
Ideological Conflict Quotes

There are 336 quotes

"You don't beat an idea by destroying the people who believe it; you beat it with a better idea."
"The plight of the worker has never been meaningfully improved by people whose first ideological priority is defense of the status quo."
"Hegel proposed the idea that when you have two opposing ideologies, which he called thesis and antithesis, eventually you will create a synthesis."
"The wars between the Autobots and Decepticons...has not just been an actual physical battle; it's an ideological battle."
"As much as there is this Red-Green Alliance...at the end of the day, one will wipe out the other, and I would argue most of the time, when the Islamists get into power, they wipe out the progressive lefties."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"It's not just a cliche struggle between good and evil; it's a struggle between different ideologies, different philosophies, different life experiences, and different ways of life."
"Maintaining morality is crucial, even in the face of ideological conflict."
"We must resist resorting to the same tactics as our ideological opponents."
"The perception of why I am where I am, right? That's like, there's, it's like you keep if you have an opposing worldview, this is how full of themselves that liberals and Afrocentric think they are with their worldview."
"The Assault on Thanksgiving is based on an ideological assault on the freedoms that are protected in the Constitution and Bill of Rights."
"Kaboom! On her show, Joy Reid gets sunk by critical race theory critic."
"The left's principle is not let's have anything abstract other than like we should win and they should lose."
"They fear him, but it's too late. They may have killed the man allegedly but they couldn't kill the Idea."
"They hate the United States of America. They worship Vladimir Putin. They are fascists. They are traitors."
"The right absolutely is steadfast and the left isn't."
"He represents such an incredible threat to Emma’s ideals."
"Their hatred for that has turned them into that which they hate."
"Every single one of those letters is contradictory to any kind of biblical worldview."
"The narrative in this country is that we're all inherently racist and I'm about sick of it. It's a Marxist ideology and we all know it."
"The CCP's warfare on ideology includes Confucius Institutes, a Trojan horse under the banner of cultural exchanges."
"It's more important that we fight for the freedom to speak than we fight for our side's ideas to be dominant."
"The left's contention is that it's the right that has moved right. This is a lie."
"I'm against you because I'm not going to be blackmailed into that sort of ideological virtue signaling, that sort of partisan virtue signaling."
"Let's just destroy it ideologically and make it into a joke."
"It's about getting in front of the conversation."
"The left is operating under a delusion, they believe the people running around screaming the sky is falling."
"Both of them realize that indeed the left can and has gone too far."
"Otherwise known as smug sneering condescension at a barely restrained glee in dancing on the graves of people who disagree with them."
"It's ideological, it's certainly not driven by America's best interests."
"This coming election is going to be a choice between two world views."
"Leftism is just a synonym for social Decay, and they don't have any real principles so people on the right have genuine values that they try to hold to and that they're accountable to."
"People who might be natural allies, like you or I, are turned off by the left wing."
"The world is on a mission to make you woke, but our good friend Dennis Prager is on a mission to make you wise."
"Communists have hijacked the environmental movement."
"We're just beginning to beat away at the wall that the left has built for us."
"This is not a war between two states; it is a war of two systems: authoritarianism and democracy."
"This year it just felt like living in an ideological war zone."
"We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans from every background and belief who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it."
"What you're seeing is an argument between leftism and liberalism."
"Critical race theory, the 1619 project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison."
"I believe the idea of a traditional villain in this story is less interesting to me. A more interesting story is the one where our heroes are both kind of in the right and all of the conflict is derived from their differing ideologies."
"The narrative of redemption that woke-ism puts forward is entirely antithetical to the Christian narrative."
"It's time for companies to form on the right in direct opposition to this stuff."
"So much of like trans ideology is antithetical towards progress."
"There's almost like a playbook to try to take someone down who disagrees with the ideology."
"Our clothes and where we buy them now have become this class issue and now more than ever they're starting to get mixed up with our ideologies."
"Everything we love about America is at stake with a radical left now in control of Washington."
"I believe freedom's going to win... I'd rather lose on this team than be on Mr. Global's team."
