
Conceptual Thinking Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Does a straw have two holes or one, and why?"
"Try to have in mind the high-level ideas rather than the individual moves."
"A concept is an idea that underpins your project."
"Human beings are smart, and we have a big brain. We have a very sophisticated conceptual apparatus working out how that actually works and that it works effectively and successfully."
"The original question we asked of what happens if your bank offers you an imaginary interest rate isn't totally insane and in fact at least it's insane for money but it's not insane as an abstract idea to pursue."
"You take infinity and you divide it by two, what do you get? Infinity."
"Bitcoin came into my Consciousness... thinking about the nature of money."
"The reason why the Higgs boson is a concept is hard to grasp is because you need to stop thinking of the world in terms of particles; you need to start thinking of it in terms of fields."
"It would fit the vision of what God is better than anything else."
"Concepts will change the way we think about it. It's not just a hope."
"I couldn't even think of this solution without concepts."
"Language is an app that he gave us it's not just a set of words it's the capacity to give names to intangible things."
"The point of the game is to demonstrate our polarized reality of dark versus light, or the false light and how these sides are actually two wings of the same bird forever braided together to accomplish a shared goal."
"Our primary job is to describe our world and the logical possibilities that aren't realized in our world."
"You can now enter the fourth dimension, project it into the third dimension, and see a result."
"A different narrative is needed, one that is both scientifically sound and deeply insightful."
"The entire plane of existence that we're on runs on this thing called currency or dollar or money which is an energy."
"Alternate universes? Heck yeah! I think that's really cool."
"Time is a shared concept. Nobody has precedence over time; it's a very unique concept."
"Pushing conceptual boundaries and reducing ideas to concise concepts."
"It's not a small idea, it's a brilliant question."
"Reality has no limits; it's a concept that gives you a lot of freedom."
"Think of it in terms of organs for me at least is very helpful because the concepts aren't as literal as some other kinds of questions that you might have."
"If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you need to think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration."
"Mathematics is the foundation of all creation, design, and life. You exist within a grand mathematically generated illusion."
"Negative areas, which make no sense in reality, must exist as an intermediate step on the way to the solution."
"Sound is waves, and so you have the peaks and the troughs right. Physics is violence, physics is violence, that's where you're going."
"I think it would be really cool to be able to have parallel versions of your life."
"Bigger things are built from smaller things."
"We're in this amazing position where we're still within the human metaphor."
"I'm not saying a time period. I'm saying a step function."
"What if the thought you're thinking is actually a new thought, a new concept, a new technique that you've never thought of before?"
"Do you think it's possible we don't notice that what the singularity actually feels like is we just live through it?"
"We have the ability to manipulate time. Time does not matter to us."
"I think conceptually, it's an interesting idea, and I think the movie would have been great if it wasn't for the movie."
"If the toys in Toy Story died, the kids would keep playing with them like normal but the other toys would be playing with their dead friends."
"Jumping timelines but I don't know if I'm articulating that right."
"It's completely mind-blowing that we can even test these crazy ideas."
"This fantastic idea, like the replay button on the universal iPod, could reset the cosmic concerto of human history back to the beginning."
"To think about it as a personality is a much more intelligent way to look at it."
"Sentient food is hilarious to a point, but then it undoubtedly always gets dark if you think about it for even a little bit."
"If you think linear, you can walk 40 km, 30 miles, or 40 steps and you get to 30 steps. But if you think exponentially, you can go to one billion."
"It's fresh, it's new, and it's smaller brother... everything about sitting here says, okay, well, I've got some interesting ideas."
"Where does innovation come from if it doesn't come from imagining what doesn't already exist?"
"Everything has to do with energy, that's neat."
"It wasn't a role model, it was more of a concept. Exactly, I understand. Yeah, it was a concept because the way I grew up."
"It's kind of like when something drops in a pond, what the ripple effect will really lump be, you know, what is the design that will come out of it?"
"We need a word for things that get better when you throw them on the floor." - Nassim Taleb
"Mathematicians... beyond the uncertainty principle... descriptive of experiences of human consciousness."
"My intent is to get scale-based thinking out of the way of love in action."
"Almost any problem has to do with this concept of constraints."
"What if the world was actually 3D and you were just a 2D flat character that could only move inside a 2D plane?"
"I loved the idea it never hit me until then but just Giants don't have to be physically giant."
"Imagination is the workshop wherein we fashion the purposes of our brain and the ideas of our soul."
"One thing I try to tell people... you cannot conceptualize the world in your modern perspectives."
"The concept came to me when I saw this quote that said a graveyard of ships left a forest of masts crowding the San Francisco Bay... I started thinking a lot about pieces of a forest, elements of the forest."
