
Cultural Reflection Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The Sea of Faith was once, at the full, but now I only hear its melancholy, long withdrawing roar." - Matthew Arnold, 1867
"This story speaks so much to where we're at in the 2020s."
"The designed objects that surround you tell a story about culture."
"I could do an entire philosophy video on why the 1970s ruled... and probably should also make a video on why the 1970s sucked."
"I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War."
"Jotaro Kujo was meant to be a reflection of Japanese rebellion culture at the time."
"What kind of culture do we want to create? Where do we want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?"
"What I’m saying is it’s pretty goddamn rich to voyeuristically delight in the re-discovery of a buried city when you’ve sat by and watched its destruction."
"It's the last days of the Roman Empire... How cool is that?"
"In a lot of ways, we have life imitating art, imitating life, imitating art. It's a never-ending cycle."
"The inability of a civilization to conceive of its own demise is the blind spot of most societies."
"Anti-semitism is never just about picking on an individual jewish person it's about the whole of society."
"Huckleberry Finn captures something beautiful about America."
"I wanted art that reflected my lifestyle or something that was just fresh."
"Abortion is a symptom of a failed culture for women."
"It was a beautifully packaged statement like if I had to say something about comedy in today's culture I would just want to kind of write down what Dave said and repeat it."
"I grew up on watching that show, same deal right? I mean there's something to be said for the power of seeing yourself reflected."
"Who are we to other people? Who are African people to others?"
"Captain America, that's a movie that's like 2011 I think. What's the message being sent to people in 2011?"
"It's not a bad sign, it's something going on in the society and you're feeling it, or seeing it, or sensing it, or reading it, or you should be."
"I wonder if many of them were thinking that with all the stuff they did, then you look at everything that we have now and it's just spiraling as goodwill acid."
"There are so many programmer stereotypes out there, and one thing we can do is recognize what these stereotypes are and then try to recover out what the image of a programmer should look like."
"Amen. Now this among us [__] isn't funny anymore."
"When you make stuff that's good art culturally, it's going to reflect reality, it's going to reflect people's actual experiences."
"You make what you know, but you have to look at how our history is playing out in things."
"Culture is a reflection of our moment and our time"
"We as black people, we don't look back enough to see how far we have come, like I'm, we're working on our next show uh, on hip-hop undercover."
"That's kind of the story of the human species."
"Mass Effect is fundamentally a human story, but as with all great fiction in sci-fi, there's a way to use the various races and their inbuilt cultural traits to hold up a mirror to our own."
"Ignorance is pretty deeply rooted in American history."
"Music will tell future generations of our political issues, our worries, our passions, and our successes, all from the perspective of real people in the moment."
"Love the way it held up a mirror to us as a culture in society and made us see our own ridiculousness and our own ugliness sometimes."
"Take us back to the time when we were more pure."
"Are we getting Dumber teasing because of things I spoke and Twitter and all that multi women you imagine was there Twitter in the Bible that Jesus tweet after the crucifixion going to see dad back in three days."
"More and more stories are pivoting in this direction, and I suppose it makes sense. The media we consume sticks with us."
"Reflect on what France means now and then rebuild this monument."
"Kids want stories that reflect the full spectrum of relationships... young people are having less sex than their parents did."
"That whole thing kind of reminds me of Nipsey Hussle, you know?"
"That was a moment where I realized I don't actually know that I want to be in this culture anymore."
"If Huckleberry Finn is about the yearning for the territories because Huckleberry Finn wants to go out into the future, The Great Gatsby is about yearning back toward the European civilization."
"It seems more and more that these are the stories you're hearing."
"It's often been said that there was no glamour in trench warfare... the fact remains one of the great ironies of the war to end all wars."
"Wokeness could force us to grapple with our values and could cause us to bring a whole new generation online with the reasons that those values are so important."
"People imagine God in their image and imagine their God having the values and the systems that they have."
"Demolition Man has now become a documentary."
"The late 80s and 90s were a time of a lot of social, technological, and natural upheavals, a time where the unknown was at its scariest, and UMASS were a personification of those anxieties."
"They don't want to represent your values; they want to make your values. The brands don't reflect us; we reflect the brands."
"I think focusing on things like dungeon dragons I mean that right I mean this was kind of the the deflection."
"The rise of superhero movies is part of the rise of fantasy and science fiction."
"Art overall, the culture overall, is always speaking to us about its moment in the moment that we're living in."
"The reaction to Rush Limbaugh's death is not happening in a vacuum; it's a reflection of our culture and the ideological divide."
"He is the incarnation of so much of what is bad in a culture that Revere's money."
