
Spiritual Presence Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"God, don't just breathe in this room; breathe in their house, breathe in their car, breathe over their families."
"It's the Lord Himself shows up, and it's the demonstration of loyalty, and then the Lord brings his Shalom."
"What joy is in his heart and in his soul, not happiness that's based on circumstance, but joy that's based on the presence in whom you abide."
"May the presence of our Lord Jesus be strong and prevalent in your home, in Jesus' name, Amen."
"We should want more than just His omnipresence; we should want His manifest presence."
"The Spirit of the Lord God is sweeping by here right now with the transformative power to change how you see yourself."
"Your loved ones are always with you they truly are just a thought away."
"When God's presence comes, it shakes what's not of Him."
"Sally's spirit clung to the house after death."
"What they need is only found in your presence."
"If you want to be marked by the presence of God, then the Spirit can't just be in you, He's got to be on you."
"Angels are very much involved more so than we even realize in our lives."
"Will we bury you? But so I got rid of my tent now I'm untinted I'm naked no clothing where am I and he says well you're with Christ."
"When you have Jesus in front of you, all you can feel is love, because God is love."
"You're the keepers of the flame. That's what we are as believers, we're given that fire, we're given that presence, and we are to cherish that presence."
"We can have peace and calm only in his presence."
"The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in this church."
"Gary notes that as Malcador comes to speak with him, he is exuding this sense of serene power."
"Are you upset that we're here with the priests?"
"The shout of a king is among them." - Numbers 23:21
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"I felt a presence I had never felt before in my whole life."
"Everything is in the present moment everything that I need all the lessons I need are right here I don't need a trip to go somewhere to have an experience of the absolute this is the absolute I'm inside the absolute."
"When we talk about the kingdom, what we're saying is you're dwelling in the presence of God, He's with us, Emmanuel, God with us."
"The kingdom of God is working right here, right now."
"God's loving eye on us is a profound reminder of his constant presence in our lives."
"His presence brings fullness of joy, don't you like that?"
"God is never far away if you are a child of God, he is always with you, always by you, and always for you."
"I want this to be a place where God is manifest not just in here but everywhere we go as believers."
"I don't want this to be just another church, I want this to be a place where God is manifest."
"Seeing God in our everyday life helps us realize He's always with us, making our relationship with Him stronger and more real."
"Receive the Holy Ghost... we will always have His presence to be with us if we remember Him."
"For no moment exists when we are absent from God, our soul, or ourselves."
"They are there for you right now, their soul is always with you."
"Empty except for the spirits of dead family members who some say still walk its Halls."
"One presence, one power that can act, and that is the presence of God acting in me."
"Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, rooting us in love."
"That's why Paul says, absent from the body, you are still present. Do you know that? Present in the body, you still got absent from Him."
"When the Holy Spirit comes, people get healed, people get restored."
"Is the God of Israel present in the larger world? Can I find him and his guidance even in places where it seems like he might be absent?"
"You're here to hold a higher dimensional frequency on this plane."
"God can heal us in an instant because of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us."
"Your higher self is always with you, it's simply a matter of tuning in."
"On one hand, this person is going to be very spiritual, but then on another hand, this person is going to be very noble, very powerful, very strong."
"The presence will be so tangible, it'll be like an open heaven."
"My friends and family, though, believe that he is always around me."
"Love has been showing up more and more, allowing love for you to flow."
"I feel that old-fashioned anointing of the Holy Spirit in this place."
"Father, your word says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is liberty in you, King Jesus."
"Lift Your Hands Up, now may the spirit of Grace be with you all."
"It implies that the kingdom that's in you now as a Believer, the Holy Spirit resides in you, there's going to be a coming out day."
"Indeed, the Shaytan flees from the house that Surat Al-Baqarah is read in."
"Do not turn your homes into graves. Indeed, the Shaytan flees from the house that Surat Al-Baqarah is read in."
"You may not be able to see them, but that spirit, that being, is still there."
"In the middle to soak up the vibe of this room."
"Don't fear, the fairies are protecting you. You are never alone."
"In great deed something abides on great fields, something stays forms change and pass bodies disappear but spirits linger to consecrate the ground for the vision place of souls."
"God is with you every step of the way, standing by you while you face adversity."
"Jesus to Mary: Don't hold onto me, I must ascend, I'll be closer to you than ever before."
"This isn't just an apartment, this is a beautiful place of spiritual energy, it's spooky, it's haunted, it's all the things."
"You are living, breathing, and walking in the midst of spirits, and that should be something that you should always remember in your Christian walk."
"For over a year, Diiego has been claiming that his apartment is occupied by the spirit of a little girl."
"The only thing people see is the bag, what they don't see is the Spirit in the bag."
"I have the Lord, and He is everywhere around me, next to me, and everything I do."
"When our hearts are broken, God is there. God is present to do his part."
"The presence of God filled the temple to the point that the priests were not even able to minister."
