
Diet Impact Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The more plants you eat, the more different effects there are on the gut microbiome because animal products have very little effect on the gut microbiome."
"The scourge of poor diet affects children and adults alike and because it kills hundreds of thousands prematurely in the US every year."
"The disadvantage of salt is that it's a powerful stimulant of passive overeating."
"Hydration and diet are all very very very important major factors to consider because how you eat, how much water... impacts your workout for the day, how uncomfortable it would feel on your joints and on your muscles."
"The problem is all the fats that we're eating. And when people go on a whole food plant-based diet, they burn that fat out of their muscle cells, and the diabetes goes away. It's a reversible disease, predictably so."
"If you eat a bad diet, it doesn't mutate any genes."
"What you eat plays a big role in what your insulin levels actually are."
"A mostly plant-based diet would free up 50% of the land that we currently use for agriculture."
"The root cause [of type 2 diabetes] is the diet. You need to fix the root cause, not trying to apply another medication."
"The foods we take in and the choices we make affect our bodies and our minds and our emotional selves too."
"The group that ate the most Western diet had a threefold increase in recurrence of their cancer and twice the death of the groups that ate a less Western diet."
"All food is information, not just calories. It's instructions... with every bite so every bite of food you take can change your gene expression."
"Inadequate fruit consumption is one of the leading killers on planet earth... the more fruit, the better."
"It's important to be aware of the environmental impact of eating meat."
"Your genes are not a dictatorship, they're more of a democracy."
"Fasting can help and it's people back then weren't eating processed foods so it's not a processed food problem."
"Statins do work that fast, diet works that fast—they both can precipitously drop cholesterol in a matter of days."
"Changed in less than a year, and all of her doctors have said how are you doing, and she's like through diet through all of this food and it's been amazing."
"Simply swapping out healthy food for an inflammatory diet cuts violent crime by 56 percent."
"Almost all chronic diseases are driven by nutrient deficiency and toxicity."
"What we put in our bodies impacts our health, our lifespan, our mental state."
"I think the message though that you have to do it to improve your longevity I think is wrong. I don't think it will aid in your longevity at all. I don't think there is, as a general rule, a positive netted effect of aging or of fasting."
"Our diet and our gut microbiome may actually hold the key."
"I've started with the recipes and the recommended fiber supplements and in no more than six months my creatinine went from 3.71 to 2.2."
"If you're eating poorly and you're eating badly it will cause depression, it will cause symptoms."
"The case is pretty clear that less meat eating is good in almost every way."
"They're not benign. We really need to make an effort to eradicate, eliminate, and limit our consumption of sugar."
"We can influence estrogen metabolism with a bunch of phytonutrients... like your cruciferous vegetables broccoli cauliflower cabbage kale."
"Honestly, a diet makes a huge difference. Eat your fruit and vegetables."
"The chemicals in your brain are 100% impacted by what you're eating."
"Eating clean is what gives you abs at the end of the day."
"Our diet, packed with high-caloric, high-density foods, has hijacked the system."
"Think about how we abuse our body by eating Ultra processed foods all the time."
"If you don't get that 'oh [__]' effect of carbs making you stupid, is this how you want to live your life?"
"Food is by far the biggest cause of disease."
"Poor diets are responsible for more disease and death than physical inactivity, smoking, and alcohol combined."
"Arthritis eliminated with diet, despite medical skepticism."
"The Western diet has become so toxic... when you stop running that stuff through your arteries the headaches go away."
"It's not what you eat; it's what your body does with what you eat."
"Your gut ecosystem evolves depending on what you feed it and external factors."
"Our poor diet is responsible for more disease and death than smoking, alcohol, and physical inactivity combined."
"Imagine what that's doing to our kids' bodies and their teeth. 40 of our 10 to 12 year olds have decay in their adult teeth."
"No one has actually done that type of experiment where we compare perfect eating but not proper sleep to perfect sleep but horrible eating, but sleep still carries a significant vote in determining your mortality."
"Food is information. You can control your mood and your mind, even your memory, by the food that you decide to eat."
"Literally have reversed multiple markers of metabolic syndrome."
