
Governmental Response Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"In 2018, the UK appointed a minister for loneliness, and there has been talks in other countries to follow suit."
"In the United Kingdom, where post-pandemic excess deaths in similar demographics also persist, a government-funded independent inquiry is underway."
"I can't control what I can't control, but I can control what our government does and I can control what support and information and health services that we can deliver at a time of real great crisis."
"No mention of terrorism... skepticism met the Secretary of Homeland Security."
"The honking is upon us, the freedom convoy has reached Ottawa, Justin Trudeau has fled the city to an undisclosed location."
"This commitment signals strong US leadership in response to the outbreak."
"Food shortages topple governments they turn moderates into revolutionaries a food shortage is a big deal you don't want one but now we're getting one just a little over a year into Joe Biden's presidency."
"So instead of addressing any of these problems our leaders responding in the one way they know how they're throwing more money at the problem and in the process devaluing the US dollar that we're going to desperately need to stay solvent."
"The Chancellor is keeping it constantly under review and is considering what more we might be able to do."
"We've done a great job and I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about Mike Pence, the taskforce, I'm talking about the Army Corps of Engineers."
"The people of the United States have not failed in their need, their registered of mandates that they want direct, vigorous action."
"There's not more that they could have done heading into January 6th." - Aaron Davis
"We're gonna look at it but we will look at ending funding yeah because you know what they called it wrong."
"This president has a really historic coronavirus relief response."
"It's going to help us meet the moment of the climate crisis."
"The federal government has had two months to put itself on the war footing, which means that you look at every element of solving the problem."
"The idea that governments can come and clamp down on something that's come and gone within like essentially the peak could be about three weeks."
"Every single public official dropped what they were doing in Canada to handle this."
"The Chinese government is taking extreme precautions to prevent backflow."
"New York state has also declared a state of emergency, as well as the cities of Chicago, El Paso, and Washington DC."
"The drama of mascot towers has forced governments to act on the national defects issue."
"The state was quite rattled by the Occupy movement."
"How the Filipino government reacts... it's going to impact Filipino lives the most."
"Inflation drops out of the floor, and next thing you know, policymakers are panicking."
"Isn't it amazing how this country was real quick, real quick Congress was able to find the money for major corporations, airlines, and others who were impacted by COVID?" - Dr. William J. Barber
"Are we going to see a national shutdown? I think that's really hard to see."
"The scariest day of my life... we were going to be needing 130,000 ventilators... this is the system we inherited."
"The Chinese response was driven by a lack of bureaucratic red tape and an ability to manifest action."
"I love this because this is people speaking out these governments have to pay attention when enough of us rise up and I don't mean you have to go tear them apart just you just have to make yourself hurt so they understand what's at stake."
"I think there are enough people in the United States, both on the left and the right, to recognize that the precedent that's being set by the Canadian government here and how they respond to this is very dangerous."
"Our house is on fire, and it seems like they're doing nothing to put out the fire."
"Throughout this pandemic, the federal government has seemed extremely reluctant to provide aid directly to individuals."
"In the face of this epidemic tsunami, the Xi Jinping government has chosen to lie completely and utterly flat."
"The quarantine of tens of millions of people in China is consistent with the WHO’s regulations."
"These balloons scare the hell out of me. What are you guys going to do about this, man?"
"Solar panels and wind turbines don't poison our water or pollute our air."
"As soon as the virus arrived among us, our democratically elected governments eagerly abetted by their preferred scientific advisors threw away all the plans they had had for dealing with a pandemic."
"If these European governments neither acquiesce to the needs of their people nor are replaced, I fear there will be violence."
"Our administration is in constant contact with local and state authorities and we will not rest until that job is done and done perfectly."
"The mayor Garland at doj will issue a very public statement saying that this is wrong which it is and therefore preserve for grandchildren our justice system."
"One of the things you did, Andrew, and I think this country owes you debt for, is normalizing cash relief."
"The government has reacted swiftly with stimulus, unlike in '08-'09."
"Cryptocurrency is one example of a response to that."
"Violent crime is a serious problem." - White House addressing rising crime rates
"Sure it hurts my business, but did you or anyone in your administration talk about the potential effects of the virus?"
"Is the FBI finding out about crime the same way I am?"
"I'm glad that they're trying to do something but they're not doing enough and I don't sense enough outrage for what the Supreme Court did."
"Reports like this have the power to instigate real change beyond just what the government's already doing."
"We need a seamless package. You cannot not give us a stimulus package; we need to do this right now." - L8
"Republican senators are likely to sharply criticize Biden administration's response."
"The Federal Reserve announced this morning that it will provide up to 2.3 trillion dollars in support to businesses, states, and local governments."