
Historical Connection Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I believe in the importance of conserving our clothing because our clothing is what connects us to the past."
"Hezekiah's tunnel provides a tangible connection to the past, allowing visitors to marvel at individuals who undertook this monumental task with unwavering faith and tireless effort."
"It's a real hairs on the back of the neck moment because you're linking through to history through the items in the ground."
"This is the most important time to be alive to connect the ancient history that's been overlooked with the future history of contact with the cosmic intelligence."
"Out of all the stories that I'm going to tell you about today this guy definitely feels like he could have been on the Titanic in another life."
"India is like the estranged mother that lost her baby and finally reunited but has years to catch up on."
"Nobody can deny that these ancient civilizations connected all the nations together."
"Our lady in the sarcophagus just seeing some lovely Bright Eyes makes her seem just a bit more real thousand years later."
"Something about this place just speaks to me, just feeling the history around here."
"In both Saving Private Ryan and in The Last of Us, sharing elements of the past connect you with people in the present."
"Here you can hear the past, you can feel it."
"A tangible link to a bygone era, offering us a glimpse into the ancient beliefs and artistic expressions that shaped their world view."
"Steamboy is Otomo's best work because its themes are tied inexorably, if also fantastically, to human history."
"We need to build a bridge to the 13th century."
"It's like you're connecting to the past, and that feels important to me."
"Moving on, another thing that makes Anime Boston so special is just how connected they are with their history."
"The people were then, and are now, deeply attached to their landscape."
"That is the exact right height in order to support the one above it. It's kind of amazing to touch these stones and think that they were laid by someone who once called this place home almost a thousand years ago."
"My journey has taken me from tantalizing signs of life to intimate signs of ways of life so familiar that they can't fail to bring our ancestors alive in our minds."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"Archaeology is brilliant because that links you to the people."
"Now this is what is amazing about the scripture. All those men put that down did not know each other and put it down at different times and it all connects."
"It links you not only to people who are different from you, it also links you to people throughout history and time."
"Being in a place where you're like walking through a city and you're on a sidewalk and you look down at your feet and you're like oh that's where Julius Caesar was assassinated you can't describe the like chills in your body."
"One show that I love is Hogan's Heroes I always made 40 years before I was born but watching the reruns with my dad when I was younger helped me connect with his love of history it still holds up today as a hilarious show."
"This simple hammer and this wooden anvil is part of what connects every pair of shoes that passes through these workshop together to the history."
"It still makes Ferrari feel special and exciting and it kind of connotes these legendary cars from Ferrari's past in the modern era."
"A shared link, bound together for hundreds of years, as Russia"
"It would be like my grandparents getting to own or drive James Dean's car."
"We must reconnect with our history to change our future."
"You can literally count off generations in your DNA and come up this gigantic family tree and it shows history."
"This target might be a connection to a lost civilization or lost history."
"Imagine meeting your great-grandfather or an artist that is no longer in the world of the living."
"We see ourselves in little pockets and quite forget that some of us left Africa on the same slave ship."
"The past is not alive for most of us; we've lost our connection to it and feel estranged."
"That's all I wrote it years ago, you touch an object and witness events connected to it, you feel its history, it's an echo and the force from the object."
"Locklins lineage straight from Helio Gracie."
"...she didn't let it go and it's you know it's no coincidence that Gandhi himself actually describes Nightingale as one of the inspirations of his life."
"...and it hit me just as she pulled away that is exactly what happened 100 years ago."
"his body makes it North because of this connection he made to a poor dirt farmer in 1862"
"Preservation of these battlefield sites is important because they provide a connection to the people and events that make up the early history of our region."
"When you hold a copy... you're really connecting with this physical object through time."
"He has one foot in our history but he's got the other foot very very firmly stepping forward into the contemporary."
"That's the basic idea of the book, to make a connection between history and what is going on today."
"I think for to build societies or to build communities you need something like deep connection to the past, deep connection to community, deep connection to all these things."
"The founders' key, the divine and natural connection between the Declaration and the Constitution, and what we risk by losing it."
"It genuinely feels to me like something that would have been held by someone a very long time ago."
"This is a story of choices and roads taken, and how knowledge and values are passed from one generation to the next, indelibly connected by strings of history and affection."
"It hearkens back to another time and puts us all in touch with where we've come from and who we used to be."
"By linking yourself to heroic figures in the past, you are linking yourself into God."
"Walking through Akka, I felt like I was walking in their footsteps."
"You're going to be also carrying, in a sense, a piece of history because it's got all of the same heart as the original."
"Difficult to put into words the emotions you feel knowing that a member of your family has held something like that."
"It's very poignant, in fact, because the expression is retained, so it's almost as if he's looking back at us."
"I felt real connection to history."
"The long night takes place eight thousand years before and I see more connections between it and the events of Game of Thrones."
"The historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the reconstitution of their National home in the region."
"You can almost touch history; that's what makes me do these drives and these stories."
"They were slaves and there's enough common ground where he can make that connection."
"Money and politics have always been intertwined."
"Part of the value of great old instruments is the direct connection they offer to the history of music."
"This is the order, the arrangement that we're seeing on the Antikythera Mechanism, so — it's that connection is, you know, is an interesting one."
"Latin has this kind of half-life that after it ceased to be the language you learned on your mother's hip, it connected all the scientists and philosophers."
"There's probably something super connecting with ancient humans when you did that much work."
"It's actually incredibly moving to hear that you've managed to connect not only physically different parts of fragmentary cuneiform tablets but actually recognize a particular scribe's hand way back into history."
"It's now as good as new when it recorded historical memoirs with exclusive royal connections."
"When you touch an animal that's 65 million years old, it really makes you put everything in perspective."
"She never really explained why the history of the place caused her to build there; she just felt that it called to her."
"You get connected to the mind of somebody who is writing 200 or 300 or 400 years ago and it's actually very hard to do that in any other way."
"Our past is the strongest link to our future, our history an anchor holding us in bay."
"This document is like a bridge to the time when the walls had not yet collapsed, the windows were unbroken, when life was in full swing here, and everything around was full of beauty and cosiness."
"I'm trying to reach out and connect with real history and I feel like I have accomplished that in this chat that we've had."
"The Templar connection to Viterbo adds another element of mystery to the Oak Island narrative, connecting the quest for riches on the island to the Templars' long history in Italy."
"For people who are part of a diaspora, it's so powerful to look back into history and see that line stretching back from you to where you came from."
"We have more in common with Rome than we don't have in common."
"PT Barnum is your tenth cousin six times removed."
"The Pool of Siloam stands as a bridge connecting the past to the present."
"The last Joy Boy was a giant, that giant Straw Hat, it makes sense."
"It's like a real life family reunion spanning thousands of years."
"We are connected through time and we are connected through the struggle."
"The possibility that the Newark Holy Stones were carved anciently in America by those who knew both Egyptian and Hebrew languages and customs makes an interesting connection to the Nephites of the Book of Mormon."
"It's a way to connect us to those people from the past."
"I feel like actually hearing the whistle of Titanic helps me connect more to the story of the ship."
"I feel connected to the history now."