
Constitutional Principles Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Everything that we do on a daily basis, everything done that we do here on the show, is only backed by the enormous force and might of the American military and the amazing commitment that the men and women of the American military have every single day to keep us safe and to enshrine constitutional principles not only in the United States but for our allies abroad."
"The Constitution was premised on being on both a deep trust in the tolerant nature of our citizens and an unshakable belief that our diversity would be a source of strength."
"Promote the general welfare, it's like right there in the Constitution."
"We are a nation defined by principles and values that are enshrined in the Constitution...but when you take a look at how we're actually governed, we don't believe in any of that."
"Debate is at the core of our constitutional republic. Shared ideas inspire collaboration and innovation."
"The next time someone tells you that there were no voter irregularities anywhere in this election, tell them to read this lawsuit."
"It's not supernatural it is super natural as in very natural it's the blueprint of our brains these ways of knowing and communicating with a way of all our human ancestors."
"Equal treatment under the law is one of the defining principles of our constitution."
"If you're not willing to apply the rules universally to everyone, then we're not even talking about a constitutional regime."
"They do not stand for American value, they do not stand for the Constitution, they stand for autocracy."
"The constitution was written to limit the size and scope of government."
"The positive history of the great promise of America as manifested in our Declaration and in the Constitution."
"The Constitution, our structure of government, the separation of powers between the branches... is the genius of the founders."
"The rights the majority do not trample the rights of the minority. That's why we have a constitutional republic."
"The Constitution is built for moral and religious people."
"It would return us to the sensible process envisioned by the founders."
"I remain optimistic, I think that we actually can see a restoration of self-governance and of constitutional ideas."
"Separation of church and state shields our shared laws from religion's influence, ensuring equality. It frees us to come together as equals and build a stronger democracy."
"No office in this land is more important than the principles that we are all sworn to protect."
"It's a fundamental principle of our Constitution that members of parliament are able occasionally to vote against government."
"Equality means we are equal before the law pursuant to the Constitution."
"This case emphasizes the importance of upholding the principles of the Constitution even in the face of intense political pressures."
"The spirit of the US Constitution lives in Bitcoin."
"We don't have a king, we don't have a monarch, you don't get to do whatever the hell you want when you're president of the United States."
"If we do not agree on our constitutional principles, we literally have nothing keeping us together as Americans."
"The Declaration of Independence lays out the principles right... governments are there to secure man's rights."
"The principles of the Constitution are really laid out in the Declaration of Independence."
"Honor the Constitution, secure our borders... uphold the Constitution."
"The only way that you can make the Constitution spring to life... normal people doing what the founding fathers thought would be the safeguard of our freedom against tyranny."
"This conclusion is inescapable precisely because the appearance by dent of a subpoena is a legal construct, not political and per the Constitution, no one is above the law end quote."
"Why not just go back to basics when the constitution wasn't working?"
"Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and amongst that, your right to life is your right to defend yourself at all costs."
"The tools the founders laid out are why we've been able to include more and more groups in the American experiment."
"There's no religious test in the Constitution."
"Powers not granted to the federal government fall back to the state and to the people."
"The Constitution begins with the words 'We the people,' not 'them the experts.'"
"We have certain inalienable rights, nobody can change them. They come from God."
"The Constitution is written around eternal truths."
"...constitutional principles matter and that they're different from regular politics."
"In creating our constitutional republic, the framers endeavored to create a government strong enough to defend itself and the liberties of its people, yet limited enough that it would not destroy those same liberties."
"The Declaration of Independence was the platform upon which the Constitution of the United States had been erected. The principles proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence were embodied in the Constitution of the United States."
"Free speech is a hallmark of the Constitution."
"The Constitution embraced two principles: separation of powers and federalism."
"The entire axiomatic principle of the United States Constitution is that all men are created equal."
"Our forefathers were so adamant in the separation of church and state."
"No group of people can fail to answer up to the constitutional standard of law by name and principle."
"She has absolutely understood the principles of a constitutional monarch."
"I've lived a life of service dedicated to upholding the principles in the Constitution."
"By demanding that the principles of the Constitution be strictly observed, John Marshall stepped between Aaron Burr and death."