
Finitude Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Life has meaning since it's finite...you only know something really exists once you see it not existing somewhere else."
"What does it mean to live an infinite life? Clearly, our lives are finite. We're born, we die, we come, we go. But life is infinite. The game of life will continue with or without us."
"Life is finite, and you start appreciating things you didn't appreciate before."
"One day must come to an end, not when we've discovered everything, but when we have discovered whatever is open to us to understand."
"It's always fun to see Arnold, and I'm excited for the couple only few Arnold movies that we have left."
"It tells us whether the universe is finite or infinite and whether it will eventually collapse or continue to expand forever."
"Life is incredibly poignant because life is not endless."
"Infinite consciousness cannot know something finite; the infinite can only know the infinite."
"Consciousness has to consent to becoming a finite subject in order to bring into apparent existence a finite object."
"Nothing is infinite, not resources, not space, not even time, and we're running out of all three."
"This was the moment of a lifetime, but like all moments in life, it all must come to an end."
"There wasn't an infinite number of creators or causation for our universe. Our causes for our universe have to be finite."
"Everything good has to come to an end."
"While our time with the show is finite, the show has garnered a lot of new fans."
"The totality of past time Craig says is finite, so anything that is a temporal existence must have a finite past."
"Life is finite. There's a clear definitive end to it."
"I could sing these songs as I often do, but every song must end, and you never do."
"The finite cannot contain the infinite."
"The universe will come to an end."
"We have a deductive argument that the universe is finite."
"The universe is finite; Brahman is infinite."
"Life feels more meaningful when it ends."
"Only when it's finite can we call it life."
"You appreciate your life more when it's like, I only have so long to live this life."
"What makes life valuable is that it ends."
"Our life is finite, it's not infinite, and in the finite time let's try to do something."
"Every adventure has to end eventually, nothing can last forever."
"Time is so finite to us as individuals, even though we treat it like we have all the time in the world."
"The finite will never be able to grasp the infinite."
"All good things must come to an end, and this trip has sure been awesome."
"The universe is finite, it had a beginning and it'll have an end."
"While we think that we have all the time in this world, we don't realize that time is limited."
"I'm convinced that the finitude of life is what gives it its meaning."
"Enjoy your games, enjoy your memories, knowing that they'll come to an end, but that's the point and that's what makes them beautiful."
"We think of time as infinite, but it's really not. It's a finite thing."
"The universe is not eternal; it's finite."
"I'm actually really excited about it, but like we know that there's an end to it."
"Happiness lies in the infinite; there is no happiness in the finite."
"At some point, the carnival has to end."
"We as people enjoy the things we enjoy, but all good things must come to an end."
"We do everything a finite number of times."
"You just have to understand most importantly that, of course not only is our own time on Earth finite, but so is the time of everyone else."
"Time is minuscule, and time is finite."
"The fact that the universe and life is going to end doesn't make this day unvalued."
"Everything in our life has an end... so at this very second exhale, stop and finally enjoy everything that surrounds you."
"For the things concerning me have an end."
"The monk is a sign that we're all finite, everything is finite, and it reminds us how well are we spending our time."
"We only have a limited amount of time here."
"The beautiful part about life, in my opinion, is that there is an end."
"The great discovery of 20th-century science is that the universe is finite."
"The sum total of all human knowledge is finite and it always will be, even as we increase it."
"We only have a finite amount of time on this planet."
"The causes of our universe are not infinite; it's finite, which means there is a first cause."
"I think it's the finite aspect of it, in some ways it's a gift because it lets you really appreciate it."
"My life matters to me because it's finite, because it's the only one I'm going to get."
"That's why life is beautiful, because it ends."
"What's the opposite of infinity? Something that has an end. And what's the opposite of a war? Okay, endgame. Infinity war."
"When you look at things within the realms of infinite after death, or the very finite which is life, your perspective will be different."
"The celebration of a life lived well, but that too must come to an end."
"The pain might be vast, but it's not infinite; it will have an end and an escape."
"Time is not as unlimited as it always felt previously in life."
"This universe is finite; this cause that brought the universe into existence must be infinite."