
Workplace Diversity Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We will not enter the workforce as imitators of men. We will not deny the fact that we have children, and yes, think about them during the day. We bring those values with us."
"Emotional feedback for their job so that's not just, you know, a grind. Mixing things up is ultimately the best way to do that."
"Unions also serve to reduce racial and gender disparities in the workplace."
"I've learned so much being around you men that I wouldn't want to lose that... I'm in favor of co-ed relationships or co-ed workplaces simply because you get to learn from people."
"Every business is going to be like it is way easier to avoid people that use Neo pronouns or they them pronouns and just hire people that use she and her and he and him."
"Not everyone's needs are the same; some people need more time off, some need more money."
"If that even means one more woman in the kitchen of Burger King, then I think it's a success."
"This is why you don't do diversity hires hunties."
"For the first time, most new hires of prime working age 25 to 54 are people of color."
"Diversity in the workplace always brings more perspectives to the table and your product benefits because of that."
"Is it true that the person who was let go was a woman of color?"
"By merely employing women at the same rate as men, India’s economy could grow by nearly a third by 2050."
"For every 10 people putting 'he' and 'him' in their electronic JP Morgan email signatures, there's one person who's like, 'No, I'm not doing that.'"
"The most effective teams in organizations tend to be a mix of introverts and extroverts."
"Here's my provocative thought of the day... do black people have an advantage in getting a job at a big corporation... the answer is yes and it's a big one."
"The department celebrates diversity and embraces it within our ranks."
"Working places are racist as well... you need more black employment than whites."
"Diversity and inclusion also means diversity of thought."
"Placing less emphasis on the pedigree of school and more on the demonstrated character and quality of work will increase diversity in the workplace."
"You see people like coming from work all different colors and everything like that everybody's standing next to each other and nobody feels any sense of superiority there's no ethnocentric ideas about it."
"There's only one way to go and that's equality and also step back when somebody who has the goods can do the job whether it's a woman or whomever."
"Hair matters differently for women of color because when you've made it this far in your job, you might take a look around the room and realize that there aren't many people that look like you."
"Disney tells employees that they should reject equality or equal treatment and instead strive for equity or the equality of outcome."
"That's the story of what has happened to so many workplaces... women demanded access and then started complaining."
"Working with a small team is pretty fun because you get to wear multiple hats."
"The goal should be to actually make the experiences of diverse people in the workplace not an experience of prejudice."
"Women can fight for equality in cushy offices, but not in manual labor."
"People with disabilities develop unique perspectives, characteristics, capabilities that are valuable."
"If a work group hires a person with a disability, they're 10, 12, 14 times more likely to hire another person with a disability."
"Inclusion is vital at Hasbro - our goal is to foster a workplace where employees feel valued and have the tools, support, and resources they need to succeed."
"Recruiters are looking for candidates who represent some element of diversity, whether that's gender diversity or racial diversity."
"Diversity of talent, not diversity of skin color or diversity of sexual preference, is what makes a difference in most areas."
"Innovation: Google believes that a diverse workforce with varying perspectives helps create better products and serves a wider range of users."
"I'm not anti-feminist per se... I think the idea that the world would benefit from the movement of talent from both sexes into the workplace as rapidly as possible is something that anyone with any sense should share."
"Black Buck touches on many things relevant to this moment, redefining what it means to be a minority in the workplace."
"Each participant will receive a corporate fist book that includes tools, activities, information, and resources to better anti-racist at work and beyond."
"Don't you just want diversity? Isn't diversity a good thing in your company?"
"You got three white men in charge with two minorities working for, get the button should be for the rest of time."
"Microsoft's commitment to inclusion among both employees and players."
"We need employers to understand autistic people are different, and their difference can be beneficial."
"Accepting differences means accepting that workmates can be different too."
"Diversity is strong; it helps a company."
"A wider acceptance and understanding in workplaces for the disabilities that come along with having a disability would genuinely help so many people live much better lives."
"Being able to go to work, being able to see people that look like me, being able to not feel like I'm the only black person in a room, for me, that's an invaluable experience in Ghana."
"We work in a system that has working pieces that involve both men and women."
"Diverse staff brings diverse thought and that's where I think you make the best decisions."
"If we really want neurotic tortoises for certain kinds of jobs, particularly jobs that require mastering incredibly complicated worlds and being thorough, why haven't we had this conversation?"
"Working with different types of people and seeing what we can make together as a team is the most enjoyable part of my job."
"I think it's really good to have a diverse range of people working."