
Church Role Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The responsibility for discipling your kids is not primarily the local church but it's primarily you."
"If the church doesn't talk about it, then how do people know where to turn to get the true help that they need?"
"Bound the strong man and now his body hands and feet the church is plundering the house."
"I don't want my church ever to be considered a stage because in this culture a stage is a place for entertainment not a place to meet God."
"The job of the church is to free everybody and to love everybody into being all that they can be."
"The church has now agreed that in situations like this she's not essential."
"The church is the pillar and ground of all truth."
"The church was never ordained to take over the political system."
"The church has been seduced into abandoning the greater kingdom for the lesser kingdom."
"The church needs to see that as a four-year respite for us to now get active."
"There's an opportunity here for revival, yes, yes."
"The church doesn't start and end in these walls, you are the church."
"I think this is a wake-up call for the church to get back to the business of meeting the needs of people."
"The oil is for you to be the church, not just to have church."
"The purpose of the church is to preach against sin."
"The healing of America comes from the forgiveness of the sin of the church."
"The Church is supposed to teach and mother Humanity, not follow whatever the topic du jour is." - Deus II
"Over one million dollars given not to the church but through the church."
"The church is the place for sinners for people to come to and be loved."
"It's time for the church to step up, to be loving, bold, and caring."
"The heart of the church should be, 'How can we get you resource? How can we get you help?'"
"What does Church look like in the hour of Crisis?"
"Any church that does not value and utilize and recognize the giftedness of its women is a foolish Church."
"I believe the hope of the world is the local church."
"A lot of black people go to church because they cannot afford therapy."
"Every church should be an embassy of Heaven."
"We are facing that final confrontation where the church is going to have the opportunity to really become the church."
"The world has lost its mind, but even more sadly, the church seems to have lost her soul."
"The greatest thing the Holy Spirit can do in the church right now is search us and purify us."
"The church is the answer, and God's doing a work in our day which we wouldn't believe if he was to say it to us."
"My dream for our church: Known for being the best neighbors, always so encouraging, cheerful, and unselfish."
"God wants to fill all things through the church, not just fill the church."
"The church doesn't belong to me, it belongs to God."
"Evangelization is the mission of the Church."
"Children are the most marginalized, vulnerable group in the world."
"The church should be a refuge, a safe haven for children."
"He's accompanying those other people in the church."
"The church ought to be helping to follow Jesus' standard."
"A church is really good for keeping people happy."
"The church must get back to demonstrating the kingdom of God."
"We are called to read the word, we are called to encourage one another and build up and edify the church, we are not called to break down and vilify."
"It's the last, we're at the very end, it's a late hour. What we need to do is make sure that we are not pretending to be the church, but we are the faithful church."
"Hey, Church, be a real [__] and just acknowledge it."
"It's not Trump... it's a referendum on the church about what they will do with the Ten Commandments, 'thou shalt not kill.'"
"If church is simply a place to learn life application principles to achieve a better life in community, you don't need a crucified Jesus for that."
"The church should not be in the giving them what they want to hear business... it should be in the truth business." - Unnamed speaker
"The church should be living as they've always lived... opening their doors to both saints and sinners."
"The church needs to come out of hiding; it's long overdue."
"The church is designed to equip believers to lead in their area of gifting."
"God is gonna move through men, God is gonna move through his church, the body."
"The church was left here to fulfill the plan."
"The church is the key to the moral order of a civil society." - Unknown
"The fundamental calling of the church is to bind and to loose."
"It's not the same premise as during the abolition... it's not the same premise as during the civil rights... why do you think churches... are so susceptible to this narrative?"
"The Church of the 21st century must be a church of wisdom, skill, diplomacy, and application."
"God is more interested in you than you are in him."
"We're facing a crisis right now in this nation and Mark said it beautifully, the nation is burning not because of the political structure. The nation is only as healthy as its church, just remember that."
"The church needs to be a place where people could say, 'This is the safest place that I have.'"
"The Silence of the American church today on a host of issues is precisely similar to The Silence of the German Church in the 30s."
"Church should get us out of sins, not condone sin and encourage us to be sinners."
"The church always goes beyond national boundaries."
"My hope is that the church would be the church that we should be and we would be engaged in all levels of society."
"The church should be leading the way in reparations."
"Prophets declare Heaven's will, the church declares Heaven's outcome."
"Everything in heaven can be settled, but the job of the church is to declare on Earth as it is in heaven."
