
Immigrant Experience Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I grew up in a low-income immigrant household, and I think the systems that are in place right now aren't sufficient enough to support people like myself or my family."
"There's something about being an immigrant coming over here it's like you just started going crazy man."
"The immigrant experience is relatable to everyone."
"I'm the child of immigrants, I feel like I need some kind of compensation."
"An American Tail is unique among children's media for its willingness to depict the crowding, squalor, exploitation and abuse that immigrants faced."
"Superman was the great longing of these immigrants to fit into society and to aspire to greatness."
"I remember coming to America the first time and something as simple as waking up in the morning when everyone else is waking up I didn't experience it for two years."
"The immigrant mentality is this is the greatest place on earth because if I work, I can actually get something."
"Living in this country is a strength for me.. I never thought when I was back in India that I would be able to help anyone, just to feed my stomach and never felt able to achieve something in life."
"We're not going to win unless we keep fighting."
"You know, even my parents, they're immigrants right? And they come out here and they don't know any English and they work so hard to give us a great life."
"It's not easy when you come to this America, your brain has to walk quick, quick, quick."
"Nomad captures immigrant experiences in a way that's really beautiful."
"And they were really living the American dream."
"My dad actually learned English when he came from Cuba in 1957."
"An Iranian immigrant to Canada defies fear for pride."
"He instantly made his way to Chinatown and found a job as a busboy."
"Can you imagine? Moving to a new country and having to feel like you need to assimilate to the country, but also stand true to your values. That is like one of the hardest things to do."
"I love the immigrant experience. These people come here, they work hard, they eat pizza, hamburgers, listen to rock music. They just become Americans."
"Martial arts really saved our lives. We came as immigrants, couldn't speak the language, constantly teased, picked on, and if I was not in martial arts, I would have died already."
"For me, being an immigrant, I have a sense of like I never know how long something will last."
"Did Irish immigrants, perhaps fresh-off-the-boat, learn the place of the Negroes?"
"Everybody has a story of their grandfather, their great-grandfather coming to this country with $14 in their pockets."
"Superman is an immigrant story, representing the best of what we can become."
"I grew up with two immigrant parents... we grew up in a 500 square foot apartment in the hood."
"I'm an immigrant, so this for me is new. This for me is the first time I see it."
"She sacrificed raising her son and daughter to get a job in America and send every dollar she could back home to her family."
"I've had a tough life in terms of being an immigrant when I was very young"
"My parents came to this country with nothing and they built their own American dream. When my dad looks at me now, I can tell I'm his American dream."
"Comment down your thoughts on this film and if you found this film relatable please share your stories of what it was like to grow up in an immigrant household."
"It's a lot of pressure when your parents are immigrants and they have come from another country to give their kids a better life."
"I'm Nigerian, you guys know that. I'm an immigrant, and my family wasn't poor or anything back home, but I definitely lived in a home with, like, my cousins and a lot of kids."
"I found it hard to concentrate there because of the bullying. I was gay, I was an immigrant who'd just moved to South London at the age of six with my mom, my dad, and two sisters, so that was quite a culture shock."
"If your parents came from another country and then they're like, well, there's all these opportunities now, yeah, they're basically saying don't mess it up."
"I have to thank my parents and being Latino, being the son of immigrants for my success because they came to this country from Cuba with nothing."
"As an immigrant, you know, I make a lot of jokes. It's like people think, 'Oh, immigrant this and that, it's very hard for everybody except the Canadians.'"
"I think it's the overall loneliness really gets you. I think if you've never lived anywhere else, I think immigrants feel it a lot more because many of us come from very warm community-based cultures."
"It can't be the Immigrant way of just work harder because there is something to say for hard work but if it's not smart enough hard work then it's stupid work it's dumb work."
"Listen, I have immigrant parents. We were poor. To her, we did. Not even if we weren't poor, we acted like we were poor. That's the thing. I never even knew. I never really actually knew because my parents just always lived so frugally."
"You're not going to find that because guess what, when you are an immigrant and you haven't even got a credit card which we didn't, we hadn't built any credit. We had no credit score. We were unknown."
"...instilled to me the amount of sacrifice that my parents had to take the the big step of coming over here and you know trying to achieve something better for myself."
"I'm not only doing it for myself. I feel like my parents bringing me to the States, all the sacrifice and risk they took to bring me here. It would suck if I didn't do anything."
"I don't think you can make better art about the Immigrant experience."
"My dad became a successful businessman defying All Odds that was stacked against him as a first generation Indian immigrant."
"Be proud. Be proud you're an immigrant. This [__] is a big deal. Amen."
"Growing up in a Vietnamese household with my Vietnamese immigrant parents, they really had big goals and dreams for me."
"Mikey's immigrant mentality and work ethic helping pave the way, his American dream was fulfilled fast forward to 2011."
"I negotiate and I love it. I'm good at it too. I think immigrants, like... yeah, power to immigrant first-generation Americans. Like, we learned that stuff from our parents."
"I came to the United States in 1987... with literally 63-64 dollars in my pocket."
"After fleeing the Kishinev Pogrom 1903, 17-year-old Clara Lemlich began working at the Gotham shirtwaist factory in New York."
"This is how most immigrant families create wealth."
"Not even being herded like so much cattle to Ellis Island discouraged them. They had hope."
"Having an immigrant background gives you a little bit of a leg up because you're not afraid of anything."
"Building that legacy as a Syrian immigrant impacting lives."
"After he came to America, my dad worked his butt off to give his children the best possible life."
"It's the very specific grief and guilt that children of immigrants often experience and that to me is what makes it so utterly heartbreaking."
"The aggressive energy of an immigrant parent is kind of what drives me."
"It wasn't easy to be an immigrant Italian."
"Squire is the adventure of a young immigrant hopeful enlisting and becoming a knight for her country."
"I'm an immigrant, you know, and the American story that I grew up believing in was an immigrant story."
"Immigrants require courage and fortitude, even when they are weak and poor."
"Every learning I have had as a new immigrant in Canada will be useful for you."
"Immigrants have made it in the USA for probably a hundred years... It's a tough beginning, and the promise is not one of an easy life; the promise is one of opportunity."
"It's a movie about adjusting as an immigrant in the United States and then readjusting your newly found American values back home with your family."
"Being a daughter of immigrants, she was expected to come here and work."
"Being the firstborn child of immigrant parents meant that I had a lot of responsibility at a very young age."
"As first-generation immigrants, you have sacrificed so much just so I can have more opportunities and live a better life."
"It's part of the process of an immigrant, arriving in a completely new country and leaving your family behind."