"The state's crusade against this Christian school is chilling if they can get away with this there's little to stop them from targeting other Christian schools on a purely ideological basis."
"This is also a clash of two competing visions of America."
"The silencing tactics of liberals are not symmetrical. I don't think that conservatives have that all-purpose silencing tactic, which is to call somebody a racist."
"Let the thing burn. Why? Because you don't want what I want, and every time I tell you I don't, I want it for you too, you say great. As long as I come to you and just keep trying to convince you of that."
"I think the left and the right are basically like, 'Can we break up, please?'"
"I think we're watching with a Trump presidency especially as it comes under attack from the establishment both the old landed Republican and Democratic Estella you'll you'll see his fortress become that the ideology of the Christian."
"If you're for censorship, you're not a member of the left."
"The left understands diversity when it comes to race or sex, but they don't seem to understand it when it comes to thought."
"Let's stop treating it like every idea that the other side has is bad just because they had it."
"It's just crazy... because you dare speak against the folks that seem to care more about their ideology than they care about their own well-being."
"Artemi wants to just save the people, Daniel wants to just save the creations. Both of them are wrong, but obviously Dankovsky is more wrong."
"It's like the tone deaf nature of the right wing and the hyper left that have bought into Putin's BS."
"Liberal hatred of conservative ideas is repugnant."
"The radical left wants to push a view on America of America that is not a view of American history in the round."
"The left wants to fundamentally transform America."
"Killing an act of war is very different from assassinating ideological opponents who are carrying no weapons and passing no policies."
"These are an attack on freedom and liberty, but not necessarily a hardcore and devout ideology attacking the church." - Tim Pool
"America's a land of people and an idea that all men are created by God and equal—those are under attack."
"Americans arrangement syndrome is merely the broader version of Trump derangement syndrome."
"They're not for America they're wed to something else these guys are connected to Marxism and to those countries that represent Marxism it's serious."
"If I just fought with every uh contention I had with like the online left I'd never get any work done like against the right you know."
"This dangerous anti-American ideology has no place." - Governor of Georgia
"The left is lying about people on the right being fascists because they are evil."
"The battle for the minds and souls of the next generation."
"Critical thinking, they actually hate it. They're openly against it because they say that's the old way."
"Bottom line here, people say to me sometimes, 'Oh, Admiral, you're right, it's a war of ideas.' It's really a marketplace, a marketplace of ideas."
"What if we defend true things and we suppress false things?"
"All of those hypocrites on the left... their real positions are what I've shown you here today."
"You have to have your discussion and your ideas. You don't got it you don't got to like the guy you got to beat him in a debate of course."
"Our goal is to remove the evil ideologies of both fascism and communism from the entire world."
"The world we are living in is becoming more and more dangerous for Christians and for anyone who wants to defend children from these ideologies that are destroying countless young lives."
"This mask off [__] is something that only happens as the dialectic is brought closer towards moments of action."
"The entire ideology of humanity was fighting the ideology of monstrosity."
"That's fucking awful that is just fucking awful and that is tantamount to the teacher bullying those children because the teacher has a different ideological position to them this is unacceptable."
"The wealthiest and most powerful companies in the world have engaged in a coordinated campaign to silence ideologically dissenting voices and drive them from the public square. That's what's happening."
"It's a cabal of radical left-wingers." - Professor Jordan Peterson.
"We do not live in a world of wars with weapons anymore, it is a war of ideology and media."
"This faction is fundamentally at odds with America."
"Break away from the right-left system of unreality."
"The ideological battle between communist east and capitalist west is well underway."
"Peterson's primary goal is to neutralize the political right."
"The woke church is an enemy within the church."
"What are politicians doing, but haggling over - it seems the let me of ideology that have revealed itself to be bankrupt."
"The people doing this must be deep state commies."
"The rejection of faith in favor of science has led to the destruction of both faith and science."
"The Imperium had become basically so fractured so ideologically divided on many levels that it's almost in a permanent state of cold civil war with itself."
"The left wants to compel you to agree with them, to support their agenda."
"If you ain't standing for the word of God, you're my enemy. That's why I tell our brothers and sisters all around the world."
