
Software Testing Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"During this testing period, all these phases, there's a lot of issues, there's lots of fixes, like hundreds of fixes that's ongoing."
"Let's give that a try and see if our validations are working."
"Jenkins will then create a build of your code and part of that build process is actually going through and running through tests."
"It allows us to catch bugs as soon as possible before going forward with the rest of the actions."
"Now we can easily switch this out, we also immediately see the changes and can test this."
"Virtual machines can be very handy if you want to test out new operating systems."
"Try out Linux on a live USB stick or inside a virtual machine."
"I got a lot more value out of this second focused test than the first one."
"People are really shitty at unit testing, real talk."
"This is great for building my app and rearranging my app. But it's also great in testing."
"So One good attribute of a UI test is a test that never sleeps."
"Most of what I did check out seems good as in I didn't spot anything out of the ordinary when it came to any sort of potential emulation issues."
"By writing tests along with your code, even if your code is a little bit messy, it actually helps make your code better."
"Worst written code with tests is better than better written code with no tests."
"Writing those automated tests gives you a lot of confidence."
"Integration testing resembles how users use our application."
"End-to-end tests are essentially like doing manual testing in an automated way, which is extremely valuable."
"The lines between unit and integration tests are very fine, and the definitions don't really matter as long as your tests safeguard against unwanted behavior."
"It's not our goal to write as many tests as possible, but just make sure that we write good tests."
"When you write good tests for your code, it gives you more confidence."
"It's always good to have this validation, like if you're creating a checklist of test cases, this is something that you should do."
"So we're actually going to perform a visual end to end test that's going to allow us to render the entire application, make sure that it looks correctly."
"Testing can really help you out and give you a more efficient way to check things and prevent future errors."
"Tesla is doing some real software validation of autopilot and self-driving features."
"This kind of tests the end-to-end workflow of the system and it gives you a lot of confidence that all your core APIs and your core logic is working as expected."
"Every time you run your application, you are going to get 200 plus symbols and 200 minus symbols."
"iOS 17 beta 2: Running iOS 17 beta 2 on my iPhone 13 Pro Max and it has been really good."
"Test early, test often. You can't really do it too much."
"I don't know how people tested or test their Chrome extensions, but you can certainly test your Chrome extensions using Puppeteer, which is kind of cool."
"This feature is directed to our PC players... we hope that more players will be interested in downloading and test our new features."
"Tests are directly useful when they're failing."
"A test failure is a definitive statement that our code is not working."
"You're not testing how the code does things, you're testing what the code is meant to do."
"Technology or language doesn't support unit testing? It might be worth looking harder because it probably does."
"Negative testing involves much more work compared to positive."
"Regression testing's purpose is to make sure whatever used to work is still working."
"User acceptance testing is done by experts to ensure it's good enough for customers."
"Testing is kind of like the shield to protect you from the monsters in your game."
"I'm very excited to see it on the live server."
"Can you release products without testing software? Yes, you can. Can you drive without rules? Yes. What happens? Accidents happen."
"One of the goals of the unit tests that we write should be that whenever the code is not doing the right thing at least one of our unit tests should fail."
"Should you install iOS 16.1 RC? If you're a developer or beta tester, you could try it out, but be prepared for potential bugs."
"Stasis under any efficient means of playtesting should have never shipped."
"Sticky canaries experiment builds confidence in new services."
"The real answer... is fuzzing and testing and just kind of exploring and poking around."
"We need more community participation in testnet so that we can catch these things earlier and hopefully resolve them before we get so close to launch."
"And that's an end-to-end test over multiple independently deployed applications. That is just super cool."
"There's a ton of reasons, and this is also great for just testing out new Linux distributions checking them out for yourself."
"There's one very obvious fix to all of these issues and that is a test server place where users can join, play the game and test out some of the up-and-coming patches and balance changes."
"This is a decent system, but we're gonna have to wait until it hits live to kinda get to the bottom of it."
