
Parental Impact Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"When your children tell you they admire you, that to me is special."
"No one can ever meet the unmet needs left by our parents except ourselves in our inner reserves."
"Narcissistic parents or parents with high conflict, antagonistic, difficult, abusive, or toxic personalities do lots of things that are really going to increase the likelihood of estrangement in adulthood."
"This idea that schools are these madrassas to teach these radical ideas to children is simply untrue... it's coming from social media and... their own parents."
"Children with intact two-parent families do far better."
"It was the best set of parents that I ever could have had."
"I grew up with a father because of James Evans Sr."
"The trauma that they're going to put on themselves and on the children that they raise, zero consideration."
"Dads are so incredibly crucial to the healthy formation of the individual, families, and community."
"Raising your hand out there if you were encouraged to have negative beliefs about men or women or a race or a culture based upon your toxic parents' beliefs."
"If you can keep your relationship with your kids as you get older and just be loved and remembered by them as someone who is a present dad."
"Children: reflections of their parents, even in darkness."
"You are not the idiot. Your dad may have turned it around now but it seems that he wasn't a good dad to you and that's a hurt that goes way deep."
"It's bad enough, man, like [ __ ] at school will be like your dad's a gangster or right, like yeah, I mean because she don't see that she's telling her."
"I think any sort of like negativity that you might get from your parents is just going to be like a small blip on like the rest of your guys's lives together."
"Kids don't start thinking about who's to blame until after the parents separate."
"Every word that you spoke would take root in the hearts and the minds of your sons and daughters."
"Look, I have five daughters, you know, and I would be honored and thrilled and just so happy if my daughters would leave me or I would leave my daughters and they would have the same impression of me."
"Beauty to me is created by people around you, by the media, and most of all your parents."
"To this day I stand in infinite debt to my father."
"Your parents are not just random people. So we're gonna have way different standards."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"Adults make mistakes, even terrible mistakes. That's a huge life lesson for a kid to learn at any age."
"Fathers absolutely matter. That balance is there."
"Sequence assembly can make automation happen."
"Sometimes what a person can't do for their own children they do for the world."
"I want my children to say my life is better because my father was in it."
"Behind every Israeli kid there is one of the mightiest forces in the world and this is the Jewish mother."
"Children are really sensitive to the love they get or don't get from their parents."
"Children are the messages to a generation you'll never see."
"Parents mistreat their kids to make them feel like [__]."
"She's a product of her environment. Danielle isn't the one to be blamed, her mom is exploiting her for fame and money."
"Typically, people report that they feel supported, and they're surprised that having a positive loving parent by them would make them feel supported."
"My dad left when I was young my command so and no matter what your parents say when when you're a kid and your parent leaves in your mind you think I wasn't worth sticking around for."
"Children raised by gay parents fare just as well over a wide array of well-being measures."
"These parents are creating kids who are developmentally arrested who cannot fend for themselves and then they end up going out like this."
"Children more than anything mimic who you are."
"Our sense of safety comes from our parents our idea of love comes from our parents our sense of self-worth comes from our parents."
"It's not always what our fathers did, it's what they didn't do that impacts us."
"It's crazy to think that whatever music you play for them, they're gonna be like, 'Oh, my dad used to play this for me, I love this song,' or like, whatever jokes I make or whatever movies we watch, that's gonna mold like, their sense of humor."
"Your parents have suffered too fifty percent stock plunges in the last 12 years."
"So you have the power to cultivate it and bring it to life. The parent does or to conceal it. What happens when a child is hurt? When a child is criticized again and again? When a child is put down? When a child is silenced?"
"I think the biggest way to repay them is just to let them know the impact, the small things, the times when they weren't yelling, punishing, disciplining, that I heard what they said."
"It's important to understand what impact you're having, you the parent caregiver, and what alternatives are out there."
"The biggest privilege I feel like you could ever have is parental privilege."
"If you become conscious of how your parents influence you, then you are free to make your own decisions in relationships."
"My mother did a fantastic job of raising us," Parker said. "But I knew even when my father left us that I'd have to play a major part."
"Parents realistically *should* have a sizable impact on their kits’ lives and at least be present through almost all of it."
"One that always stood out to me was my Dad's copy of Who's Next."
"A lot of what I do today, I wouldn't have been doing if it wasn't for my father."