
Fine-tuning Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The fine-tuning of the universe for human life is indeed proof that something wants us to be here."
"If the strength of the Big Bang had differed at one part in 10 to the 60th power, the universe just would not exist the way that it does right now."
"I like to over direct everything back, create that disconnection, then go in and fine-tune the line again."
"Starfield has essentially been finished for a really long time, they've just taken this past year to keep fine-tuning it, keep refining it. That's super exciting to me."
"Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God."
"There is no doubt in any cosmologist's mind that this universe is finely tuned."
"The universe looks fine-tuned because it is fine-tuned."
"Fine-tuning in our experience... is always an indicator of intelligence or the activity of mind."
"Almost all atheists conclude that the universe is fine-tuned for the existence of intelligent life."
"You can really fine-tune even within the same type of brush, you can really get into extreme sort of modifications and fine-tune exactly how you're going to use it."
"This idea that the fine-tuning suggests a fine-tuner has been a persistent intuition among many physicists since these many parameters have been discovered with their extreme improbability associated with them."
"The fine-tuning evidence is really critical."
"It's kind of easy to dial in, and tweak, and adjust."
"The multiverse itself requires a prior fine-tuning."
"The universe has a beginning, the universe has been finely tuned in its basic physical parameters since the beginning or very soon thereafter."
"Our universe appears, in some sense, designed. It has finely tuned parameters that seem deliberately set for a particular outcome - life."
"Fine-tuning can allow you to often achieve a level of performance that would be impossible without fine-tuning."
"It shows the power of fine-tuning and RAG when combined."
"The universe had a beginning, it's been finely tuned from the beginning for life, and since the beginning there have been big infusions or bursts of digital information technology in our biosphere that suggests a master programmer has been at work."
"The universe is like tuning a radio. You have several knobs that have to be adjusted just right."
"The fine tuning of the universal constants is the most vexing problem."
"The fine tuning could be evidence itself for the Multiverse."
"The basic idea comes from a paper I created back in 2017 called ULMfit."
"You need to fine-tune language models to make them useful."
"Fine-tuning a model requires far fewer examples compared to training a large language model from scratch."
"...fine tuning points to a fine tuner."
"The fine-tuning design that we see in dark energy relative to what we see achieved by these MIT and Caltech physicists is extraordinary."
"The greatest promise of the theory is that it may make sense of the most confounding aspect of physics today, which is the fine-tuning."
"The cost of avoiding the intuitively obvious god hypothesis is an explanation for the fine-tuning is not just an inadequate explanation. It's an explanation that is science destroying."
"So the takeaway here is that fine-tuning can do worse out of distribution than some of the other methods, especially when the pre-trained features are high quality and the distribution shift is large."
"These first few months are so important for us to fine-tune the platform, become something special, and I hope you will follow us on this journey."
"The laws governing our universe appear to be finely tuned for our existence."
"The values of these numbers, the constants of physics, seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life."
"The fine-tuning of the universe establishes that a causal agent must be a personal being."
"In this section, we're going to learn how to fine-tune a pre-trained model specifically for question answering."
"Fine-tuning allows you to narrow the model's behavior, get more predictable outputs and bake in the style tone and formatting."
"Just like prompt engineering, fine-tuning steers the behavior of the model."
"But to me actually the prime evidence for the multiverse is to me the fine tunings. Because to me that is the mystery which needs to be explained. I think the multiverse is the best explanation."
"Fine tuning is because, well, it seems as if the constants of physics are carefully adjusted to be just right for human life."
"An attempt to depict the universe as infinite in time and space ends up having to invoke unexplained fine-tuning."
"The existence of the universe and its fine tuning as the prerequisite for life to evolve is remarkable."
"So, we would fine-tune the model. It works pretty well on ImageNet. We don't want to change the prediction that it gives on the initial. We just want to change the reasoning that it gives to that prediction."
"That was the better part of one quarter of a turn of the truss rod, and we've halved it."
"...the best alternative is that the fine-tuning is due to design, and thus the fine-tuning gives us an intelligent designer of the cosmos."
"...if the universe is fine-tuned, might that also mean that God is fine-tuned in some sense because he's perfect in every respect?"
"Fine-tuning is just a way of giving the language model, in this case, would be like chat GBT, extra knowledge by basically retraining it on a new set of Text data that is related to that task that we wanted to accomplish."
"We are not pretending to know all the purposes that were in the mind of the creator, but we are detecting the activity of a mind in the fine-tuning."
"That's a unique feature for affecting let off, fine tuning it, getting it dialed in to the setting that you like."
"...finding the point where I have the correct chunk size is not that simple because it's somewhere down there, and you have to be able to fine-tune things very well in order to really find that Optimum for your particular setup for your particular grain size."
"The universe was designed or it was like tuned so finely in a way where it's going to be impossible for life to exist had it not been fine-tuned to begin with."
"...and I'll fine tune it just with the fader at the very end..."
"The universe in which we live is very special, very fine-tuned to allow the possibility of the evolution of life."
"The laws of physics in our world are finely tuned to permit the possibility of producing carbon and eventually producing carbon-based life."
"The fine-tuning of the initial conditions of the universe is due to design."
"The fine-tuning of the universe points towards a fine-tuner, an intelligent mind."
"Can we fine-tune a GPT model and conduct prompt engineering on top of it? Does Azure support fine-tuned models? The answer is yes."
"The best argument for God is fine-tuning."
"The evidence of the exquisite fine-tuning of the laws, the constants, and the initial conditions of the universe have suggested to many physicists that the universe is a setup job."
