
Parental Responsibility Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"The responsibility for discipling your kids is not primarily the local church but it's primarily you."
"You have to pay attention to what is going on with your child, whether they have mental health issues or not."
"I never gave up, I never ever gave up, and I never stayed out there doing bad things. I always went and tried to get better for my kids. You know, they need me, and I'm not gonna stop."
"The single best gift that we as parents can give our kids is to not live in their basement in the future."
"When it comes to our kid's education, it's our duty as parents to encourage and push them."
"Think about your baby and don't mess things up for them before they have even had a chance to live."
"We shouldn't be leaving this responsibility of giving your kid a fair chance to the parent, right? That's nuts."
"I don't want that to be my kids, the decisions that I made today impacts that."
"Parents, it's your charge and your responsibility to guard your children, your sons, and your daughters, from any harm."
"Look at your own health, and if you love your children, join us in fighting. What we need to find is a just fight. It's the right fight. It's the right cause."
"Who's going to teach your children how to live outside of the box, who's going to teach your children how to walk on water? You've got to do that thing. Your mom's life is depending on it, your father's life is depending on it, but more importantly, this world needs to see the power of what Jesus can do when we surrender our lives to Him fully."
"Your job is not to upset your husband or whatever; it's to constantly protect your child."
"This is about our children...this is about the inheritance that we leave them."
"You are your child's advocate, and there is nothing wrong with getting your child an evaluation."
"We can't sit at home and watch our children die. It's not worth it. We have a responsibility to our future generations and to our neighbors now to do something about it."
"My kids have become Tolkien fans as well... he looked me in the eyes very sincerely and he said, 'Dad, please don't f this up.'"
"Parents have to also realize we have some kind of a responsibility for them because the burden is a big burden right now on kids."
"If a man has a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman, you don't leave the child."
"Parents should be uncomfortable with their kids being hungry because they don't have food. If you're not uncomfortable with that, you're being a bad parent."
"Cut up yet you want to be able to look into the past and say, 'Did I do the right thing when things were uncertain?' And I think this is one of those opportunities that you have as a parent and in life to advocate for what's right, do right by your child."
"Your duty is to love your child, to guide your child, and to advocate for your child."
"If you are a parent, it is your responsibility to know what your children are engaging with online as the world becomes more virtual every day."
"What ladies, we are the Safeguard for all of this. We need to understand how we got to the public education system; it is our children's lives and Futures that are on the line."
"I want her to look back as an adult and say we stood up on the right side of this."
"A man who demeans his children's mothers publicly but still lays up and creates children with them."
"I have my kids at home. Please help me, please. I can't take it, please."
"That's what people wanted. They wanted it to be teaching in schools. They wanted it to be a responsibility of specifically the parent because they."
"Just do the bare minimum to take care of your own kids and parent them and teach them how to be contributing decent members of society."
"No village is responsible for your child. You and I are going to be held eternally responsible for what happens to our children."
"Parents have been given the sacred responsibility to support, encourage, and train up their children." - Kirk Cameron
"The real solution is for parents to be parents."
"I mean I have a paternal instinct to protect my child."
"Would you be willing to sacrifice your kid to this indoctrination for the sake of comfort?"
"If parents cannot feed their children, nothing else matters."
"You are directly responsible for the life your children inherit."
"You didn't provide the necessary care for your daughter."
"It's always a red flag when the parent of a child is not the one who reports them missing."
"The scariest feeling in the world as a father is to have a hungry kid and say son, here's some food but I have no money."
"Being a parent means being responsible both online and offline."
"The parents never go to jail. The parents never get charged for buying these kids guns illegally."
"Parents, you need to be fully aware of what's coming at your kids."
"You want to protect your children? Begin with yourself."
"The accountability has to be put on the biological mother and biological father for not loving your children enough to get in a position like this where they..."
"We must make a different choice... for your children and everything is going to degrade."
"If you can't protect your kids, then you ain't a mother or father."
"If you personally are not sure about this child being yours, handle that on your personal level. Don't give the government or the country that responsibility to handle your [__]."
