
Knowledge Limits Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"There are thousands of people way smarter than me who don't have all of the answers, and that means I cannot possibly have all of the answers either."
"A complex system requires that you have humility about what you don't know, which is almost everything."
"The more questions we ask, the fewer answers we're left with."
"Pass any scientific revelation through a series of 'why' questions, and you'll always get to a point where we just don't know."
"For the majority of my life, I was agnostic about most things. But the more I learned, the more I realized how limited my own experience is, and just how much we as a species don't know."
"Both of us fall down this hole where the answer exists somewhere outside of the bound of human knowledge."
"As a scientist, the right answer is, I don't know, and no one does."
"Just because we're doctors, everybody thinks we know everything, and we don't."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there will ever be to know and understand."
"Everything we know represents just five percent of the universe."
"The single most important desire in all beings is to have a game, it was necessary to not know certain things so certain perceptions were negated."
"I feel like the smartest people I've ever met in real life are people that are willing to go like oh I don't know I got to look more into that yeah it's people that like can admit the limits of their knowledge yeah for sure"
"Being a good doctor means I have to work within the bounds of our current knowledge, and many times our current knowledge is incomplete."
"The key is to get to the point where you start realizing how little you know."
"Understanding 100% of anything is impossible. That's what makes life so interesting."
"The understanding that you don't know everything is very deep and important."
"There's more between heaven and earth than your scholastic wisdom can dream of."
"Anyone who tells you they know what's happening has no idea. We truly have no idea."
"The wisest people that I know are the ones that realize that they don't know."
"With so many big companies trying to pull this wishy-washy trendy progressivism on their customers, you shouldn't be surprised if people get suspicious of your true intentions."
"Equally, just because we do not understand something, does not mean it is not real."
"As a civilian passenger, you're not gonna know the answer to that."
"Acknowledge what you don't know and let go of limiting beliefs."
"I'm not here to tell nobody what they deserve what they you know none of that because I really don't know what the hell they got going on."
"The problem with predictions... they assume you know a whole bunch of stuff that you really don't."
"You're allowed to not know, you're allowed to grow and change your mind."
"Each Theory shows you its limits. If it's a good theory, it shows you its limits. You transcend the limits and then you get your new Theory to project down."
"It's impossible to be an expert on something that you haven't done."
"Evolution... a valid scientific model... but it's not an ultimate truth."
"Let it be a lesson for all of us that if we ever get caught in a situation where we don't know the answer it is okay to just say I don't know."
"You don't know anything with 100 certainty and you don't know what it is."
"It's a capability that we do not possess to my knowledge."
"I think humbleness allows us to know that we don't know... the unknown realm is much more vast than this tiny little drop of water called our human mind and our ego." - JP Sears
"You simply don't get to understand, you can't even understand what you can't understand."
"Once you get back a little bit farther though is when I don't know as much."
"Something like extraterrestrial life, UFOs, and aliens on Earth is largely beyond the bounds of our knowledge."
"Even though hunters have more answers than most, there's still so much that we just don't know."
"Science isn't claiming certainty or pronouncing truth. It's tentative, probabilistic, subject to revision."
"You start off thinking you know everything about this thing, and it's like climbing the first Ridge of a mountain..."
"Knowing what you don't know is incredibly profound."
"I think the most important thing is to be honest when you don't know something."
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is admit they don't know."
"I'd like to know the story really as far as you can go that I don't know how far we actually can but I'd like to know as far as I can go."
"One of the things that Progressive Christianity is leaving is almost like people humble themselves or pride themselves on the fact that we can't really know."
"Mystery is what makes everything interesting. We don't have to know all the answers to everything, maybe it's better if we don't."
"The height of spiritual awareness is knowing you don't know anything."
"No one can be right a hundred percent of the time."
"You don't know everything, that's the thing I don't know."
"People think they know something and they really don't know a single thing."
"You can't possibly know everything. You can't possibly know how to take every car apart."
"Many people say we don't know what we don't know."
"What if myth is just a way of saying rare or that we can't explain with what we currently know?"
"It's impossible...to be an expert about everything. But I have figured out this."
"Be humble. If there's something that you don't know, don't try to fake it."
"Completely be okay with the limits of your knowledge."
"I have to be okay with just not knowing that I'm never really going to know."
"I don't think it's knowable if a god exists and the existence of the supernatural is definitionally unverifiable."
"Realize that you don't know what you don't know."
"I can't wrap my head around the fact that I will never understand everything that's happening around me."
"You can't track it exactly, you can't know what you're getting exactly."
"There are times when mystery is more important than knowledge."
"This is the way impeachment ends not with a bang but a whimper."
"We are never going to reach a point where we know everything about the universe and just stop doing science."
"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing." - Plato
"Thankfully, we do not have the scientific or medical knowledge that would produce such a being. But there has been fictional speculation."
"The answers that everyone wants, everyone needs. I don't know if we will ever have them."
