
Women's Experiences Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The experiences of disabled women were different from able-bodied women, the experiences of Asian women different from Black women and so forth."
"One of the most radical things you can do is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences."
"We can't build our castles on the sand; we have to acknowledge the reality of women's experiences."
"It's really difficult to articulate and unfortunately a lot of, I'd say like, I'm struggling to find a single woman who hasn't been assaulted or had some really heavily traumatizing experience with a man."
"Women don't live in this amazing privileged well...they actually live in a really complicated maze."
"We're starting to open up about these hidden experiences that women face."
"Women suffer from the impending end of a marriage already in pre-divorce years."
"Women confronted with yellow fever often feel homogenized."
"We all have stories... unfortunately... but it's so traumatizing that women just want to live every day and feel safe."
"Sometimes being a woman is like living in an aquarium."
"For women, it's the non-sexual hugging and kissing that makes them feel cherished and loved."
"Welcome to being a woman... Autophagy will help. I've done 36-hour fasts up to 42."
"Most of us, pregnant women, women who have not yet had kids, women who are still having kids, you're going to have a great birth that's pretty standard and straightforward."
"That is probably a lot of girls' worst nightmare."
"Most of those women I would be completely okay saying are going to wind up looking back on those years and regretting them they're going to feel like they didn't get anything out of it"
"This same year, there were big changes coming for both women."
"We are here to support a sister... this is just a woman that wants to share her story for others to learn."
"Women feel that the trials and tribulations she's gone through, they've grown up listening to her."
"These are 20 women you won't believe actually exist!"
"It's hard for women everywhere, dating is just so heinously horrifying."
"Blows my mind. Woke Hollywood talking about things every woman goes through."
"If all the women in your life are saying this man has red flags, get out of there. Just saying from experience."
"I feel like sometimes it only pertains to celebrity black women, not necessarily regular women who are going through situations like this."
"Women are the bearer of life and I think it took an experience of going to a talk by women who dealt with so much, you know, like all these women... that happens every day."
"I think most women know some story of abuse."
"Hair matters differently for women of color because when you've made it this far in your job, you might take a look around the room and realize that there aren't many people that look like you."
"Not happy out here, these women are not happy."
"Every age of a woman has a lesson, has a blessing, has a gift, has a grace."
"I think sometimes we get our hearts broken as women because we give away our dignity too soon."
"That broke my heart right there, that broke my heart right there. I don't want to see no woman jumping in the chat no more sitting here telling me about um about how man is all of this other type of stuff."
"There's still things that happen to a woman that won't happen to a man."
"Honestly, I think so many women listening now are going to just be nodding their heads thinking yes that is exactly my reality."
"They're reminding us of all the things these ladies have gone through."
"You crazy, would you have watched me vacuum in Speedo?"
"It's a very real thing, like when we get pockets, it's very exciting for us."
"...while my story is only one version of the many, many, many women out there who have an IUD of some sort, it still is my experience and it's something for you to now know and you can draw on if you need to, you know what I'm saying?"
"Honestly, I'm happy that a lot of [__] in Hollywood is falling apart because there is a lot of stuff that women like us have to go through even just living out here."
"A classic case of what happens to women lingering in the market too long. The point of dating is that you're supposed to stop at some point because you found someone. It's not a clown car, you don't get as many chances as you think."
"I wanted these women's stories to be told."
"That's so unfortunate, just women... it happens all the time to women in the workplace."
"Just because women are all experiencing life differently does not make any one woman's experience more valid or better than the other."
"Motherhood is meant to be all these daisies and flowers and rainbows, and unfortunately, a lot of the time for women, it's just not quite like that."
"As women, I know that we have a lot on our plate and put a lot of pressure on ourselves and often are our own worst critics."
"It shows you the way that all of these things in her life are not just unique to her, they are part of a universal experience that women face."
"It's a testimony to the longing in the hearts of women around the world to experience the freedom of walking in the truth."
"I want them to get a feel of what us women have to deal with while we're pregnant."
"You don't truly understand what women are going through until you're right there holding their hand with them throughout every step of it."
"We are all very different, and every woman experiences this in a very different way."
"Your story touched me because you went through publicly what a lot of women go through behind closed doors."
"I will take into consideration that a lot of women go through this every day."
"Women go through so much just to make our experience on Instagram just a little bit better."
"If you have a mother, daughter, or friend, remember the women in your life and the things they go through."
"As women, we have to take such crazy precautions in order to exist."
"It's true for a lot of women that their 50s are really a time where they feel like they come into them a little bit."