
Gender Representation Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"By the end of the decade, over 54% of undergrads were women, and close to 50% of four-year colleges had women's studies programs."
"Men could watch a movie and see every side of themselves - cowboys, spies, adventurers, brooding intellectuals, spirited casanovas… but what were women seeing?"
"Nintendo was going to make probably their most badass character even to this day a woman, and you have to respect that kind of creative determination."
"The prevalence of women and non-binary writers in the fanfiction space, especially when so many of the most popular pairings of characters are two men is something that's been speculated on at great length."
"If you're measuring your self-worth by how many people who share your gender are CEOs, that's a sad statement on you as a person."
"Considering that 95% of video game characters are white and male, a poor representation of the diversity of actual players, I thought it would be a fun experiment. We started with all female characters."
"There were a lot of great women working on Overwatch, and I'm actually trying to do something where I can highlight what these women are doing."
"You can tell there's like a board of male writers being like, 'Oh [__], better have all the female superheroes gang up for this bit.'"
"Horror uses gender as theater, and this flexibility of gender that horror consistently offers is another reason why the predominantly male audience feels comfortable assuming the perspective of the final girl."
"You're allowed to notice that there's a lack of female representation in STEM fields."
"It's crazy that the only offering for ladies is hypersexualized."
"Ironically wokeness, a thing that's supposed to help women gain agency actually makes it so female characters all have to be flat boring uninteresting two-dimensional cardboard cutouts."
"Only 3 unequivocally mateless and kitless she-cat point of view characters."
"It's not an explicitly feminist work, but its respect for the interior depth of its female protagonist marks it as one of the most playful games with both its gender and structural expectations."
"Underrepresented people, women, go out and become film critics 'cause we need those voices too."
"You have more black women put on the federal courts of appeals than it's ever been done by any president."
"Instead of having a great story that happens to have characters who are female or who are of whatever races, instead, we start with characters who must be of a certain race and of a certain gender." - Host
"I think we should go see the film just for that, to have more women in better films in the future."
"I dread reading scripts that have no women involved in their creation because in every crisis situation, any woman should know what to do."
"A female Jedi, completely fine. They had it before. It's not even revolutionary."
"We have more women serving in Congress than at any time before."
"But if you weren't also complaining about the hyper unrealistic women in games, why would you have an issue with this?"
"The good news is that there is nothing stopping developers from evolving their gender representations and making more women heroes in their future games."
"So yeah, this is a series that brought in a woman to play the Doctor, but it's also the series that brought in an entirely new creative team with a radically different approach to making the show."
"And so I went there, I signed and then I was the only female up until probably like six months ago or less than that."
"I love that we're putting another female right in the forefront of that. She's definitely not just sitting on the sidelines."
"Black women are electable. It proves that women are electable."
"This movie isn't a feminist movie... these are just strong capable women who are acting like people."
"What female rapper is rapping positive right now? None, I can't tell you one."
"I think it's just super important to have representation of women in the industry."
"I think my favorite one is from this guy who says he doesn't take female superheroes but She-Hulk is just a derivative of the Hulk so females should just make their own superheroes."
"This is going to inspire so many girls to like be powerful and strong and be going to do what they wanted to do I was so happy."
"Let's just bring that to the screen, let's get some girl power man I'm all about it."
"For me, it's not just nominating a woman. It is making sure that we have a progressive woman."
"Breaking News: Zack Snyder’s films have been found to contain gender and oh boy do they ever contain some heckin, gender."
"Women this year the US has a record number of women running for office."
"Female rap was down bad, like the BT Hip Hop Awards in 2009 can only muster three women to be nominated."
"Sally was a great female role model in a franchise designed to focus on boys."
"It's absolutely true that Hollywood took a while to portray female characters with honesty."
"I respect Chris a lot for being the first female protagonist introduced to the main series Pokemon games."
"Handing that perspective to people from different genders can allow us the opportunity to see characters in a way that they want their gender to be represented."
"The quality of the female characters matters so much more to me than the quantity."
"Dragon Ball Super did what Dragon Ball Z never did by introducing female Super Saiyans."
"It's frustrating to see how they're still developers and journalists trying to push the uglification of women in media."
"Women have always been in Star Wars and some of the most famous characters of all time are in Star Wars."
"Female directors are needed more than ever and they seem to understand the source material better than males."
"He can direct a movie, he can write women characters."
"The problem of female characters wearing impractical, sexualized and objectifying attire and being put on display for players is not a difficult one to solve, and developers already know how to do it."
"The Bechtel test famously exists to determine whether female characters pass the sexism test to pass The Show Must feature at least two female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man."
"I hope that when young men see a powerful woman character, they can kind of extrapolate that out to the women around them."
"I feel like I'm suddenly living in this amazing moment for women on television."
"For all of the breathtaking heights that Naruto reached, it had its fair share of low points, but the way Naruto failed its female characters to me is the series's lowest point."
"In the film, both written and directed by women, treats the female characters differently, in part because we're somewhat free from the prison of Bateman's perspective."
