
Human Capacity Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"God created us with the moral sense...we have the capacity to understand the universe, we have the capacity to intuit moral laws from looking at the universe around us."
"The greatest force is a man's capacity to adapt and invent."
"Aquinas has managed to balance two of the more complex realities of the Christian life: that a human, as the image of God, has the capacity for wonderful, great, amazing things."
"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
"Allah Subhanaw Ta'ala will not burden a soul more than it can bear."
"The most important thing about art is the capacity of each human being to make it."
"Physical space is limited, but our imaginative capacities are infinite."
"When you're broken, you can't go another step, so you're only 40% of the way to your actual capacity."
"We have no idea how fast we could multiply that if people got their act together and really aimed at it because you know my experience is with people that we're probably running at about 51% of our capacity."
"Mentats are the human computers of the Imperium."
"It's undeniable that the human brain does things which are far beyond what you would expect of a creature that merely has to survive."
"I think one of the things that you see in US history is that people do become as big as the circumstances need them to be."
"If you're a fully functioning human being capable of empathy, rely more on that."
"The capacity for a human being to love is akin to godliness."
"Remember: your brain - your unique, human brain has a universe of possibility."
"If it was built the entire human race alive today all 7.47 billion of us could fit inside of a building that would only take around half an hour to jog around."
"I think people have tremendous potential that's being quashed."
"It's a testimony that people can change, a thousand percent they can."
"Human imagination is one of the two things in the universe that appear to be infinite."
"Can the human race still learn from the past? Are we still capable?"
"Do you know what separates us from animals? It's our ability to learn and learn at a high level—complex nuanced big wrinkly brain things that only human beings are capable of."
"The beauty of the human nervous system, not just the brain, but the entire nervous system, is that it can rewire itself, so-called neuroplasticity."
"Absolutely no matter what it... is an absolutely amazing feat."
"She's not a good person but she's capable of doing good things."
"True story: some extraordinary people can still move even after losing consciousness and even after death."
"People are a bit like muscles where if they don't get used for a while they tend to atrophy."
"You are born with tremendous creative capacities."
"Love is literally like one of the most powerful things humans could do."
"Most people can recover from much more than they think."
"There are feasible solutions... but we can't act on the answers. Can humans develop the will and the moral and intellectual capacities?"
"Unlike any other creature on this planet, human beings can learn and understand without having experienced."
"What can we do that neither animals nor computers can do? The answer is that we can understand eternal necessary truths. We can know the essential natures of things."
"Human capacities for the most part mostly become fuel for a rather unpleasant kind of society."
"...even though technologically we have the capability... we still are limited in just our human capacity to be able to manage relationships."
"Center human capacity and excellence in research."
"The story of Millie and Christine McCoy is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for resilience and the ability to overcome incredible odds."
"You don't have to have a mindfulness practice, everybody as far as I know, has the capacity for awareness, and it's the least recognized but most powerful aspect of our being human."
"The human beings have a tremendous healing capacity."
"Imagination is the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not."
"The sum total of human knowledge is almost infinitely greater than any one human mind can contain."
"He gives us the capacity to love."
"Social business is a way to expand human capacity. Every single individual can create a small social business to help five persons."
"Once people develop the capacity for love, they lose the incentive for violence."
"Let's imagine if we could access 100% of our brain's capacity."
"Humans can handle way, way more than we think we can handle."
"Everyone has the capacity for both good and bad, and that it comes down to a combination of choice and opportunity."
"Our capacity to do both, to have these gut reactions and take them seriously but to also step back from them and perhaps reason our way to something better, fills me with wonder."
"We human beings have the capacity to rearrange their order."
"It's about strengthening the capacity of our curiosity, compassion, and courage."
"His recognition of the innate human capacity for language has revolutionized the field of linguistics."
"Our philosophy here at SEAL fit is that the human being has tremendous potential, most of it largely untapped."
"Human ingenuity will solve this problem."
"Our capacity for sophisticated abstract and symbolic thought... enables us to do some spectacular things."
"Some people are capable of dreadful things, John. You wouldn't understand."
"I believe in our human capacity to care deeply and to act collectively."
"We're supposed to be pushed, we are a being, we are a human being that can handle so much pressure, so much pain, and agony."
"Imagination... doesn't just sort of add color, isn't just about entertainment, but actually is a key capacity we have as human beings which puts us in touch with reality."
"Human beings have unlimited potential."
"The average human can hold roughly seven bits of information in their memory at one time."
"An ultimate test of human endurance."
"God has created within us the capacity to say yes or no freely, which means that we can love."
"He has given us the capacity to love people unconditionally."
"It's about that amazing human capacity that we all share to reclaim ourselves."
"Every single person on this Earth has crazy, crazy potential and capabilities."
"There is no other explanation that you can come up with other than this is extraordinary, this must have come from something outside of human capacity."
"The best one is you could fit every person on earth into this loch ten times over."
"They say ten percent of the brain is the only amount of the brain we're able to access; they don't even know what the other 90% is for."
"Human beings only use 10% of their brain power at any one time."
"The capacity of the average person to read in the world today is just astonishing; it's transformative."
"The potential of the human brain, of your brain."
"Love is the greatest thing and you don't just need love, you have a capacity to give it."
"Pushed to the limits of human endurance."
"We have so much more capacity than we know."
"All humans have a specific capacity to operate effectively; demanding more of people when their capacity is full doesn't increase productivity, it decreases it."
"The real answer is that these lineage traditions indicate to us that the human instrument has a particular ambient capacity to achieve things."
"We have the capacity to know so much."
"Environmental issues are not in the first instance technological problems, but they're issues that involve human cultures and capacities."
"The practice of meditation is not to become a meditator or a spiritual person, but it's rather to understand this capacity we have as humans to awaken."
"There is so much that we can gain by being together... it's not negotiable because of the kind of resources we have, not just the natural resources but the human capacity."
"Our capacity for culture is what makes it possible for us to live everywhere in the world."
"Most humans only use 10 percent of their potential."
"The human species has a pretty amazing capacity to be inventive and innovate."
"The brain will produce language. This brings an entirely new definition of human potential to the fore for us."
"Ecological intelligence is recapturing abilities that were always part of the human capacity."
"People already have lots of unutilized capacities; the only thing is to create opportunities for them."