
Conservative Values Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"I love the hustle. I love the idea of somebody being a stripper and working their way and becoming a millionaire. That's naturally conservative, without taking any handouts from the government. Those are great elements."
"Our raising conservative kids in a woke city, the entire last chapter is called 'Find your people.'"
"For us conservatives, we do not judge success by how many people go on government programs but instead by how many people go off into independence."
"Anybody can make something of themselves in a free market society. That is why I am a conservative."
"I'm a fan, especially of your conservative nature, but when you don't know something as admitted, you can just say that."
"What's called conservative values today are basically healthy values of monogamy, fidelity, family life, things that should not belong to one political group."
"We have to give our kids reasonable independence to develop those virtues that conservatives in particular are eloquent about: self-reliance, don't blame others, take responsibility."
"I do it because I want the black community to be better"
"I'm always going to lean conservative, I'm always going to lean towards the side that respects life, that honors life."
"You cannot tell me that it is in the conservative or American values to say that the best opportunity for future leadership is yesterday's leadership."
"No, I believe in myself. I'm a conservative. I hold the belief that fathers should be in the home. I have a belief in God."
"Republicans have the votes... we will confirm this great justice... pro-life mother of seven... and a true originalist on the Supreme Court for 30-plus years."
"Conservatives need to create a culture of demanding their rights."
"If you want to see low taxes, low regulations, lots of jobs... if you want the border secure, if you want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protected, show up in public."
"I've noticed a huge uptick in people claiming to be conservatives siding with these insane pedophiles."
"The conservative movement is tougher and more anti-fragile than ever before."
"Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
"They're using January 6 to lump in anyone that believes in conservative principles."
"Putin should have talked about conservative values and the creation of a conservative Global Alliance."
"We owe them a debt of gratitude for proving many fundamental conservative or classical liberal principles still hold true."
"Change that to where the conservative movement is actually preserving something rather than just being against whatever."
"Vivek hit the nail on the head...the foundation of all conservative social policies."
"I think one of the things conservatives fail to do is to argue vigorously for the things that they believe."
"More people in this country are fired up to be conservative and to align with conservative values."
"Conservatives view America as President Abraham Lincoln viewed it: as the last best hope of earth, while acknowledging America's flaws."
"We need a true north, and the swamp cannot be it; conservatives should not sit down, this is your last hope for the nation."
"I grew up very Catholic, very conservative Catholic."
"Often the main goal in a conservative government is to protect freedom."
"Youth and youthful 'beauty' is always going to be a draw... there is a neoconservative safety and appeal of these women who are not questioning gender normative gender at all."
"Maybe conservatives need our own vision and our own courage and our own stamina for a long-term political fight."
"There is enough of us that believe in conservative values and principles that if we get out there and we fight hard and we explain why our principles and values are better for this country and our families and our communities, we will win."
"I will never back down in defense of the conservative values that make America exceptional."
"You gotta use your voices out there you can't be afraid to speak and stand up for what you believe in conservative values conservative beliefs."
"The Republican party as we know it must be reformed and the question is will we as conservatives do what we must."
"You have to burn the party to the ground, you have to start over. There's not a conservative philosophy here."
"Patriot mobile shares your values they're not going to charge you hidden fees and they're also here's the big catch here guys they're not gonna send your hard-earned money to Planned Parenthood or other left-leaning causes."
"Conservative women actually can think for themselves just as well as men can."
"You need a great person to instill that. You can't just force it in my opinion."
"Conservative women are the happiest women who get married, have children, have a stable relationship."
"Are we gonna be a narrow party that expresses ourselves in intolerant ways or are we going to be a broad-based party that shows conservative principles but also compassion?"
"Our side, the conservative side, can play such a huge role in that and making sure that women know that they don't have to be these horrible leftist pro-abortion activists."
"Donald Trump has shown conservatives you can fight back."
"Conservatives are fun, they care about you, they're empathetic to the way that you feel."
"At the end of the day, nothing will change if those of us who love the conservative movement don't understand what can be done about it."
"Thank you for everything that you do continue to fight for us be a voice for conservative Patriots."
"All proper traditional conservatives should be espousing is to create communities that are attractive and healthy."
"Arizona, along with America, needs a proven conservative fighter that's going to stand up for the people."
"The last standing institution that holds life Sacred by standing against abortion, birth control, gay marriage, Etc."
"It shows that when conservatives and people who are not in the cultural mainstream flex their market power, they're able to make an outsized cultural influence."
"We're standing fast against the assault on our public order and republican order by the left."
"Conservatives need to be leading the charge with their experience and not joining the fray."
"Federalism, which is the Touchstone for all right-wing Maga judges and law students and lawyers."
"We will not defeat the left without every single person in this room sacrificing some form of comfort."
"We expected them to lead the return of conservative forces in Traditional Values in America without being compromised."
"At my happiest times, I've lived by conservative values."
"Common sense. How many times have we heard common sense invoked by conservatives?"
"If we're going to be conservatives in the future, we're going to have to conserve the traditions and the way of life that we've long cherished."