"Apart from brilliant genuine performances from the cast, both female and male, it has more laughs and more scares in the first two films."
"Girls should be able to enjoy the shows they like."
"Some markets decided to simply not release the season at all other markets came up with creative ways to cover up the gender non-conforming characters."
"Avatar just writes female characters better than any show I've ever seen."
"Crystal Dynamics has proven that they can take a callous sociopathic sex symbol of a bygone era in gaming and make her fresh and relevant and sympathetic and above all human."
"I think in the future it will be possible to have higher representation of women in gaming."
"I think higher women representation in gaming is something that should be strived for."
"It also has no respect for its male characters."
"It's great, she's the only girl in the competition, and she did very well."
"Female characters aren't novelties and it's time we stopped treating them as such."
"This is a fascinating storyline for the competition, for the championship, and really as a champion of females in motorsport, I love to see this."
"She's probably a more well-rounded character than Henry despite only being in 2 games of the series."
"Demonizing the female characters is something that's been deep-rooted in our community since the beginning."
"It's still not the norm in Hollywood seeing women calling the shots and having creative control."
"Is it really renewable and eco-friendly if the process of making the same equipment devastated the environment?"
"I was really surprised by how much emphasis they put on female leads."
"Representation does matter... the sport is male and female."
"I feel like it's really significant that we're doing a female-led superhero film."
"Women are far better than you are portraying them."
"Eminem's reveal new packaging with female Eminem characters only writing supporting women flipping the status quo."
"The referee this evening Jana Adam cover from the Czech Republic."
"If male characters and NPCs are gonna have a bulge in the front then how come women don't have camel toes?"
"You never hear them complain uh, about the underrepresentation of females and minorities in garbage men or the Exon Mobile CEO."
"Women have more of a presence in these types of entertainment jobs now."
"I would love to see a woman director take on a big major movie."
"Being a woman, I like to see female characters in comics because it's such a male-dominated situation."
"A Trailblazer for women in game design." - Tribute to Tioin Woodruff.
"As of next year, all four of those campaign committees will be led by Democratic women, for the first time in history in either party, all the campaign committees will be female-led."
"More women in Congress, more competing and winning in Republican districts."
"It's time to get women on stage... it just changed the game."
"I finally have a girl million dollar pickaxe. This is crazy!"
"Finally, they added a woman in the game that's actually good."
"It's important for girls to see that they are also able to become professional soccer players."
"Beyond stoked to have a badass lass in the shed!"
"This movie gives us one of the first explicitly genderqueer characters."
"Why are we forcing in females into things that are already existing just so business makes more money?"
"Reflects that the image of a female director... seems to still exclude women from being considered as artists worthy of critical acclaim or Awards recognition."
"Put more female superheroes in your movies? Well, that's tokenism."
"You can absolutely sell both sexes on the idea of a woman character who kicks ass and isn't traditionally feminine, but only if she's also hot."
"What about this pose has anything to do with the character you're building in Tracer? It's not fun, it's not silly, it has nothing to do with being a fan Elite killer. It just reduces Tracer to another bland female sex symbol."
"Jeremy claims all male adaptis Cadre faction had always featured female members."
"Games Workshop had specifically chosen to highlight a battlefield story concerning a female custodian."
"There's so so many different ways you can be a hero not just through strength and big muscles and powers."
"I've always really liked sometimes the female equivalents of the male characters x23 whenever she's basically female Wolverine really interesting depiction."
"I want to embody gender envy for everyone at all times, including myself."
"I don't think the existence of a female protagonist in a video game makes it 'woke'. It all comes down to how you write that character."
"For me, I want to give women viewers more than anything, those movies that guys have embraced and consumed for the last 40, 50 years without giving consideration to the woman viewer."
"Female main characters are a must on Disney Channel shows."
"It felt like it wasn't always the case but at least for me growing up there were lots of representations of like very strong very compelling very multi-dimensional like female protagonists."
"I recreated myself in female version but today we have the pleasure of create myself in male version."
"Start writing women as full and complete human beings."
"Out of 20-plus Marvel films, this is the first one without any 'woman power' moments."
"The biggest issue with the film concerns the female characters."
"Harley Quinn just sort of transcends gender in that way."
"In order to write a strong female character, keep these concepts in mind."
"Our male characters are also really fully formed."
"It's amazing because there are two female directors nominated this year, and only one female director has ever won this award."
"Phil and Lil are already drawn nearly identically despite their gender difference."
"Just this past election we almost had a female president."
"So many shows can't make a single compelling female character like Star Wars."
"Scarlett herself might be one of the best female characters ever written for the screen."
"I refuse to perpetuate these stereotypes with these girls. I won't do it. They're better than that."
"Female characters are front and center, not just eye candy or plot devices."
"I love the fact that there is a female main character."
"Auburn's daughters deserved better characterization."
"What's President of the United States in 2015? Apparently, it's a woman."
"One final thing: female protagonist. Awesome."
