
Player Agency Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"So much of playing games is exploring your own agency as a player and learning what you can do."
"Armor 2.0 has introduced an unprecedented amount of player agency."
"Detroit: Become Human is one of the closest games to enter this moralic feedback loop and come out the other side without the system feeling thin, flawed, shallow, or simply an illusion."
"Detroit: Become Human empowers that rare sense of player agency by presenting touching moments that come to life beautifully on the screen."
"You feel like the game is playing you more than you playing the game."
"Immersive sims... focus on player agency and a heavy use of systemic mechanics, making their worlds feel alive."
"Through the story, you can replay it, and then you get to like a different story and different ending, and you feel like you're actually achieving something and shaping the story."
"Role-playing characters are co-authored creations where the player has real agency in determining who these people are."
"The great irony being, of course, that the game, The Stanley Parable, is itself a wonderful merger of the author's intent and vision clearly coming through while also giving players the possibility space to explore."
"Your choices in games aren't decisive in nature but instead they're exploratory."
"Player choice means you get to choose the content. Player agency means you own your character."
"I want the decisions I make to matter, and there is no agency in a world where every choice leads to the same outcome or conclusion."
"The point is that we want the player or players to have an actual agency in the world; they have a meaningful impact on how the game world plays out."
"Some of the best stories you'll find in enshrouded are the ones that you yourself create through your exploits."
"It's exciting to be seeing all these new gameplay elements come together. When combined, players should have a wide variety of missions and unexpected encounters just waiting for them to create their own Star Citizen story."
"Reward creative play by embracing player decisions and rewriting your world when necessary."
"Not every campaign will be great, but if it isn't enjoyable, you can always abandon it."
"Balers Gate 3 is the cow and they have given you the ability to carve your steak out of it."
"But if you want to define a middle point between blank slate and authored hero - Commander Shepard would be the perfect candidate."
"Elden ring actually feels as if it gives you player agency."
"The rails are gonna be who you tell me you are. So that way you grant this full degree of player agency and give yourself the ability to create rails that were designed by the players, right? Which is really, that's the best of both worlds."
"Choice within the guild storylines like you have actual like agency."
"A level of player agency into a main story questline the like of which we've never seen before."
"In most Souls games, our avatar comes to the world as an enigma, with very little backstory, and it is up to us to fill in the blanks."
"The more that we can put you in the situation where you're going to decide, that's what makes video games the best form of entertainment that they are."
"Let's talk about player agency and engagement."
"In firewatch, you have some control over your own paranoia."
"The advice I give about taking away players agency I think is still good advice but you can create these moments where you have player buy-in and you've talked to the players and they understand what's coming."
"People can't love you if they don't know you."
"Ronaldo handing in a transfer request is absolutely spot on. The club is a joke."
"Anyone who plays a game with choice and consequence ironically has no choice but to assume their decisions will matter in the next game they play."
"Each choice you make will feed into a nonlinear narrative system that changes relationships and outcomes dramatically they say who you choose to help what you do and what you aim to achieve are all up to you."
"Baldur's Gate 3 sets the standard for today's RPGs."
"CD Projekt Red rebooted Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay with a focus on giving players more agency."
"Even if Gamers aren't picking certain choices the fact that the option exists makes players feel that much more empowered."
"Everywhere is a place where players can tell their stories, where they can build their own world."
"It's just a telegraph to the player that you have different choices you can make in those particular situations."
"Phantom Liberty absolutely offers real choices."
"It's not only organic progression, this is progression that communicates players are opening up the world for themselves."
"I want a game to kind of grant me... my own experience."
"If we keep talking about how well like teenagers right now... focusing more on player agency."
"Breath of the Wild trusts players to find their own fun."
"League of Legends is a very stressful game because there's not that much personal agency a player has from match to match."
"Some games use player choice as a mechanic to make players feel a more personal connection to their gameplay experience."