"You always see The Walking Dead as a sort of a mirror of the real world."
"Star Wars is political. Superman is political. If you're not going to reflect that in your art, what are you doing?"
"SNL is a great litmus test for the state of comedy and the state of culture."
"Malcolm in the Middle was basically this perfect distillation of American attitudes of that era and its changing perspective on what a modern family was like."
"The Misfits is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on her legacy and a good reminder that it's not as flat and one-dimensional as pop culture often presents."
"She was black without apology, and what does that mean and how does that inform how we should be thinking about ourselves?"
"Monsters reflect us and the earlier small monsters knew that and used that for storytelling advantages."
"Santa Claus wonders if the Christmas spirit is lost due to modern materialism."
"I think we as black folks, I think we're a little bit too hard on ourselves, I think that sometimes we just need to let people have a good time."
"The 70-year party is over and when the dust settles we're going to realize just how much cleaning up we have to do."
"Culture reflects the dreams and aspirations we all share."
"I will challenge any gangster rapper to rationalize what's going on here none of y'all talk about it because all y'all do is make money off of these [] while promoting this dumb []."
"Imagine the ancestors just looking at this and going, 'I fought saber-tooth tigers for you to now turn around and go, yep, we're done, just completely stop the family line.'"
"Part of the reason The Office is so popular is because it reflects on the prevalence of complete and utter BS that has oozed its way into every single crevice of our professional lives and the economy as a whole."
"Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial! I'm Taikan."
"This album probably really spoke to how a kid from L.A. felt around that time."
"The culture will only truly realize how great it could be once it manages to get past valorizing violence [__]."
"The era of violence was not better, it's all hardship."
"Movies and media are a fascinating distillation of the collective fears and fixations of a society."
"Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince captures the anxiety people had during the 2018 midterms so well."
"If Lovecraft had had some Ray Cons, he wouldn't have been such a racist."
"How does that happen? How do we get to this place? I worry about society, honestly."
"Sci-fi is our culture talking to itself... Star Trek presents one particular lens through which we can imagine possible futures."
"See now that there is an airplane with a Jewish star flying over Germany. Imagine imagine the miracle of that it really is a miraculous miraculous thing how bad was the Holocaust."
"Hanukkah is such an important message spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and also morally because it gives us the strength to fight against the Antiochus, the evil Greeks who want to destroy society." - Rabbi Avi Schwartz
"Remember the good old days when every single person couldn't refrain from criticizing the ever living crap out of it? Good times, good times."
"It's more rewarding for me, quite often, to do something for someone else than it is to have someone do something for me."
"A chance to reflect on Deer Street and the Britain it dissects."
"Maybe they're space probes are saying there's no intelligent life on earth... they may have received our television programs and decided that that is the case." - Carl Sagan
"And much like our real pyramids there are several conspiracy theories floating around these fake monuments as well."
"Perhaps it is time to use up-to-date quotes."
"Star Trek reflects societal progress and challenges assumptions, leading to personal growth for fans."
"We're calling for America to take a hard look at itself... we still have a culture of rape."
"If All Might dies, we have a society problem, not just a PR problem."
"Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 comes as close to unequivocally calling out American policies as I think I've ever seen a Marvel movie do."
"I do however think that all art is a way for people to interpret and reflect the world around us."
"Exploring chemistry is part of the fun of fandom... and should be open to all regardless of how common or uncommon others feel a pairing may be."
"Are we mad that Europeans got to do all the fun things?" - Humorous reflection on historical events or disparities.
"What are we talking about? Men meant to be reflections of the author's experiences and observations. Hans Christian Andersen probably based a little mermaid based on experiences he went through in his home country of Denmark."
"It's terrifying and it's impossible to separate this from the other issues." - Ben
"Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde: this album represents the closest he ever got to the sounds that were in his head, the sound of the dying gasp of Bob Dylan as the folk troubadour."
"He represented the fears that we have as a society at any given time."
"There were no examples, Paige says, of growing up in Halifax in the '90s. There are many queer people who have felt 'that how they feel deep inside isn't a real thing because they never saw it reflected back to them.'"
"Art about migration: a glimpse into our shared history."
"Sometimes we have to reckon with the fact that these are the cultural products that are getting made."
"This four kids version says a lot more about our own culture than it does about anything else."
"Popular media deserves to be analyzed; we've got to figure out why it's popular and what that says about us as a culture."
"Damn does it force me to think about the inherent issues involved in my worship and love of superhero type characters."
"This is America as we know it." - Unknown speaker
"We just got to step back from the culture and look at us."
"Instead of whining and crying about that being something we do as women, it honors that."
