
Development Process Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"During this testing period, all these phases, there's a lot of issues, there's lots of fixes, like hundreds of fixes that's ongoing."
"Link's Awakening's laid-back development marked a serious impact on the evolution of the Zelda series."
"Mechanically speaking, gameplay-wise, it is just a really, really awesome game. Tons of fun to play, it looks great, and that extra year they took to refine everything really paid off."
"Making mistakes is part of the development process, and you just have to learn to fix them."
"I actually like leaving these mistakes on screen because it shows you, one, I'm not perfect, and that making mistakes is part of the development process."
"The first reason programmers hate Scrum is when the product owner attends the daily stand-up... if you read the Scrum Guide, it actually says right in it that the product owner shouldn't even be in the daily stand-up unless they're a developer actively working on the project."
"I think it's just really valuable to get it out in front of you guys and just kind of get that feedback as early as possible."
"There is no way the developers honestly finish this up and said to themselves job well done."
"Almost everything within makes its way into the final game. Very little is wasted."
"Strength, very important progress, very, very important process."
"Write a bit of code, run it, make sure everything works before going further."
"The only actual delay announcement this week was for Saints Row...so this is not in response to that, this is just more dev time to finish and polish the game."
"Build prototypes, define your spikes, make sure you know what this game is about."
"We'd much rather release something when it's really good and ready than to just get it done on time."
"The nuts and bolts of 'Rogue Legacy 2' would be wildly different to anyone who had played it day one in early access."
"The game was chopped at and added to for years."
"There's no right answers till you get to the final product."
"I figure we should kick off this devlog by talking about it and see what went wrong."
"Dark areas got hit with a lot of light so most of the grains become activated and developed, whereas light areas had few grains get hit so only a few show up here and there."
"The combination of misjudgment and rushed development just has it fall shy of the mark for me to want to go back to it more than once."
"It's about getting that feedback to the developers and making the games better."
"A late game is eventually good. A rushed game is forever bad."
"We will see you next month for our next development update."
"I think it's very interesting... we went through a lot of iterations to get to the right place."
"Thankfully we test internally... we get our own feedback from within the team."
"I love the fact that we decided to go with the transparent development process...it's super rewarding to just watch the progress."
"The crunch time will be used to good effect, including finding glitches and bugs."
"Every extra day of us working on the day zero update brought visible improvement."
"Delay them until they are ready to go... we are okay to wait just delay the game until it's finished because this ruined a game that I was excited for."
"This is not a failure; this is the successful part that matters. These landings are still part of their development phase."
"The game just flat out disappeared. I don't know why it disappeared, but apparently it disappeared for a game rework."
"Said Hino: 'Although the character and world design, as well as actions like stick, throw, and carry, had been decided, it took us a while to finalize the gameplay loop.'"
"Understanding the training data and algorithm context is key to explainable AI."
"The only way to write great code is to write a whole bunch of bad code first."
"I'm giving it a 60... they're definitely going in the right direction they just need a little more time to make something great."
"Waiting for your application to recompile and navigate down to where you need to go-- I mean, this is real money, this is real time."
"Early teasers: glimpses into the game's development journey."
"If code reviews are to be an integral part of your development process, then they must be highly prioritized. Higher often than doing your own work, because successfully completing a review unblocks two developers rather than just yourself."
"I love it and I think progress is a process."
"Every single formula, every format, every line of code is gonna be written right here, so let's get started!"
"Most of the time when you work with music in video games, the game is already almost done and then they call in the musicians in order to add the music afterwards."
"You can't separate a game from the process used to build it."
"Star Citizen isn't a sprint. It isn't even a marathon. There is no final finish line the way you would have with a traditional retail game. Star Citizen is a way of life for as long as the community is engaged by it."
"Every game you work on, there is always stuff that gets left out as ambitions are always high."
"I never said it was gonna look good, at least not yet."
"So now that we have done this, then I probably like to test if that is something that's going to work."
