
Cultural History Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"The fact that we're having this light shined so brightly on the importance of dress, and the importance of clothing, when it comes to the understanding of our history, our cultural history, our nation's history, other nation's history, women's history, men's history, like just societal history, is so validating."
"There is probably a connection between Halloween and the Younger Dryas event."
"The Dutch fell in love and tulips kind of became like the symbol of luxury because they were this really rare flower."
"Non-binary people have actually existed for centuries in many cultures around the world."
"Thank you for joining us in this captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Mesopotamian and Greek mythology."
"Historians do speculate that the heart-shaped leaves of the plant may have actually been the origin of the heart symbol's association with love and romance."
"A more or less similar culture held sway, and now, Egypt was no longer going it alone, one piece of a vast interconnected trade system."
"The popular game Snakes and Ladders was invented in India many centuries ago."
"Are these beings the Fallen Angels talked about in The Book of Revelation, extraterrestrial beings in physical form, worshiped, respected, or feared in every culture throughout the world?"
"The history of this redneck or cracker culture is more than a curiosity; it has contemporary significance because of its influence on the economic and social evolution of vast numbers of people, millions of blacks and whites, and its continuing influence on the lives and deaths of a residual population in America's black ghettos which has still not completely escaped from that culture."
"People of all nations need to know the greater truth of an African story that has been hidden from most people on this planet."
"Averroes's legacy lingered far more among Christian and Jewish Europeans than in the Islamic world itself."
"The spirit of Christmas was redefined by people like the American author Washington Irving and the English author Charles Dickens."
"The Polish connection means the Baroque. It means fabulous architecture, right? The Saint Sophia, as it stands today in Kyiv is not the same one, which was built sadly in the 11th century. It's a kind of Baroque reconstruction, and it's very beautiful."
"America's first dedicated Pizzeria is usually said to be Lombardi's in New York City."
"Jersey also gave its name to a type of top that was worn by fishermen."
"Hermes, one of the most honored gods, had more temples in Gaul than any other god."
"The culture treasures and knowledge of ancient Egypt are almost unrivaled, and to this day, there's still a lot to discover about them."
"Gift giving is one of the oldest human activities that takes its route back before the civilizations were even born."
"The empire in 300 was Pagan, bilingual in Greek-and-Latin, and spread out over the whole Mediterranean."
"The modern world, particularly the so-called Western world that we find ourselves in, is a result of many political, philosophical, cultural, religious ideas from over two and a half thousand years."
"Folk history looks at all the ingredients that, when brought together, are always greater than the sum of their parts."
"Shambhala has played a role in nearly every Tibetan tradition."
"The west was always queer as hell, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"The universal story agrees with the record of every major culture... gods that descended from heaven." - Dr. Thomas Horn
"How did Japanese culture get to where it is today? The answer lies in foreign influences imposed and embraced in the post-war years."
"The stage was now set for the golden age of the bucket and spade holiday."
"Language has a history and a memory, and language changes and evolves."
"Cultures all over the world actually kept track of their history."
"Their view instead is that Indian culture grew out of the interaction between indigenous peoples of South Asia and the various groups of people that migrated into it over the centuries."
"Lisbon is Europe's second oldest capital city after Athens."
"The Finns were the most feared raiding target, not necessarily because of their battle abilities, but because of their magic."
"The Jazz Age was boisterous, nervous, scandalous."
"Each people group often has a totally unique history with the dynasty whether it's Manchu or Han or the Ching Dynasty."
"As governors like Florida's Ron DeSantis politicize the culture wars ahead of academic success, New Jersey will proudly teach our kids that Black history is American history."
"The imperial state religion of China continued for over 2,000 years."
"The first official St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City was in 1762."
"The modern witches' sabbath... can be traced back to much earlier traditions, the pagan rituals that marked the Earth's changing seasons."
"Tibetan Buddhism's influence: one in three men were monks."
"The first smiley face in the entire world has just been put on exhibit in Turkey."
"India's rich history with paranormal and supernatural folklore certainly lends credence to the idea that the building could indeed be haunted."
"Academic papers and archaeological findings validate the prevalence of polydactylism in ancient cultures."
"Saint Paul's Cathedral in the heart of Melbourne pays homage to the location's indigenous history."
"The Osiris myth: The entire story of Jesus could be a retelling of the much older myth of Osiris."
"Fifty years of hip-hop is fifty years of hustling, educating, growing, getting better."
"Bananas started out in the U.S as a delicacy but by 1914 they were the second most popular fruit after apples."
