
Vaccine Efficacy Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"In medicine, the gold standard for evidence is randomized controlled trials (RCTs), as they avoid study bias. Moreover, the key outcome is death: Do these vaccines save lives?"
"The vaccine's going to be very powerful. It's going to solve a tremendous problem."
"The vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19."
"Despite a gradually declining trend in vaccine efficacy, the vaccine had a favorable safety profile and was highly efficacious in preventing COVID-19."
"Vaccines do reduce the likelihood that people would experience severe outcomes due to COVID-19."
"Experience with the vaccine afterwards suggests that for older people, especially, it actually does protect against getting severe disease if you get COVID."
"Are we hopeful that we're going to get a year or two worth of immunity out of two vaccines? I'm remarkably hopeful for that."
"So far, it appears that the vaccines will still be effective against them, with the caveat in mind you want to pay close attention to it."
"The real world data shows that these vaccines do way more benefit than harm."
"I think the vaccine probably does what they say it does."
"The immune response from the vaccine is more predictable."
"The covid-19 vaccine is super safe and effective and it does slow the transmission and contraction and will keep you from getting seriously ill, hospitalized, or dead."
"All three vaccines are highly effective...an incredible step forward and a new tool that we have now in our quiver to address the crisis."
"Someone who gets... if you hit the vaccine, you're, I think it's an order of magnitude less likely to get sick, and it's less severe if you do get sick."
"The vaccines don't work which is why you need to get more vaccines to protect yourself against the virus that the vaccines don't protect you against overly well."
"A 95% effective vaccine is extraordinarily effective. If we can have a 95% effective vaccine and we can get our case loads down and we'll be in really good shape as a country."
"No vaccine is perfect. But what I can say is a 95% effective vaccine is extraordinarily effective."
"There's an improved response associated with the BCG vaccine in some countries."
"The vaccines had their highest efficacy in the 18 to 29 year old age group with a 99 times higher rate of death in those that were unvaccinated."
"Longer gaps between doses yield similar results in other vaccines."
"We know COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 diseases, especially in severe illness and death."
"Vaccinated individuals were more protected, but vaccine efficacy against Omicron is reduced."
"The vaccine efficacy was consistent across ethnicity and age."
"The Pfizer CEO is admitting that the two covid vaccine doses are 'not enough' for Omicron."
"I think vaccines have a much better idea of preventing disease than therapeutics do about preventing, or treating, just historically."
"Vaccines are expected to work against these new strains."
"Vaccines and boosters prevent serious complications for unvaccinated people who get infected."
"This vaccine is protecting me against all of those things."
"There's much that's not known, but I do think that with coronavirus to date, it does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"The efficacy of the vaccine in preventing someone from contracting COVID-19 is 91.6%—absolutely excellent."
"It looks like it's going to be around about 90 percent [efficacy]."
"Complete lack of efficacy of the COVID vaccines."
"These vaccines are saving lives." - Out of context: Affirmation of the efficacy of vaccines in preserving lives.
"The vaccine will end the pandemic once and for all."
"Natural immunity was more protective against infection than vaccination."
"The vaccines do reduce symptoms and fatalities."
"So, what does that mean? It means that there's a good shot that even if you're double dosed, even if you're triple dosed, that you will get infected."
"This really is strong support for this one vaccine dose followed by a three-month delay strategy."
"One dose of Pfizer vaccine reduces hospitalizations by 84%, one dose of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine reduces hospitalizations by 94%."
"Three doses of either vaccine... offers very high levels protection against severe outcomes."
"If approved this vaccine should be able to safely and effectively protect your kids your youngest kids against severe disease hospitalization that's what counts."
"So far we're not seeing waning of protection over time."
"South Korea and Japan massively increasing cases despite South Korea giving more doses of vaccine than anywhere else in the world."
"The vaccine appears to be as effective as it is against ba1."
"These numbers are proving the vaccines can keep you alive."