"If this game fixes the character models, uses the next however many months of development wisely, is faithful to the originals AND has exceptional content and features…"
"Writing code is not a typing exercise, it's a thinking exercise."
"Video games go through countless changes during development, just like any piece of media."
"React Canaries allow us to develop these features individually and release the stable APIs incrementally."
"Yet that wasn’t the intention when the game was in initial development."
"An interesting side note here is that the dev team said that the testing cycle of patches will also be pretty quick and very smooth."
"We took a lot of iterations actually to get to the point where we kind of cracked what we wanted out of the game."
"Sometimes an unexpected development hiccup can work out in the end."
"We didn't make this decision or change lightly as we did throughout the development of Marvel Spider-Man, we'll continue to read your comments, listen, always be looking for ways to improve every facet of the game."
"100% of the team's time is going to be focused on listening, responding, iterating, and then tuning. All right, excellent, thank you."
"We need more community participation in testnet so that we can catch these things earlier and hopefully resolve them before we get so close to launch."
"Ultimately you should be able to back a unit up but yeah 100% and that is kind of missing right now unfortunately but we're working on it."
"Your voices are heard internally... it's incredibly valuable to us."
"Most detail for me would be level eight mama bears level as I'm sure you've seen it's a cave level uh it's very organic so there's a lot of detail on that level but that's it for questions for today's guys."
"We wanted to open it up more, so we'll see how it goes. We're still kind of figuring things out."
"It's finally that time right, and we've been frustrated along the way here and there."
"You guys get to see the trial and error process."
"But stuff's going to change and we want to have a really open Play test process and players are going to tell us, you know, this feature sounded cool on paper, kind of sucks."
"Early access was really, uh, really really useful and helping us just catch, uh, little details."
"The transformed API I think I went through like 27 rewrites."
"You get to see this process when it's not pristine and beautiful and polished but rather along the way." - Emphasizing the value of showing the development process.
"Most of the development can actually happen in simulation."
"And your feedback after this is going to lead to the final version so be sure to play test absolutely."
"To achieve this, we're collecting community feedback early."
"We're going to start making this as part of the actual game." - Richard
"We have somebody working full-time at the moment to get all the feedback from the forms to the devs."
"The format was constantly being tinkered with and iterated on."
"Just because data mined content is there doesn't mean it'll ever see the light of day."
"If we write our high level acceptance tests as bdd specifications before we start work on a new feature we document what our system is meant to do in a way that is accessible to everyone."
"Build test iterate, build test iterate, that is the tried and true method to build products that people love."
"With the migration to Expo done, we started to ship the Expo version instead of react native and kept the dual setup for a few weeks to clear off the remaining rough edges."
"Some projects work differently, accepting code quickly and then cleaning up once it's been committed. The Go project works the other way around, trying to get the quality first. I believe that's the more efficient way."
"... typically you would want to have your pull request approved and then you're able to actually merge it in."
"Contributing to a more organized and efficient development process."
"Once I was able to get my code working once I was able to then enter a mode of what's called test-driven-development."
"This is a new approach perfected by myself after several prototypes."
"...just a matter of adding a bunch onto it as you build it out."
"When we serve our project for development purposes it essentially means that we can just run our project on our machine and see changes live."
"I get what they're trying to do so far with this project."
"There's a Code Review Quadrant: review speed vs. feedback value."
"We played our games over and over again thousands of times."
"Feeding data into the cards and components is the next step."
"Bungie is very much about iteration."
"The development of llama 2 included safety measures such as pre-training, fine-tuning, and model safety approaches."
"Implementing robust unit tests helps identify and fix issues early in the development process."
"We are good to go and we can start writing our tests."
"It's like a great name. Okay. Well, now that we got a great name, we have to go build this."
"Let's see if we did it correctly, we're going to run our tests."
"TDD forces you to think before you code."
"In this video, I'm going to go behind the scenes and showcase the entire development."
