
Monsters Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"Like wandering the real woods of West Virginia, the world of Fallout 76 is full of monsters to hunt or be hunted by."
"What is that? Let's get in there; we're going to scare the hell out of the monsters."
"We really enjoy creating enemies, monsters, and demonic creatures that bring out an emotional response from our players."
"He's very similar to Godzilla in that way. The audience can't help but sympathize with the monster."
"We see ourselves in monsters because we have also been cast out of society."
"Superhero stories are a kind of monster story where the monster is on your side."
"The centaurs are a return to form for such an iconic yet consistently mishandled Doctor Who monster."
"The ninth would take monsters and make them into angels."
"The game's about discovery, adventure, and evading scary-looking monsters."
"All I care about is monsters being monsters. That's my bar."
"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"Typhon was an enormous fire-breathing dragon with 100 heads married to Echidna, the mother of all monsters."
"I'm a big fan of their work and stuff like that, and I really think that their monster designs are fantastic."
"You can't fight monsters by becoming monsters."
"Wow, okay, yeah, and on top of that, there is an actual rampaging monster that might be let loose."
"The flatwoods monster originally appeared before the Great War."
"As long as the monsters stay down there in the dark quietly creeping around in the shadowy basement out of sight out of mind, well then everything feels safe and squishy comfortable."
"The Langoliers is literally about monsters from the past trapping you there and then eating time and destroying you as a person. So, the movie feels like when you watch it."
"Survival tips: If a monster is chasing you, don't stop to read signs."
"All of the monsters kind of do, right? And that's the thing I love about them, how they feel alive."
"King Kong can generate electrical shocks, uses lightning, and can go toe-to-toe with Godzilla."
"For me, monsters are never evil; they're just something wild or something beyond your understanding."
"It's perfect. It's not a story of good versus evil, not exactly. Never was. It was a story of man versus monster, and this universe they've made is full of monsters."
"Wendigos are part of Native American lore, just ugly, got it?"
"They might have a chance at defeating the monster with him by their side."
"I like spooky things and monsters... I've always got time for good horror."
"What is it about monsters that fascinates us?"
"Monsters serve as a plot device to progress a character throughout the story."
"Monsters come in all shapes and sizes and levels of intelligence."
"Maybe the Dunwich monster isn't just one specific being... maybe it's a bunch of different pre humanoid beings across the world."
"There's an actual kaiju who is a mutated Meganura."
"Monsters aren't ever going away. But we can seek to understand them."
"Godzilla doesn't always play well with others, but there's one kaiju that's been a friend to him more often than most: Anguirus."
"Later enemies like Space Godzilla and Destroyer easily reached star levels of power."
"I think it's very much of our time. See, I like this kind of monster because it's a monster that reflects societal fears."
"Despite the end of the year being a bit lackluster... overall this truly has been the year of the monster."
"What's your favorite monster just like off the top of your dome? You've got no time to think about it as much as people aren't gonna like this answer Selena, man. Slenderman."
"Absolutely King Kong would wipe the floor with Godzilla and here's why."
"I love these monsters. I really wish I could have one. They just have such great stats."
"I find it kind of cool that we're actually seeing this like not resurgence but we're seeing like a lot of monster collection games come out."
"The best trap monsters actually fulfill that promise, either being a powerful interruption, an incredible extender, or in some rare cases, both at the same time."
"Thankfully, the metro series has never had really any problems here with uniquely detailed monsters and armor designs being a series staple at this point."
"Have you ever gone into the woods and felt like you weren't alone? This may be because actual monsters were lurking amongst the trees."
"Big spooky tentacle monsters that are going to corrupt the planet to usher in the end of the universe, that's big, it's dumb, it's fun, it's cheesy."
"Epic Glau my favorite variant I have ever seen inside amazing monsters."
"Monsters are still monsters, but at least they aren't pretending to be anything else."
"King Kong doesn't stand a chance against Godzilla!"
"Monsters reflect us and the earlier small monsters knew that and used that for storytelling advantages."
"One of the craziest moments though is when a giant stone-faced monster attacks."
"Humans love monsters: dragons, werewolves, vampires..."
