
Divine Faithfulness Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"God is not a man that He should lie; He does not make promises that He will not fulfill."
"If we're walking toward Jesus, we're not going to miss it. We may drop a few balls, we're not going to do it perfectly, but His consistency is what we stand on, His faithfulness is what we stand on."
"God is a faithful God, that is, he will do what he says he will do, how he says he will do it, when he says he will do it, and there are no exceptions."
"No matter what you're going through, no matter what you're facing, God will always be faithful."
"God is faithful regardless of my present circumstances."
"Troubles can be a blessing to us as believers because through the trouble you often find that God is faithful to empower you to stand strong and victorious."
"God is doing a work, and the work that he started in you, he's faithful to finish."
"God bless you. Bristol, God is faithful. We serve a mighty God, a wonderful God."
"There's a saying that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."
"He who started a good work in your life is faithful to bring it to completion."
"Our God will never fail us, may we remember this in every moment of doubt, every season of struggle, and every celebration of victory."
"May the words of Psalm 91 settle deeply into our hearts, reminding us daily of God's faithfulness, unwavering love, and protection."
"A powerful demonstration of God's faithfulness."
"God is faithful to forgive your sin and heal our land."
"You know the Lord is good, he's still faithful"
"God is faithful. He may not do what you want Him to do, but if He doesn't, He'll do something better that you just weren't smart enough to know how to ask for yet."
"God is faithful - your mercies are new every morning."
"God has been faithful. He doesn't always deliver us from bad things, but He does take us through."
"God is faithful. He is faithful to keep his promises."
"God's faithfulness in the face of adversity."
"God keeps his promises. This should encourage the Christian."
"I cannot tell you what a gift it is to see the fruit of God's faithfulness."
"It's a theological impossibility for God to forsake you."
"He's faithful even when you didn't want Him."
"Because you're convinced of his faithfulness towards you."
"May I always remember the faithfulness of God in my life. He is my stone, he is my rock, the stone of my help."
"The faithfulness of God is all that you can eat it is your daily bread it is your water he is that faithful stream he is that Manna."
"He did it again! He will never, ever, ever give up on you."
"God is faithful to his word and if you trust him, God will do everything he said he would do."
"God is faithful to generation after generation."
"These people did this in their day in order that when people would read this material, they would then recount the faithfulness of God and his provision for them."
"What an amazing year 2022 was, a year of God's faithfulness, a year of going glory to glory."
"You never fail, you never change, you are faithful till the end."
"The Lord is faithful to his promises and loving toward all he has made."
"Thank you Lord for being faithful in finishing what you start."
"Faithful is He who called you, and He also will bring it to pass."
"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able."
"He has been faithful to us all of this time."
"Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it."
"If God said it, He will surely bring it to pass; He is not a man that He should lie."
"God is faithful; He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability."
"God is faithful and will finish what He started."
"Faithful through generations to a thousand generations, you keep your covenant."
"God is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made."
"God is faithful, he will help me to cultivate faithfulness in my own home."
"God is faithful and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength."
"God will do what He says He will do."
"We can trust God; you don't have to question whether His promises will be fulfilled."
"No temptation has overtaken you but as such is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able."
"Everything I have is you, and you won't fail me. You are faithful, faithful God."
"God has never disappointed me, never let me down; he's always broken through for me."
"Even in the midst of trial, even in the midst of our unfaithfulness, you are faithful."
"I will perform my good word toward you."
"Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful."
"God is faithful to make sure that you never run out of mercy."
"I'm going to be a witness to the faithfulness of God because He's building a city and I'm going to it."
"Even when you fail God, God never fails you."
"When we remember how faithful God has been in our lives, then all of a sudden it gives us hope in the present."
"No temptation has overtaken us except that which is common to man, and God is faithful; He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able."
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all sin and all unrighteousness."
"The fact that there's a nation of Israel says much to God's faithfulness."
"He has remembered his mercy and his faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the Earth have seen the salvation of our God."
"We forget about the faithfulness of God."
"In everything, our God is faithful."
"History is often the story of man's failure and God's faithfulness."
"God will never abandon those who trust in Him."
"...God kept his promise as he always does, and Sarai had a child, Isaac."
"Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it."
"God has just brought us out in the most faithful and incredible way."
"Journaling is so powerful; it really reminds us of the faithfulness of God."
"I don't have to do anything; I don't have to make any promises; I just have to trust and rest in your faithfulness."
"You need to believe that God will be faithful to do what he says he will do."
"God's faithfulness is so infinite, stretching over the whole earth."
"The Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love him and keep his commands."
"God is a God who keeps covenants."
"We are so grateful for God's faithfulness over and over and over."
"There is no temptation, no struggle, no issue... God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."
"His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22-23
"The Lord kept His word and did for Sarah exactly as He promised."
"God, thank You for Your faithfulness, it is our confidence."
"The Lord is faithful in His words and holy in all His works."
"God is faithful; God is merciful."
"But God is faithful and He will take care of you."
"God is so faithful that when He speaks a word, He watches over His word."
"God is faithful in mercy and God is faithful in justice."
"45 years of the faithfulness of God."
"God is greatly to be praised; it's been rough often, but God has always been there. Praise Him, Amen."
"The Lord will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance."
"Thank you because you are a God who cannot forsake His children."
"God is faithful, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life; all who call upon his name will be saved."
"God is faithful to all of his promises."
"Covenant faithfulness is God's reputation, God's glory."
"God is faithful, God is the God of hope, He's the God of righteousness."
"God is so faithful and the faithfulness of God is constant every day."
"God's love and faithfulness are not contingent on your performance or merit, but are freely given to all who seek Him."
"God has never failed anyone that trusted and obeyed Him."