"Apple's AR glasses have been a source of speculation for years."
"What I want to talk about tonight is something that I've been thinking about... the entire working principle of this general vague idea is the idea of distributed intelligence."
"What isn't a duality? You're starting to see just how powerful this notion is."
"How can you be conventional when there aren't even conventions that exist?"
"Creativity is more so making connections between already existing ideas."
"Create parallel ideas and concepts that lift up your entire brand."
"They want to have equality so the ability to appoint two points for the same x and y's."
"So it's a great reason to embrace this idea of different timelines."
"So what I'm proposing that we do is start thinking of quantum stuff not in the way that we usually do within physics but rather expressing it to ourselves and thinking about it in terms of object-oriented programming techniques."
"We are literally a living geometric field animating a human form."
"Red pill is just sort of this amalgamation of ideas."
"It's so easy to criticize but it's very difficult to perform art because art requires thinking and all same concept."
"Infinite diversity and infinite combinations."
"Every word, every thought, is vibratory energy."
"Clarity is the sign of a lifeless concept; when philosophy is clear, it is not generative."
"Bias understandably has a very negative connotation but I am simply applying bias to where your attention is, not what your beliefs are."
"What a concept! The vastness of the universe has never been so meme worthy."
"The theory of relativity really should be called the theory of absolutes because space and time are relative but space-time is absolute."
"Talk about thinking outside the box or in this case Inside the Box."
"Marketing is about having a really good central thesis and a mechanism."
"Love doesn't even have to have parameters. Love is the most freeing concept in our world."
"Schizophrenia is the disease of the human condition; then polyphrenia, the orchestration of our many cells, is our expanded health and dance."
"It's all fractal concepts of the same exact thing."
"The mind is a system of fields, just like the fields of your mobile phone."
"The best example I have ever heard to explain what an extra Dimension is is the analogy of flatland."
"Music started when recorded music didn't exist. That blows my mind."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"If your pizza gets infinitely great it'll turn into God, if your pizza has infinite size, infinite power, and is eternal, that's not a pizza that's God."
"The existentialist riddle: existence precedes essence."
"We're moving beyond matter. I just can't imagine what... can you try to talk a little bit more about that?"
"What I'm interested in and it's so right for this year is what I want to call the physics of creation."
"An egg actually is a chicken because, think about it, it's an unfertilized egg. It's like a chicken period."
"Think of a radio where you can only hear one frequency at a time; the parallel universes beside us are at different frequencies."
"Creative people have a hard time living in the created space because most of their time is living in a space that's not yet created."
"I like that there are things in this world... that cannot be simply put into a box." - Mr. Ballen
"Is money real? Well, let's think about V bucks for a moment."
"A verb is an action, right? It's an action. Imagine your life without verbs. I don't know if it's possible to live a life without verbs. Verbs are so important. The verbs are the engine of the car."
"Consensus reality is a word you need to think about."
"Every one of my books has a shape, and this book was sort of football-shaped."
"As if you raise the energy or the plane of the group by one level, it is as if a flat circle has become a sphere."
"Even if we empty it and there is nothing left according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that nothing has a weight."
"Language allowed us to gossip and talk about things that weren't strictly physical and in front of us. It gave us access to all these concepts and ideas that weren't, well, they literally weren't available to us before that."
"You can ask a child to imagine getting your father... going back back back back back... and you would make the whole gamut of change from human to fish."
"Always remember to consider the conceptual simplicity, yet structural complexity in the world around you."
"The possibility of happiness exists conceptually in your consciousness, is the possibility of its realization."
"The golf ball paradox is just what happens in the limit as the number of faces of your container approaches infinity."
"Reality could be understood in mathematical terms."
"What if the roads themselves were turned into the bearers of right?"
"Just the concept, I mean, just the idea that plants have self-defense chemicals in them. Once somebody hears that sentence, I think it can kick-start a chain of events."
"It's an idea that some of you may not be ready [for]."
"The brain is actually a laboratory... it builds those concepts and ideas... to come up with a new understanding or an enlarged box."
"That's a pretty mind-blowing concept, I'm gonna say I love it."
"The challenge of modern science is to think much more carefully and subtly about the world that we inhabit."
"Let me know down below what you think about the concept of playing from the villains' perspective."
"Income inside your mind, that is a different reinterpretation of income. It doesn't cost you a thing to income, it causes nothing."
"Once again it was a creative process, you know, if you want to think in those terms."
"Most of these are concepts, like a concept car."
"Illogicality is a defined feature, not a design flaw."