"Moderna is the best against the delta variants, it's the best against any variant."
"US protection against hospitalization: Pfizer Moderna 96%."
"The first shot of eg Moderna... provides much higher protection than not absolute against symptomatic illness and also even higher protection particularly for those who are vulnerable underlying conditions..."
"These vaccines are saving lives, they are reducing mortality."
"T-cell immunity theoretically should have wider variant coverage than antibody immunity or humoral immunity."
"So, we know a lot about the vaccines and I think most people are aware they decay with time, they wane even the booster wanes."
"My bet is we're going to be pretty good for years. My other bet is if you have the vaccine and any of the variants, you are what some people are calling super immunity."
"The vaccines had saved a million American lives."
"The vaccine has saved millions of lives worldwide, and I'm sure has saved a significant number in the UK."
"Vaccine does not prevent omicron infection but does seem to protect against severe disease and hospitalization."
"Natural immunity provided strong protection perhaps even more so than those who had been vaccinated."
"The fourth dose group was 3.5 times less likely... less likely to get severe disease."
"We want to know are they protected afterwards and how long are they protected?"
"Neutralizing antibodies at a threshold of approximately 50, RBD ELISA threshold of approximately 100, and S protein ELISA threshold of approximately 400 were required for protection."
"Covid-19 vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented more than a million hospitalizations in the US."
"The vaccines are working, and the sheer scale of the vaccine rollout has made our position incomparably better than in previous waves."
"Vaccines are a great British success story, they work, they are saving lives, and they protect yourself and others."
"The influenza vaccine does not appear to reduce immunity against COVID-19."
"The vaccines work. That's the truth. Masks work. That's the truth."
"The vaccine program is our way out of this pandemic but it won't have an effect unfortunately for a month or two."
"Pfizer had a big reveal where they said that their vaccine is 90% effective."
"I think there's a rule of thumb that we can assume that the vaccines are probably going to be about 20 percent less effective against these new variants."
"if you are vaccinated and boosted you are protected against severe disease and death"
"The effectiveness for preventing death in serious COVID is like close to 99%, which is awesome."
"There is already a known vaccine that is safe and effective."
"I've been pretty much saying that all along. This was always a three-dose vaccine."
"The vaccine works to protect against severe critical disease."
"The vaccine works against the new strains, that's what the data shows so far."
"Vaccines work to prevent death serious illness hospitalization."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"The vaccine seems to reduce the severity of the illness."
"Zero of the hundreds of variants to date worldwide have evaded the vaccine's ability to prevent death."
"Vaccines don't offer 100 protection... easing up now would be really dangerous."
"There are no data showing additional vaccine doses are beneficial for healthy people with hybrid immunity."
"Moderna's half-dose booster shot raises antibody levels by 37-fold."
"The vaccines have proven to be extremely protective."
"Not a single person who got the vaccine was hospitalized or died."
"Apparently if you get the vaccine, you can still get COVID... you're less likely to get symptoms and asymptomatic spread is possible."
"All three of them are a hundred percent when it comes to severe COVID-19 disease and keeping out of the hospital."
"The big story is there's the modern vaccine... these all kind of work really well."
"The vaccine of course does not make you completely immune from catching the virus but it does make it much much less likely that you will develop serious symptoms or die as a result of catching the virus."
"If it proves 70% effective, that's acceptable."
"The vaccine is effective against this particular variant, that's really good."
"When a person vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine produces antibodies to the disease, the immunity is termed as active artificial."
"The protection is still very good against Delta, and early indicators are good in preventing severe illness with Omicron."
"You can't look at this and say the vaccines are not effective." - Dr. John Torres
"Essentially, you can now say that vaccines do not prevent infection."
"The COVID vaccines give strong protection against the delta variant and it protects you, your family, and your community."
"Is the vaccine going to be efficacious against the P1 variant? Well, the studies of this are only preliminary, but the answer seems to be yes."
