
Ideal Quotes

There are 1150 quotes

"It's the best co-parenting you can it's very like out of a fairy tale."
"My ideal Valentine's Day? Being home would be a good one."
"What I suppose is perfect, what is very heaven, is when you find a sexual partner with whom you can lose yourself."
"William and Kate may be many people's idea of the perfect king and queen."
"To me, it just feels like a kid with action figures mashing them together, and that to me is an ideal video game."
"The ideal blood pressure, the no-benefit-from-reducing-it-further blood pressure is actually 110 over 70."
"Beauty is difficult to define. But it's an invitation to the transcendent, essentially. Because beauty speaks of the ideal."
"Policing should be colorblind, that's exactly what it should be."
"This is just about the most perfect watch you could ask for."
"Breath of the Wild is just everything I love about video games condensed into one game."
"Literally the perfect person for me i know that there's no such thing as perfection but i promise you guys i think this is as close to perfection as a relationship can get."
"This is the platonic ideal of backpacking: 360 degrees of good views."
"And it's easy to see why because this knife is just about a perfect all-around belt knife."
"I'm so sure that there's gonna be someone that looks at that and goes like that is perfect for them."
"This is probably the best finals we could get."
"This is going to be like a very ideal romance."
"You guys are the blueprint for real like duos like when I think like a pot like a good duo, exactly what I would want to like have in a deal you guys are the blueprint for sure."
"An archetypal figure like Christ is the perfect goal because it recedes as you approach it."
"The embodiment of what a twitch streamer should offer"
"Imagine the ideal version of you and embody that every single day."
"Alpha male to me is Joey. Compassionate, listens, kind-hearted."
"My parents are friendly, loving, and hardworking - ideal for me."
"If only every boyfriend was like Robert idk."
"I think, at the end of the day, if what you're doing is leading your kids to know that you love them unconditionally, that's the way to be a perfect mom."
"GoldenEye represents something of a perfect concoction of all the elements I want from a Bond film and then some."
"The ancient Greeks believed the ideal man had both physical fitness and intellectual fitness."
"These are the mothers we need, these are the people we need."
"Taika Waititi is the archetype of what a near-perfect director for a Star Wars movie would be."
"Rockstar baby will rise from the ashes... he's gonna marry the perfect woman."
"That 1999 MTV Video Music Awards is like the ideal MTV awards. It is like the defining one."
"That's love, that's what I want, and I frankly think they nailed it."
"The holy family is a sign after which every family must model itself."
"This is the perfect fall romance, perfect addiction."
"He was joyful, he was extruding this happiness that this... This is what couples should strive for, this bliss, this love and bliss."
"This really is my idea of a dream day at the moment."
"Let's find the middle ground between Diablo 3 and Diablo 2 and see if we can make the perfect Diablo game."
"You are like the person I've always been dreaming of."
"That house offers everything that we're looking for, it checks off every single box."
"You are everything I've looked for in a person."
"A Proverbs 31 woman is what every man desires."
"It looked like a combination of everything that we wanted."
"He's not wasting food; this is what America needs to be like."
"Femininity transcends time and culture; every culture has their ideal feminine figure."
"This suit is just again pure movie magic, Spider-Man perfected."
"When you find the perfect woman who goes on walks and opens doors for you, it's love. Wife her up."
"Harley Race epitomizes the ideal of a fighting champion."
"You guys are like a dream person to a lot of people."
"The perfect ratio of shoulder to waist is going to be 1.618."
"The idea that everybody should have equality of opportunity in America."
"You complete them; you complete this vision of a perfect partner."
"This location checks all the boxes for me."
"It's like 10 out of 10 perfect to me."
"A pH of 7.0 is considered ideal for plants and fish in the pond."
"True justice would be that there would be no need for justice at all."
"We want a man who is smart and sensitive and caring."
"This is what Harry Potter should be."
"We've got to participate to make that noble ideal reality."
"We are all haunted by a dream of perfection, perfect happiness, peace, joy, overcoming suffering."
"Imagine being then now and everything going perfectly the way you want it to."
"Georgio is everything you want in a good Booster Gold."
"A perfect day for me looks similar to my birthday honestly."
"my perfect day starts when we get home"
"So that's what the world we should live in."
"It's just great way, an ideal way to spend time."
"Through the aging process, going up a little bit I'm fine with, going down a little bit is not ideal."