"The geekbench scores support that theory and a lot of you guys also have reported that it's just a better experience overall here in beta 5."
"It's not about testing our code but rather confirming the behavior of the systems that we create."
"Interactive programming allows us to investigate how code works by poking it."
"Tests will help you to become a better developer because whatever you push out to real users, it's guaranteed to work."
"You always need to run tests. More in control, are you?"
"If you have a really good test analyst, they will save time for your senior developers to the point where they will be more than paying their wage back. That's something that's insane, it's like... it's math."
"Testing is a vital part and I hope participation picks up because it is super fun."
"If you separate these two things out, it turns out testing is trivial."
"With automated tests, you can catch more bugs before releasing your software and this can save you from a lot of nightmares."
"The ability to move all items from one inventory to another is now in the final internal test sweep."
"That's the way test-driven development works, you basically run it until you run out of errors."
"Tests are a very precise way of testing your application."
"I think no unit tests are significantly better than 100% code coverage."
"Continuous testing isn't an add-on to continuous delivery; it's a cornerstone of it."
"All code is worth testing because any error can cause catastrophic results."
"Software testing is about helping people make software work."
"The key to being a good software tester is to learn software testing."
"Software testing has a lot of opportunities if you are interested in software."
"Software testing is fundamentally a skill and there is an enormous amount to learn."
"Canary testing is a way to reduce risk and validate new software by releasing it to a small percentage of users."
"Writing tests for so many reasons, but one of the advantages they give us is the ability to expose problems in our code."
"When you're creating a test of an article controller, you want to mock any outside dependencies like that article repository."
"Dependency injection is much cleaner; this is a true unit test now."
"...backtesting is an extremely simple process."
"The more I learn about software testing, the more I like it."
"Testing is accessible because anyone can get into it."
"The first thing that we're going to do is write a test that tests that we can type into the input and then we are going to code out that feature until the test passes."
"Dependency injection allows keeping test code cleanly separated from production code."
"The famous test pyramid tries to describe what typical types of automated tests should look like."
"Selenium still provides a complete solution for our automation need."
"If you change the implementation details in the future, your tests may break, even if your application still works fine."
"this is another custom matcher that comes with testing library"
"our test failed so that means we're testing the correct Behavior"
"My motivation to be in software testing is that I like quality products. I want to ensure that whatever work I'm doing as part of the quality person or automation person, the quality that I like is being available to other person."
"As we go up this pyramid, in other words, as we test more units of our code together, our tests will be slower, but they will give us more confidence in the reliability of our application."
"Vest, which is a new testing framework designed for modern JavaScript, has all the fantastic features of Jest as well as out-of-the-box support for ECMAScript modules, TypeScript, and JSX."
"Once you get the hang of one, you can easily pick up other frameworks. Among these, Jest is the most widely adopted and used in many projects."
"So, when designing a testing strategy for your application, consider the complexity of your application's code as well as your time and resources."
"Now we have soft assertion support for MockMVC and WebTestClient."
"Testing restart ability: similar to testing regular job components."
"Once you've got everything working, you should go break your code and make sure your units have failed the right way."
"You don't use unit tests to prove that you're right, you use unit tests to become correct."
"Parameterization makes the whole test suite more maintainable."
"Let's test the application, let's click on new product, let's provide the name then submit."
"It does not require the knowledge of any automation tools and can practically test any application."
"Automated, continuous testing makes sure that it keeps working tomorrow and into the future."
"If you didn't add a test, you didn't fix the bug."
"Tip #14. Annotate existing formats to create testing mini-languages."
"Annotating an existing format, like adding the $ and carat-D to txtar, is a powerful tool."
"We manually test the application. I think that's what you need, end-to-end test."
"First, let's just add, then let's test book details, then let's test book edit, then test book delete, and you can see that they are all working fine."
"Even if my test is long, even if it does go full user story, I can still go back and observe my application behavior approval every command to make sure that our application did what we expect it to do."
