
Sunshine Quotes

There are 1453 quotes

"Sunshine is actually really very good for our health, and what might surprise a lot of you is that it's not all about Vitamin D."
"Get some fresh air and some sunshine every day...there are amazing health and mental benefits to the outdoors."
"Sunshine can only help in the pursuit of justice."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"Any day that the sun is shining and we're outside is a good day."
"You deserve all these beautiful blessings, the sun is shining on you."
"Dreams come true when the sun shines brightly."
"Known as the sunniest city on earth, Yuma Arizona shines the brightest."
"Guys, I'm so stoked because the freaking Sun is out, oh my god!"
"What a beautiful day for a walk, the sun is shining."
"Take me home, facing the sunshine one day at a time."
"It's still bright sunshine outside; that's the lovely thing about these lighter evenings, they just mean the days last so much longer."
"You guys have a wonderful day in this beautiful sunshine."
"I definitely have more to do around the house, but I think I'm going to sit outside for a minute. This beautiful sunshine is calling my name."
"Sunshine always makes my heart happy."
"When the sun is out, it just makes me happy, makes me grateful."
"I love Sunshine; it is possibly the biggest individual factor that has improved my quality of life the most."
"I love how there's like trees out here and it's so bright and sunny."
"Gigi was sunshine she brightened up my day every day."
"It's so sunny out here on the balcony, but it's actually really nice because it's in the shade at the moment, so I'm loving life."
"It's almost like a celebration day when the sun comes out."
"I pray the sun gonna shine this way."
"Sometimes sunshine turn to rain, the same ones you love will bring you pain."
"Enjoy the little things, you feel like sunshine."
"You bring a lot of sunshine into their life."
"As soon as you could hear her voice in the house, it just put a smile to your face and just the whole place was full of sunshine."
"Drinking wine in the warm sunshine, and eating amazing food surrounded by friends in the heart of the countryside."
"She walks around the corner, she brought the sun with her."
"My girlfriend and I just booked a post-school little trip to Mexico. We figured it was going to be sunny and warm. That's why we went to Mexico."
"A little sunshine always helps the mood."
"A day without Sunshine is like night."
"Perth is the sunniest state capital in Australia and it has around 139 days of sunshine per year."
"You are my sunshine. You are my everything. You are my joy. You are my happiness. I can't deny this. And you heal me. You heal me with your energy. You heal me with your love. And I want to heal with you. I do."
"They discovered that seasonal sunshine not only makes us happier, it can also help us to think more clearly."
"Becky is an absolute ray of sunshine."
"I'm so glad the sun is finally out."
"I am in love with the sun I love it like I could never ever ever live some more cold I love the heat I love the Sun and any chance I get I'm out in the sun."
"It's so nice to wake up to sun it's the best thing ever."
"Wow you're so warm he found like the one little patch of sun here."
"I was like, 'I think I'm happier,' and it was the sun."
"Beauty like sunshine that everyone can see."
"I feel like you have that type of beauty that is so bright that everyone can see like it's as bright as the sun."
"You have this beauty to you that is like sunshine and rainbows and like this energy of I'm waking up each day and I'm noticing the beauty of each day."
"You can't deny the fact that the warm weather with the Sun out like the warmth on your skin just makes you feel so good."
"I've had a few days of relaxation as I mentioned just doing nothing but enjoying being at peace enjoying the beautiful sunshine."
"They don't call Florida the Sunshine State for nothing."
"It's good to be back in the sunshine again, and onwards with my journey."
"She's like the sunshine that lights up all the rooms."
"Glory coated in rays of Golden Sunshine"
"I love when the sunshine hits that room."
"Last day, the sun is shining of course, we're in the Middle East."
"The sunshine isn't it, makes such a difference to your outlook and to your health."
"When you wake up and you look out the window and it's like bright sunshine, it's just honestly like my most favorite feeling in the world."
"Feeling a bit more positive today and the sunshine is just a massive part of that. It's a big game changer from going from monsoon rains, yeah, to having some sun. It is really, really nice."
"I need sunshine and if that means I need to go to a coffee shop with a nice patio and buy an overpriced latte I will do that."
"It's amazing how a little bit of sunshine can just change the whole day."
"You're their sunshine on a cloudy day."
"The food, the culture, and the sunshine in the morning, that's what makes Montego Bay so special."
"You're going to find strange pockets of Peace too the sun's going to come out in places that you didn't know the sun had gone down."
"It's like sunshine on your wedding day."
"The vibes were good and I couldn't stop giggling and smiling and the sun felt so good on my face mm-hmm."
"It's like a ray of sunshine from the inside out."
"The sun feels so nice, instantly 10 times happier."
"You are lovely in yellow like sunshine," he said, brushing a curl of her hair.