"Black history is American history. Black history is American history. Black history is American history."
"National character: 'Some nations have been successful in building and maintaining empires...'"
"It's a Jewish people's Story: the scrolls, the fugitives, the coins, the weapons from the rebellions."
"Susan Allison elaborated on Yacutecum’s story in an article published in the September 15th, 1934 issue of the Vancouver Province, writing, 'The real Indian name of the amphibian now known as Ogopogo I never knew.'"
"June teens isn't that it celebrates the anniversary of freeing enslaved people."
"New York, where so much of American history got its roots. Proud people with big attitudes and they never sleep."
"Opening up your mind like Richard Pryor when Marvin Gaye and other cats was fooled into doing open up their mind to some idea that before they had been closed-minded."
"Surfing was invented in Polynesia and that art was brought to Hawaii where it became a worldwide sensation."
"Charlotte has a deep legacy of black history."
"The Mandate of Heaven is a crucial element of the historical Chinese psyche."
"Sampling is a foundation for hip-hop music, meaning it increased in popularity in the '80s as hip-hop became more popular."
"The first romantically recorded gesture in history was thousands of years ago when a man brutally caused the still beating heart from the chest of his lifelong enemy."
"Alexandria was one of the greatest Hellenistic cultural centres in antiquity."
"Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire."
"The bottle remains a relic to the near past where superstitions and charms held a powerful hold."
"Yemen is more than tragedy and pain but has a magnificent history."
"This bird could signify the exact time that human beings in China became comfortable enough to stop foraging for food and began making three-dimensional art." - Luke Doyle
"Los Angeles has a lot of amazing Beetle history."
"A lot of people say, 'Well, it's just a tent.' And it's not just a tent. This is possibly technology that is thousands and thousands of years old and it hasn't been advanced on. It doesn't need to be. It's perfect the way it is."
"Some of the earliest houses invented by ancient peoples were portable tents."
"It has been proposed that he was a human sacrifice, killed by his own people and placed on a kind of rocky altar high up in a pass to appease the gods and bring the rains."
"As the rhythm of daily life hits its stride, the famous Spanish Steps today adorned with azaleas filled with people for over 200 years."
"I feel like the '90s was the decade for black people to thrive."
"Researchers are on the case to learn more about the people who created it."
"Tattoos are a kingly accoutrement. Yes, it was King George the Fifth that is known for having a tattoo."
"Many have noted the appearance of obelisks throughout Egyptian culture and, in fact, around the world."
"Every European people by the beginning of history had picked up on the idea of dragon-like creatures and embedded them in their mythology."
"It's one of the earliest examples of metalworking being made by a pre-Columbian culture."
"Black history is American history. Black history is world history."
"Brussels sprouts: everyone in Europe began calling them you guessed it Brussels sprouts."
"London: Smile. All that music, theater, and art only took twelve thousand years to build it up."
"The reason why the black person doesn't believe in same-sex marriage is simply because your great granddad colonized, enslaved his great granddad, taught him the religion of his day which was Christianity, and he hasn't left it, you have."
"Almost every culture around the world has a great flood in the pages of their mythology."
"Even with Christianity's newfound prominence, traces of Celtic culture remain."
"It might have looked like a small provincial Italian town by the sea but there's plenty of evidence of some of it from the skeletons in the cellar of just how far Pompeii's international connections stretched."
"We can learn a lot about how the enslaved viewed themselves and others through the stories they told."
"It's a reflection of the history of our people in terms of what we've gone through."
"And now many generations of people who have been brought up under the regime not really knowing what traditional Chinese culture is about."
"The Peaky Blinders actually existed way back in the 1890s."
"Juneteenth is pretty much the diversion of July 4th for slaves."
"Saint Monday was kind of an unofficial holiday where absenteeism was permitted and even expected on the first day of the work week people were still flush with cash."
"The history of Istanbul shares a lot with the history of humanity."
"The word 'zombie' was first recorded into English in 1819 by European explorers in West Africa."
"The 20s overflowed with sudden queer visibility."
"America loves entertainment... but there is still a struggle to find content and characters that represent the black community's historical achievements before slavery."
"We are setting out to once and for all do the definitive Slipknot mask history."
"The roots of the myth go deep to a time before history when stories like this were the way that people made sense of themselves and their past."
"The further south you go into Africa, the more you can find that represents the flowering of ancient Khmer."