"If you already aware of test automation, mostly we use page object model, right?"
"Imagine an application that sums two numbers. Well, how do you test it? After you run it, you input two numbers and click the sum button. What should you see as the sum of two and two? Well, it's obvious: four, for sure."
"If someone wants to call a sum method on the calculator from the web, our web project needs to know how to call the sum method or what even that is."
"Now, running test methods with TestNG plugin in Eclipse IDE is much simpler."
"Verify login with valid credentials test case successfully automated."
"We are interested in silent install, so we are going to test silent install and then silent uninstall."
"C++ projects tend to be less tested compared to projects in other languages."
"The power of this is so that you can see that your app is doing what you think is doing it is not you should go and fix it."
"Be lazy don't like tests generate them and use property based tests thinking to gain deeper insight into the requirements"
"In a black box test, there is no knowledge shared with the tester, while in a white box test, full knowledge of the infrastructure or source code is shared."
"A lambda using this unit testing framework calls your actual code, match, compare all that stuff, and either error out or pass."
"Let's automate these three test cases."
"If you are testing an application and you don't understand what the mechanisms are, you're not taking the time to figure all of these out, and you're just coming through and looking, it just does not work."
"See the tests actually saved me and that's why it's a good idea to write tests it's a kind of a pain and it's kind of a chore but it's also can save you and it can save you a lot of time."
"Reusability of test scripts is a key feature."
"So let's go back to our previous example in this video where we wrote some of the test cases for testing our control flows."
"When you provision a new 'green' version, if it's possible, you could ask your QA team to verify it before we switch traffic to that version."
"Automated testing is at the heart of continuous delivery."
"Unit tests provide early feedback, aiding in faster development and stronger code."
"Early unit testing, even with low coverage, accelerates development and strengthens code."
"Go's fuzzing engine is fast and effective at finding bugs."
"Testing is a determined systematic attempt to break a program that you think is working."
"So Playwright is a fantastic framework for testing your applications."
"Having access to the dev tools, we can look at everything that's going on also through Playwright as things are happening."
"It enables us to predict how the environment in which we're testing is gonna work and it takes away one point of failure that might be completely unrelated to what you're trying to test."
"All right, so today we're going to be using Jest and Testing Library to test our Next.js app that we created using TypeScript."
"Let's describe our dashboard page."
"The whole point of unit testing is to test every single individual function that makes up your entire business logic."
"Percy shows you all of the different screens pretty instantaneously across all the different pages of your application."
"Black box testing is a type of testing where the tester doesn't have knowledge of internal code or structure of the software."
"Grey box testing is a combination of both black box and white box testing."
"So we're going to be talking today about Vitest. Vitest is blazing fast unit testing built on top of Vite."
"Good unit tests are easy to understand; they prove that each piece of our code does what we want."
"Let's see if we did it correctly, we're going to run our tests."
"Jest is a powerful and widely used testing framework."
"If you want to organize your test case and bug reporting, Jira is very helpful for testers."
"As a principle of software testing, we can't do exhaustive testing."
"How long does it take to open an app that's got 100 screens? Well, just a few moments."
"You don't write tests for the people trying to understand your tests; you write tests for people trying to understand the code that is being tested."
"A unit test is a test of behavior whose success or failure is wholly determined by the correctness of the test and the correctness of the unit under test."
"Having testing and caring about testing from the very beginning is important."
"We use test plans and we divided the UI test in different test plans trying to organize them in a way that actually makes a bit of sense."
"Heat mapping is my term for places inside an application where bad things can normally happen."
"This remains one of my testing superpowers."
"Finally, we will see our Dash live in action."
"Being able to write predictable and reliable tests over your complicated concurrent behavior is a real lifesaver."
"Please write tests. This is non-negotiable."
"A good test should be correct by inspection."
"Welcome to 'All Your Tests Are Terrible: Tales from the Trenches'."
"You can do all this kind of checking using this developer tool."