"We need more business people who are willing to step up the plate and support conservative values."
"What a conservatives care about they care about opportunity."
"Conservative women are the backbone of American society."
"Target is the target of boycotts from conservatives and Americans with decent morals and values."
"Forcing people to recognize they're silencing conservative thought."
"It's time for conservatives to put our money where our mouth is, it's time to replace these bastards before they replace us."
"What does it mean to be a conservative, what should conservatives be conserving?"
"Pure meritocracy is not especially conservative... they provide stability, they encourage affection for institutions."
"We have a lot of work to do as conservatives."
"What does it mean to be a conservative today? At the core of it truly is the respect for individual rights and respect for human dignity." - Brad Treywick
"Conservatives need to take back the culture. Where it's happening organically."
"Conservative women at the forefront of this movement to stop the ERA."
"This pro-human agenda is now what is going to be the future, I believe, of the conservative movement."
"We're going to vote, we're going to vote republican because we're going to bring common sense back for our children and their children and their children's children."
"We have to take a constructive conservative approach to get things done."
"Our success lies in a firm commitment to conservative values."
"Conservatives are well placed to be the champions for equality."
"Why did conservatives stop making the moral case?"
"There's two conservative philosophies... the real one based on Christian values, and the straw man political philosophy."
"We seek a GOP that pursues climate change solutions, embraces nuance, freedom, and opportunity."
"Conservatives are the only ones who actually care about human life. This is going to blow your mind, conservatives are the only ones who actually care about the environment."
"We need to be the ones now taking that mantle and getting government back in its proper role."
"I want to get in there tomorrow so that we can start advancing this conservative agenda, this America First conservative agenda that we so desperately need."
"Conservatives are defending the gains of past liberals."
"Twitter needs to be taught a lesson by conservatives. It is ridiculous."
"Conservative principles win today... and conservative principles work."
"The modern conservative idealizes the best of the past as well as the best of the present."
"If you think your life will just become instantaneously and immediately better, no matter what, you're also going to be able to stand for conservative principles."
"How do conservatives come out of this and still hold other conservatives accountable who are blatantly violating the simple political freedoms?"
"We don't support violence as conservatives. We believe in law enforcement, law and order, and security."
"Here's why I'm a conservative and here's where actually in the Bible I find the foundation for these kind of principles."
"When conservatives tell you who they are, you should believe them because they don't lie."
"Conservative fiscal policy works and it powerfully impacts people's personal finances."
"Even the judges appointed by conservative figures uphold fairness and truth."
"The proper conservative approach is not to freeze the past, it's to see it as something fertile, something upon which you draw."
"Ninety percent of our nation are good conservative, generally Bible-believing Christian folk."
"For those who don't like Common Sense conservative principles driven by the Judeo-Christian foundation, choose another candidate. It's that simple."
"Red policies, conservative policies, seem to work better."
"Conservatives are not going to be bullied and silenced."
"Real conservatives vote for Trump. Trump is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party by far."
"This is what conservatives today fight to conserve and this is what the progressive left today fights to overthrow."
"There's nothing more manly and masculine than a strong, steadfast conservative male."
"It's time for them to get out of the way so that conservatives can get our country back on track."
"The conservative movement tends to be more in favor of free expression."
"Lead by example with conservative policy, with passing conservative legislation, and showing people an alternative to what the Democrats have been using against us."
"Government growing is what the Democrats do. Conservatives are just riding the beast into taking over all your rights."
"The left fears outspoken conservatives in this country. They can't argue with us, so they have to shut us down and shut us up."
"This country still has 73, 74 million conservatives that believe in a lot of what we believe in."
"Authenticity...the more authentic conservatives are, the more open we are with our beliefs, the better we're going to connect with people."
"Flashpoint has brought conservatives to know the Lord, to overcome worry and anxiety."
"We support our police, protect our Second Amendment, defend our borders, and ensure more products are proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase, 'Made in the USA'."
"Conservative values present a far more appealing alternative... patriotism, family, faith, duty, freedom under the law, democracy, and personal responsibility are as relevant now as they have ever been."
"Vote for Alberta, vote conservative, vote early, vote now."
"Ownership of private property... sets the conservative apart from everyone else today and always has."
"For whatever history does finally say about our cause, it must say the conservative movement in 20th century America held fast through hard and difficult years to its vision of the truth."
"Our voters stayed at home; they're not switching parties, they do want to vote Conservative."
"Dating as a conservative is about dating long term; you want to find a match that's going to end in marriage."
"It's because something that conservatives do really well is they make you feel like you can always succeed as long as you work hard enough."
"Where I am absolutely aligned with people on the conservative side is on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom."
"From this day forward, we are a united party, united around clear conservative principles."
"When we have a problem, we look internally. We say, 'How can I fix it? How did I get here? What can I do to change my destiny? How can I correct this course?' That is conservatism."
"I really like Cornelius, we talked on the phone for like three or four hours, he's very conservative, just really a nice guy."
"The new Conservative Party grouping in the House of Commons will reinforce and restate those values which I think are dear to the heart not just of my constituency but to the whole of the British nation."