
Project Outcome Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You know, I'm pleased with how this is turning out."
"I think going into projects with a positive attitude, even if you're unsure of what it is that you're shooting, is going to be a big, what I'm trying to say, like it's gonna dictate the outcome of that piece."
"I am so stinkin' excited about this DIY because the outcome of it turned out amazing."
"Was it worth the many hours of work? That is debatable. Is it much prettier now? Definitely."
"I just love love love the way this came out."
"I'm actually shocked at how good this is going."
"We made something that people are like, 'That's cool.'"
"You put this much detail, this much thought and this much time into your build and you're gonna get an excellent result."
"Did it go as planned? I would say unequivocally yes."
"It's no minor miracle that the end result turned out as spectacular as it did."
"There's something to be said for just taking a bunch of really, really talented people and having them all work together to make something truly ridiculous."
"I'm pretty happy with the way that this actually turned out... I think this looks really good."
"I love it, I think it looks really, really good."
"Now it's time to see whether it was all money well spent."
"This is turning out absolutely much better than I thought it could do."
"I'm extremely pleased with the way this one turned up."
"I'm just very impressed with how this turned out."
"But I can say with confidence that the risk paid off."
"If the answer to that is not yes then we messed up."
"What'd you guys think? I gotta be honest with you, I think it came out really good."
"I really like the way it turned out and I'm just really happy to share with you guys."
"It might not be what was asked for, but I like it."
"I really like how this turned out, this is really cool in my opinion."
"This will be the result of this project, and I love how it looks in neutral colors."
"We try so hard to do many crazy things that people didn't care about."
"Even if something I make doesn't work like I've envisioned it, that doesn't mean it's a waste of time."
"I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out."
"I don't know how this is gonna shake out but I have a feeling from every like all the evidence suggests this is not going at all like Amazon anticipated."
"This piece is all finished. I love the way it turned out."
"This 5.7 liter Hemi is a great foundation for what we have planned."
"Here's how this planter turned out."
"Quality management processes ensure that the team is always learning and providing feedback, which, in turn, ensures that the project is on track to achieve its intended outcome."
"I'm really happy with the outcome of this project."
"If you've been putting efforts to secure over the last few months into some project to secure more financial stability or whatever, those efforts now you start seeing the results of them."
"What do you guys think of that? I couldn't be more happy with how this is coming out honestly."
"One of ours turned out spectacular."
"It's so fascinating, but yeah, I think it's going to look really good."
"It turned out really, really good, so I was so happy with it."
"I'm seriously so happy with how this turned out."
"I'm actually quite happy with how that turned out."
"I am so happy with how it came out; this is not what I had envisioned when I started, but I'm happy this is what happened."
"They did great, I could not be happier with the outcome of this thing."
"Honestly, this thing looks really good."
"Overall I think she turned out fantastic."
"I think that they turned out really great."
"Software design is essential for the success of a project."
"I'm super stoked about the results of how this came out."
"I'm actually pretty happy with how it came out."
"I couldn't be happier with the way it's gone so far."
"I think this was a super fun project, and I think the result was great."
"I'm happy with the way this DIY turned out, I think it's beautiful."
"This is absolutely stunning, and I love the way that this turned out."
"I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, are you happy with it?"
"I'm super happy with how these turned out."
"I'm super excited to see what your projects turned out like."
"I'm really happy how this is turning out; it looks like nothing happened."
"I could not be more pleased with how this little scrap project turned out."
"I'm very very happy with how this came out."
"Let's see how we did... that's done a very nice job."
"I absolutely love how the projects came out in this video."
"I'm very very happy with how these turned out, I think they look so good."
"I could not be happier with how this thing turned out."
"Overall, guys, I think it turned out absolutely awesome."
"But the end result, I believe, turned out absolutely amazing."
"Nothing proved further from the truth, the fairy tale forest was a huge success."
"But overall, I'm really happy with the result; I think it looks really, really cool."
"I think this is going to turn out absolutely awesome."
"What is the chance that this is gonna work? What is the chance that I didn't goof something up?"
"I'm absolutely thrilled with how this turned out with almost no cost out of pocket."
"I'm just really, really happy with how it all turned out and I hope it gives you guys some inspiration."
"I am beyond pleased with how this is turned out."
"I love how everything is turning out and looking."
"I absolutely loved how they looked."
"What are you trying to gain by knitting your first sweater project? Are you trying to just get through the project and see what it's like, or are you trying to produce a garment that will fit you and that you will wear?"
"I'm so excited with how this is turning out, it looks so cool."
"I'm super pleased; I could not tell you how happy I am with the outcome of this."