
Marilyn Monroe Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Marilyn was the only person who wore that dress, and she basically wore it naked underneath. That dress has been impregnated with Marilyn's essence, essentially, her body oils, her skin, her DNA, quite literally."
"Marilyn Monroe's death has been the subject of controversy and conspiracy theories for decades."
"Marilyn Monroe deserved far far better in both life and death."
"Monroe was portrayed as the embodiment of the American dream."
"Marilyn was pragmatic and openly stated: 'Yes, I slept with the producers. Everyone did it. If you refuse, another girl is waiting outside the door who will do it.'"
"His life goal was to make Marilyn a superstar."
"It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans."
"One of his more notable film roles is alongside Marilyn Monroe and Jean Peters in Niagara."
"Marilyn wanted respect, and when the studio she worked for treated her poorly, she just made her own production company instead."
"Whether or not you enjoy her work as an actress, Marilyn Monroe was so much more than just a sex symbol."
"The thing about Marilyn Monroe was that she was able to get away with things that at the time most women would dream of."
"Marilyn Monroe was an invention. And a really fucking good one."
"Marilyn Monroe was so much more than just a pretty face."
"In the end, Marilyn Monroe was a woman who captured the hearts of millions yet her own heart remained a mystery even to herself."
"Marilyn Monroe and Diana melded as spiritual sisters."
"I feel like Marilyn Monroe. I feel like it's very vintage, I feel like it's nice and flattering for my breasts."
"This dress is from Zara. It's really giving Marilyn Monroe vibes."
"A chatbot would just go 'whatever, sorry about that, I'm too busy making a porno with Marilyn Monroe and JFK to worry about your feelings.'"
"What do you think Marilyn would have said in this dress? 'I do.'"
"A Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe also amplified Colin’s interest in cinematography."
"The dress is perfect, her pose is even so Marilyn Monroe."
"Join us as we explore what really happened at the time of Marilyn Monroe's death."
"Monroe's desire to become an actress was kindled during her challenging childhood."
"Who doesn't remember the song 'Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend' and who sang it? Of course, Marilyn Monroe."
"I believe Marilyn Monroe was murdered."
"Marilyn Monroe embodied the essence of Hollywood's enchanting allure."
"Marilyn's triumph in Niagara set the stage for her lead roles in the immensely popular films Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire."
"Marilyn Monroe Productions... showcased her capabilities and versatility as an actress."
"That's how Marilyn would say it. I always wanted to be Marilyn."
"This is one of the last places Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable filmed their last movie in 1960."
"Marilyn Monroe is vulnerability, fragile but strong at the same time."
"This is Marilyn Monroe's actual suite at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel."
"Marilyn was always an underdog; we love the underdog to win."
"The world's endless fascination with Marilyn Monroe has led to numerous books being written about her life and controversial death."
"It's just a simple white cocktail dress but also timeless because of how Hollywood bombshell Marilyn Monroe brought the costume to life."
"Marilyn epitomized beauty and she had an appeal not only for men, which of course would be quite obvious, but she also appealed to women as well."
"Marilyn Monroe is the quintessential Hollywood superstar."
"The forever Marilyn statue attracts many visitors but don't forget to come back at night when it's lit up."
"It's the dress that Marilyn Monroe wore when she sung happy birthday to JFK."
"The greatest character she ever created was that of Marilyn Monroe."
"Marilyn Monroe was not born; she was created by Norma Jean Baker and a handful of Hollywood executives."
"Marilyn Monroe lives on; her platinum hair, red lips, and half-closed eyes strike a pose as classic as any great work of art."
"I have a long novel called Blonde, which is about the private life, really the interior life, of Marilyn Monroe."
"Blonde, which is about Marilyn Monroe, is not really driven by a plot; it's her life, her complete life."
"Marilyn Monroe was a true pioneer."
"Marilyn Monroe was a true icon and her image has been enduringly popular even into the 21st century."
"She had a unique blend of innocence and sensuality which made her irresistible on screen."
"Marilyn Monroe was a trendsetter in both her personal style and her approach to beauty."
"Thanks to Marilyn Monroe, women everywhere are empowered to express themselves through their appearance."
"Marilyn Monroe was known for her iconic beauty which was often on display in magazines and films."
"Marilyn was a trailblazer who helped to normalize the use of makeup and skin care products."
"Thanks to Marilyn's iconic look, red lipstick has been synonymous with glamour for decades."
"Marilyn Monroe's distinctive style is still emulated today nearly 60 years after her death."
"Marilyn Monroe once famously said, 'I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.'"
"The key to Marilyn Monroe's look is a very moisturized face and to use a good primer."
"Marilyn Monroe was exploited during her life and after her death."
"Marilyn was made into something not human in a way, and I can relate to that."
"Norma Jean is Marilyn Monroe's name."
"The legend about Marilyn staring out the second-story window of the orphanage, watching the lights for RKO studios and dreaming of becoming a movie star."
"No celebrity today compares to Marilyn Monroe; she was practically royalty."
"Marilyn Monroe will always be an icon."
"When I wash my hands now, I sing 'Happy Birthday,' but I sing it like Marilyn Monroe sang it to the president."
"She had this radiance and almost like she embodied Marilyn Monroe of this generation."
"Let's talk about Marilyn Monroe. So around 1960, she made a movie called 'Let's Make Love,' and in that movie, she wears a super fun, super classic cabled Aran fisherman sweater."