
Relationship Potential Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"You are someone who is very valuable, you are someone who is the ultimate prize in their eyes."
"This relationship is like very abundant and very like fertile with romance."
"You give this person the opportunity to create something that they always wanted but didn't know they could have."
"There's so much happiness and potential for peace within your connection."
"They could be starting to wake up to what a beautiful future you guys could have put together, what you could build together."
"The feelings are mutual here. So if you know who this person is, they're definitely thinking about you."
"It's someone you're interested in, and then there might be potential here."
"This person just strikes you as someone who's going to be a part of your life for a long time."
"They see you guys could really make a beautiful life together."
"You are like somebody who is wifey or husband material. A lot of these people want to be with you, commit to you, they want all of it."
"Person A feels like there's going to be another opportunity to talk to person B."
"This is someone willing to fight for you, they're watching you right now with the page of swords to see if you're gonna embrace some sort of commitment with them."
"They feel like you would bring a lot of stability to their life and they're seeing you as commitment worthy."
"They realize being with you would completely transform their life."
"You're about to meet somebody who has the key to your heart."
"I think it would work, knight in shining armor and communication."
"They know that there's so much more in this connection than what you guys have experienced so far."
"They're hoping it's not the ending... they feel that you two are destined to be together."
"This feels quite serious, quite weighty, it feels like it's got long-term potential."
"Despite what you're feeling, despite what shows up on your side, on their side, in the connection, there is the energy available for things to work out in time if love comes forward."
"Choices opening up to you, potential for soul mate."
"They felt very lucky to know you, like you were their true counterpart."
"They see you as somebody they could possibly build a very strong, steady foundation with."
"You two will connect again, the energy could get better between you two."
"Your next boo thing could be a long-lasting one."
"An opportunity for a relationship... stability here, happiness if that's something that you seek."
"A new love relationship or strengthening of existing relationships."
"I pay more attention to like the Vibes because I met a 19 year old that was like on some straight wife material."
"that energy is just going to return and it would really be a shame for that energy to block the love that that could really bloom between the two of you"
"Once you get to know each other, the sky's the limit."
"This connection is going to turn into a very happy, complete connection."
"You about to have being like a power couple type of relationship."
"This relationship has the potential to be long-lasting, to be healthy, to be fruitful, to be prosperous."
"True love potential with the New York person."
"Potential future with the Leo-Virgo cusp man."
"This person wants something long-term with you, but it's this level of the unknown."
"Don't waste too much time messaging instead arrange to meet up in person or resume early in the dating process so that you can rapidly decide whether the man has potential and move on if he doesn't."
"You can definitely build something amazing with this person."
"There's a lot of long-term potential here, a strong emotional and psychic connection."
"They see you as definite marriage material or a long-term partner material."
"They want to keep you around, they do want to see how this will unfold, but they really do feel like they have so much time ahead of them."
"You've got someone who's coming in, someone's ready for love here."
"I feel like the connection is so strong and the possibilities honestly between you and this person I mean the possibilities are endless here."
"They think about y'all connection. They feel like this connection for one has a lot of potential."
"In the near future, I do see the two of you making this relationship work out."
"This is not just your boo, this could be husband or wifey, right spouse material."
"This has a lot of potential for something long-term."
"Flirty and oblivious, this one has potential."
"This is something that could turn into on that path towards a commitment."
"Maybe they'll actually date because of how much vibes they felt this day."
"They see you as a true love option. Like, if you guys aren't able to be together right now, if you're both free and available and things were aligning between you two, there's like nothing that would stop them."
"This is someone that wants something serious with you Scorpio, this is good."
"They could see you as the one they would want to spend their life with."
"They see you as someone with a lot of long-term potential."
"The Finn Rose thing is possible, it's certainly positive."
"I want to give you this new beginning that I know you asked of me and that we both desired, and yet there is this fear of not being enough for it or not being capable of providing it."
"Every reason to believe you two will be reconnecting. It has reconnection written all over it."
"You and this person are meant to be together, there is potential for you to be soul mates."
"Once this communication is opening up for you very soon, it's what you do with that that could lead to everything that you ever wanted."
"You both have a lot of potential. You stimulate each other intellectually, have a power couple energy. You're highly compatible and have a high probability of falling in love."
"Some of you down the line being married to this person or possibly getting in a strong commitment. You don't have to be married, but I get a strong possibility of a commitment with this individual."
"He's truly marriage material. I don't think I wrote down a single negative thing about this man."
"If you're looking for love, this could be the one. We've got soulmate energy here."