"People like the Mayans, the Celts, the Irish, the Templars, and the Freemasons all have mysteries of their own, which I'm just now starting to unravel."
"Arranged marriages were the norm throughout history."
"Arcades are such an integral part of gaming history, at least for those of us of a certain vintage."
"Bogs were sacred places where ritual practices took place."
"The gender binary is a colonial object forced upon cultures by colonization."
"Florence was the epicenter of the Renaissance, that cultural explosion that propelled Europe out of the Middle Ages and into an economic, intellectual, and artistic boom time."
"Understanding the Dead Sea scroll scribes allows us to better understand the cultural evolution of the Hebrew Bible."
"This is American history that we're talking about."
"The belief in ghosts has historical and cultural roots."
"Wrote actress in pinup Rosalind Hayes in 1952, 'Some people thought being photographed as near as I was to nudity was an unpardonable sin. Yet they must realize that work most frequently called for consists of cheesecake or leg art.'"
"Black identity was a new sense that hadn't been there before."
"Humanity has had a long history of eyeing those on the fringes of civilization as barbarians."
"The flag that we see today is so back in 2015, a little video called the confederate flag debate."
"Every single king, every single sultan, all of them had more than one chick. That's actually the natural human state."
"Dixie Square Mall was perhaps the most famous abandoned mall at the time."
"Warrior societies around the world past and present undergo preparations and initiations when setting out for conflict and when returning from it."
"I'm existing and creating black history just by being me."
"The weight of historical evidence says that the middle finger gesture actually originates more than 2,500 years ago."
"The story of the Jersey Devil has been passed down for three centuries."
"And many people think it is with the Renaissance that modern culture actually begins."
"Gingerbread men are a royal creation, as we were diving into Queen Elizabeth's gingerbread story, another iconic figure kept popping up: Abraham Lincoln."
"I just find it fascinating that nowadays we all think of dragons breathing fire as a given when for thousands and thousands and thousands of years that was never the case."
"Do you have a favorite Aztec ruler that being aimed at yourself Shawn and I think you've noted that you do yeah so I I really like this guy called aqua Zoet who's the second to last Aztec ruler first of all call he's his actual name."
"The existence of manuscripts is an amazing discovery, revealing details about life in Timbuktu centuries ago."
"The Cossacks: free fighters who lived entirely by their own independent code."
"In contrast to the common narrative, the Welsh possessed as much high culture as anywhere else in Europe at the time."
"In terms of the bikini aesthetic, there's already precedent of people going into battle naked."
"I'm black for a reason, you can't explain the history, my present current location without the history of Africa."
"Music is everything. The history of the bard class in D&D is a peculiar one."
"The ancient people of Peru used their canine companions for herding llamas, showing that the culture highly valued man's best friend."
"Franklin's Legacy in the arts and his political activism make him a notable figure in British cultural history."
"In fact, our national holiday of Thanksgiving celebrates this very Hospitality."
"I think it's fascinating to find out and particularly how it's made and the process of it and the history behind it it's really interesting."
"The Yumi is unique amongst War bows and stands apart from bows in the rest of the world."
"The Japanese bow takes its shape from a very early period."
"Our history doesn't just go back to slavery; we were once kings and queens."
"Lipsticks were invented in Europe? No, Indians were using lipstick more than 2,000 years ago."
"Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships."
"People have always told stories throughout time and history, and they're the oldest things there are."
"From the Willy Lynch letters that we are living out today, we have been taught to hate ourselves."
"Berlin is a unique city with a rich and complex history."
"It wasn't until the mid-1850s when there was a huge wave of Irish immigrants coming over to escape the potato famine that Halloween started to take root in North America."
"A fascinating look into the history of connections."
"You're in America, ours is an American story. It is the American story. We were plundered and pillaged unlike any other group."
"There was a world before culture wars ate everything."
"The possibility of a situation resembling the cultural revolution becoming clearly observable in the near future highlights worries about the return of a time characterized by intense political zeal and broad social unrest."
"The Celts had a proud warrior culture where they always tried to extol courage and virtue in battle."
"Jerusalem: a city with a rich history highly regarded by followers of all Abrahamic religions."
"If there is much misunderstanding in the west about the nature of Islam, there is also much ignorance about the debt our own culture and civilization owe to the Muslim world."
"Black history ain't got a [__] thing to do with the trajectory of who you are based on where you come from."
"Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25th inadvertently celebrates pagan gods and traditions."
"Olmec art is one of the best tools we have in reconstructing their religion and their beliefs."
