
Journalistic Integrity Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"We're fact-based, and we believe in a range of opinion."
"I am never going to write a story about a company based solely on the information the company gives me."
"We just follow the truth. We have no agenda, and we have followed the truth wherever it takes us."
"I'm a newspaper reporter. It's my job not to be impressed. Every time I've fallen for being impressed, I regret it."
"I'm firmly on the side of my viewers and readers."
"You're really attempting to document reality... that's dedication to the truth."
"One of the things we try to do here is never fear the truth."
"A free press would hold all government officials equally accountable."
"The mainstream media is totally ignoring the story and they're protecting the perpetrators."
"No one would ever call Huntley or Brinkley enemies of the people."
"It was a very disingenuous at best article if not outright false."
"It's not about being first, it's about being accurate."
"Investigative reporting tests and affirms what is moral and what is not moral."
"I think you made the right decision... if you cannot 100 verify something you don't report it out correct even on even on that one percent of doubt."
"I think it is possible to both be transparent about your role in a story and rigorous about reporting on it."
"We just cover the facts, and Steve, I think, is really good at sticking to the data."
"She writes what's true and she cuts through all the bs fearlessly."
"We cover the stories the mainstream largely ignores or buries or spins and we try to cut through all of that. We Have No Agenda on this show."
"No media bias it's just astonishing I love it so much in the New York Times doing yeoman's work to prove just how ridiculous they are every single day."
"Trust in media is so low for reasons like this."
"Journalists are trying to lie, they're refusing to cover, they're arguing that people should stop covering an academic paper that disputes their personal political opinion."
"Eric was gloriously unimpressed by reputations. He was the implacable foe of journalistic laziness in all its forms."
"The anchor should try to be louder than the liars."
"These stories shouldn't be about broad character judgments, they should be about the fact pattern."
"You gotta show us the evidence, you can't just ask me to believe you because you are a New York Times Reporter."
"I give Brett Bear a lot of credit, he cross-examined Trump and held his feet to the fire."
"We have a good friend Patrick Lancaster that can definitely tell you that that's not the case."
"Not trying to lionize Michael Wolff here because there's issues there as well but pretty incredible to see Brian, and, and Seltzer doesn't know what to do he's never even heard it before."
"I've always had an obligation to objective truth."
"Even if it's real news. That's it. And Veritas, the ones who expose this, are the ones accused of being the fake news. Isn't it amazing?"
"The need for unbiased news: exploring alternatives to mainstream media."
"Media's coverage of FTX Legacy Media has been the single greatest failure I have ever seen in terms of narrative honesty and objectivity."
"Explore this beautiful world through honest journalism that is based in truth and tradition."
"It's so important for news organizations to clean up their act, right, understand that, hey, maybe we need to revisit our training in journalistic ethics."
"The more the media look foolish, the less people are going to believe what the media tell us."
"Journalists are supposed to report the news, not suppress it."
"How can news be objective when the owners are personally invested in the various companies that would likely deserve scrutiny?"
"Our commitment to factual reporting is the foundation of our credibility."
"Most journalists understand... there's always some error baked into the reporting that only comes out later."
"We need to rebuild and protect a diverse and truly independent press."
"The improved facial animations increase bone rigging and nuance of expressions."
"Disinformation is always going to be more powerful than the corrections that come afterward, even with the best efforts of journalists." - John
"Journalists who tell the truth serve the people."
"Journalists habitually getting it wrong are either incompetent or fantasists and have no place as journalists."
"You can blame the media too. My respect to the Associated Press for calling this out."
"I believe that my job is to cut through those narratives to expose to the public."
"Anyone who presumes to try to attack or manipulate the press for his own purposes should be made to realize his mistake."
"If we had a healthy media system, we would be swatting away there would be a line around the block of outlets that wanted this story."
"Modern media outlets do not air dissent; they squash it."
"We have to make sure that you tell the truth and keep it to the facts, what a refreshing change in news that would be."
"Anna aims to tell the truth about Ukraine and Russia's war and cut through the noise and propaganda."
"Without the facts we cannot have agreement and our badly divided nation more importantly without the facts we cannot have an honest disagreement."
"Our business is to tell it like it is without fear or favor."
"A writer's job is to tell the truth, his standard of fidelity to the truth should be so high..."
"I hope more journalists ascribe to that in the future because I think it would bring some credibility back."
"If there is a certain bit of news reporting that's true but would be offensive to our audience, we don't report it, we side with the audience."
"Fair stories present both positive and negative viewpoints."
"The media's priorities: 'press Freedom issue has completely vanished. Job done.' 🟢✅"
"The central question journalistically remains incredibly simple: are the emails true or not? If they are, it's a story. If they're not, that's also a story."
"The sketchy information, you put it out there. It's in the public interest. Let's find out whether it's true or not."
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"Every writer's kind of expected to follow a certain spin. But then, most news stations do that to an extent, but not really to the extent that OAN really pushes it."
"When Fox News challenged Sidney Powell, Tucker Carlson was like, 'Where's the evidence?' and everybody fled."