"Testing Airflow is hard, or maybe I should say not trivial."
"So testing this function will be considered an integration test because it uses many different pieces of code or units of code together."
"User acceptance tests are a formal set of tests which are performed on the end system to prove that we've actually built the thing that the customer actually asked for."
"Mocking makes writing unit tests a lot easier."
"Pytest is probably the most popular Python library nowadays; it's packed with features but at the same time it stays very beginner-friendly."
"Vs Code has a nice interface for running your tests."
"I really try to instrument my application in such a way that ideally, when I'm just running a test, if I see the logs, I will be able to understand what's the issue behind it."
"Using a fake is less code to maintain than the mock."
"Much more reliable, much easier to test and understand, and maintain."
"The successful unit test cases increases the overall confidence of the developers."
"The overall quality of the code is going to improve with the help of this JUnit framework."
"Unit tests are super fast, they're super cheap to write, they only test one little piece of functionality."
"If all of your unit tests are passing, the next thing you do is just go back and run your functional tests."
"The functional tests are the ones that will really tell you if you've got anything missing."
"Load testing is about breaking an application... but it could also be to recreate normal production traffic."
"Let's change gears: Fuzzing is a runtime bug hunting technique."
"Fuzzing finds real bugs and it finds important bugs. That's the biggest benefit of fuzzing, hands down."
"We're finding bugs much sooner in the fuzzing process... and that gives us an almost immeasurable return on investment."
"There's just something very comforting about seeing a unit test pass."
"Performance testing is one of the most important phases of any product launch."
"It's ideal to run as many tests all at once as possible to give you as many clues as possible to finding your bug."
"It's actually much better practice to get into the habit sooner rather than later of testing your own code using code of your own."
"Pi Test is a third-party program that you can download and install that will automate the testing of your code."
"As a bug hunter, it's probably going to give you an idea of where the ropey parts within a code base are."
"If you're looking for target identification or trying to work out which areas of the code base are particularly ropey, that's quite a nice place to start."
"Tests should optimize for ease of use."
"Testify is one of the, if not the biggest, testing frameworks for Golang."
"We all know that testing is very important; well-tested code bases make our jobs easier and our products better."
"By putting automated tests in place, you're going to have the ability to catch those regressions before they get shipped to production."
"Every time we kind of force someone to write tests, they're like, 'Man, I don't know how to do it, it's hard to start.' But like if you do most of the work for them and let them focus, I think they like it, it's usually much better."
"The big idea is that it makes testing easy."
"Unit tests should be fast, only focusing on what the function's supposed to do."
"Testing is a brilliant way of ensuring that the code that you put out is always going to work."
"Integration tests provide the best balance of tests that are cheap, they run quickly, and they solve bigger problems."
"Testing is another topic that a lot of videos don't even mention, which is strange because it's one of the most important things that you'll learn when you become a professional software engineer."
"For the most software out there, if you do integration testing and end to end testing, that will be more than enough."
"That's the nice thing about Cypress, it creates these video files that you can then use to see what happened."
"Our code is correct, so our test passes."
"Integration testing, or end-to-end testing, is an important component to a well-rounded testing suite as it tests an entire application from end to end."
"TDD has three steps: first, we write our test; second, we do the implementation that fixes the test; and then we refactor."
"If you react in fear, you become fearfully incompetent. If you conquer the fear with tests, you become fearlessly competent."
"Contract tests validate interactions between two components, its input and output validation."
"Integration testing is kind of powerful, right? You're saying I'm isolating certain subsets of my infrastructure and selectively choosing what works, what doesn't, and validating the interactions."
"End-to-end tests are the real deal. Does this actually work the way that I actually truly and deeply think that it should?"
"Adopting this approach makes our code more testable."
"Which testing framework do you prefer? So we can get PEST straight away out of the box."
"You want to write tests to check for things extra before you deploy it for real."
"Replicate production environments in a staging environment to enable continuous testing."