
Historical Understanding Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Unless you understand your history in every way you possibly can, then you're an incomplete creature."
"We have to be honest about our biases, as they can cloud our judgment and understanding of history and religion."
"If you're going to understand the history of a mining town, it's very important to understand the history and the process of mining."
"Reality, however, is far more complex and nuanced than we've allowed ourselves to view it as, and history is no exception."
"But if you wanna try to understand terms, terminologies, parts of language, ideas and identities, then history can be a great guide, because history brings something to the table in terms of understanding the present, which can explain things that otherwise would be really, really hard to explain."
"The future will be different than your past, and if you try to judge what you're going to do in the future based on the past alone, you're going to be missing all the understandings of history that can help you anticipate and do well."
"These cultures, discoveries, and monuments of ancient times are key to understanding who we are and how we got here."
"We need to have a clear view of what really happened. This way, future generations can be free of this disease, both physically and spiritually."
"The Medieval period is not 'dark' to us any more thanks to the better understanding we now have of its culture and history."
"We cannot move forward together as a nation until we begin to grapple with the sins of our past."
"Modern academic historians understand those periods generally better than the people who lived in them."
"We hope that the Network to Freedom contributes to the learning, the understanding, and the commitment to be a more perfect union."
"Question the sources by which we have learned or mislearned about Malcolm and Martin."
"That requires restraint, it requires foresight, it requires some sort of an objective understanding of history."
"I think understanding how people have done things in the past can make us make better decisions now if we're paying attention."
"We really cannot heal as a country without a fuller understanding of what happened."
"If you don't understand the history, you don't understand tomorrow."
"But by looking into their history and understanding their origin, you defuse them of their power."
"We want all students to understand the difference. Why would people leave these countries and risk their life to be able to come here?" - Ron DeSantis
"I think they were such an interesting civilization, who knew lot more than we give... than we even know."
"The Splendor of the bronze chariots is not merely Skin Deep; they offer a gateway to understanding the technological prowess, cultural beliefs, and societal values of the chin era."
"Immeasurable ways SCP 8140 broadens our understanding of history."
"The Rosetta Stone made it easier for researchers to understand and decipher hieroglyphics."
"We'd begin to get a better idea of what really went on in our own past."
"The rainbow flag also had to compete with an older understanding of what rainbows symbolized in American culture."
"So as day two near its end, we're another step closer to understanding our villa."
"Achieving a new relationship with the dinosaurs, forging revolutionary ideas because we're able to better understand the past."
"You know, the closer you are to a time period, the more you understand the differences because you've lived through it."
"Once you understand how this came to be, then you're better positioned for the future."
"Ancient civilizations were so much more advanced than we give them credit for."
"Understanding history is understanding oneself."
"I get the confederacy. You know, they lost the war. I get it, whatever. But like other people, it's like, dude, people who lived... I mean, look at us. People like George Washington..."
"People like Ben Carson greatly trivialized the predicament that German Jews found themselves in during the 1930s and 40s."
"The act of periodization is always very arbitrary... but it's helpful. It can help us to get a handle on thousands of years of history."
"How can I really feel what they felt? I can't. I can just feel for them."
"Without knowledge of the past events and acceptance of its consequences, one cannot truly understand the present and make considerable steps for progress in the future."
"Why do we take the time to understand what our actual history is? Because our country is made up of a shared history with shared values."
"They give us an understanding of who we were, who we are, and who we will be."
"America is like a novel; you can't just open it in the middle."
"If we don't understand the past, we might find ourselves in a lot of trouble at some point in the future."
"A perfect triangle of white dominating the horizon."
"Understanding the past is a key to the future."
"Our society has been crafted by the thousands of generations who came before us. To discover their history is to realize the foundation of our civilization."
"Understanding Constantine gives us clarity against the many falsehoods and claims people make due to their lack of information."
"I think there's been a concerted effort to obscure maybe what fascism is."
"To understand the fall, we must first understand the rise."
"History is not just the good things that happen, it's also the bad things."
"There still is a gap in terms of what's being taught in the classroom in terms of slavery."
"It seems to me that the idea that slavery is something obscure to a critical mass of people squares more with the way things were in the 70s and into the 80s than they are now."
"I find when I understand the history behind it there's just so much more meaning."
"A better understanding of history is one way to help not just individuals but also collectives to change the way that they behave."
"Astrology is a lot about understanding the past, and if we can look at the past, we can understand the future."
"Many of you will recognize this as the shape of the star of david' but its true name is the star tetrahedron which Maps perfectly over the fruit of life."
"We need to understand fascism and national socialism in order to defeat them."
"This is how the best cities are developed: with an understanding of why the city is the way it is."
"I'm trying to really go back in history and understand more of the history of this land."
"Let's find out who they are as human beings, what their motivation was, what values they had, what sacrifices they made." - Dr. Benjamin Luft
"Vaccination is the only way out—it's about personal responsibility."
"Change requires understanding, and once the history books are put down and the guns are picked up, the situation becomes far more delicate and dangerous."
"Putin displays an understanding and veneration of his own nation's history"
"If we can understand the past and where we are presently, the future becomes kind of common sense."
"These profound insights compel us to re-evaluate our understanding of ancient civilizations."