"Monsters are hiding among us, some are hiding in plain sight."
"More Sentinel types do roam the planets... new alien type monsters in the game... really strong."
"Ghouls go from zero to 100 real fast in this game."
"Great job your sim should try it on the purple monsters next but there's still a little nervous from the last encounter with him."
"The irony is that searching for monsters has shown and reminded me time and time again, exactly who the real monsters are."
"Here's Motion Picture adventure and excitement to stagger the imagination among the Fantastic monsters raging out of the Flaming bowels of Hell."
"Monsters genuinely exist...we need to start listening to the victim and hold the perpetrators of abuse accountable."
"My favorite D&D monsters are mostly aberrations."
"The Blob is one of those classic movie monsters that's not mentioned often when it comes to Vintage creatures from the Silver Screen."
"Rud was shaking after blocking the monster's attack."
"So it's really fun because in a room with this giant slimy Pig monster for example that's so cool."
"There's no such thing as monsters under the bed, okay?"
"It's like, if Godzilla showed up today, what would happen?"
"Monsters are one favorite things ever right behind robots and robots fighting monsters!"
"Step into these spooky and beloved world of the monsters."
"Monsters exist and we certainly have the ability now with genetic engineering to create them."
"I guess even monsters want to feel a bit extra pretty sometimes."
"Bring on the endless swarms and hulking broods of monstrous creatures."
"Are there monsters and magic in that other world?"
"I always knew monsters were real because my mom used to say that her Nana had skeletons in her closet."
"'I don't do this job because I hate monsters,' he said. 'I do it because I love the good ones.'"
"Godzilla Island... tells the story of all the world's monsters living on an island called Godzilla Island."
"No one dared go that deep as it was filled with A and B ranked monsters, and possibly even S-ranked monsters in the worst case."
"Kaiju stuff's popular again, so that's always cool."
"To hunt monsters, you must understand them; to understand monsters, you must hunt them."
"The best plan they could come up with for dealing with Godzilla and the MUTOs was 'Let Them Fight'."
"Godzilla is just better than Kong, so when Kong is the one to ultimately save the day, we feel really good."
"The monsterverse isn't just about casual Kaiju Carnage."
"Giant monsters are a facet of global pop culture, beloved by audiences around the world."
"This monstrous Leviathan may start its life in a simple unthreatening form, but when it grows to its full size, becomes an incredibly aggressive beast."
"Many had attempted to seal the Labyrinth which prevented the monsters from escaping."
"The world's strangest superheroes are saving the world by saving its monsters."
"Monsters don't perform reproductive behavior; they are just a mass of magic particles and don't have human emotions."
"Long time ago, there were scary creatures like vampires, Big Bad Wolves, witches, and other monsters that scared people a lot."
"I am a Tamer who could tame a monster called fantasma."
"Terrifying tales of the world's most elusive monsters and enigmatic cryptids."
"Every region in the world has its monsters and psychopaths."
"These monsters actually sleep, which is literally a survival mechanism for the brain and body to maintain functioning and run smoothly."
"My favorite monsters are back and ready to hunt."
"The biggest question of all is, who are the monsters?"
"There's so many Dracula's monsters coming up, you're not gonna believe it."
"In the end, humans are worse than the monsters in some ways."
"Chances are there's something right out your window watching you at this very moment, so check your windows, under your bed, and in your closet. You can never be too safe, especially after these allegedly real monster sightings."
"Giant monsters are on the loose throughout the campaign World."
"Swamp Thing is by far the more popular character in fact swampy is arguably the most loved monster type character in comics."
"...the only true monsters in this world are humans."
"Bigfoot and monsters in general have a very persuasive power about them."
"I think most people would agree that Swamp Thing is the king of monsters in comic books. He is just all around awesome, nostalgic, heroic, and terrifying at the same time."
"Run along now, zero nine six," Dr. Kowalski told the shy guy. "There are worse monsters in this world than you."
"Morbius is a superhero story about defeating outsiders and monsters rather than a story about how those outsiders and monsters can be heroes."
"This is the story of the monster that reached the heights of the unreachable Godzilla."