"Looks like we have brought the sunshine back home with us."
"Nothing but sunshine, sunshine and happiness."
"This book just is sunshine in book form...an incredibly romantic love story."
"You are beautiful like the sun after a storm."
"This stained glass was made by my grandmother, Mimi. She always called me her sunshine."
"I didn't pull it out very far, just enough to give that sunshine glow."
"You just drop a selfie and it's like boom, the sun's out."
"Sunshine after the rain makes everything beautiful."
"We are full sunshine because guess what, Aaron is back!"
"She was the sunshine for everyone."
"I would call him Soul because he's yellow like the sunshine."
"Sun's out, guns out. Sun setting, no guns out."
"Get out, get outdoors, let that sun hit you."
"Spending time in fresh air and sunshine naturally increases serotonin."
"There’s the feeling of sunshine in the outfits."
"The mood is boosted, everything is better in the sunshine."
"Lovely to see everything gleaming in the sun."
"It's so good to see people outside and enjoying the sun."
"The second the Sun comes out I'm happy."
"Such a beautiful morning. Nice warm croissant, bit of strawberry jam, cup of coffee, and the sunshine. Can't beat it."
"There's something about sunshine that just makes everything feel better"
"Honestly, the sun makes me so happy."
"Finally, after having started work on this project... it finally felt like the sun was starting to shine on this project."
"I feel like the sun shining just makes everything so much better."
"Hope these flowers bring you some sunshine and happiness just like you bring to my life."
"Sun every day's Sunday when you're in love."
"I honestly believe just go out in the freaking sun and be happy and you will be glow."
"You're somebody who can turn their attitude right around just like that, just by your like a beam of sunshine."
"Just nice to get some sun and relax."
"It's a gorgeous September Day, the sun is shining, and we're just so happy to be here right now."
"...vitamin D supplement is useful from that standpoint but sunshine has a whole lot of other effects too."
"It's amazing to see Fanta building down there in the sunshine what a spot to watch."
"sometimes all it t it you just got to get out of that house sometimes you got to get you some vitamin D"
"The weather we finally have blue skies and sunshine."
"It's so nice to have the sun out. I personally need the sun. It makes me feel alive, makes me feel happy."
"...let a little bit of sunshine touch your face again, you know? That's not so bad."
"Do I ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine?"
"You got to have some rain in your life to appreciate the sunshine."
"Regardless, it's a beautiful day and we have cool drinks and sunshine calling our names."
"Sunshine sort of morning, we're getting close to that."
"Sunshine lowers your blood pressure raises your good cholesterol lowers your pulse rate that improves your mood relieves depression I mean it's an amazing important part of life."
"Sun is shining, that's the best part."
"Even if you don't have a dog, I would highly recommend just going on a walk, soaking up the sun. It really is such a mood boost."
"Sunshine is the best movie ever made."
"It's cartoon. It's cartoon this [__] sunshin itself it sunshin itself so hard. Sunshine was better than this ending."
"The bright Sunshine that filled my room was no fleeting early morning visitor."
"Hi, I'm in love with this hotel. Look at this sunshine, look at this light."
"Sunshine wearing shorts having sunglasses on is such a nice feeling."
"The sun's heat is intense, but that shouldn't stop you from absorbing some sunshine and vitamins if you're careful not to overdo it."
"Brilliant! The sun is shining, my friends are adorable."
"I think it's amazing how a little bit of sunshine can give, like, a completely different perspective to everything."
"But always after the darkness there was country sunshine, and Dorothy Marie's life, and for Dorothy Marie, that sunshine was music."
"But really, the sun is shining. Look at that. Look at that."
"Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. Now take your itsy bitsy spiders and scram, Reyna."
"Sun is shining so what more can you ask for, right?"
"Going to the lake is a lot of work and it takes a lot out of you, just something about being in that sunshine all day long and just whoo it is something."
"More than ever just want the sun even if it's freezing freezing cold as long as there's a little bit of color it just makes my it just makes my day."
"You bring sunshine into people's lives. I try to, yeah, I try to."
"It's amazing what a little bit of sunshine can do."
"It's the most beautiful morning here on the canal just sat out here drinking a couple of cups of tea and finishing off the last of the banana bread made by Anna in the sunshine."
"This is all right, eh? I could with a we bit more shade, but well, we're here to soak up the sun."
"Cheers me up, it really does. Just give me a bit of sun and blue sky and all will be well."
"You got a smile that makes the sun rise."
"There's no better way than starting this Vlog with that sun shining on my face."
"The sun was out and there's beauty everywhere you look."
"The joy that the sunshine brings is amazing. It's like emerging from a long winter."
"I love how happy sunshine can make you."
"It's not annoying, it's lovely sunshine."
"I'm so happy that the sun is shining."