"If you get a third dose, then that jumps up back to between 40 and 80 percent again."
"We started out saying, 'Any vaccine better than 50%,' and then we got 90% against all COVID."
"AstraZeneca's antibody cocktail is 77 percent effective against symptoms of COVID-19 in a trial."
"The vaccine works for the most vulnerable. You should really consider your odds."
"If the vaccine protects, why did the vaccinated need protecting?"
"That's a really, really good vaccine that's 94 to 95 percent effective."
"Vaccines work. It doesn't get any more obvious than that."
"It's pretty darn clear that these vaccines likely protect us against all the variants."
"Vaccines will not completely prevent infections but are effective at making hospitalizations and death preventable."
"And just yesterday, we heard from Moderna about the incredible efficacy in the interim results that they've shared, which is 94.5%."
"And there is also, last week, Pfizer reporting over 90% efficacy."
"The vaccine is highly effective against the virus, providing 100% protection."
"What is the efficacy of a vaccine going to look like? Is this going to look like a 30% efficacious vaccine that you're going to need every year?"
"It is very clear that there is this prime boost response that is happening. So after the first dose of mRNA 1273, you get about 10 to the four endpoint tighter for S-specific binding antibodies. That is increased by a log after the second dose of the vaccine."
"So, one is what do we think that third vaccine dose does... there's this suggestion that you may also get a broadening of protection."
"Vaccines are great at preventing severe disease, but we have yet to create a vaccine that will durably keep people from getting infected." - Daniel Griffin
"The vaccine manufacturers never claimed their vaccines could stop or slow the spread."
"So far, every body is hesitant, I think, because all of the trials that have been done show that the initial vaccines that we have still provide pretty good protection against all of the variants."
"The efficacy of Shingrix for shingles is greater than 90 percent for all ages."
"Our vaccine doesn't last long enough... it's a miracle in terms of preventing severe disease."
"The main thing vaccines are doing is they're preventing disease as opposed to infection."
"The vaccines are even better than people think they are."
"The initial phase three of the Pfizer vaccine showed 95% protection against mild illness."
"These were never used in people before last year and we have two of them now that are over 90 percent effective in preventing COVID disease."
"The vaccine have proven to be highly effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths."
"It's unethical to deprive children of these vaccines that have already been shown to be safe and effective."
"That's how effective these vaccines are."
"How effective these vaccines are in the general healthy population is extremely good news for blood cancer patients."
"This vaccine works really well at the 72 percent efficacy against moderate severe disease and no cases of hospitalizations or COVID deaths."
"With these respiratory viruses, flu included, the vaccines aren't very good at preventing mild disease; they're much better at preventing the serious complications."
"Don't think that an infection means that vaccine failed. What the vaccines do is they keep you from dying, they keep you from ending up on a ventilator, they keep you out of the ICU."
"Vaccine protection against infection had a durability of about three months, but protection against severe disease was more durable."
"Everyone breathes a sigh of relief after proving that the vaccine works."
"The first mRNA vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective."
"The reported efficacy for these types of vaccines has been upwards of 95 percent."
"We don't know how much of the protection from the vaccines comes from T cells or how much comes from antibodies."
"Vaccines have never and will never mean 100% impenetrable germ armor for every person that gets it."
"I'm going to predict actually it's going to be more measles-like that it's not going to drift and in a manner that is means that the vaccine no longer works."
"I believe that the safety has been proven."
"The new COVID-19 boosters are safe and even more effective."
"Vaccines need to generate long-lived immunological memory superior ideally to what infection confers."
"The real power of vaccines is that they stop the disease from spreading further."
"Even with the South Africa variant, the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine protects you from severe disease, having to go to the hospital and dying. And frankly, that's what we want from a vaccine."
"These vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe critical disease."
"The efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines against severe illness or hospitalizations."
"Those people that have a good night's sleep before they get the vaccine have much better antibody responses after the vaccine."