
Championship Mindset Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The first sign of a loser is an excuse. Champions make adjustments, not excuses."
"I've seen the ups, the downs, back on top, and I know what it takes to become a greater champion."
"Al Le said sacrifice now, live the rest of your life as a champion, and that hasn't resonated more true to me now than ever in my life."
"Champions don't have time for moaning, they're too busy getting better."
"Champions don't have something that everybody else doesn't have."
"A team of champions become a championship team."
"What sets champions apart from the rest of the world is that they are mentally wired differently."
"Champions understand what gives them the advantage; they discipline and condition their minds to do the impossible."
"Sometimes losing a championship's the best thing that can happen to a champion."
"I think it's time for us to start being a championship team."
"If we don't win a championship this year, I mean, we might as well call it a wrap."
"The AEW World Championship means being better than I was the day before."
"Champions don't stop, they keep moving forward, they don't settle, they don't listen to the outside noise."
"The guys that end up winning the world championships, they're the ones that figure out how to do it day in and day out."
"This performance tonight was an example of the kinds of performances you gotta string together to win championships."
"I mentally felt like I was a champ long ago. I've trained, I've lived my life like I've been the champ."
"It was a champions drive, it's very easy to be in, you know, once you've got that race-winning car."
"Just because you become champion doesn't mean you stop learning."
"If we come into the season thinking anything other than winning a championship then our mindset is wrong."
"Talent does not win championships, work ever does."
"We win the whole thing. Great job. Love you. You can doubt the Chiefs, you can dislike the Chiefs, you're going to have to deal with the Chiefs being the AFC champions."
"The true champion can adapt to anything." - Teo
"Great champions have come back from defeat... sometimes they've come back a better fighter."
"Ultimately, that's the kind of mentality that players are going to need to win championships."
"It's one thing to make it to pros and race the pros, it's another thing to be a champion."
"One thing I would say about Arsenal is if they find a winner from here, that's the sort of thing you do if you want to win a league title."
"Part of being a champion is being ready for that moment."
"That's what champions do, they get hurt and then they flip it around."
"If you're gonna win a Stanley Cup, you have to deal with adversity."
"Champions are crowned where they make it known. Are you ready? This is where champions are crowned."
"We got something to protect and defend, we're the reigning Champs."
"Champions find ways to win. This team is special magic!"
"If you want to be a champion, that's what it takes. Anything else is a fluke and flukes don't win championships too often."
"You win when you're not on your good days and you win, that's how you win titles."
"Robbie Lawler, like champions do."
"I expect to win. This destiny for me to be the champion, and when I get the opportunity, everybody will see."
"I would like to thank all my fans. You guys are the best. Thank you for the support. Whether you like it or not, I'm gonna be the champion. I'm going to get that Bell eventually. Thank you."
"If he has that mindset that I'm here to win a championship this year, then maybe he's going out dropping a 50 piece early."
"... he's one of the greatest pool players that ever lived, he has a heart of a champion, very smart pool player"
"But if you want to win world championships, the steps you have to take, sacrifices you need to make."
"Character has everything to do with winning a championship."
"Teams are building to win it once, right? Look at the Rams. They built that team to win it once, and then they won it. And it's like, 'Okay, we got ours.'"
"Dan Reeves is an excellent coach. Once you've won that division and you have that momentum going for you, you're not about to let down. You carry yourself like a champion."
"We called it the Champion School because we wanted to focus on what the best riders in the world do to win championships."
"He's a champion, right? He's got the recipe."
"I would say for like the true champions, that's probably the part that is a little bit harder to let go of or just transition to."
"He's always been a championship type player."
"You big-time players make big-time plays in big-time situations."
"Overcoming the weakness in yourself, that's what it takes to become a champion."
"A true champion is a guy who can get knocked back down and get right back up and keep chugging along."
"I'm here to re-examine our culture of Champions."
"Never underestimate your opponents, that is the mark of a world champion."
"We're becoming a championship mindset team."
"The mental fortitude that separates a champion."
"That was one of the best games I've ever seen, and the reason why is because championship teams are chameleons."
"How do you not be confident and want to be a champion? It's not possible."
"That's the pull of a champion right there."
"We cannot take a chance, we cannot race hard, we got to think Championship."
"I'm big on this, if I'm getting to the finals, I'm rolling with the guys who've been there."
"That's a championship team, you know, that responds that way."
"It's always good to win because it puts you in good shape for the championship."
"Don't give up the big play, settle down, and we can still win this."
"Passion, drive, and patience - that's the formula for winning championships."
"What wins or loses the ball game is your ability to execute at a high level against a championship caliber team."
"He's got his game face on and he's not going to let anything disturb the fact that he can take the world title."
"No mistakes, no margin for error, and if you want to be an Australian Champion, that's what it takes."
"If we got the opportunity to win this championship, we might as well just go all in."
"It takes years to develop the right type of mental mind state to learn how to win a championship."
"He worked hard, he sacrificed 20 plus fights, never even got the opportunity, seized the moment, had a way out, he could have quit, he made a choice to be a champion."