"A monster fell in love with another monster."
"Bigfoot isn't the spookiest of monsters."
"Monsters are born from grudges and sins of people who die a horrible death."
"Iconic movie monsters have been part of cinematic history from its earliest beginnings."
"The only way you'll be fine is if you hit the like button. The monsters will be chill under your bed."
"Monsters can't get okay if he gets out of the covers then we know he's dead but he's not the cover so he's good. We're chilling, we're chilling."
"Their fruits are born of fear or nightmares, just like the monsters in real life, representing a perfect foil to Luffy and his fruit."
"Bro, this show is just Balls to the walls straight up action. You watch for the [__] monsters, okay? Dude, no one cares about the people. Humans are [__]."
"Big monsters going ugab Booga and fighting each other, yes Sereno, that's what we're all here for. Big [__] monsters."
"Godzilla was made the new king of the monsters."
"...it's a really interesting world and some very cool and terrifying monsters."
"Frank neglected this, resulting in the brutal killing of his wife and daughter by the monsters who devoured all their organs."
"The most terrifying monsters in this world are the ones who walk among us."
"Subterranean world of monsters, some prehistoric and some fantastical."
"Monsters don't exist? I'll show him. Abracadabra!"
"Monsters aren't real? I think you might want to rethink that."
"Don't you just love it when a bunch of giant overpowered monsters wreak total havoc while fighting each other? Yeah, me too."
"The moral lesson from this film is sometimes even monsters need a hug and some wise words to let go of their grumpiness."
"Makes you think monsters can get old too, huh?"
"Courage's greatest challenge came from inside his very home, a Monster who tortures his poor Pooch every single day."
"Ordinary Firearms do not work on monsters."
"At least it's good to see that they've finally come around to the idea of letting the monsters fight each other."
"No amount of camouflage will hide you from the real monsters in the woods."
"Oh Canada the land of woods of snow of mysterious horrors and real monsters"
"Do you believe in monsters? And I do."
"In a world full of monsters, partially becoming one yourself does come with some advantages."
"Monsters are real but they're not what you think."
"The real monsters were always human. The moment I will not stop loving Scooby-Doo is the moment I stopped breathing."
"The worst monsters are not the ones that are like this. It's literally like an unruly father who's gonna murder his children."
"It's like bro I don't kill people I just kill monsters."
"I don't get involved with stuff I just kill monsters."
"Love and monsters also has fun with the idea of obsessed fans and how groups of fans can come together and form lasting relationships."
"In the early years, ghost town was the one and only scare zone at the haunt, and just as it does today, fog filled the streets and monsters loomed in the shadows."
"Monsters tell Batman stories when they want to scare themselves."
"I can explain to you that what you might think are monsters are not really monsters at all."
"Doctor Who's rich and storied history has introduced a wide array of unique monsters and alien villains."
"A monster is a monster, don't let age trick you."
"The sheer amount of environments, the disgusting unique looking monsters, I couldn't take my eyes off this movie."
"...I love that the weeping angels are so important and that they've actually they probably snuck in at number three in terms of Doctor Who monsters..."
"It's a movie about giant robots fighting giant monsters."
"Heroes didn't win. Wars monsters did."
"I really like how they recontextualize monsters shown in other shows like Bolton or oil Drinker as kaijus that the ultra guard have successfully defeated before."
"...the real monsters that are walking around us, similarly to The Quiet Tenant."
"Common Rider Kiva: Common Riders take on campy horror, bats, vampires, werewolves."
"There are many stories about monsters. Have you ever stopped to think about what makes something a monster?"
"Humans already have stars and idols, but monsters, they only have me."
"The literal location that is the dungeon isn't terribly interesting to me, but the monsters that inhabit it and the ecosystem they're a part of makes up the difference tenfold."
"All these monsters were not afraid of ordinary weapons, but they were all very afraid of the magic blade."
"Monsters can't hurt you if you just don't look at them."
"We should love monsters because they reflect our own imperfections, that's what attracted me to them in the first place."
"In the end, no one really loves a monster."