"This is the stuff that dreams are made of."
"This is the ideal breakfast sandwich."
"This scene makes me cry because this is the way it should be."
"He's so sweet, he is my dream come true."
"The ideal of the overman is served by knowledge, gift-giving, and love."
"That's what a relationship should be."
"That guy is the goat. We need more men like this in the world."
"She solidifies in the minds of Monika and especially Sayaka an ideal magical girl."
"Almari presented himself as Nadine's ideal partner: charming, sophisticated, and someone she could save."
"I really love that because ideally what you want in a connection is safety and stability and security."
"We should recognize the ideal represented by the overwhelmed love for his lord."
"A worthy ideal as Nightingale pointed out is personal, it's your compass in the sea of life's possibilities."
"Progress serves as a litmus test, a way to measure the validity and feasibility of our worthy ideal."
"Friendship is an ideal. Friendship is something that they value."
"It truly turned out to be an idyllic place, perfect to raise a child."
"This laptop is ideal for creatives."
"That, that would be kind of a dream device to me, honestly."
"This would be perfect, literally perfect."
"No snoring, nobody hitting you, no extra heat... Sounds like a dream."
"A hundred percent, that's like what it's like a dream partner."
"Not just a character, an icon, an ideal."
"In my opinion, that is a huge win for the ideal."
"She was the kind of person that everyone should strive to be."
"Every idea that becomes an ideal creates within you living power."
"He's kind of everything you want in a D-lineman."
"If you have a view of heaven, then you know what you should try to make this world look like heaven."
"It was just like the perfect moment."
"My ideal relationship is a best friend. That's how Hazel is to me. She's my best friend."
"Sometimes the imagined ideal is more satisfying than the reveal."
"She's not a spinster. I mean, I guess. You must know, it is hardly ideal."
"Elizabeth had an almost storybook childhood."
"He's just the epitome of who you would want or what you would want a Jedi knight to be like."
"People are always looking for the holy grail. They're in search of it, even though it doesn't exist."
"The perfect boat for you doesn't exist. It is not out there."
"That's an ideal spoon, that's IDE ideal."
"It's perfect. It is a perfect in-between."
"You need a half and half would be a perfect ideal situation in this world."
"It is actually the epitome of paradise."
"The ideal is that if you can just hang out and you can wait until golden hour, that is the most ideal situation ever."
"It's been the best of both worlds."
"That's the most perfect way to be."
"She's the sort of friend I always wanted."
"This is like a Shangri-La experience."
"Muscovite autocracy came to represent for him the ideal polity."
"Individually less fully human than the ideal human would be, and our individuality consists in that appropriate degree of what you want to call it."
"It's like if god created the perfect guy for me, it'd be moses for sure."
"The Stoic Sage, a notional being of perfect stoicism, able to detach himself from any suffering."
"This place is a dream, a paradise."
"Exactly what is wanted or needed, extremely pleasant or helping to make you feel better."
"You might never see her again, but my ideal girlfriend, I have to be able to ban off like, 'Walk in, 100 percent.' That's the kind of thing."
"Ideal temperature, not too warm, and not too cold."
"This is what Perfection looked like."
"Believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it."
"It's theoretically the best of both worlds."
"The ideal is terrifying to behold, lost as it is in the depths, small, isolated, almost imperceptible, shining, but surrounded by all those great black menaces monstrously masked about it."
"Happiness we seek is perfect and lasting."
"He had all the qualities that you would want your perfect man to have loyalty, courage, integrity, ambition, strength of character, good-looking, you know, just lovely."
"He is the last son of Krypton, the Pinnacle of what every hero should strive to be."
"If every day could be like this, it's just like the perfect day."
"Blackstone personified the ideal magician."
"There's something about it... if you could dream of being one thing it'd be that."
"Every man wants that girlfriend, man, kingdom man, non-god-friend man."
"Perhaps he understood that the person he saw reflected in the water was not himself but an ideal, a lifestyle we all envy and none of us ever really achieve."
"In most ways, my life is close to my ideal."
"In heaven there'll be no more cancer, no more divorce, no more rejection or loneliness, no more depression, no more wheelchairs or pacemakers, no more radiation or chemotherapy."
"It's incredible. This is how I always want a family and a home to look like."
"The starting position is as close to ideal for creating a competitive game as possible."
"It's just a dream setup, it's a perfect sweet spot."
