
Moral Conviction Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"He embarks on the journey and faces certain deaths simply because it's the right thing to do."
"As long as you feel a concern about the matter, you don't have to worry about it because that shows you that in your heart, you are still convicted to know right from wrong."
"I'm sorry, I cannot just follow orders when I know they're wrong, especially when lives are at stake."
"Muster the courage first to seek the truth and then to speak the truth as God gives you to see the truth."
"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brother."
"There comes a time when men of good conscience will defy orders given to hand over to force a man to hand his child over to the state. Not while I'm captain."
"You're outnumbered, but don't you worry about a thing, you keep going because there will be those that will put you to death thinking they're doing God's service."
"If you believe in what you're doing is right, you've got to stand up and make yourself visible."
"When you're connected with God, you're going to have righteous indignation."
"Your choices and actions determine your conviction."
"My conviction that something like raping a small child for fun and profit is wrong was far more than my conviction that god did not exist."
"You see it's clear that wickedness is in the abundance so you don't have to call it out every time you see it just stand firm in your faith and know strongly who you serve."
"I know what I do. I know what's right. That's so much driving me."
"There are good things in this world, and they're worth fighting for."
"I think what is so interesting about this particular case is that you could have lied, you could have said I'm not going to stand by my faith, but you simply stated based on your sincerely held beliefs what you believe to be true."
"We need more people today, especially Christians, standing firm behind their principles, clearly and unapologetically stating their views publicly."
"I knew in my core what was happening was wrong."
"I'm fighting for what's right because what's right never changes."
"He knew he was doing the right thing, and it didn't matter what other people thought."
"Your courage matters and your leadership matters, but you need to have the right convictions."
"Are you willing to lay everything on the line to stand for the greater good of the new Earth?"
"True repentance shows itself by producing in the heart an established habit of deep hatred of all sin."
"I feel deep in my heart that we're doing the right thing."
"There will be Justice...in this life or the next."
"On moral grounds here, no excuse, no excuse for that."
"The abolition of slavery was almost entirely the work of people who believed they were taking orders from something higher."
"Take a stand for what you would have be true."
"God is on our side. God always wins. The truth prevails. Liberty prevails. Freedom prevails. Love prevails."
"At the end of the day, right is right and he's willing to stand up and use his voice. I don't see him giving up, giving in."
"I'm at peace with what I'm doing because we're doing the right thing."
"I'd rather die fighting for what's right than live with what's wrong."
"You make mistakes, but courage of conviction is the only integrity that you need to have."
"I'm ready to die inside fighting for what was right."
"Justice shall always prevail, no matter what it takes."
"So what I'm saying to you, no matter how people treat you, whether they're authority or not, they know they're doing wrong. They know they've done wrong, but there's a God that's convicting them, not you."
"Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the church on this issue."
"Regardless of the consequences of the attacks against me, I will continue to condemn injustice."
"We hold these principles because we care about them."
"Nothing will hurt you when it's really inside of you and you know what you're doing is right."
"I do it because it's right, that's why I ain't gonna stop."
"True repentance is not just simply a change in your mind, it has to result in you doing something differently."
"None of that would have triggered me to actually want to be vegan, it was definitely the ethics argument that made me go vegan."
"No matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost, slavery had to be abolished."
"We should all carry a passion for righteousness, a passion for God's rule and reign."
"Regardless of good or evil, there's no deceit in upholding one's conviction."
"There's never going to be a world where that is going to be okay in my book."
"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."
"I can't think of an argument that would persuade me that this is the right thing to do."
"You can stand up to someone bigger than you, even when the odds are stacked against you, if you believe in why you are fighting and if your cause is right and true."
"It's disgusting and it's good for me to verbalize it to you because it reminds me that I'm doing the right thing."
"When did your strong moral convictions develop with respect to the hydrogen bomb? The instant the A-bomb detonated, when we killed 100,000 people in an instant."
"It's not only the strength of your body that matters, but like what I've learned from all of these final girls and like just from women that I know personally, it's about the strength of your moral convictions to never give up and always do better, yes."
"Something happens when you feel like you're on the right side of an argument or on the right side of History"
"You don't just do this in hopes that it might work. You do this because it's right."
"My faith in the moral values which socialism represents remains undiminished."
"Soldiers are just people who are trying to do what they think is right."
"His passion for peace would not even be swayed in the prospect of killing his brethren."
"Conviction ought to come with great love and it ought to be expressed with great love."
"Squirrelflight is always doing what she personally morally thinks is right."
"The conviction that he stood for something that was right and just."
"I'm doing the right thing, Deirdre."
"Most teenagers I have worked with over the past 20 years have a very fierce sense of justice."
"I've always had a strong sense of justice."
"She accepted what her critics had to say, content in the knowledge that she had done what she knew to be right."
"They are just simple devoted family men doing something they morally believe in."
"Morality exists in an absolute sense; you know it does."
"I believe that they'll do the right thing. They know this is the right thing."
"Leadership is doing what I believe to be the right thing."
"To be fully convinced of moral truth and be willing to take your ground and stand it even against cultural norms."
"You really truly in your heart of hearts believe that they were doing the right thing."
"His strength had lain in knowing that schoolteacher was wrong."