"When you send your younger kid to school, that is an act of profound trust."
"When children need something, they need it all the time."
"Moderating your children's sugar intake is one of the primary responsibilities of adulthood."
"This is not just about inflicting violence on a child; it's about not taking action to protect that child."
"The loss of his son and the forever reminder that he's responsible can never be explained or forgotten."
"If YouTube can't keep these videos off their site and parents can't be bothered to keep an eye on what their kids are watching then they honestly shouldn't be giving their children a tablet with YouTube."
"Yes, your child gets a high school diploma. You as a parent issue the high school diploma."
"Substituting ammo and emotional accusations for discourse that is reasoned an evidence-based is a huge mistake."
"When assessing the education your children should undergo, their education should be the absolute top priority."
"Jacob, you have six children, do you not care about their future?" - "Your six children are heading towards a future filled with life-threatening extreme weather events."
"Even if there are good intentions at the end of the day, if you strip everything back, your child is a prop that you're using to make money."
"I can't imagine abandoning my children, man. It's hard not to imagine the psyche of a man who can truly turn his back on his actual sons, on his actual blood and creations. It's mind-boggling to me." - Brian McKnight Jr.
"If a man creates a child with a woman...he should take care of it."
"Children, I think that is you realize somebody else's happiness is more important than your own, and that's a very important thing for a man."
"What kids actually truly need is guidance. I think they need purpose and meaning given to them by their parents and by their community."
"It's sick, we live in an upside-down world. We don't protect children anymore, it's like parents' job is no longer to protect children, it's to ruin their innocence."
"If we don't discipline them and disciple them, YouTube will disciple them."
"I might have to go and make sure that they're awake so that they don't miss the bus and so that they can go to school."
"The decisions that you make today will define the lives of your children's tomorrow."
"Parents do not get that many rights without having that many responsibilities and you have responsibilities to your daughters and your son's you really really do."
"Parents always find a way to blame everybody but themselves."
"It's important to protect the most vulnerable... I would do anything to protect my child."
"What kind of parent uses their child's emotional trauma for awareness."
"If you don't want to break this cycle for you at least break it for your children."
"Mommy wants to apologize to you guys for everything you've been through."
"Kratos gives Atreus room to figure himself out, to make his own decisions, and crucially, his own mistakes."
"What do we do about this mess? You have to protect your kids."
"The only thing you have in life is to protect your children to some extent."
"Let me educate my kids so they could have a chance to live a better life."
"I'm not playing about my black children anymore."
"People need to believe their children when they see something honestly."
"We made the decisions that we felt as parents were the best decisions for our family and that's all that it is."
"As Christians, we can't let the world teach our children about human sexuality."
"It's people like straffan that make parents like you and me think very carefully about how we control what happens to our children during that period of existence called childhood."
"Parents are responsible for the moral upbringing and moral education of their own children."
"Parents should be protecting their kids more so than the government interfering with what a network can or can't show."
"My ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised eight-year-old daughter. She now has chickenpox and is in the hospital."
"Your children's future often falls on your shoulders."
"It's like paying a nanny to raise your child and then you come back 10 years later and say, 'Hey, kids!'"
"My mom's constantly holding my addiction over my head, it's a never-ending cycle and I feel like I can never win. Avery was with me nearly two years."
"I will do what's best for my child, that's putting your child's needs ahead of your own."
"Why have kids if you're not going to take care of them, Daddy?"
"I mean what a responsibility we have because it is up to adults to train your children."
"Don't let your kids suffer or go untreated just because you don't want to have the kid that's on medication."
"The principle that you are responsible to and for your child should apply in the womb just as much as it does outside of it."
"The role of the parents is to become that safety net."
"I knew I needed to be a presence in my kids' life."
"He's still young, he's only six. If there's something inside of him that isn't him and you have the ability to help him, I feel like he's owed that."
"If you don't affirm your child may kill themselves."
"I truly am ashamed of a lot of the stuff that I did. I don't look forward to having to explain to my son one day that, you know, his dad was in prison and that I wasn't always the man he now knows."