"Monsters aren't born they're made. We make them. All of our monsters are human-made. We make them out of the things we're afraid of. We make them out of the things we hate."
"If you have a movie or monster you’d like me to talk about beating, let me know."
"Kong was my favorite. Kong and the creature were my two favorite monsters as a kid."
"We don't grow up monsters. We don't grow monsters."
"Unfortunately, if you weren't scared by Stranger Things, you definitely won't be scared by the watered-down monsters."
"The unknown monsters were lurking in the darkness."
"It's okay, Godzilla's like the king of monsters for a reason."
"Monsters exist, no [__] believe me."
"Don't you know? You never met a monster you couldn't love."
"Monsters aren't just a passion, they're a job."
"You guys severely underplayed how badass this show is. I'm almost offended. This thing looks like a berserk monster. Next time you guys want me to watch a show, let me know that there's berserk monsters in it."
"I've got a whole series of turning things into demons and venomizing things and fantasy beasts and dragons and lots of different types of monsters."
"Colossal is about Anne Hathaway being a monster on the other side of the world, but it's also very much about the monsters we face in real life."
"It's about the monsters we meet in real life, the ones who look normal and act nice but worm their way into our lives through manipulation and deceit."
"Every student is divided up into two monster groups: ghosts which have the ability to be invisible and fly, and zombies which have enhanced senses and super strength."
"Godzilla and King Kong in the main event and the whole damn Jurassic Park in the undercard, now that is a fight card."
"The real monsters are humans. They're selfish, they're cruel."
"Scooby-Doo taught us that the real monsters are humans."
"These are stories about humans. Yes, the monster precipitates the story and drives the story, but without the human interest, you don't have anything other than, you know, a monster running around."
"Their many victories against fathomless monsters of unremitting cruelty censured from the knowledge of the 1st Legion’s histories to better safeguard Humanity."
"The only just use of the dragons is to pit them against others who are also monsters."
"Lake and ocean monsters have a long history."
"Determined to survive, he does actually what your fat self would do and resorts to eating monsters for sustenance and manages to trap two wolf monsters."
"For all their violence and terror, it's the monsters that we love and identify with."
"If society deems us to be monsters... why shouldn't we find the archetypal monster to be the true hero of their picture?"
"The most frightening monsters are the ones that exist in our minds."
"Time to talk about a movie that combines all those things into one title and movie with War of the God Monsters."
"There may be no uglier word in the English language than pedophile. It conjures up thoughts we never want to have of monsters preying on innocent children."
"...down with Dracula, away with the wolf man and F off Frankenstein and hello to Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, and the banshee of the badlands."
"Some of the best Doctor Who monsters take something innocuous and make it scary."
"Monsters are real and ghosts are real - they live inside of us and sometimes they win."
"How do you survive a monster invasion? Stick together. We cannot let the monsters inside this box. Rated PG."
"A monster has the right to judge another monster, how ridiculous."
"Sometimes the monsters are closer than we think, sometimes the boundary is not between human and creature but between the known and the unknown."
"Monsters aren't always strangers in the shadows but sometimes your very own blood."
"These stories feature real monsters and Cryptids but with one chilling difference than the usual."
"The Great Muta, the Boogeyman, and El Torito don't quite make the cut despite being billed as actual monsters."
"Throughout our lives, we may have been told that monsters are not real, but that statement just seems to be a lie."
"You can't just go around inventing monsters that fill in all the blanks."
"The future predator is one of the best monsters that wasn't produced by some Hollywood studio."
"The human race: greatest monsters of them all."
"Now what I'm looking for here is something featuring classic Halloween type monsters, a sense of spooky atmosphere, and of course some good laughs."
"Don't be the monsters they fear you are, exactly."
"...humans are more terrifying than any monsters we can really make up so much so."
"I am the master of monsters. I am your darkest Nightmares come to life. I am Control Freak, the gatekeeper, and Blockbuster is my Empire."
"I wanted the monsters to be afraid of me."
"Surprisingly, before the people are able to get out, they quickly see that the monsters are somehow retreating and leaving the humans alone."
"Monsters are always easy to laugh at in the sunshine."