"The safety that was designed in during research, built in during development, proved in the laboratory and on the range, has withstood the ultimate tragic tests."
"We sit down and we throw ideas around, it's very loose in the development process, and it's a lot of just making each other laugh."
"We will start with installing the dependencies, we'll design the layout, we will build the visual components, then we'll beautify our app using Bootstrap CSS and other layout customization."
"Now let's start with creating a catalog."
"Focus on the logic, make sure you get it all working, and then come back and add styling to it."
"You code for six minutes and debug for six hours."
"You can actually do some prototyping here to test anything before going directly into the code."
"The flexibility that Elixir gives you in going back and correcting mistakes and just making these mistakes in the get-go kind of offset those drawbacks."
"I think being able to have that developer loop where I can actually debug my running containers is actually really important."
"Customer development is the process to test the hypotheses."
"The most important thing to do is build and test."
"The best thing about programming is you can always improve your code."
"It just again, adds another layer of polish and consistency, which is gonna make the development process easier as well."
"ML code is one small part of the process; you will need to think about monitoring, logging, testing, managing your resources."
"It's important for my CS team to be able to submit bugs in a clear concise manner and then my dev team to have a place to manage those and work through them effectively."
"The Kanban view is a very popular one, especially in a lot of dev environments."
"Every no code tool has three parts: database, logic, and UI components."
"We're at a really beginning level of this thing, we're really excited to go through this process."
"Would I shoot it again? I think so, now that I know to rate it at ISO 10, the developing is pretty straightforward."
"Building quality in as we go, instead of looking for quality at the end and finding defects."
"Some days when you're coding and things just snap and everything's great, some days it's just one step forward, two steps back."
"We created the game state manager with the menu state and started working on level 1."
"If you try hard to playtest throughout the development of the game instead of when it's almost done, you'll have a much better grip on the player's experience."
"Test-driven development surrounds writing tests first, so in fact before you actually write code, you write your tests, you watch your tests fail, and then you basically fix the failing test."
"It's a really rewarding process getting this out of the way first because it makes the whole build so much more enjoyable."
"The earlier in the development process that we can predict customer choice, the greater impact we can have."
"Once a page is wireframed out, 75% of development is done; the only thing left to do is style it."
"This is a huge body of work that's going to probably span multiple devlogs."
"As we develop, we can add new files and we really wouldn't have to make any changes once we run the composer update."
"This is actually a fundamental aspect of building web applications: having input from our users beyond just clicking."
"The beauty of code, right, you always start with your beta, your version one, your early alpha or whatever, right? And basically always the code you start with is never as good as it will end up ultimately being."
"Hopefully we can get the app to render out and get things moving on."
"Everything to look final-ish... there's still a long way to go in terms of finalizing absolutely everything."
"Don't worry if your code is inefficient; get to functionality first, solve the problem first, and then refactor later."
"Doing it right means you write the tests as you go."
"Every time a developer at Google submits a change, we look at what he changed, and we do a reverse dependency map through our build system and find all the tests that depend transitively on the thing that was changed and we schedule them to run."
"This is a streamlined workflow; now this will save you a significant amount of time when it comes to developing."
"I really want to hear what you guys think. How do you guys deal with deployments? How do you guys deal with testing your code?"
"It's really just a lot of problem solving as you go."
"Now that we have the setup out of the way, we can finally start building the UI based on the design that we have."
"Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to test out maybe a new style or new layout... but you weren't yet ready to roll it out to everyone?"
"There's a whole like prototyping phase, there's a whole wire framing phase, this design is development, there's QA, there's all these different components that people don't really understand."
"Build your functionality. Test your functionality on your desktop. And get to the mobile devices, again, as fast as humanly possible, on repeat, on repeat, on repeat."
"If animation is treated as an intrinsic part of the build process, then from that can be born the page structure and animation interaction which should come together."
"Let's improve our website a little bit more."
"Defensive programming adds overhead but can help identify early in the development process these wonderful defects."