"At the end of the day, we don't know, we don't know, we don't know at all."
"They assume there's somebody who has all the knowledge that would be required to do that. There is no such person anywhere." - Thomas Sowell
"One of the great challenges in this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you're right but not enough about the subject to know you're wrong."
"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we think we know of nature."
"You need to become comfortable in not knowing and not pretending to know."
"Anyone who says they know everything doesn't know everything."
"You drink and you know things, but you do not understand them."
"It really is, it really is, and not that you have all the answers because we don't have all the answers."
"You don't have to have complete absolute certainty or knowledge on all of your positions."
"We don't think we know much at all right down to the question of whether these things are extraterrestrial or something else."
"Most of the things that we believe, if we were to keep questioning how do you know how do you know how do you know how do you know Aristotle said you'd have an infinite regress."
"I don't ever expect that I'll have all the answers."
"Usually, the wiser a person is, the more they realize how little they know."
"How little we know, but more importantly, how our tools are limited."
"As a scientist, this actually bothers me a lot. This whole idea that there is a central body, that there's an agreed-upon set of facts that we know, we don't know crap about this at this point in time."
"One of the things that I think defines experts is when they say 'I don't know.'" - Paul
"That's the arrogance of humanity really thinking that we know it all."
"The manuscript stands as a testament to the limits and possibilities of human understanding, continually challenging our assumptions and methods."
"It's important to admit the limits of my knowledge. I'm not an attorney, I'm not an expert in legal matters."
"I mean, you don't know, I don't know, nobody knows."
"The truth is the specific timing of these events remains unknown with no one having the knowledge of the exact day or hour."
"Let's be honest about what we do and don't know."
"I don't see any path to absolute certainty on anything ever."
"Stay in your lane. If you don't know, say 'I don't know.'"
"You don't have to learn absolutely everything."
"There's only one right answer guys... there's more than what you know... but there's only one right answer."
"No one knows anything, you can't predict the future."
"We still cannot understand a single atom in its entirety."
"Numbers and the typical things we get don't do the trick."
"Part of your wisdom is knowing what you don't know."
"He acknowledges he knows what he doesn't know."
"No one actually knows everything."
"We are humble, recognizing that we don't know everything about anything."
"We want to be humble about the limits of our own knowledge."
"The older I get and the more I learn, the less I think I know."
"I'm not gonna say every situation looks terrible, but you don't know everything."
"It's impossible to know everything, no matter how much research you do, no matter how much influence you have, you have to learn at the table and be able to adapt in real time."
"You may have noticed that despite all these brave words I have not explained the origin of the universe... it may be that we shall never know."
"We virtually understand nothing about consciousness."
"It's okay to say that you maybe don't know everything about that topic or that's something you need to research more or learn more about."
"It’s really about how you look at problems when you don’t know much and are encountering apparent improbabilities."
"Don't always assume that you know best."
"It does make sense to have a certain sense of humility as well about what we know and what we don't know."
"You have to know that you can't know everything and you need to accept that you will never know everything."
"The human mind is limited to what they can know and cannot know."
"We know that we don't know, we never have been so consciously ignorant about nature."
"Orthodoxy is intellectual; it just knows the limits of intellect alone."
"Nobody knows everything, and you don't know what you don't know until you know it."
"Science should be more fun, where you're like, but we also don't know."
"We in our industry like to think that we know everything, but with the pace at which our industry is evolving, you can't know everything; it's impossible."
"You can't know it all, life is way too complex; you can't have it all, there's way too much; and you can't do it all, because there's limits of time."
"We have to tolerate pluralism and disagreement, and we have to be cosmologically modest about what we can know."
"We are always operating with incomplete knowledge and we are built filled with assumptions."
"There are so many things we have not discovered yet, nobody should be absolutely sure of his beliefs."
"Embrace what I don't know and accept it, I don't know what interest rates are going to do."
"Our journey has also revealed the limits of our knowledge, for every question answered, countless more emerge."
"It's not about what our mind knows, it's about how our mind works."
"People who know very little about a subject tend to overestimate how much they know because they just don't know how much they don't know."
"Can we trust our senses? Do we know anything? We can't really know anything."
"That means that we don't understand anything; it means that 85% of the universe is a complete mystery."
"We shouldn't be pretending we know more than we know."
"The best thing we can do is get comfortable saying I don't know what the explanation is."
"What are the odds that the earth is this far from the Sun? The answer is I don't know and I don't know how anyone could know."
"It's almost embarrassing that I didn't know that, but you can't know everything, you know."
"We don't understand what we think we do understand, and that therefore you should recognize who you are."
"The smartest people are people who realize that they don't know everything."
"Always leave room for the unknown because I don't think one of us can sit with our hands on our hearts 100% saying, 'I know everything; this is the way it is.'"
"The ability to say 'I don't know' when you don't know is pretty powerful."
"Not knowing the answer to a question does not make any answer the correct answer."
"Surrender your need to always be right; you don't know everything, it's impossible."