"People see you as engagement material, wifey/hubby material."
"One of these could last, one of these could really be a happy connection here, very serious happy connection."
"There is potential with this connection for this to be like a relationship."
"This has something more long-term written on it."
"A relationship with potential for stability."
"Your energy starts to pop up, and they start to see their forever person in you."
"The potential for you and this person to be together in a committed loving loyal relationship."
"Expiration date does end with some hope for Scout where they do kind of agree to go on a date."
"This person does see a future with you... this person does see potential with you."
"Yes, someone's gonna see you as wife material, husband material."
"You're definitely going to get married to this person if you want to."
"This could definitely go the distance, this is a lovely energy."
"Eventually there will be a reconciliation because your connection is true love."
"You have no idea how happy you might just be in a relationship."
"There's this beautiful magnetism and polarity between you two."
"They want to start this new life together, just have maybe a different lifestyle than they had before because they feel this relationship with you, if you guys do unite, it's going to be like nothing they've had before."
"There's a genuine attraction and passion for this person."
"This may be someone who ends up being your husband."
"Someone sees you as marriage material, they see you as the one."
"There's gonna be marriage here for some of you, there's a new beginning and love."
"Some of you guys could be dealing with gemini another pisces a leo and aries a taurus a libra but whoever you're meeting this week or whoever you already know right now is possibly going to be your life partner."
"They see you as someone who's openhearted, very loving, and would make a good parent."
"He knows the happiness ahead that he can have with you."
"Chris Larson is quality, he's a marrying type."
"You will just know when you meet this person fully face to face and have a conversation with this person. This new person, you will just know that they are meant for you."
"Deep down you're hoping that maybe this could have worked."
"This person's got a lot of love for you whoa."
"So this person could have an even bigger glow up or perhaps this job opportunity starts off small and you get promoted really quickly."
"There is potential here for you and this person to be in union."
"This person actually sees you as a dream come true."
"Huntress wizard is shown to be a laid-back and sarcastic person and a potential love interest for Finn."
"You could meet someone this year who down the line you'll end up being with pretty long term."
"You guys are definitely going to be meeting your person your soulmate."
"They would make a beautiful combination for the two."
"Your person really likes to fantasize about the life that you guys could have together."
"They visualize life with you, they visualize how things could have gone."
"Your dream relationship is actually possible all right, so getting rid, getting whole, loosening the grip on anything that just wasn't, it just wasn't good enough you know it wasn't okay."
"There's definitely the opportunity for change and transformation in this relationship."
"There's a lot of potential between the two of you."
"They definitely want to open up some new doors with you."
"You're willing to explore and see where it goes."
"You really feel like you can build something with this person."
"You have all the ingredients to make this work and create emotional fulfillment together."
"There's a lot of potential in this connection."
"This person really hopes to have a lot more with you."
"There's gonna be a reconciliation or a lack of closure between you two."
"If this works out, I think it's wonderful. I think it's absolutely freakin wonderful."
"They find you fascinating and amazing, and see potential for a beautiful future together."
"They're coming in to bring you a stable reliable offer."
"This person sees you as someone very compatible and something very uplifting and very positive, like they're trying something different, they're seeing the situation differently."
"I feel like you and this person are gonna be a very powerful couple."
"Stability, celebration... a long-term commitment... or even marriage. Anything's possible!"
"Taurus is extremely interested, potential for a relationship."
"Endings leading to new beginnings, possibly a new relationship."
"Not everybody's clearly going to end up this person like all the way but you're going to end up with this person."
"They want to talk to you so this could be a dinner for example, it could even just be a lunch."
"I get a connection there, a possible connection could even be married down the line or a long-term relationship."
"You've got a beautiful gem of a heart to offer, and this person wants to offer theirs equally."
"You definitely have a match; the two of you would be very compatible."
"We're protesting on behalf of those who are silenced, intimidated, and threatened by the CCP."
"There's a potential for it to start with this new person but they're really in their head."
"There's so much potential and magic in this connection."
"There is a commitment coming on in here for you."
"They see a future with you and feel a spark."
"This person thinks you're wife/husband material."
"I'm just asking, would you date a good-looking, funny, multi-millionaire?"
"There's a potential for growth and expansion between you two."
"If you're looking for love, there is a high potential for you to meet your soulmate."
"This person's got pride, a lot of pride... they cannot stop thinking about you, they know that you are the one."
"Yes, mistakes can happen in any relationship, but at least they started off good."
"You see this person as golden, like a golden opportunity or once-in-a-lifetime love."