"Men should be held accountable for the child that they bring on this Earth whether you like shorty or not whether you [__] up and she kept it on you she gave up plan B."
"It's not the artist's responsibility to tell your children what to listen to, you are the parent."
"Children should never be asked to carry the burden of their parents' secrets."
"You have to pull your children out of [Public Schools]... we cannot seed control of these schools to the woke."
"My biggest thing to me is my son, you know what I'm saying. I've already been away from him for a little minute before and so I, I told him you'll never have to worry about it, to be going being gone, you know what I'm saying, no more."
"Please for the love of God if you are a parent be wary and Vigilant on the internet."
"You are putting your child at risk I know that sounds like a lot of pressure but when you become a parent you are accepting that pressure you are signing a life-binding contract."
"Secure the children first, no matter how bad it's between the two of you."
"We black women are raising these black men. When do we take responsibility for how we let our boys act?"
"Parents must be vigilant about what's happening in their children's schools."
"We cannot give our children the biblical worldview if we don't have one."
"Good news entitled mom... you are not only at fault but going to be charged with theft and destruction of property right."
"I'm still young, I'm not going to leave a daughter abroad to die because I haven't told her that dudes are men."
"Parents must engage in aggressive prayer and belief for breakthroughs in their children's lives."
"Expect to be subsidized by the other parent, even if proven not to be the biological parent."
"One of the reasons why we left the yard is because I just didn't, I just didn't feel comfortable growing my child around an alleged pedophile."
"Our children and our country are depending on us to protect and preserve the ideals that make us who we are as Americans."
"I don't want to have to raise some asshole that I don't fucking like."
"The father held authority over the child, but it would be the mother who would be the primary caregiver."
"What excuse does a father need to fight for his own children?"
"Empowering parents to protect their kids, making sure communities share information that could save lives."
"Children are born good... it's the job of the parent not to [mess] that up."
"If you're putting your child in a situation where you have to tell them not to eat and to malnourish their growing body for the sake of Fame and money that is sick and you need to go to therapy."
"The kid didn't come out of my balls. It's not mine."
"You have to believe I can save my children. I have to."
"Children have a right to their parents acting responsibly to protect them."
"It's inappropriate for a parent to sell their children's trauma out for profit."
"You're still posting your child either post them or don't post them at all but just don't exploit them."
"Your child is here because you weren't [ __ ]."
"We're asking you to keep them out of the reach of our children."
"The shame is in when you have children and you mistreat them."
"Real dads stay solid for their children no matter how hot it gets in the kitchen."
"It really is a damn shame but we cannot forget that parents also take responsibility because education starts in the household."
"It is up to parents to tell their children about these things, not for schools."
"When you have good parents in a divorce, they don't try to make it public."
"Your daughter right now is saying she needs you, are you feeling me?"
"Dear God, I have a seven month old. Doesn't he deserve a future?"
"Even this detail as damning as it is, the fact that a mother would not report her daughter missing for 31 days, it's still not true, it's even worse."
"I think dad's off to an excellent start and he just needs to honor that playtime so that he can bond with the boys."
"Everyone is trying to disciple your kid, everyone is trying to get to the mind and heart and soul of your child."
"What we want most is to pass a better world and better country to our children."
"Keep your commitment to creating wealth for yourself, to taking care of your children."
"I want to make sure my young ones don't make mistakes and stuff like that. I just want to be a good example."
"There's something in your head that allowed you to sacrifice your children, and no apologies change that."
"It's not any of our jobs to raise your kids."
"Why would you not take priority into what you are putting into your body especially because I have a young son, I want to be here forever."
"It was a bad decision, a bad split-second decision that's left his two children without their mother."
"Abortion is not just about when a mother doesn't want to take care of her kid."
"If your son or daughter had sufficient evidence that they were talking about committing an act like this, a school shooting, would you be capable of taking them to law enforcement and getting them arrested or would you try?"
"Because again I have I have kids and this in particular is what I deal with uh not just personally but also because it's there in front of them it's in the books it's at the schools it's online it's."