"The story has to be predicated on the dreams and hopes and desires and actions of the player characters."
"Let the players drive how the villain will be defeated; it doesn't have to be a final showdown."
"Each session will have a critical path quest, but the way you approach that quest is up to you."
"Player choice is key for the story and missions."
"It was a big mistake to not allow players to reject phone calls."
"It's remarkable how many meaningful choices they manage to give to you as a player."
"The story of World of Warcraft was what you, the player, made it."
"Combat in these games is massively improved the more choices the player is allowed to make."
"The Menagerie was such a well put together activity being 6 player, with good encounters and great player agency with regards to how you were rewarded that it is now the new bar."
"Conviction does a good job rewarding the player for whatever approach they take to situations."
"One of the most fascinating things is how the game allows for meaningful player choices."
"Action RPGs are always about power fantasy... But to feel rewarding it has to come from the player making the right choices."
"Maybe the result of what this game has become was due to nothing but you, the player."
"Getting to write a Telltale game was great because when players get to opt in and shape their own characters and stories, they feel so much ownership."
"Your choices generally don't have much of a bearing at all in the way the story plays out."
"Player choice is the only thing that separates a game from an animated movie."
"Diablo 4 is committed to the principle of player choice."
"Prey 2017 is bold enough to let the player choose without a prompt to give them the option to act without immediately casting judgment."
"Dark Souls gives you responsibility, and with responsibility comes agency."
"It would be especially neat considering that all major decisions in the game are left up to the player."
"That's what's so great about Pokemon series - you get to tell your own story."
"For Odyssey to truly prioritize Choice as advertised and told to you in game, the player would have a saying decisions as significant as marriage and Parenthood."
"What actually rules in Burning Shores, what has always ruled in Forbidden West, is that you have the ability to create your own stories through both combat and exploration."
"It's mainly the player who decides when they have beaten the game in their own vision."
"Players want to feel like they have control in your world."
"The sheer fact that the game just let me do it."
"I think this entire game is that where Ellie is making the choices I want I don't want her to make but I'm along for the ride with her."
"You’re given just enough agency to experiment, distract and fight back, instead of only hiding."
"I am a firm believer in this idea in games that the players should never be out of control of their character."
"There's a solid element of player agency in determining the level of risk versus reward."
"I can go and I can join the Crimson Fleet and I can do this whole questline that's really cool and really dope and kind of and I can make my own Outpost and do whatever the I want in the way that I want."
"Higurashi lures us in with its deceptive veneer of agency."
"If it's just cosmetics, we literally already use this system, this just gives us more agency as players to do what we want with the things that we earn in the game."
"I always want games to have more player agency."
"Horizon Zero Dawn trusts the player, offering true player agency and a vast suite of tools to figure things out."
"This is one of the best examples we've seen in the world of literally the same game being developed one on a place where the players have basically power and decision and agency."
"We wanted the game to be as competitive as possible... awareness and communication being really pivotal."
"Straight away you feel like there's a real sense of agency and attachment because choices you've made have made her uniquely qualified to be a Spectre."
"Ensuring player choices actually matter in the game."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is ahead of the curve in nearly all of them and it is this combination of well executed factors that earn it a solid 9 out of 10."
"It lets players drive their own story with options beyond belief but none framed in such a way as to damage its own narrative."
"Developers have the power to decide what choices players have."
"That's so cool how they add something like that where if you notice that you actually can skip the boss."
"Gamers have always been drawn to how much player choice a game offers and the amount of options that our favorite franchises give us."
"The amount of choices that we have makes this RPG stand out."
"Every encounter, the player feels like their choices are what produces the outcome and the results."
"Your choices do matter a lot, this game is heavily dictated by rng sure, but there is still a lot of player agency."
"Your choices and a multitude of different approaches matter."
"The Sims 3 placed a heavy emphasis on user customization and the player's ability to create their own stories within their own world."
"The game adapts to whatever you decide to do, offering a high level of player freedom."