"Our modern day Santa is also an incarnation of a Christian saint from the fourth century, a guy named Saint Nicholas of Myra."
"There's a long history of black cooperation."
"In response, Victor H. Green, a postal worker from Harlem compiled the 'Negro Motorist Green Book.'"
"Oral traditions match the archaeological record quite well."
"It's very fair to suggest that the Rat Pack helped make Vegas what it was."
"We do it by embracing our Rich history and empowering them with the truth."
"A good black woman tries to understand the position that our man has been in in this country for the past almost 500 years."
"The story of Buddy Bolden is the story of jazz."
"The 1970s spawned the occult rising, sexual liberation, and the journey for self."
"Both Dominicans and African-Americans are products of a richly layered past embodying the strength and diversity that comes from a blend of ancestries."
"Generations of ancient Egyptians came to respect and fear this otherworldly creature, really believing that it had supernatural powers."
"The first appearance confirmed of a vampire hunting kit is the film Fright Night in 1985."
"Apollo was not only the god of the sun, he reigned over poetry, music, archery, dance, healing, and notably truth and prophecy."
"In the ancient world, just about everything could be read for divination, from the flight of birds to ripples on water."
"Monopoly is, of course, the most popular board game in American history and a big part of American culture more broadly..."
"Understanding Lilith: from Mesopotamian myths to modern interpretations."
"The next time you're watching South Park or Rick and Morty or Bojack, just remember what Fritz the Cat did for the animation industry."
"Makeup was worn proudly by both men and women in ancient Egyptian times."
"Nowhere else in the world were swords restricted to a single group in society like this."
"Nobody did it like the ancient Greeks, and I mean nobody. Ancient Greeks would wipe using broken pieces of ceramic!"
"The Summer of Love, a brief moment of imagined happiness before the nightmare."
"The 18th century French public loved it just as much."
"Many dragons became associated with Saint George and the Dragon."
"Without recognition of the empire, the very English cup of tea is just a cup of milk and hot water."
"Archaeologists believe this was part of three mass sacrificial events interpreted as offerings by the Chimu people in response to El Nino events around 1250 AD."
"They give us an understanding of who we were, who we are, and who we will be."
"But it wasn't all math. The Maya also had what's considered to be one of the most sophisticated writing systems in all of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica."
"The lotus could now be seen as a potent symbol of both rebirth and long life in a world which was actually dominated by disease."
"Ancient Egyptian tombs are not sterile. They aren't places just to put the dead and leave them in a pretty little tomb. Far from it, they're kind of powerhouses."
"Music was an everyday feature of life in Anglo-Saxon England..."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"How else do we explain the cultural similarities from the cultivation of corn to the construction of pyramids?"
"Love of language catches on as you know, and ordinary people at the time started writing down the tales that they'd grown up hearing."
"You don't have to start with coming to America, you can go all the way back to the Bible and find plenty of reasons for black pride."
"Gold becomes associated with the power of the sun."
"His story was widely circulated among African-American communities but remained widely unknown to the vast majority of Americans for a very long time."
"Human beings and the cannabis plant have been closely associated through all of known history."
"I had no idea how close to the truth it was. This is where humanity was created according to ancient African culture."
"Most famously, these cultures and faiths started celebrating many of the same holidays that we still take off work today."
"Seppuku is suicide by disembowelment originally used by samurai in battle..."
"There are so many stories in Black American history that have not been told."
"Every primary culture... giants in the earth... mythos of every primary culture on earth."
"Items are tied to certain former cultures in your world... tied to certain former cultures."
"Could aspects of their tales have shaped the folklore immortalized in the Grimm Brothers' writings?"
"In the Greco-Roman world, the evil eye is intimately tied to envy."
"The culture Marcus lived through was the Second Sophistic, with a resurgence of popularity in the Roman Empire."
"Consider that in early Scandinavian law codes consumption of horse meat is often banned."
"Our society has been crafted by the thousands of generations who came before us. To discover their history is to realize the foundation of our civilization."
"Bread as plate, Helstosky says, puts pizza in the same lineage as pita, lavash, and tortilla."
"The Chinchorro morticians were transforming their love into pieces of art."
"Chinchorro mummification was a way to cope with the mystery of death."
"Apparently there was this amazing opera singer named Joanna Wagner. She was the hot ticket in London in 1853."
"Water management is so entwined with Dutch history and culture that it forms the basis of their political system."
"The entire Democratic Party has decided that the only reason they exist is to pander to the political geniuses on Twitter."