"They're declaring that we are standing in the presence of the Trinity... and our God is holy."
"May his presence be all around you and within you."
"Jesus is in the house. The glory of God is here."
"When the Holy Ghost is in something, you see the moving of the hand of God, that's right."
"I am with you, I will be with you, I am in your midst."
"Time spent in solitude is not time spent alone. God is always present with you."
"The glory of God is so strong in this studio right now."
"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there's Freedom."
"By not praying, you virtually say, 'I'm not coming to your presence.'"
"When you walked in this room with me, you walked into our Father's heart."
"We're going from visitation to habitation and it's going to be as quick as a vision."
"When we come into your presence, we come into the presence of the Alpha and the Omega."
"There is a real presence of Christ in me and that when Paul says I've been crucified with Christ and it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."
"This is not a graveyard, this is the house of Almighty God."
"Holy Spirit, fill right now, fill your people right now."
"I felt like I were in the presence of residents I hadn't had the chance to meet."
"Angels are among us today to give us guidance in our perplexity."
"Invite me into your homes, I mean truly into your home, your physical living place of your everyday lives, and if you do this, I promise you, your lives will change to such a degree that your lives will never be the same again."
"When you see the Christ entity... you don't need anything else."
"The presence is with me wherever I go. Anything could happen right now."
"The saving grace of Jesus Christ is present right now."
"The presence of God was in the room, not just, I'm talking about something really heavy and thick."
"The mass, where Christ becomes truly present."
"Spirit is with you at all times, even in your darkest moments."
"Something good is here right now, it is Jesus Emmanuel, God with us."
"Every time I call His name, I know I'll find Him just the same."
"What are we waiting for? His kingdom is a present reality."
"He sits there with us, and He communes with us, and when He laughs, the glory just comes forth, and you're just overwhelmed." - CS
"Father God, we invite your presence of the Holy Spirit to fill this place."
"Entering into Christ's presence so that I can gaze upon his face."
"May His favor be upon you, may God's presence go before you, and may God's spirit inside of you be greater than anything that is against you."
"It's really about being in your presence... how much of my divine presence can I hold."
"The presence of God comes like peace, it comes like joy."
"When we are present, the infinite is available."
"Your guides really are with you, I feel that presence."
"Come back from those eternities and be here now, all will be well and miracles will appear as if by magic in the perfect timing of spirit."
"The devil cannot minister in the presence of God."
"Peace is not the absence of trouble, but peace is the presence of Christ."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"You are not alone, the pews may not be filled but God is here."
"Claim the divine as present before you, and you will have a very different experience of your day, your life, and of this season."
"Spirit of the living God, begin to move through this room. Spirit of the living God, begin to flow and touch and heal as only you can."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence. We love you."
"Absent from the body, present with the Lord." - 2 Corinthians 5:8
"You walk into the presence of God, you will be changed, I guarantee it."
"Demanding that you give me a physical sign that you are present."
"The crystalline individuals, they're not really here about words and speaking, it is very much about going within and broadcasting the crystal signal."
"You have nothing to worry about. Your grandmother's actually here with you, looking after you."
"These spirits are just, like, coming back to the scene, maybe even looking for their moms and their dads and wanting to live through your daughter."
"God is always present with us, watching all that we do, looking over us in a benevolent way."
"You have the Holy Spirit whether you feel him or not."
"Awareness of the presence of Jesus creates encounters and spiritual visitations that transform us."
"Fear has lost its power. The presence of Jesus is here."
"You are never alone, the spirit is with you."
"Realize you're not alone; inviting their influence can ease the manifestation of your intentions."
"Where true love is found, God Himself is there."
"Jesus is even more present because we are now hearing his own words."
"Your presence now is the only sanctifying impact, the gospel of Christ."
"Praise is personal... until you make that decision, you're never going to feel his presence."
"If the Holy Spirit isn't allowed to move, find a new church."
"The glory is the expression of God's manifest splendor and love."
"The spirit who dwells in the heart of every believer... acts as this restrainer."
"Maharaj has given us a philosophy that we can connect to god while we are alive. It's not some concept that after we die we gonna go there. Right here, Right now, while we are alive, we can bring 'Sachkhand' (The Age of Truth) here."
"Your mind may be filled with torment. You may be wondering if you'll ever be free. Jesus is in that room with you."
"What is something that you wouldn't feel comfortable doing, watching, reading, participating in if the Holy Spirit physically sat next to you?"
"When love and knowledge become one, the Christ will be present always."
"Some of you are going to see lights right now. There are angels around you."
"The kingdom of heaven is already in us and around us."
"Deliverance is a great indicator that God is genuinely moving in a place."
"Wish George Floyd was alive. He is with all of us in spirit. Justice was served. No, you can't bring him back. Godspeed, prayers for him and his family."
"The church is not a building, it is not even the people, it is actually the living presence of a holy God in a fallen world."