"What do you guys think? Should Olivia's parents be punished for this hardcore?"
"It's not ideal but at its core, our parents who have lost their kids for doing shitty things to their kids, it sucks for everybody."
"But overall, doctors and parents alike are weighing the options and saying, you know, that the symptoms of myocarditis are not great."
"Protect your children and that makes you a hero."
"If you make the child, you have to father the child. End of story."
"The child is here, it's a living real human being. So do you think that baby gives a damn about whose fault it is? All the baby knows is, I'm hungry."
"Parents have a fundamental role in the education and upbringing of their children."
"Having lost his father at a young age, Prince recognized the importance of being there for his kids."
"Greatest gift you can give your kids right now is that their dad is okay."
"I deserve to give my son that kind of a life, you know, because I missed a lot of my son's birthdays."
"Parents owe it to their children to leave a sizable nest egg."
"You were just trying to be a good dad. Just wanted to give faith what she wanted."
"It's a child and it's your child it just boggles the mind you go through the trouble of creating a sentient being and then proceed to put it through systematic torture during its formative years."
"Your daughter comes first, she needs a protector here."
"Yes, because at the end of the day, this is his daughter."
"Your children deserve a fighting chance, don't put yourself in a position where you are the only one caring for them."
"Parents are the first line of defense for their children."
"I will not allow people to abuse my children."
"Why would you serve the last meal to your own children if you thought it caused food poisoning?"
"If you're not investing right now you're missing the opportunity to do something great for your kids."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing?"
"At the end of the day, that little boy looks up to me."
"Parents need to demonstrate that the kids are actually getting educated... you need to protect the kids life their Liberty and you can't and kids can't protect themselves."
"We have developed the notion... we adults are responsible for every bit of our children's development and therefore we have to more or less constantly guide them supervise them teach them."
"You don't know your kid's birthday... like are is there something wrong with you?"
"If I can take someone's power so I can always protect my kids... I get it."
"Only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life."
"I did this lie detector test because I want my kids to know."
"I totally accept it and I would absolutely stay with Oliver I would love to push myself to you know step even into the role of also taking care of it it's absolutely possible."
"Two wholesome people are not gonna leave their three daughters at home."
"My kids' well-being is my number one priority."
"I got a boy that's about to become a teenager... I have to make sure I have everything that he needs to make him be the person that my father made me or better."
"Parents have a duty to put their children's needs first."
"Why not vaccinate their kids? There's plenty of other things that are hard as parents that we can't do. This is one that we can."
"It's our responsibility, our cherished responsibility, to instill our values into our children."
"You got a dose of reality and made the very best decision for you and your kids."
"I will never leave my children the way I was left."
"I gotta protect my son. She's gone. I gotta protect my son. I can't have him going to prison for the rest of his life for an accident."
"My children's life depends on me to build them a better world."
"I want to make sure that I'm able to give my kid the attention and care that they deserve."
"Everybody owes it to themselves and in particular their children to advocate for them to be more scientifically literate than they are now."
"A good father is mean be there for your kids a hundred percent. Give your kids whatever it needs to be better than you."
"Logan getting bitten in the face by Bowser is entirely on the parents in my opinion."
"Parenting is one of the biggest responsibilities on the planet because what you're doing is you're raising an individual."
"We really do hope they'll reconcile for the sake of their children."
"Do you know where your children are right now?"
"I share custody, so I don't have to deal with anybody making unilateral choices about my kid."
"I expressed my lack of trust in her capability to safely and responsibly care for our children given her recent Behavior and the ongoing legal issues."
"The future is in women's hands, uh-huh. Exactly, exactly, exactly."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"The thing that made me change my life was my kids."
"Baptism is being reborn in the death of the waters and being reborn in Christ and we would absolutely be remiss and honestly I would say bad if we wouldn't want to give that to our child the second that we could negligent."
"As a father, you do everything to keep your family safe."
"Parents in this country are really clamoring to be empowered to have a conversation with their children about when their children are ready to be on social media."