"Caloric restriction slows the epigenetic clock in mice."
"If I'm eating a large meal during the middle of the day... that big dump of food often causes my thoughts to be muddy, and I don't like that."
"Really high protein... messes with the enjoyment factor."
"So I got my period back within just a few months of eating carnivore."
"If you gave me a lottery ticket for a billion dollars, I'd rip it up if that meant I would never know about carnivore."
"The three biggest things that cause death in the modern world are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, all of which can be traced to animal products."
"There's a difference between genes and genetic expression. So 96-97 percent of the time if somebody adopts the diet you've been learning about this weekend their cholesterol is going to Ratchet right on down to that protective level."
"We have so much flour and that drives your body to think that there's high levels of sugar because this flour is actually worse than sugar for your blood sugar."
"Food is the biggest killer on the planet by far."
"Men who were eating the Mediterranean diet had better sperm count than men who were eating the Western diet."
"The worse I sleep, the more junk I eat, the less productive and less patient I am."
"Putting patients on an anti-inflammatory elimination diet, you know, 80% of the time doesn't matter what they come in with they're gonna actually they'll actually get better."
"Changing diet can lead to significant improvements in mental health."
"You will feel more comfortable and in control as your blood sugar stabilizes."
"Whatever you take in is literally going to dictate your whole damn day."
"The whole idea of type 2 diabetes is that it's a dietary disease."
"For every 100 excess calories from sugar, there's an 11-fold increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes."
"17 million people die every single year from cardiovascular related illness. And this is directly because of their meaty lifestyle."
"Dean Ornish showed stunning improvements on a plant-based diet."
"Intermittent fasting slashes the risk of depressive symptoms and anxiety."
"Perhaps the main point here is that she had a clot in her leg which could have been caused by her diet."
"You're going to reverse your type 2 diabetes within just three to nine months, your type 2 diabetes will be completely gone."
"The kind of food that we're eating is making us sick."
"How you eat determines whether you look like this or you don't."
"Sugar for instance if you eat too much sugar it spikes insulin insulin spikes inflammation it's just really bad for your skin in general."
"What you eat and what you drink will affect... yeah, definitely."
"The brain is exquisitely sensitive to sugar."
"Junk food doesn't cause this particular virus to get inside you, but if it gets inside you, it dramatically influences your outcome."
"We live on half of what we eat, and on the other half lives our physicians."
"My HDL cholesterol is 54, from fatty red meat and lifting heavy things."
"Do not underestimate the importance of nutrition. If you eat like crap, you're going to feel like crap."
"A low-carb diet will help to decrease your risk."
"There should be a new mental health disorder called ultraprocessed food use disorder."
"For some people, they do worse... when people's diets are plant-based, they get away from the meat, the dairy, the greasy stuff, their moods seem to improve."
"Unhealthy foods counteract the benefits of healthy foods with those processed or foods that are high in animal products."
"I don't want to be diabetic with high cholesterol in and out of the hospital because I'm eating the pimp's food."
"I've never seen testosterone go down on a carnivore diet."
"Nutritional psychiatrists believe that the decline in our global mental health is largely related to the decline in the quality of the modern diet."
"What that patient eats can play a big impact on what's going to come out of that ostomy."
"What we eat has a big impact on the economy, the environment, and our personal health."
"Let's work on the cause that causes diet to a great degree, and we can fix that."
"Brain tumors, aggressive solid tumors, endometrial cancers, maybe certain GI cancers, maybe lung cancer are responsive."
"If you feed the bacteria with things that they like, your bacteria become really vibrant and they actually help our brain and our immune system and lower inflammation to help our metabolism."
"It's crazy how we eat the way it impacts our whole entire life."
"The carnivore athlete is going to get better results from that as a consequence because they're going to recover better."
"It's about understanding how my diet and lifestyle impacts my glucose."
"My kidney function has done nothing but improve since I've been doing carnivore two and a half years."
"41% of Americans are going to have cancer, and it is skyrocketing, and yet we have not yet learned to associate food with health and with wellness and with intelligence."
"Saving the planet, one meal at a time."