"If you want to stop being called fake news, stop being fake news."
"Everything is legal, but it's wrong. Every reporter should be on fire to get the truth."
"Most important things to me in journalism: get your facts straight, provide people information they can use to make informed decisions, give voice to the voiceless, hold those in power accountable."
"Tonight, we are retracting the story. We don't know whether the information is accurate, but the fact is we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that, I apologize."
"You're not sensationalizing anything, you just report."
"The only thing worse than me being wrong is me being wrong and then giving you a false impression."
"He treats these cases as if he would any other one, boldly reporting on them."
"When you run journalism like this, bad things will happen."
"But that's not to say there isn't a good egg at the 'New York Times.'"
"I really loved being a journalist, I loved having journalistic independence, I loved being at The Intercept, you know, I started being a writer because of my own individual personal beliefs."
"I don't believe in pretending to be objective at the cost of transparency."
"We will never lie. It's going to be as honest as a news organization has ever been."
"If we make a mistake, we correct it. That's what journalists are supposed to do."
"As this channel goes, I always try my best to get both sides of the story."
"My understanding, as my job as a reporter, holds up my responsibility to the public outmatches my responsibility to protect the reputation of any particular scientist, scientific discipline, or government agency."
"You are frauds you are liars you are damaging our country by deceiving your readers."
"Tough accountability questions, not softball slow pitches."
"I think the truth is the hardest thing to. And every time you say, 'We're gonna do the truth,' there is a moment of like, 'Okay, we're gonna do this guys. We're gonna say this.'"
"The best journalism that I've seen goes and collects individual stories."
"We can't just have anonymous sources tell us something that we're like, well yeah, that's clear just because we want to hear it."
"The media has no excuse. This is literally the media's job to report on things accurately and they are not doing it."
"This still doesn't mean journalists can just lie about everything."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"Is it beyond the pale that British tabloids make up stories?"
"The most important thing you could have as a journalist is credibility. You never want people looking at your work and thinking you're a liar."
"The job he's doing of contextualizing and being informed on why this dispute is happening, on cutting through and critiquing government lines, is the job that journalists are supposed to be doing."
"We need a trustworthy mainstream media and then we'll trust them again."
"Viv, you're not bringing anybody. What the point of your actual interview is if you're not actually interested in getting answers?"
"When it's journalists, then the world ends." - Ben Shapiro
"The U.S. government goes after journalists." - Host
"The press has played a tremendously important role as watchdog over the government."
"We want them to do the right thing, report it when it happens and not conceal and obstruct, which is what Trump did."
"Fundamentally, that is the one thing that if you fail at, you have failed as a journalist."
"Facts over narratives." - "He publishes this piece pursuing facts and not narratives."
"There's a line between reporting news and manufacturing it."
"God bless them, USA Today is putting their foot down. USA Today fights the FBI subpoena demanding records that would identify readers in a Florida shooting story."
"For doing the kind of reporting we do, no one debates us. They don't challenge us on the facts. What they do... is they try to de-platform us, they try to censor us."
"The articles are free from the influence of big Tech corporate media and socialist and Communist forces as well."
"We think we should challenge the people in power. That's actually what makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"Seek the truth and report it." - Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair.
"Dear Fox News, it has come to our attention that you have been alienating the American people by propagating the left-right divide. You have sacrificed your journalistic integrity for the dollar."
"What's the point of the fourth estate if the media is only going to take the government line?"
"If you need to tell the public, 'hey, we're real journalists, we promise,' then maybe, just maybe you're not as good at your job as you think you are."
"The New York Times truly is a garbage outlet, which we knew, but this is a whole different level."
"One of the foundations of my work as a lawyer but especially as a journalist is that any kind of power in the hands of authorities will be abused."
"His journalism was distinguished by a deep commitment to unearthing the truth and exposing the consequences of acts, notably those of the United States and the United Kingdom in international affairs." - John Pilger
"People read our stuff because they want honesty."
"We have to be just here, not just for the audience, but for the many non-Muslims who follow AP and secondly for the Muslims who are taken in by this new approach of Islam."
"Just because you're an opinion columnist you can't just put out falsehoods you know you still have to back it up it's still journalism you still have to back it up with facts and the truth."
"It's really bad, it didn't just violate our own standards for what constitutes clickbait, it violates our editorial."
"It's not just a news article, it's one man's passionate thoughts."
"The press is not there to be their stenographer or their public relations department."
"The press's responsibility though is to make sure that we're informed of the real information, that's what they're supposed to do."
"Journalism where brave men and women gave voice to the voiceless."
"As long as you're in constant and tireless pursuit of getting as close to the truth as you possibly can, you can make it in this business."
"When you believe it's okay to put down the tools of objectivity, then when it comes time to pick them back up, most won't have the will, motivation, or wherewithal to do so."
"The media decided to throw their lot in with the government, not to do what the media is supposed to do."
"Thank you for opening up the door for outlets like mine to step up and do just the bare minimum and tell you guys the truth."
"If you're truly in it for the right reason, you remain silent and just do the coverage."
"We are journalists, and it is our job to learn the truth."