"I think the beauty in Minecraft is when you give the players the power to make their own decisions."
"There's nothing worse for a game than players feeling like nothing they do will change their outcomes."
"You now get to play through and have agency to fix everything that went wrong."
"Every starting location, you can sort of figure out what your story's supposed to be."
"All Ghillied Up: A mission that seems practically on rails from a distance is actually surprisingly malleable."
"Give players more agency in determining why they explore, how they explore, and what they get out of it."
"In Shadowbringers, the game asks for your input far more than any of the game's previous expansions, even giving you a choice in which regions you want to tackle first."
"Put scenarios and situations and drama and tension in front of your players, and then step back and just be amazed at how they deal with the choices."
"We're aiming to offer a huge variety of game modes and styles that not only tell our stories but also enable players to live in the identities and adventures they most want to explore."
"This change gives bot laners a lot of agency during the early game."
"Players like engaging with the world and finding their own solutions."
"Don't get too caught up in preparation and writing for being a dungeon master or having an epic story because your epic story means nothing to the characters and what they do in the game."
"Once players see that negotiation is possible many players will enjoy the idea that they can change the conditions of the test themselves."
"Spelunky offers a feeling of entering a world that feels like it's not built for you but offers you a lot of agency."
"This is so antithetical to the core experience of RPGs which are supposed to be about player choice."
"King of Cards gave me that choice, and I'm grateful for it."
"It removes your agency of having a personal experience with the game."
"The player's discovery, the player's sense of authorship of her own experience is more important than our sense of authorship of her experience."
"I like that. Because then, you're not pushing the players to do something specific. They don't have to feel railroaded."
"Imagine not letting your players build and play the characters they want."
"Forcing your players to play classes and races they don’t want to is one of the worst things a DM can do."
"...combat should feel fluid and allow room for player freedom. Multiple approaches to a situation can work."
"...players need to feel that their fate is in their hands more so than the gods of roguelike RNG."
"As a dungeon master, I have a tendency to just never shut up sometimes... but when I let my players take the lead, it makes my game so much better."
"DM PCs are bad. Just don't. As the GM, you already play a bunch of characters. You play all the NPCs. But that is just mentally totally different from playing GM PCs. It takes focus away from NPCs, it takes focus away from the players, it takes focus away from the game."
"You always want to make the player feel like they have agency."
"The rules are there for us to dictate actions you can take in the game. The game itself is meant to be guided by the players and their desire to change the world and role play together."
"One of the biggest things that I think sets us apart is the ability that players have to do all those things by themselves."
"We make playable stories with high player freedom."
"...the GM is supposed to well run the characters through the story, tell the story, but the story advances because of the players."
"With a violent movie, you're watching a killer; with a violent video game, you are the killer."
"The ability to forge your own story as you go, and this game is fantastic for that."
"There should be hope that the player characters can leave the world in which they exist brighter tomorrow than it was today."
"It's about storytelling, it's about creating the world through your actions."
"Let's take all the things at our disposal and think about how we can use them more efficiently so that we can enable more agency for players."
"If you have a game that can understand these individual events and understand what they mean... that's the beauty of agency and emergence."
"Anything that puts more flexibility and adaptability and choice into player hands, I think always gonna lead towards people feeling immediately more fun, more agency, more authority, over the world and their character."
"Gaming... it's a form of entertainment that is morphed into so much agency for that player."
"It really promotes these player interpreted causalities."
"This is a game that really enables you to make of things what you will, which is pretty good."
"Giving players control of the confident and multi-dimensional hero Lara Croft."
"The player input is very important because, you know, it's a game. The player has to be able to have agency and control the world."
"It's usually a good idea to allow the player to control the height of their jump depending on how long the jump button was pressed for."
"We actually give the players what they want and let them have big story outcomes of their actions."
"The overall evolution of the experience is tied to player actions as opposed to just a script."