
Personality Assessment Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect, is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, that are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people."
"We took personality tests... they needed time to crunch the numbers."
"The MMPI-2 has been around since 1943, there are more than 10,000 studies showing that it is appropriate for determining somebody's personality traits."
"The Big Five personality assessment is the best validated system of personality."
"He's a mixed bag. He will always be a mixed bag so long as he doesn't have a worldview."
"Sounds like this man might be very dangerous, or he's full of crap."
"That's beside the point. I get it. He is who he is. He's the prime meridian of NFL quarterbacks right now." - "Is it just me or is that southern drawl getting thicker every season in the league?"
"There's no charismatic personality on the cast. This cast of characters is just dry."
"President Trump has the capacity of being a level-headed, reserved, and respectful head of state."
"He's a great guy, but he just doesn't have the evil in him."
"Myers-Briggs is not coming from a world view. It's not trying to tell you who god is, how you get to god, the true self, the false self. It's not doing that."
"Personality traits correlate with meaningful physiological parameters."
"He's just like so calm, he's the perfect person to play in Philly."
"You have no idea how much of a Veruca Salt vibe I got from her."
"He's a total lunatic. Look at him, he's so charismatic. He's a nightmare to wrestle against."
"Prosecutors painted a portrait of a narcissistic, self-centered, egotistical man."
"There are supernatural miracles that are beginning to happen everywhere."
"A leopard cannot change its spots and Trump ain't doing it. He's 78 years old."
"He's a bit of an unsavory character, but he gets it."
"They understand he's a narcissist, but they figure at least he is not Bernie Sanders."
"The woman is an ignoramus and she's also dishonest and she's also kind of vicious."
"Beating Trump is actually not that hard; he's a schoolyard bully."
"Everyone knows me better than Meyers-Briggs."
"He's a bully and he's a coward and somebody has to call him out."
"The only thing you need to know about Donald Trump is he’s a 7-year-old who never grew old."
"His personality seems a lot more cool and measured."
"Be careful, cuz I'm getting a bit of arrogant energy off of this Pisces."
"Is she fun? Absolutely. Is she problematic? Well yeah."
"It's a very fine line between smug prick and confident and kind of a buffoon and he manages to walk that line."
"Colbert offered a poignant reflection on Trump's State of Mind, characterizing his rhetoric as a manifestation of self-delusion."
"Disco Elysium doubles as a personality test, secretly keeping track of your behavior tallying your political ideology."
"A phone call seems much more efficient win-win you get a better feel of their overall personality I can get a vibe there other than just reading words."
"You can't judge someone by their looks. First, you have to find out what kind of personality you're dealing with before you can draw any conclusions."
"You can always tell what kind of person someone is by the way they treat animals."
"Destiny is like Kimmy for me. She is so rational, logical, concise, direct, there is no room for ambiguity."
"I'm not a psychologist but he's not mentally sick he's just evil that's all."
"A clueless ruler, but a really nice guy." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Donald Trump is a habitual liar and a grade-a chuckle [ __ ] who is bad at his job."
"People like people who principal, okay? They really do. They don't like whack-a-doodles like AOC."
"I've seen a lot of silly people, and you're definitely not one of them." - Zach
"Chris Larson is quality, he's a marrying type."
"Seems like a really balanced individual. I'm kind of feeling like you're pretty in tune with yourself."
"Bad locker room guy is a winner on a losing and losing environment."
"I wanted him because anyone crazy enough to [__]."
"Reliability: they want to take that corolla name to the next level."
"Trump's personality, his character traits, unfortunately for us, as we've seen what's happened, they're very similar to other authoritarian leaders I've studied."
"This person can be dangerous... they can be super cringe or amazingly infectious with their character."
"How much does it say about Elon Musk as a man, as a person, his values, his motivation?"
"You're like an 8.6 on the shitty person scale."
"Donald Trump just displayed his lunacy for the entire world."
"They are susceptible to being flawed, to being mentally unwell, to being just maybe an [ __ ] and not a good person."
"But I think all of us would agree that Joseph Ratzinger was not that kind of a father."
"Trump is the perfect criminal in any kind of minor to major violation of said law."
"The man comments that he can tell that ritsu is a true reader."
"She wants to kind of feel us out, she wants to know our true personality."
"Don't pick a fight with someone and underestimate their mindset because you may stumble onto sociopaths who will get back at you for being such a delightful person."
"Can you handle Uncle Ted's effervescent positive spirit?"
"He seems so unproblematic, you know, the guy just seems so genuine and nice and kind."
"People are people, and I've met wonderful people and I've met people that aren't that wonderful."
"Head over to personalityhacker.com and take our free online assessment."
"Let's put him in 'C.' He seems like a little bit of a middle-of-the-road type of guy."
"Henry wasn't just an angry child with severe behavioral issues. Henry was just a mean person who knew when and where he could get away with his favorite pastime: causing misery."
"I met him, he's a wimp in real life."
"Cody and, but even so, there's an element where it can, but we, I spoke about this. Cody can be corny. There's potential for Cody Rhodes to be corny."
"I think Toya's more now I would tell you if I thought other things."
"I think Pokey is a Gryffindor. Thank you, yes, that's nice. What do you think? Because you pioneered the streaming industry when no one else did. Thanks, cutie, and worked so hard, so I think, yeah, yeah."
"We really look at so many factors to help people assess type and more accurately type themselves and others."
"Clubs value these interviews so highly because that's when they get to understand the person that they hope to draft, not just the player."
"I'm generally pretty skeptical about personality tests."
"The Myers-Briggs carries about a 90% accuracy rate with it, so there's a real good chance that what you're looking at is who you are."
"The Myers-Briggs... it is a quick way to communicate your personality."
"The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, it's a personality test that's used all across government agencies, universities, and the corporate workplace."
"He seems to have a great personality; I think he would be a great teacher."
"I feel like Todd is one of those people who's definitely all bark and no bite."
"Find out their personality and to see if their personality fits into our culture."
"Personality tests are also used to help people interact with, work with, understand those around us."
"These tests are helpful in understanding how people go about life and what they might be like in terms of personality."
"I would rate your personality and salesmanship as a 10 out of 10."
"A more reliable test that we can use to assess personality is called the big five model."
"This is supposed to be freakishly accurate to what your personality is."
"You have ingenious mechanisms inside your nervous system that have been built in there for millions of years to try to help you assess their personalities."