"Facts matter, and that's all you're ever going to get from us here on Political Beatdown."
"Reporters and journalists don't care what happens? We think we should challenge the people in power. That's actually what makes you a better journalist, not a worse one."
"The media's job is to honestly and accurately convey reality to its viewers."
"As journalists, we can't just report things that aren't vetted with multiple sources."
"There is truth in journalism where brave men and women gave voice to the voiceless."
"Daily Mail is reporting that they have the receipts, that they have the documents, that they have the emails proving that Joe Biden was the conduit."
"My job is to say what I think is true whether he's saying it or not. If he does something good, I praise, and when he does something bad, I don't."
"This is why journalism is dead it is a bunch of spineless doughy jellyfish that's what I can say."
"Keep reporting the truth. I will as long as God gives me breath. Thank you for your donation."
"I don't let anyone give me a check to talk about their cryptocurrency project. I want to be able to have the real conversation about whatever the topic may be."
"I feel like it's a win for us in the sense of the media actually calling people out. I really do appreciate Scott Pelley pushing back."
"Why you're not using them is beyond me. I would much rather see a well-thought-out reporter's package live from the field."
"We don't chase after current affairs or ambulance chase or anything like that."
"The real motto of the New York Times is, 'Do not significantly alienate those on whom we depend for access and money,'" Layman revealed.
"Put our money, our time, our eyeballs, and our resources into people who are dedicated to pursuing the truth."
"I'm honest when I'm doing reporting, but this is my opinion."
"Genuine journalists are willing to destroy their opinions with facts."
"I think we have a responsibility to present things... sometimes if a story has been super overhyped... it's up to us to parse the difference."
"It's almost no journalistic establishment that is not touched by this."
"If it's truly so dangerous that everyone within fears for their lives, why do these news outlets feel the need to be dishonest?"
"Journalism is supposed to be about going after the facts and then holding folks accountable through those facts."
"This pro-establishment bias of Laura Kuenssberg."
"American Jeopardy I mean that's a serious charge to make the times has a special obligation is stature and it still has a staff."
"We are trying to show the truth... meanwhile we're being silenced because all we are trying to do is go on the ground and show people what's actually going on."
"Talking to critics has always been a crucial form of journalistic accountability for me."
"Our media is supposed to be our watchdog for government, our media is supposed to hold our government accountable."
"Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy."
"They fired their best reporter Ken Rosenthal because he dared to write something critical of the idiot commissioner Robert Manfred."
"Credibility is the only thing we have, our videos are about telling facts and getting stories right."
"Not all heroes wear capes, and not all reporters are only interested in capturing the next scoop."
"There's never been one redaction, there's never been one piece of evidence that's come out that has been proven to be false."
"They're not journalists, okay? They're people who call themselves journalists. And if you're a journalist and you don't believe in open debate and free speech, and you think other people's ideas make you unsafe, right, you are not a journalist."
"Dedicated to trying to find out the truth, that's pretty new."
"The New Yorker spends more money on fact-checking today than it did in the past."
"There's no shortcut to trust in media. The only way to get it is by doing a good job over and over again."
"If you ever do decide to sit down with someone from dishonest media, you keep them honest."
"He believed in things beyond just the market mechanism beyond profit beyond money beyond opportunism and he believed in the truth as a journalist."
"You're abdicating your role as a journalist."
"Your job is to tell the truth. If I can't do that, I'll get a different job."
"You had a tough night when you wind up in a grocery store and have no idea how."
"Suspending the account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate."
"That's what journalism is about being critical of the government."
"Journalistic Integrity is that what we do around here?"
"This is a guy who writes for places like New York Magazine, and yet was willing to tell the truth."
"I can't continue in an environment where fear of funders is more important than journalism itself."
"To start, much of what you know about this car is wrong, and it comes from a single shoddily crafted story by an otherwise talented drag racing journalist, the late Chris Martin."
"Screen Rant needs to hold their writers to a higher standard of accuracy."
"I think journalists have a responsibility to, if they don't have the facts, to not spread rumors and falsehoods."
"Every journalist should be a good fact checker and it's absolutely the responsibility of a publication to check the quality of the information it's putting out."
"Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information."
"Our industry is about seeking the truth, and I'm proud that as a journalist, I can make a small contribution to try and find the truth."
"The overarching commitment to neutrality, objectivity, the mechanisms for correction have resulted in something that's pretty good, pretty rational."
"At the Ferguson Chronicle, we vow to keep it 110 all the way across the board."
"She really got a reputation for integrity."
"It is the job of actual journalists to ask the legitimate questions and to look into these things rather than just trying to inflame the conversation for political brownie points."
"We're trying to get to the truth, we're trying to do real journalism here."
"I'm not a danger to anybody. I don't have any weapons. I'm just a journalist asking questions like any other journalist would do of his government."
"Relentless pursuit of the truth is the goal."
"Harris believed in printing the truth, no matter who got hurt."
"We haven't let the business side of things dictate how we cover that story."
"The accuracy of the story had also been confirmed with an FBI spokesperson to whom the entire story was read before publication."