time of the acquisition, once you've acquired the property."
"Technology comes along with opportunities. It scares people, it brings risk. But it also creates a different way of being in terms of a different way of how businesses operate, and different opportunities for basically serving customers."
"It's business as usual at Drew Pritchard's shop in North Wales."
"...being able to map it out from start to finish, suddenly they have this insight into invisibility to all of the stuff that happens."
"Incident management: the goal is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the impact on business operations."
"It increases public awareness and public interest...people take a much bigger interest in how his business is run."
"You guys like seeing the behind the scenes stuff, you like seeing what happens, what goes on, the fish deliveries, all of that sort of stuff."
"A cash flow statement simply tells you about the movement of cash in and out of a company over a period of time."
"It took me a while to appreciate the fact that without the routine elements, transactions simply can't complete successfully."
"It's going to be delegatable, it's going to be profitable, and it's going to be repeatable."
"Once you have your quote signed and returned, you can either then click on sales order, cash sale, or invoice and process it to become a transaction."
"The numbers don't tell the whole story, so you need to work closely with the operating team to really understand what's driving this operationally."
"Your customers probably don't even realize that this is happening."
"Many enterprises out there really rely on Java to run their business."
"Operating cash flow is simply cash flow that results from the firm's day-to-day activities of producing and selling."
"Operating income equals quantity times contribution margin minus fixed costs."
"I appreciate you taking time to investigate the logistics of how we do things here."
"Later on in our application, whenever a customer places an order, I'm going to display that in a dashboard for the person who manages a shop that receives that order."
"It's the beating heart of any business, it goes down, it causes delays, that is lost money, that is frustrated employees, that's a negative work environment, that's a business on life-support."
"It's about setting the strategy towards how the organization should operate, relying purely on the entire data for driving their businesses."
"Payment companies should not let their personal ethics affect the ability of a legitimate business to operate."
"Ticketing system is not about just sending a ticket, it's way more than that."
"ESG is really elements related to environmental and social and governance that many people believe material to operations."
"I'm a big fan of hiring friends, family, that kind of thing."
"Digital transformation wasn't about technology, it was about how the company operates."
"This really does make analytics much easier and less software again means that less upkeep, less integration, and less to troubleshoot."
"I currently operate a small private fund via a company that I run with my co-founder."
"We are essentially the retailer's stock room; if we haven't got it, they can't buy it."
"He was running a legit casino and didn't have to worry about the law, greasing palms, or envious gangsters."
"This degree is for people who are really passionate about management, operations, and the functional aspect of business."
"Working capital is the gas that is needed to fuel the income statement and the cash flow generated by the business."
"Time management and inventory management is definitely a big one."
"The most fundamental part of accounting is recording and categorizing each transaction that comes into your business."
"For B to B e-commerce, it works actually like great."
"Accounting is the process of recording, reporting, interpreting, and analyzing financial information."
"Once it's an invoice, you can record a payment against it."
"By using blueprints you can make sure that your data is structured, that your team is putting in the data that you need to run your business."
"It's critical that we maintain high quality standards and high service standards."
"Having ample cash on hand will ensure that your suppliers, employees, and other vendors can be paid on time."
"For a tow truck company, downtime is killer; their trucks need to be reliable, bulletproof."
"It's always important to know what your costs are."
"Everyday businesses are more and more reliant on global supply chains."
"Cash flow is really important because a firm's cash flows are like the engine oil."
"Free cash flow is the cash that a company generates from its business operations after subtracting capital expenditures."
"Understand the industry that the client operates in, the laws and regulations that apply to this business."
"The product realization process takes the input of a customer's order, and the output is the delivery of the part to the customer."
"A business is really just a group of people working together to solve problems for their customers and clients."
"The intention was how do we operate with the way that remains true to our purpose, that's what I'm looking for, that's what matters to me."
"Understand your liabilities, incorporate, create a proper contract of sale, and be prepared for dealing with privacy legislation and protecting your intellectual property."
"I 100% give credit to VAs for what I'm able to do in my own business."
"This is really important because you want to make sure that you are always in stock."
"So that your shop is legally compliant."
"Amazon does all the Fulfillment for you."
"Make sure that you're managing your inventory because you could have four towels that you need to do, and next thing you know, you get another four orders but only two towels left."
"Data is key, data is paramount. Without data, you can't run a business successfully or with any accuracy."
"Applying for ABN does not automatically mean that you're carrying on an enterprise."
"To operate and run daily business activities, you must first get and file any licenses and permits within the state and local agencies, then pay your taxes."
"It doesn't take five days to process."
"We've got an awesome team right through from the sales to the production crew to the fit-out crew and the 12-volt guys."
"Your KPIs are actually your five rights."
"Businesses can do the same thing, especially corporations, publicly held corporations can also make investments in fixed income and equity securities."
"If you have a chatbot that is going to handle enquiries from customers, you might decide there are ten different kinds of inquiries."
"An order management system is a platform that tracks sales orders, inventory, and fulfillment."
"Operating cash last year: 810 million, that's hard cash that they made by running and selling products in their multilocation retail stores."
"We need to find answers to all these questions when we are managing the inflow of materials into the organization."
"We love it the way they're operating; we're not there to tell them what to do in the least."
"I would rather have to spend a lot of money to get a service that's required in order to keep my business running than not have to spend money because basically that option isn't even provided."
"Effectiveness and efficiency... doing the minimum amount of work required so that customers are happy."
"Determining an acceptable payment method and ensuring secure processing must be a central consideration for businesses."
"Make the customer king within your business and ensure that all of your business decisions and the heart of your operation is based around the customer needs."
"CSCP has an extended focus looking outside the four walls of your company; it covers working with vendors and customers, the flow of information, product, and money throughout your end-to-end supply chain."
"The business wouldn't run without Lori."
"A reduction in inventories should improve cash flow."
"A CRM will allow you to organize tasks... that are the busy work of every single trip that you book."
"EDI allows for 24x7 transaction policy, significant reduction of paper, and more time for running your business."
"A shipping point is must if your company sells physical products that have to be delivered to the customer."
"Managing your finances, controlling inventory, managing and paying employees, administering benefits, ordering products, and managing vendors are some of the categories you use an ERP application for."
"Once you have listed your very first product and now it is selling, the only thing you really have to worry about is making sure that you stay in stock."
"Regulating emissions can affect the way in which businesses operate."
"The Stripe dashboard is a feature-rich user interface that you can use on its own to operate and to configure your Stripe account."
"Financial resources, including access to cash, is a very important resource because without it not a lot of things can happen."
"Transferring a call can happen in two ways: you can do a blind transfer and an assisted transfer."
"We have orders to pull this morning, so let's go ahead and get to it."
"Corporate culture means how things are run, what is the norm in the company."
"Logistics is a fundamental piece of any company."