"The initial book for the IPO was very incredibly solid."
"What we're seeing unfold around us right now... is the consequence of a very serious war of ideas."
"The war inside the Democratic Party is over, and the mainstream Left lost."
"This isn't some honest ideological disagreement, not even close."
"You're creating a movement of people that are white supremacist."
"The leftists think the right is contaminated and they don't want to catch it."
"Stalin leads an ideological battle against the world."
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"It's not a choice between the U.S. and China, but between freedom and tyranny."
"Goodbye principles of the enlightenment, it's flying in the face of our idea of progress."
"You're constantly fighting against someone, not physically of course, but in terms of the ideological battle."
"Ultimately, the devil's goal is to cause division. That's all he cares about. That's it. A house divided against itself cannot stand."
"This war is in large part over what the world should be."
"I don't believe you fight ideology with ideology... truth, tell the truth, be honest with yourself."
"The left thrives by dialectics, and the right dies by them."
"Communism is probably the most evil governmental system ever. It's worse than any other systematic destruction of honesty, objectivity, truth, the deification of government, and the destruction of humanity."
"Islam brings in through the back door what it pretends to have exiled through the front door."
"This blanketed ideological attack, you know, made to put their guy into the presidential seat and to undermine the sitting president. That seems like a coup to me."
"The left wants to take your and crush it. The left wants to take your balls and grind them into dust."
"It's time for Christians to not just push back against anti-Christian sentiment, but to actually try to replace those ideologies as well."
"This is ultimately a battle for hearts and minds."
"The left is unraveling, the left is now eating itself."
"Violence is not appropriate. Many on the left don't believe that."
"To the degree that we unify within ourselves our own conflicting ideologies, we actually feel a higher degree of belonging in mind."
"Why is it that they use the terms Nazi or fascist but almost never communists?"
"Humanizing your ideological opponents... It's much easier to hate somebody's ideas or what they believe in, but to also hate them as well... it's much easier to be on hating somebody's ideas or what they believe in."
"Larry Elder has been fighting the pernicious racism of the left."
"This is a war between two systems: authoritarianism and democracy."
"Turf ideology fails to recognize that women are not homogeneous."
"When both sides are convinced they are right, how does this stop?"
"All sheep are led to slaughter, left-wing, right-wing, I don't care what tone you walk down."
"They want us to hate our country so they can replace it with their Marxist Utopia."
"We are at war with Islamic fundamentalism because the fundamentals of Islam really are a problem."
"The left has taken away all of the neutral cultural ground. There is no neutral ground anymore. It doesn't exist. This is all by Design."
"This is an election about basically racism and socialism versus capitalism and freedom, something like that."
"The idea [of God]... has caused more misery... than any other single idea."
"Jacobin magazine: Democrats and mainstream media were the real Kremlin assets."
"Franco is seen as a Hitler type figure and the Republicans are seen as the legitimately elected government who did nothing wrong."
"It's akin to this, it's almost a religion, the politics, the left, the right, it's almost becoming a religion, a radical cult religion that is not helpful to anyone."
"Violence must be met with violence, although violence is against everything I stand for, there is no other solution."
"There's the ideology of the wolves and there's the ideology of the sheep... religion is for the sheep."
"The Note 20 Ultra is the better smartphone, period."
"This is an ideological war against communism and against corruption."
"The left thinks we're all the same. The left thinks there's no difference."
"They oppose liberal policies in classical liberals."
"This is not a battle for territory, this is a battle for ideology."
"I don't fight fascists because I'm gonna win, I fight fascists because they're fascists."
"The left and the right is basically Collective versus principle."
"So let's call this what it really is: feminists outraged that regular guys don't want to date somebody who holds fringe ideological beliefs."
"We're in the most intense battle for the hearts and souls of mankind in human history."
"The people who don't like Nazis are the real Nazis, and conservative dudes from the 40s would absolutely be considered reactionary today."
"I wanted to respond to it not with war, you know, of weapons and bullets, but with the war of ideas."
"Cultural Marxism is a fringe theory alleging a left-wing plot to destroy American values."