"They do not know what they want but the good, the positive side of this card is that they haven't decided against you either."
"Your person sees you as someone so beautiful and just like the ultimate partner."
"I think if I ever saw her again, like, we would be talking."
"They really, really see something with you, and they're very much hoping that it's mutual."
"There's potential for this to happen, someone's got to make a move."
"This person finds you very attractive... they want this with you, male or female does not matter, the queen and the king of ones, they take action."
"They see you as somebody that they could see in a long-term commitment."
"You guys are going to be a very beautiful couple."
"You can literally have it all with this person."
"They're waiting for their chance to um really grow some intimacy with you guys here."
"They feel hopeful about this connection, like maybe there's a promise that this is going to work out for you guys."
"You could be the one... very special connection between you both."
"There's a person that you could be marrying."
"Everyone who wants to achieve something great will have to reckon with exactly what price they're willing to pay and what pressure they're willing to take for whatever reward they are after."
"They see you as someone they could build a life with."
"There's a very happy future ahead of you two."
"This connection is about unlocking the potential of happiness between you both."
"This person wants to hold on to you... they see you in their future."
"This connection isn't over. There will be an opportunity to be more open and authentic."
"There's a lot of hope and promise here for a lot of you."
"There is potential for this to be the romance of the century."
"Love is rising up to greet you. Now is the time when you will see evidence of this new emergence."
"There's a very strong relationship that's coming in for you, a very, very, very strong connection."
"Make sure you're moving in the direction of relationships that actually have the potential to grow."
"They see you in a favorable light, marriage material."
"Being with you would give them a total clean slate in their life, like a reset button."
"They will recognize the powerful connection between the two of you."
"Don't give up... there's something very unique here about this connection."
"There is potential for reconciliation and a message from this person."
"I feel like this could be very good for you. These are very good cards, a lot of success with this person so I would go for it."
"You got through three seasons but you never made it to the winter. This relationship had a lot of potential and that has caused you a lot of heartache and then a lot of confusion for them."
"I see a lot of chemistry between you and another person."
"This person is guarded, they have some walls up."
"You could meet somebody who could be in your life for a long time and make a valuable contribution."
"They feel like you are marriage material, you are their person, you are their soulmate."
"Sometimes you've got to cut somebody off and let them walk in order for them to figure it out and realize how you need to be treated."
"I am drawn to your deep intelligence and wisdom."
"You two could be a power couple or you two will go very far in love."
"It's like soulmates, I would say yes, Irina. I feel like they're just not sure at this time, they haven't made the decision with the two of swords. Six of Cups is soulmate, so I would say yes."
"I feel they've learned something they're taking something they're learning and coming towards you so it's up to you to decide if you see a future with this person."
"Someone sees you as a partner, someone reliable, marriage material."
"Someone here absolutely sees you as emotional fulfillment for them."
"Somebody sees you as someone that they could be really happy with."
"This person wants you. They can see this going somewhere."
"You too would make a hell of a pair, I see it, you do too, you feel it, so do they."
"They feel like you guys would make a really good match and there would be a lot of stability between the both of you."
"This one is a keeper, this new person is coming in."
"They feel this connection with you, they feel like you could be the one for them."
"They're really going to see you as material wifey or hubby material."
"There's definitely a lot of energy about long-term potential here. They want someone they can build something with for the future."
"I'm not saying you're gonna have a happily ever after but actually that relationship potentially could be one of the strongest most powerful relationships that ever happened."
"This person definitely wants or sees you as someone that they can have a future with."
"They have every intention of hoping that you guys will end up together."
"They see you as someone who is long-term potential."
"It's a spiritually fulfilling experience that may lead to a relationship."
"They want to pursue this relationship, they want to get to know you more, and they're allowing themselves to open up to you and embrace this relationship within this first meeting because they want to know whether there's a chance with this relationship."
"I feel like both of us together, it would be a very strong and very beautiful relationship."
"The potential in this relationship is massive."
"Somebody definitely wants to come towards you and offer you some love."
"It's almost like if you're not in a relationship with this person, it's like they see their next phase of life with you."
"If your checklist matches, if your attachment style matches, if your love language matches, and you have at least five or seven things that you actually like that are in common, you got a pretty good shot."
"You're not the woman I expected, but you know, I think we can make this work."
"I like you, Kento. What do you think about me?"
"If you've got someone who's got a red flag and they're willing to actually change, that's someone that you may actually want to spend the rest of your life with."
"Somebody want a successful relationship with you; they see positivity with you."
"I think this relationship has room for a whole other gear."