"A little bit of sunshine always makes a world of difference."
"Over the next few minutes, all the growing signs of danger that preceded the tornado reversed and undid themselves, until the sun shined once again and the air was still."
"I honestly feel like a different person when it's sunny out like what a treat."
"I think it's so nice that we're getting some sunshine."
"I'm excited, Sean, are you excited? Yes sir, my boy finally getting some sun."
"It's just pure sunshine in a bag."
"The sun is shining so it's feeling a little warm, six degrees. Wow."
"Here comes the sun, yes, that's the perfect break."
"The sun was shining over the north of Scotland and the conditions were as good as we could have possibly hoped for."
"The sunshine came in through the sparkling window panes, and everything was large and spacious and clean."
"Just enjoy the sunshine, soak it up."
"What sets this coastal paradise apart is its exceptional climate, basking under subtropical skies that offer more than 300 days of sunshine each year."
"It's been raining all night and all morning and it's now just early afternoon and we finally have some sun out."
"So as we were driving through downtown, there was a break in the storm and the sun came out, and we just couldn't resist stopping back out at the beach one last time."
"The sun was shining the first time we came out here on the first day, but it was October. This, it must be about 20 degrees, and it's only about 9:00 a.m."
"When the sun shines, nothing beats it."
"How cool is this in the sunshine? She looks good. Looks amazing."
"The sun is shining and I'm a happy boy."
"I'll take bright sun hot sun any day over storm clouds."
"I'm just so glad that we're finally getting some sunshine because it's been so overdue."
"There are 300 sunny days per year in Greece."
"It's an absolutely beautiful, sunny kind of Winter's day."
"Good morning everybody, it's sea day and the sun is out, what a surprise."
"Ah, the sun is shining this morning, and we're in front of Buckingham Palace."
"The sun's hitting on me, are you jealous?"
"We're gonna push it outside and take a look in the beautiful sunshine."
"The sun is shining, come on get happy, the Lord is waiting to take your hand."
"It's a beautiful day, we got a little bit of sunshine through the clouds."
"Nicely stretched, thank you for bringing the sunshine, Rachel."
"Everything we do here is illuminated by the Florida sunshine, very bright year-round, 365 days a year."
"Hope you guys are having an awesome day, nothing but fun in this kind of sun today."
"Spend an hour with the sunshine on my mind."
"Just really enjoying it in the sunshine, day one of the trip, brilliant."
"Sometimes you just need to rest, sit down, and enjoy the sunshine."
"The sun is coming out; it's getting warm again, which is so nice."
"We're going to go outside and sit in the sunshine and enjoy it."
"Look at that sunshine pouring out of the sky; it's just adding that other layer of happiness to my life."
"Here comes the sun, there will be sun where we go."
"We're here in sunny Florida... enjoying this time."
"Oh, look at that glimmer of sunshine. Oh, feel blessed."
"I love spring, I love it when it's sunny."
"You brought the sun, David, and with your... the sun saw that boiler suit and thought, 'I'm coming out.'"
"It's been gorgeous sunshine, hasn't it, all afternoon."
"Oh yeah, you ready for some sun cake? Fun cake, sun cake."
"They had a wonderful first day with glorious spring sunshine."
"The best part of Florida is the outdoor living."
"The sun is starting to come out, which is great because we have kind of an exciting project to work on today."
"We're blessed to be alive when the sun's out like this."
"We're ready to rock and roll and the wind is filled in, so it should be a really nice beautiful sunny coastal cruise."
"Everything looks better in the sun, doesn't it?"
"The sun is shining, the weather is sweet."
"So the Sun finally came out, and we took it as a chance to go to Shore and stretch our legs."
"There are 300 days of sunshine in Armenia."
"Good morning from Havana, the sun is shining, it's a beautiful day."
"The sweet taste of the Caribbean, I create this amazing dessert that will make the sunshine from your plate, whatever the weather outside."
"Everybody here is happy. Now, is it because they're away on holiday, is it because of the sunshine, what is it?"
"How many days of sun we have here in Salt Lake City, on average, I believe it's somewhere around 225 days with sunshine."
"A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer."
"The sun is out, I'm feeling fine, it's time to make those tires shine."
"The sun is out, there's only blue skies, it's going to be such a great day."
"As soon as the sunshine hits, my serotonin levels through the roof, absolutely through the roof."
"Really nice sunny day today, really nice. They got a kids playing area down there in the distance."
"Enjoy that sunshine for us to get our Vitamin D."
"There's so much Sunshine here and it's just it makes your mood happy."
"It is gloriously sunny today, and I hope you enjoyed seeing my mum literally through the window."
"The sun has decided to make a bit of a showing."
"It's a fantastic morning, it's bright, it's sunny, it's really, really good."