
Vision Realization Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Greatness requires wholeness, and wholeness is to yield one's entire being to the belief that the vision desired has already been attained."
"The most rewarding thing about being an architect is seeing my vision come to life around me."
"The most rewarding part for me is being able to turn my visions into reality. I'm in control of what I create. I come up with an idea, I deliver it, and I hope that people like it."
"The most rewarding part has been seeing my vision come to life."
"Goals are the way you put your vision in increments."
"We can grasp it, we can imagine it, and we can dream it. We can make it real."
"I truly had to commit to my vision and commit to doing the thing for a long time before people started to get it, before it finally started to become what I had envisioned in my mind."
"Surrendering is the way to bring forth your vision from a place of peace."
"Your dreams and visions will come to fruition."
"Bring whatever vision forth so the right situations and people will come along for you."
"Anybody that has a vision to do something and does it can attain mass consumption."
"Opportunity speaks in the language of purpose, vision, and goals."
"Look around you. You once visioned these things. It all starts in the mind."
"The reveal is connected to a release date. Every time God gives you a vision, it has a release date attached to it."
"One vision and one decision can change your whole Destiny."
"When you have this vision, when you think 'I'm gonna be there,' I'm gonna go there."
"Build the fiction, move toward it, and the fiction will become fact."
"I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free." - Michelangelo
"Bungie finally being able to stretch out and actually showcase their vision of Destiny 2 without fear of compromise."
"Gratitude is going to bed with the feeling of your vision."
"One man's vision of a temple for all faiths has enjoyed an unlikely resurrection."
"The vision and the structure and the complexity is just like level 100, right? It's huge."
"It is such a relief to finally get to this point and for my vision to actually become a reality."
"Let's go ahead and encourage this so that you can make flow a priority and experience an increase effortless progress on the journey to realizing your vision on your day-to-day journey whatever it may be."
"Know when to let go. Don't waste time on connections that don't align with your vision."
"You then begin to make incremental steps to achieve the vision, living each day, each moment doing the things necessary to achieve the vision."
"It's exciting to see all the hard work from the engineers here and the original vision finally get executed on."
"She had a vision, and it came to life."
"Super stoked that the vision that we had back then is coming together."
"This is what I want. This is perfect. This is my vision."
"I'm so relieved, like this is exactly how I envisioned it."
"It's about turning your vision into a reality."
"One of my best friends, JB, who was an actual hero, literally helped to bring my vision to life."
"This tower is one example of how we're bringing our 10-year vision to life."
"Our vision really worked, creators benefited, made a lot more money than they would have."
"It's the final pieces of the puzzle that bring the vision to life."
"I'm so excited because this is like the part of the process where the vision actually comes to life."
"Whatever you can kind of envision, you just kind of make it work."
"I'm really, really happy with how this turned out because it's exactly how I envisioned it."
"When the time comes and the season comes, and you reveal the fruit of your vision, it becomes something viral."
"The big visions become realities, the dreams become reality."
"It's about opportunity to fulfill the initial vision while paying everybody back and doing what I think is something incredible."
"The more vivid that movie, that vision, the more clearly, the more effectively, and more efficiently you can scan for opportunities for what's next."
"Magician at the third eye... turning all your Visions into reality."
"I notice that I'm attentive to my intuition and I honor it as the guidance to realizing my vision."
"It literally came together just as I had envisioned, if not better."