"The church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength through sacred scripture."
"The church has done a horrible job with helping the church understand the God who they are seeking a personal relationship with."
"Most apologetics books don't talk about the institution Jesus came to start, which is the church."
"The church is not the kingdom. The church is basically, listen to this, the educational wing of the kingdom."
"The weapons of our Warfare are not carnal... when a church decides to quit wasting the Holy Spirit on itself... points the gifts of the Spirit at the nests of hell."
"The Catholic Church could be and would ideally be the main center of resistance to these three schemes."
"The Catholic Church recognizes that it is called to teach the gospel of Christ in matters of faith and morals, not to rule on scientific theories."
"The church does not owe you anything... You're there to receive all that Jesus has freely paid for."
"How great would that be for the rest of the world to see the church standing up?"
"A real church should convict you of your sin. You should feel the conviction of the Holy Ghost."
"If a church provides for the training of your wife and children, they're helping you live in sin."
"Churches need to be this place, have become this place, of like the socials, the Sunday morning social club experience..."
"True reconciliation happens in the church with forgiveness and God's love."
"The church is like a carrier, we come to find new spiritual strength and then engage the world."
"The church needs to step up and get in the game."
"The holiness on him, the glory was so strong that we fell and we couldn't get up."
"The church is called to be first responders that God loves the first responders."
"Where is the help in the church? We're so quick to diagnose people... but do we actually help them?"
"The church really does foster and offer us a reason for hope."
"But that's not God's plan. We, His people, His church, we're the plan of God to evangelize the world starting with our neighbors and our nation and the nations."
"The role of the Deacon is to be of service."
"Their whole terrorism of the tongue in the church is to be a servant."
"The greatest weapon of the enemy is ignorance, the greatest procurer of the greatest weapon of the enemy is the church."
"The Emperor has an important new role within the church here."
"When the church comes together, the world begins to change."
"The church is supposed to connect you to God, teach you how to have a relationship with God."
"People with disabilities give the church an opportunity to serve sacrificially. They're the audiovisual aids of God's power, showing up best at their churches."
"The job of the church is not just to help you spiritually, but also meet your need naturally."
"Women were expected to teach in church in biblical times."
"Give your church the grace in this time to be as a saving remnant among the nations, reminding all peoples of the divine majesty under whose judgment they stand."
"The church takes its proper role in God's redemptive plan for the world."
"The church needs to awake to an apprehension of her mighty place of privilege."
"The church is like a body, a human body; in your body you have a liver, it filters out poisons. People that have the gift of discernment are sort of like the spiritual liver of the church."
"The role of the black church is to defeat an unaddressed spirit of anti-intellectualism."
"The church, in many senses, was the upholder of civilization in this respect."
"Church at its best ought to address where you really are."
"The church isn't a museum for good people; it's a hospital for the broken."
"The church does more than any other government or institution in the history of the world to help people in need here and now."
"Please be mindful, the role of the church is to make sure that people who are sincere in being transformed into the likeness of Christ will have access to the church."
"Jesus gave us the Church as the means through which we have access to His saving truth."
"The church is not a resort full of perfect people; it's a hospital where folk come to get better."
"I think if the church gets back to being a witness in a dark world, she will regain her beauty that Christ intended for us to have."
"The church is here to make us know that Christ is with us."
"The church is neither essential nor non-essential; the church is transcendent."
"The church is not a fortress, not a ruler, not a lofty castle that looks down on the world with a distant and arrogant look."
"We are spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers. The church does not exist for us, but we are the church and we exist for the world."
"But the hands of God is the church."
"The church is the place of edification."
"When we cease impacting the community, we cease being the church."
"The church was at the very least a cornerstone institution that took care of those in need."
"The purpose of the gift of prophecy in the New Testament church is to speak to men for edification, exhortation, and consolation."
"The keepers of the oil... our job is essential in the church."
"The essence of church is to equip you, not to entertain you, to equip you to do the work of ministry."
"The Church exists to provide the doctrine, the authority, and the ordinances necessary to perpetuate family relationships into the eternities."
"The church in these last days is to be the light of the world that is polluted and demoralized by sin."
"The problems in the culture should not be the issues in the church, and that the church should be the first place that people should go when the culture is in upheaval to find what it looks like when biblical unity is at work."
"The church... should always be a place where people can meet God."
"We need to look more holistically about the role that the historic black church has played."