"It's rare to have a hero that follows his intuition especially a masculine presenting one so unapologetically."
"It's important to me to highlight minority genders."
"It's opened the door not only for writing the ship in the DC Cinematic Universe but also for female-led superheroes to join in with the boys and have some fun."
"Marvel Studios struggled to incorporate female characters into the MCU in any meaningful way."
"I think women are allowed to have one or two action franchises every 17 years. I feel totally fine with that."
"I think it would make sense to hire a female filmmaker."
"Men have been over sexualized in the media as well, mainly to appeal to the female audience."
"I'm really excited that Marvel has a female character in its title."
"Hanji and Ymir are both great examples of how to write a female character."
"The girl turns against these two males and that is why the dungeon requirement is to enter with at least one female."
"Women don't get enough chances to be funny on TV."
"A girl has been named the heir to the iron throne for the first time ever."
"Images of women as factory workers, scientists, air pilots, and senior officials were promoted since the 1930s."
"Marla is the film stand-in for women as a whole and is the only woman with a speaking role pastthe first act."
"The ax2 mission will see the first female commander of a private space mission, Legend and former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson."
"I'm all for representing females in a way where they're empowered. I have no problem with that, but don't do it by emasculating or taking away from men."
"What took Disney so long to show women who could do things, you know?"
"But we should also be able to have films where the girls get to girl even when they're scientists and war heroes."
"Eighty percent of the writing is already done. I mean, look at this character that used to be a man and now it's a woman."
"I hope it isn't thought of as a girl's movie. It's so much more than that."
"Women are overwhelmingly portrayed as victims to evil men who wish to do them harm."
"Annie Clark, better known as St. Vincent, stood out as a woman in a scene that had become heavily male-dominated."
"The issue isn't the heroes are women but rather that because the heroes are women the movie gets this false sense that he can do less than it otherwise would have to in terms of who the heroes are, the actions they perform as well as the world they inhabit."
"who says female characters can't make it in comics not us"
"who says female super teams don't sell you couldn't prove it by us"
"Luke includes more female characters who consist that these characters have important roles to play."
"I thought the film did a great job at not showing 'girl power' or 'let me take off my armor mid-battle to show I'm a woman'..."
"It's like Disney's going to dig through the archives to find the one female version."
"I just love that they made at least one of the killers a woman."
"All-female remakes are the big thing."
"Having those strongly written female characters whose gender didn't matter to their role and didn't have to look a certain stereotypically feminine way is part of the reason why I think bionicle became so popular among trans women."
"...every single video I've ever found on this is all by dudes. This would be a fun change."
"I really appreciate that Dinosaur Planet is good at giving the two sexes different color schemes."
"I don't know what fun... I don't know what his problem is. He was like, 'You're just mad because Han Solo gave the Millennium Falcon to a [__] girl.' And it's like, cool, dude. Yeah, let's use that position that you have to report this absolute nonsense."
"Female characters who are written into dead end endings of being support, sacrifice, or erased."
"She's arguably like one of the best female characters in the X-Men universe."
"It was a real shelf breaker for me when it was called to my attention that there were only like six female names in the entire Book of Mormon."
"The new Captain Scarlet franchise had its very first female captain."
"Both of these officers appear to be female and are wearing these really cool tricorn hats with their long hair incorporated into them."
"Enough talk about men writing female characters; we need more talk about women writing male characters."
"The good news is that there's nothing stopping developers from evolving their gender representations and making more women heroes in their future games."
"The way he talked about women in his music was just less objectifying."
"This was raising some eyebrows because the team is a majority of women or girls."
"It also featured the first ever female White Ranger."
"Is pushing female characters just causing more harm than good, or are male fans really just women haters who can't stand strong female characters despite all the evidence to the contrary?"
"She's the highest-ranked woman on the list, and that's just as important."
"She was often the only woman in the room."
"Female focus shows are capable of writing multiple men as rounded and dynamic but male focused shows can only do that with one woman who has to be romantically connected to a main character."
"Does Hollywood actually have a problem with how they are written?"
"Now women are 50% of the world's population, maybe more, and I know that there are many, many more brilliant performances by women of all ages and all races waiting to be revealed by some great writing, so let's look forward to that."
"Depictions of men change when there are genres that are targeted to women and made by women."
"Overall, 46% of our candidates were women."
"Honestly, it's a female heavy night at the CMA Awards."
"Three women in the top 18, not bad."
"Presented women as regular people, which we are."
"Hollywood did have its own specificity... even if only found in the organization of looks around gender and the spectacle of a female star."
"The X-Men have always had great female characters."
"My personal favorite out of all of them is Muzan standing well with Muzan; see this is male Muzan but behind him stands his female version, which I think is incredible."
"In the top 100 grossing films of 2019, 66% of speaking or named characters were male, and 34% were female."
"I want the female gender to be represented in a way where they are major characters and have major roles."
"2% of the top 100 grossing films are directed by women. They're the majority gender, 51% of the population, and 2% of the storytelling done by Hollywood is done by the majority gender."