"...all this stuff by chance existed fine-tuned to one part in 10^10^123rd..."
"The universe is fine-tuned just right so that we can exist."
"It's an unimaginably precise degree of fine-tuning."
"The fine tunings, how fine-tuned are they? Most of them are one percent sort of things... On the other hand, this cosmological constant is tuned to 1 part in 10 to the power of 120, 120 decimal places. Nobody thinks that's accidental." - Leonard Susskind
"If the fine-tuning of our universe is not remarkable, there are countless other universes."
"The universe's fine-tuning suggests that there's something special about the universe."
"Llama 2 is a collection of pre-trained, fine-tuned large language models."
"The universe that's fine-tuned for mind and life... if any of the mathematical constants were even slightly off, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"The Big Bang, the universe, the earth, the solar system, our galaxy were all very carefully fine-tuned and engineered by the Creator."
"We are constantly learning and fine-tuning our senses and our palettes."
"It's the tiny adjustments that you make that will just set your images apart."
"I didn't want to permanently fix this as I knew that come time to do the actual radio work, everything was going to need fine-tuning."
"Discoveries in physics and cosmology convinced many scientists that, yes, fine-tuning is a real phenomenon."
"Fine tuning is often deemed a fact and used to reach grandiose metaphysical conclusions by philosophers, theologians, and even physicists."
"If so, which I believe, then ask how might fine-tuning come about?"
"A foundation model is a model that is trained on a lot of data and that can be fine-tuned for a specific task by working on the prompt."
"The fine-tuning of the universe is so extraordinary that physicists, theologians, philosophers are all now grappling with what this means in terms of their own worldview."
"It was only with the chemical and biological advances since about the middle of the 19th century that evidence finally began to emerge that nature was indeed finely tuned for the chemistry of life on Earth and beings of our own biological design."
"The evidence that the basic physical parameters of the universe are finely tuned to allow for the possibility of life."
"The laws of nature have been fine-tuned for beings like us."
"The universe has a beginning, the universe is finely tuned from the beginning, and there is evidence of design."
"...we're going to collect a bunch of examples of instruction output pairs across many tasks and then fine-tune our language model."
"When I hear the word fine-tuning, I don't think problem, I think design."
"There's this joy that comes from fine-tuning what I already have in my space and enjoying simple setups from the surroundings I can control."
"And so if you have some knowledge of the system, we can now go in and fine tune the result using our experience and knowledge."
"I was able to fine-tune my skills doing physical comedy."
"The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers are very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life."
"The fine tuning of the universe is something that has come to fore in the last couple of decades where a lot of people are focusing on it."
"The amount of that energy seems to be a fine-tuning problem because it's a part in 10 to 120 of what you might have naively predicted."
"Even if you go with a Multiverse, you're back to ultimate fine-tuning."
"The cosmological constant... is thought to be finely tuned to one part in ten raised to the 120th power."
"The most amazing case of fine-tuning there is."
"Fine-tuning still works really well for GPT-4."
"The Universe had a beginning, the Universe has been finely tuned from the beginning to make it possible for life to exist."
"Fine-tuning so that it understands the overall vocabulary of the domain that you're operating in is essential."
"This is the impact of really just fine-tuning and ensuring that you've got your labeling right."
"Fine-tuning is one way that we deliver customization."
"Everyone thinks there appears to be fine-tuning."
"Our universe is finely tuned on a razor's edge so that life can exist."
"OpenAI requires at least 10 examples to successfully fine-tune a model."
"The argument from the complexity of the universe, the fine-tuning argument, is quite a profound one."
"The universe is the way it is specifically fine-tuned for life as we know it."
"Fine-tuning is the claim that conditions that allow for complex structures to develop, including human beings, depend on a few fundamental constants of nature staying within certain ranges of values."
"This universe has to be very precisely finely tuned for life to exist."
"The Creator's aim has to be accurate to one part in 10 to the power 10 to the power 43."
"It feels finely tuned, much in the way that a sports car would be tuned."
"They are like the knobs on God's console counsel and they seem almost miraculously tuned to allow life."
"The fine-tuned universe argument is the one that is kind of the most dramatic."
"RLHF is a fine-tuning approach that aligns our outputs with human desires."
"There's an extraordinary number of constants, that have to be just right, for life to arise."
"It's all about fine-tuning and applying more advanced steps to clean up the sound and make it sound better."
"That is the Elite Result. Lots of fine-tuning, obviously in a target bow, that's what archers are looking for: precision, accuracy."
"The multiverse was invented in part to explain why the rules of our universe seem to be so finely tuned."
"Saying our solar system is fine-tuned for the existence of humans is like a puddle of water in a street after a thunderstorm saying, 'Wow, this hole is the perfect size for the amount of water I have; it's as if the hole was designed for me.'"
"It's often when something is really working for you, only a couple of little tiny things need to be tweaked along the way, and it makes it even better."
"...if any one of those six numbers was just a bit different then we wouldn't be here; the universe would hardly be here..."
"The only reason we can predict this happening is because God fine-tuned the universe for us."
"I'm really fine-tuning and making sure my physique looks great and my performance is still up to where I needed to be."
"Eat the meat you enjoy and then you can always fine tune things later."
"If the early conditions or the basic laws of the universe were even a little bit different, life could never exist."
"The universe was fine-tuned for the existence of life, and specifically for the existence of us."
"The constants in terms of physics are so finely tuned, had they been otherwise adjusted, the universe would not allow any kind of life to exist."
"The universe appears in fact to have been incredibly fine-tuned from the moment of its inception for the production of intelligent life on earth."