"This is the way science should be done."
"Ideal for those who are space-conscious or just starting out."
"...he's a coach's dream where he's not making these mistakes."
"That's really who we all strive to be."
"The epitome... that was the dream scenario."
"Now this is ideal for income property for sure."
"Literally a dream situation for me."
"You know guys when I picture the perfect daily of all time it's got to have a few things first of all it's got to be super charged."
"If a project is written with the best actors you know in mind, that's always going to be ideal."
"The ideal of the soul is infinity because that's what it is."
"Wouldn't it be great if the system always worked like this?"
"He's literally what you want to be if you're going to be a hero."
"A paradise is somewhere where anyone would want to live voluntarily. That was not the case in the old USSR of Lenin, Stalin, and Leon Trotsky."
"She's the right size, she's the right texture, she's the right everything. She is the girl of your dreams."
"The most perfect liberty would be enjoyed."
"The EOS life is you living your ideal life."
"Truly the ideal aquatic oceanic fragrance."
"That's ideal for him, setting himself up for a birdie."
"You end up in a situation where you have an ideal of a nuclear household family but no one's actually able to achieve it."
"He wants to marry a Proverbs 31 Woman, somebody that can consider a field and buy it."
"Having surrendered to a higher ideal, you draw an enormous column of enthusiastic inspiration in yourself."
"If you could have your perfect height what would it be? I think the perfect height for a guy's probably like six one."
"In an Ideal World the top good guy should face the top bad guy in the main event of WrestleMania."
"Real love isn't an ideal because all of our ideals are judgment."
"The ultimate dog would be a dog that has a lot of natural ability and a lot of trainability."
"That's what it's about. That's what it should be like."
"This is the greatest week. This is my idea of a perfect weekend."
"If you could go into a lab and it's like what we say about van dijk these days but like if you could go into a lab and create the best center back imaginable tall athletic elegant brilliant on the ball reads the game to Perfection never caught it's Nesta bro."
"This is how a family should look."
"The ideal relationship is doing everything with Hashem in our hearts."
"It would be great if he was their teacher."
"He was the best of 1950s America, strong, confident, almost recklessly democratic."
"...this is absolutely ideal. What a brilliant way to see the South Downs."
"It's this constant reminder that you're a failure and also this constant reminder that you don't have the unplanned, you're not the ideal."
"I think it's pretty reasonable, let's make America Norway tomorrow."
"...transparency on how you spend money does make it ideal."
"Tomorrowland is not so much about predicting the future, but more so emulating where we'd rather be."
"This was like everything I want in a Christmas movie."
"I want to live in a world where people are allowed to grow and change."
"You become the epitome of what a life partner should be."
"The good Society is what we call Paradise."
"This is what everybody dreams of and you guys have it."
"He's what the NFL wants the league to be represented by."
"That's how everybody should be though in today's world."
"When you put that word 'best' in the prompt, it points to an ideal situation, and the ideal is to have a mother and a father in a nurturing environment for a child."
"The aesthetic ideal for Humanity is embedded into the genetic code."
"I think the United States of America is the closest the world has ever gotten to a true promised land."
"This is probably the best work spot I could possibly imagine."
"That's the America that I want to live in."
"The church should try to be as much like heaven as it can possibly be."
"America was established not to create wealth but to realize an ideal."
"If you truly believe in an ideal and want to protect it, then you should be ready to protect that with the gun. Words and voting posters and ballots aren't going to keep you in power."
"There's only one thing that would make this day complete: a nice catnap on the beach."
"He's a good guy, he is what we want from the good guys."
"...you couldn't have a much better bedroom than this."
"I think this is a kind of a dream setup."
"The perfect woman is someone that brings the best out of you."
"This kind of love, this is a type of love that people should aspire to."
"So my answer would be, this depends on nothing else than social struggles, which help us to make the ideal closer to reality."
"The worship service of the church should most resemble heaven."
"The happy ending would be peace in the country."
"I would love to be in paradise. For me, harmony and Arsenal in paradise would be ideal."
"Apartment number three in Back Bay... the perfect apartment."
"That was the best thing; this is probably exactly how he wished, like this was his ideal way for all of this to go down."
"Discover the ideal, discover the universal Brotherhood of Man."
"What would be your ideal dessert?"
"If we can begin to live out of that core reality, we can have a very different world, a world of life."