
Multiplayer Experience Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Hundreds of thousands of players playing at the same time and getting all of the stats."
"This multiplayer is honestly the closest that Call of Duty has ever gotten to having just a perfect multiplayer."
"Despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"I do believe that despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"Modern warfare 2 remastered multiplayer could be one of the best multiplayer experiences that the gaming world has ever seen."
"It's the same enjoyment one gets during online PvP."
"Spies vs mercs: the legacy lives on as one of the only places where an infamously hilariously single-player style experience transfers over to multiplayer."
"Halo 5 is and feels like a proper Halo game when it comes to the multiplayer."
"It is genuinely fun to visit Nuka World in Fallout 76 with a couple of friends or even just a bunch of strangers on a server."
"Guild Wars 1, it's a classic fantasy adventure but with friends."
"200cc and 24 player and we're playing both of those simultaneously right now."
"There actually are quite a few people that you can play different quests with." - Senior quest designer Philip Weber
"All of the boss fights in this game are worth all of the struggle to play this game for, especially if you've got a nice community playing with you."
"The best MMO in the world is no fun to play when there's no one else playing it."
"The nice thing is if you've got friends in different cities and they're playing the same game, you can both go online at the same time and play the game together."
"When you landed on this planet, you didn’t just land, no you got a cutscene of the sunset that you were about to ride into, then, a social space all to yourselves, cut off from everyone else in the game."
"The January 2023 arrival of update 3.2 demonstrated that the multiplayer-only Battlefield was rounding the curve of a redemption arc."
"The PVP in this game is actually really fun."
"From a core multiplayer gameplay perspective, I think Black Ops Cold War looks really good."
"Seamless transition between single-player and multiplayer."
"Anthem is online, it's multiplayer, it's highly anticipated."
"A twisted metal game on the PS5, one that looks really good, one that has some split screen functionality... people would line up for some Twisted Metal again."
"Guiji enables co-op play without negatively impacting the game design, actually lifting it up and enabling many other unique experiences as well."
"Dive into the arena alone or with friends and fight for your survival in Century: Age of Ashes."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 promises an epic tale set in America's unforgiving heartland, with a vast world and a new online multiplayer experience."
"This is a multi-player experience I will continually go back to."
"It's pretty obvious that Sony has the cinematic single-player experience down pat, it's more or less their multiplayer side they need to continue working on."
"The Oasis was never meant to be a one-player game, it's an MMO." - Wade
"I loved how they handled the campaign aspect and the multiplayer looks awesome free yeah it's also free that's pretty crazy so i'm really stoked about halo infinite more so than i was before i i do hope they get it right."
"XCOM is just built to play with friends, it's a game for playing together."
"Playing with friends is what made it so fun."
"Rocket League: One of the premier multiplayer experiences of the last decade."
"At the end of the day, what we're focused on here is the multiplayer experience."
"I am really enjoying Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer despite some of the drawbacks... this is pretty much what I wanted out of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer last year."
"When it comes to multiplayer shooters, I don't think anything has aged as well as Halo 3."
"World of Warcraft is the ultimate single-player game with other people."
"Valheim... a game where you can build together but also build separately feeling like a single player and a multiplayer game at the same time."
"The best piece of advice I will ever give you about online games: It's not all about you."
"Definitely a good idea, and like in classic WoW, I think classic WoW was really popular for that reason."
"In terms of objective based team play this is probably one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played."
"A lot of WoW is about the people you play with."
"It also delivers a first for zombies: a fully cross-play experience."
"I remember being so hyped for sea of thieves then it was multiplayer bloody and over the top."
"I'll be honest though, I did think It Takes Two had a good concept and had a big variety of cool mechanics and interesting gameplay. I would give it multiplayer game of the year."
"It's very nice to queue a ranked game moon and then get a match like really quickly."
"The more I play multiplayer the more it confirms it in my mind how well halo would play if it had a battle royale."
"Techland absolutely killed the co-op experience in Dying Light."
"The concept, I don't care about graphics, I want large scale, even if it looks terrible, it will be cool to have so many players killing each other."
"The balancing of the multiplayer is there even with all the tuning fiasco and how there are glitches and stuff."
"A game that consistently presses the boundaries of what multiplayer means."