"Do not count the versions, do not identify the dimensions."
"That's just the way to think, a glitch, yeah."
"You're essentially in an alternate dimension."
"This is actually pretty interesting as a concept."
"There's a very fine line between art and science."
"I don't think in English or Japanese, I just think in raw concepts, just raw ideas."
"functional languages are moving towards a more pure conceptual way of thinking"
"To be a strong true art director needs to have the following skills: the first and very important is to be very conceptual. Another skill would be to have extensive experience in design, ideally 10 to 15 years of experience in all things design."
"Would you rather live in a world with Whimsy or without Whimsy? A world with Whimsy or a world without Whimsy?"
"I always think that if you see it as in an ideal world."
"I do think conceptually this is probably a better idea than a whole different spin-off show."
"I brought a very early works of me. It is almost like in the 20th century, around the date right after my school days. At that time, I didn't have any project, so I tried to think about something really conceptual and something could be the basics of my architecture thinking."
"Understanding the market from a conceptual standpoint is really important."
"Focus on the ideas behind the actions."
"Once you have ideas at the heart of the model, you start to open up and start thinking about a lot of new things."
"The whole paradox thing is brilliant."
"I'd say it's more about philosophy of math or of a trickier way of thinking about what math is."
"A mind powerful enough to bridge space and time."
"Breaking down the concepts of the ways that we might experience the world on a theoretical level makes a certain amount of sense."
"There is a thing called a tesseract, which is a four-dimensional cube unraveled into three dimensions."
"It's a history that's sensitive to the conceptual categories with which people think."
"Reasoning is the conceptual faculty uniting your content by means of logic."
"Surviving on the conceptual level means noticing the novel things in everyday life that help us achieve our goals."
"Imagine the Word of God without religious groups."
"I don't want to be living in concepts."
"You should really be able to think of these matrices as a whole, without having to break them into little pieces."
"It's about the concepts that it makes you think about."
"How is architectural drawing different than just drawing or sketching? I want you to ponder that."
"The more flexible your mind is, the more you're able to think on your own and think conceptually, the more satisfying and fulfilling your life will tend to be."
"Higher dimensional objects being infinitely greater arises from the idea that additional dimensions add new degrees of freedom and possibilities."
"We really have to think within this world of pictures in the very way we have learned to think in the ordinary physical world."
"What's fascinating about this concept is that we can see the Matrix behind everything and perform math on it."
"If you combine all of the entire set of objects into one conceptual universe, you have one big embedding space that describes the entire reality that we believe to be part of."
"The real magic is in reimagining of the mind."
"If you think of infinity as a thing, you get into awful trouble, although actually, mathematicians do think of infinity as a thing."
"Find math that has a good number sense, that really embraces conceptual thinking with math, that approaches math as something a puzzle, a mystery that celebrates the beauty of math."
"They look awesome, they're fresh and unique, they're filled to the brim with smart and awesome Concepts."
"It's like dreaming about a notion of changing point of view, changing the referential which is at the basis of relativity."
"It feels like the problem is the way we think of Star Trek universe, is that we think of an evolutionary step, a development, but it's in the future."
"Think about things conceptually, think about them in terms of edge and where your edges lie."
"Can you conceive of the fourth dimension?"
"The awesome blossom is a great way to start thinking about how to make amazing space engines."
"Mops can reduce a lot of that clutter and let you think a little more conceptually rather than technically."
"Remain still, do not struggle to come out of the mind of your concepts."
"Atomic physics is much more fascinating than miniature billiard balls; we need to bring in entirely new ideas far away from our everyday experience."
"It's fundamentally important that you have an understanding of this conceptual framework."
"Greater generality requires a different point of view, different terminology, different language, and a whole sort of reorientation."
"We shouldn't falsely concretize these concepts, but we have to have concepts like this; we can't think without them."
"It's really cool to think of these vectors as just being additions of other ideas."
"And to do that, let me propose that we introduce a fundamentally new idea that, frankly, among the ideas we explore in computer science will kind of bend your mind a little bit."
"It's a very general way of thinking about behaviors."
"Think Inside the Box because it's bigger on the inside."
"It's a really tough balancing act because I want to give people... I want people to be able to think about what they're building conceptually rather than having to worry about math or what Houdini is thinking about under the hood."
"Leadership is a more dramatic concept."
"It would be something that we can't picture exactly."
"Abstraction is the art of seeing things at different levels."
"A conceptualized response has one clear line of argument all the way through."
"Rationality and conceptual thought are fundamental human characteristics and the foundational basis of what separates us from other animals."
"You know how to think high concept, how to push out and handle drawing challenges you haven't had to handle before."