"Listen, when you allow your party to become the party of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her far-left crazy ideas... you have to expect that's going to backfire in parts of the country outside of California and New York City."
"God doesn't make mistakes... This will go down as a sad moment for the woke left."
"The middle class, the working class, are going to suffer."
"In the process of pushing their ideology, they will tear this industry to the ground."
"To demonize men, to demonize women, to suggest that they are intrinsically flawed is a satanic project." - Nancy Randal piery
"Liberating tolerance then would mean intolerance against movements from the right and toleration of movements from the left."
"Combat bad ideas with good ideas. If you think what these people do is wrong, combat it with your own ideas."
"Our compatriot was the victim of a blatant Islamist terrorist attack."
"Communists, Islamo-leftists have done this to us."
"The correct way to view China and the Chinese Communist Party is as an enemy that is as evil and as powerful as the Soviet Union." - Charlie Kirk
"To them, the dichotomy is this future progression, but in fact, they're trying to hold us back into a very old ideology which is not the one we need."
"We're in a desperate war with the left to preserve America, and Trump's the guy leading the charge."
"His story remains a chilling reminder of the ideological struggles of the 20th century."
"Ramon Mercader died in 1978 at the age of 65."
"Trans ideology isn't a fringe issue, it's an existential threat to the rights of women."
"Bigotry is not restricted to any one political side."
"Their goal is to destroy everything, including values, institutions, and culture."
"Inverting the Christian system into something else."
"There's no neutrality here. There's no middle ground between clear truth and clear falsehood. Pick a side."
"This election is a choice between the American dream and a socialist nightmare."
"The left says pro-life takes away women's rights."
"The left does not deal with facts and truth."
"The left...peace and love...unless you're Republican...then they want blood."
"They are absolutely against the concept of democracy, some of them implicitly, some of them explicitly, but all of them in practice."
"It's a war of narrative and what you can get people to believe."
"There's a way in the United States where the left eats itself on these issues."
"The dead name she chose that as the title for the film because it's emblematic of the entire spectrum of problems that parents face once this ideology comes on the scene in their lives."
"There's a very anti-working-class sentiment on the left."
"America First... has been hijacked by the trumpian cult... the original movement has much in common with its contemporary iteration."
"The culture war is actually about the far left and the far right."
"The left's pretext for this double standard, as well, Dinesh, is an obvious difference in one case, you have people who are fighting for social justice, and in the other case, you have people who believe the lie."
"Instead, think of this as the beginning of a history of blood-drenched struggle between light and darkness."
"Melting down and transforming into something else entirely... that is the leftist project."
"For many years the radical left's sustained assault on American democracy, culture, institutions, and values, went unanswered."
"I think my highest level concern the thing that really like makes me upset is that it's a kind of surrender that is in a way telling the public that you don't think the idea of America you have to sell is broadly appealing."
"The fight between democracies and autocracies is on, and autocracies believe they will win because democracies like ours require consensus agreement."
"If you say life begins at conception, it's a moral wrong at any point... moral relativism, yeah, that's the linchpin of their whole ideology."
"One of the greatest dangers faced by humanity is that of the heretic."
"The right needs to come together to resist the left or the left is gonna win."
"Terrorists can fight for the right things. Even the American Revolution was a terrorist act."
"Don't you see that the democrats and the liberals and the media and academia and big tech don't you see that they like evil they prefer evil they think good people should just bend over and die at the hands of paroled evil."
"Free Speech means you don't censor people you disagree with."
"Critical race theory is like the new McCarthyism for the right."
"The manipulation of language and the fight to preserve the ideals of America."
"Tom Brady really irritates the leftist intelligentsia."
"If you challenge that center-right neoliberal orthodoxy from the left or from the far right, they say you're a populist."
"Archbishop vegano makes showing that the Smashing of tradition at least on the religious orders front done by the regime in the Vatican is for purely financial and ideological reasons."
"It is time that we declare war against this deconstruction Christian movement. There's nothing Christian about it; it is a false religion."
"That's why you'll often hear people say that the right thinks the left is misguided but the left thinks the right is evil."
"It’s a struggle between freedom and totalitarianism."