"We don't need a temple to host the presence of God, our body itself is the temple of God."
"Because he inhabits the praises of his people, and when you praise, he makes room for you."
"Greg the cat's going to be there in spirit and the rest the rep Squad as well."
"Trust in God's understanding and in His omnipresence."
"We may live alone but we don't have to be lonely because we always have him."
"I want the evidence of him on my life... I want them to say, 'God's presence was here.'"
"Jesus Christ is standing next to you right now."
"When you're introduced to Jesus, everything changes."
"The presence of the Lord is moving so just receive it."
"Let what God's doing here be here and like worship here."
"He's still there, watching over us. I'm sure he's proud of you wherever he is."
"Weakening enemies seems fun, making myself stronger seems fun."
"Experiencing moments of inner peace and serenity even amidst life's chaos is a testament to the presence of your higher self."
"When two or three of us are gathered together in his name, he is there in the midst of them."
"In your presence, there's fullness of joy, Mana is there, sustainment, the rod is there, confirmation and affirmation, and the tablets of stone are there, message, divine instruction, our Rama word is in your presence."
"When you do this show, the my presence is going to flood through the screens and I desire for my children to know me through experiential knowledge."
"I am bringing you into a season of rest, therefore you must rest in my presence and my peace."
"The doors of continued blessings are open... Thanksgiving absolutely opens the door for His presence."
"We love you, we love you, we love you... all you need to do is close your eyes, take a breath, and let yourselves feel and know that we are present with you."
"Father, we ask you in Jesus' name, as we go into the Word today, that your power would be made known, that your presence would be manifested, that your glory would be strong."
"People can sense the presence of God upon you."
"Jesus Christ is as real to me as you are sitting right opposite me."
"Having that spiritual fitness... is that relationship that's going to see you through."
"Your loved ones who passed are still part of the family, still here."
"You go into the room and you imagine it's filled with angels, you know that they're there, you trust that they're there."
"Your personal energetic frequency is powerfully activating and uplifting geographical locations around the globe."
"Perhaps her spirit has returned to ensure that even in death her privacy is respected."
"The Holy Spirit is working powerfully in our world."
"To understand people, you have to understand body, soul, and spirit."
"When mastery comes, there comes this spark, this weird presence. It's sort of like this spiritual aura that you surround yourself with."
"The power and the demonstration of the Holy Ghost."
"Now all can carry the presence of God around in us wherever we go."
"Peace isn't the absence of something, it's the presence of someone."
"Guilty sinners are made ready for becoming the dwelling of the presence of God forever."
"Feel free to share this message with those dear to you, those in dire need of my presence."
"If you can get to the simplicity of this thing to where you know him, you'll never have to feel him to know that he's there."
"It's like her spirit is everywhere and we keep seeing signs of her and I feel like it's a positive sign of those people on the other side, waving at us and being like we're here, we're helping in a way, you know?"
"Remember that your loved ones are always with you."
"Let the Spirit of God just come now, overshadow you with His power, His presence right now in Jesus mighty name."
"His is called presence evangelism – let His presence touch people."
"We're not left alone; He's our great High Priest."
"Artemis is a real thing, some of you have this spirit at work."
"Look up, and you see...I'm God, I'm good, I'm here, I'm with you."
"We just give God praise today and every single day for sending his Holy Spirit among us and dwelling inside of us."
"I always feel like he's with me, like his spirit."
"If you can't feel the presence of God until you see the pastor enter, you don't have any more Holy Ghost than you can jump double-dutch with an elephant's trunk."
"If you want this victory, I need you to praise me in advance and I need you to go with my presence."
"You're not looking for Jesus coming like he's coming for you."
"Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
"Embrace the Goosebumps, my dear friends, for they are a sacred reminder that you are not alone."
"Your inner Sun, your soul, shines light with its presence by simply being."
"Lord, Adonai, we announce the presence of your glory."
"The Holy Spirit is God working on the earth."
"I'm here in the spiritual because remember I told you I'm going to send the Holy Spirit."
"In your presence is the fullness of joy; in your presence lives will be changed, hearts will be healed, dreams come true, visions are imparted. Nothing is impossible to those that believe."
"Angels are always all around us, however they can be blocked out by the egoic mind having kind of a 'hissy fit' when overwhelmed."
"Being where the anointing is very important."
"When you pray together at home, Jesus arrives in your midst."
"Trust in the signs and remember, your loved ones are always with you."
"They are very much still in your heart, and their spirit is very much alive."
"In New Testament theology, churches and believers are God's temple, God's house, where God lives. And where God lives, so does His spiritual entourage reside."
"When's the last time somebody said, 'There's something different about you,' and they weren't talking about how articulate you were or some unique idea you brought to the business world?"
"May Jesus be pleased with all that takes place here. May He be adored and worshipped on this property. May His word be taught with clarity, boldness, and love."