"A prophet isn't someone who sees the future, a prophet is someone who understands the past."
"Trust the vision like you're Raven, ."
"To refuse to understand it is to invite it to happen again."
"We need to live an Issacharian lifestyle, a tribe that had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do."
"Any concept must be understood in historical context but should not be divorced from the unique cultural experience of any community."
"How about zero blame? How about studying what happened, understanding how wrong it was? No one will ever rationalize it."
"Understanding the past will help you lead a better present and better future for yourself."
"Understanding the past can help you solve future challenges."
"We have to understand the mindset of ancient cultures."
"It gave me a deeper insight into Nelson than I've ever had before."
"Understanding history is important; the story of Empire is the story of America."
"History helps us understand how we got here."
"This revelation added a new layer of complexity to Finn's understanding of his own history."
"The state of the world and human populations 10,000 years ago really helps us understand how history would eventually unfold."
"Engaging deeply with history helps us understand why previous generations embraced respectability politics. We can't mock them for trying."
"If you don't know where you come from, you're gonna have a very hard time understanding where you're going."
"This fantastic graph that shows you everything you need to know about human history."
"It is a reminder that our understanding of history is not fixed, but rather an ongoing journey of discovery."
"The popular understanding of the Medieval era is limited and caricatured."
"Understanding what they built, where, what their lives were like, it gives us a different perspective."
"Every discovery, no matter how controversial, contributes to our evolving understanding of the past."
"It transformed our understanding of this early medieval period."
"It can be difficult to understand the mindset of people who lived hundreds of years ago."
"I don't think one short visit to this city can give you all the education that you need... but I think that it's really important that I've gained some understanding and listened to some of the people that went through the terrible times of troubles."
"This myth though Vivid and dramatic is a stark reminder of how translation errors can shape and distort our understanding of History."
"Lincoln's understanding of how the structure of our government preserves its purpose."
"Lincoln knew that a government that could make slaves of blacks could just as easily restrict the franchise of whatever other category of persons it saw fit."
"Lincoln did fight to preserve liberty against the monstrous injustice of slavery."
"Lincoln refused to accept the premise that slaves were not human, knowing full well that the relationship between slave and master violated the principles of the Declaration of Independence."
"Some modern stories conclude that Civil War artillery must not have been that effective."
"This is just a terrific book and it really is an incredible contribution to our understanding of this period."
"Anybody who brings us more understanding of what happened before is going to help us navigate the present."
"Sometimes I think it's because we don't understand the character of Washington."
"He understood the coming of modernity."
"A lot of the people that are seeing the adventures are seeing Lincoln and understanding it on a subatomic level in a way that if you didn't understand in the first 15 minutes what the issues are, you quickly gain an understanding of every detail as long as you listen."
"I think only then can we truly understand what happened to Mary Lincoln and why."
"These men understood exactly what they're fighting for; a government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"Getting past those myths allows for a much better comprehension of history, one that affects us all even after two centuries."
"Not one of these books can be understood unless we read the two others, but of the three, the only trustworthy one is the last."
"The discovery of Ashurbanipal's library and those at other cities revolutionised our understanding of the ancient Near East."
"We want to read in its own context."
"Let us be the archaeologists of a bygone age then, and let us try to understand and bring back to life the tools and the mindset of a civilization that operated under another paradigm."
"In order to better understand ourselves as humans, you need to understand where we have been."
"Understanding the past is how you predict the future."
"How much the human race has known about the moon and how long we've possessed that level of knowledge is a subject of ongoing scientific debate."
"It's important you learn about what they thought and why they did those things."
"We really begin to understand our country better and better each time we choose what we see about our past."
"If you want to understand the Regency period, then the best place to be is Cheltenham."
"The spirit of our age should be a spirit of expectation, the spirit which out of expectation develops an understanding for the great experience of the 20th century that is born of deep need."
"It's absolutely critical for us to understand the area... before the Romans got to the northern part of Africa."
"I wanted people to understand how difficult it was for these men."
"It's important to understand the past; otherwise, you can't understand the present."
"Understanding the history gives us a better outlook on the current state of Jerusalem."
"We better understand history, this is why the new movie is talking about all of that."
"I feel like we are starting to understand and reconstruct the history and the origins of ancient astrology at a much deeper level than we were able to previously."
"Once I understood those narratives, their history really made a lot of sense to me."
"Understanding this history is a precondition of going forward."
"I think there's a lot of value in kind of deconstructing those but it's very important to understand why they existed in the first place."
"Endeavoring to understand history and what's gone before in order to help protect the future."
"Understanding of long-forgotten historic illnesses like the bubonic plague can help both inform public understanding and government response to global crisis."
"Understanding that history is driven by human nature ought to guide our behavior."
"Understanding the chronology of Chichen is part of the key to understanding the history of the site."
"As long as you understand the present, you'll be able to size up what the past was about, reconstruct what the future can be."
"Historical knowledge about scriptures improves over time and that makes the picture clearer."
"The survivor accounts and the photographs are the two most powerful tools for helping people to understand what occurred 100 years ago."
"You need to understand this history to understand so many daily things in your life around the world."
"That's how much we've learned since then."