"Even a samurai warrior needs to reflect on the world around him once in a while. Having a calm mind will help me to defeat the Mongols."
"It's still prescient and eerily prophetic year after year, as are a lot of things that used to be satire but turned out to be more of a road map."
"Mr. Peanut Butter is such a fun character. His arc might be one that could have used a tad more development on the back end, but he still represents so many interesting aspects of life, Hollywood, and relationships."
"It's horrific... we should reflect upon that. But also the way in which football Gareth the England team the English media actually deal with these things now a lot more respectfully."
"In order to tell the story of Miyoshi Umeki's Oscar win, we have to pull back and look at the bigger picture."
"Culture is Downstream from the soul of the people making it; it's a reflection of their spirit."
"It's reliving a pretty awesome time, and as much as we have that's still very obviously wrong with our society..."
"Criticize through creation. I'm going to do reverse colonialism on my own people."
"This is not who we are as a country. We're so much better than this."
"Art really does change the world. I love art. I love putting out things where it's like, think about it, and everybody sees it differently."
"Everything we're doing in America is about rewarding irresponsible behavior or reducing its effects."
"Now, sports are more of a reflection of American culture."
"The portrayal of protests and riots in Joker... places it back on its feet."
"Mississippi: What a pity that a place like this can be so sad for anyone."
"Art and entertainment tend to reflect the culture that they emerge from."
"It's weird, like the kind of message and the idea of the game has never seemed more relevant."
"I think it's really positive in all reality that the lens is being turned on to the 90s now."
"Gene Roddenberry's vision of Star Trek was this was the fruits of sort of civil rights..."
"The purpose of critiquing art is just to have discussions and try to tease out deeper meaning and truth and find out how it works of art reflect and intersect with our reality."
"For us to look back with contempt is outrageous." - Reflection on ancient knowledge and myths
"Imagine how awful it would be to live in a world where everyone's obsessed with appearance."
"Our culture glorifies cowardice... we've put ourselves as our own idols."
"The UK office was a show dedicated to holding up a mirror to existence, while the U.S. office was meant to take your mind off it."
"Our entertainment addiction explains Trump and basically our entire current moment of politics better than just about anything else..."
"Life is very interesting right now. It almost feels like I'm in a third world country at times, even though we're so far from that."
"I don't celebrate this holiday, but it is a good reminder of being thankful for what you have in life."
"Artists can always have and should use their work to hold a mirror up to their culture society even to advocate for broad agenda items."
"Memes are a piece of non-corporate, non-establishment media imagery that reflects a moment in culture and reflects something that we're all going through and explains it in a very simple and shareable way."
"‘Pump Up the Volume’ reflects that generation."
"The fascinating thing about horror is that it consistently adapts itself to reflect trends in our culture."
"The beauty of wine is diversity and mirroring a culture in a glass."
"Each people except us creates an image of God that resembles themselves."
"Don't take down statues. I think you need to leave the memorial landscape in place. I think it's important to have those statues because they force us to deal with what was going on in 1921 and 1924."
"Perhaps Forrest Gump is about how people in the 90s felt about traversing the decades prior and maintaining some sort of innocence."
"It's reflective of Eastern culture, they all work together. It's the most selfless type of possession you'll see."
"What happens on screen reflects and shapes cultures."
"Krampus, an active participant in the holiday narrative, encouraging collective introspection and a look into the cultural mirror."
"For every decade, there always seems to be a genre of anime that defines it."
"Wang Shu is among the most experimental and outspoken contemporary architects there who attacks this problem head on, almost as if he is a foreigner in his own land, reflecting on the conditions there as if from afar, from a perspective that no one else can gain."
"That's how it's supposed to be, we're rapping music about things that are happening over here in London."
"They showed us who we were and who we were becoming."
"Marie Laveau, a reflection of the mystical things."
"It's things like that that I absolutely love because they're windows into a time with a very different sensibility."
"It hearkens back to another time and puts us all in touch with where we've come from and who we used to be."
"It's a New York of another time, it's an America of another time."
"One thing I find that makes The Green Hornet such an interesting character is that he's a reflection of Detroit life in the 1930s."
"The most unsettling thing to me, like cannibalism aside, is the parallels between this world and the world that we live in."
"What better way to look back on a year than through its memes."
"The music that we did was also a reflection of what was happening there."
"...most normal people realize that if a movie was made 70 or 80 years ago, it's going to reflect the culture of 70 or 80 years ago."
"It's really important that the books that are in that section are suited to them, that are going to represent them, that are going to be able to reflect what life at that time is like."
"The appreciation of costume design can deepen our understanding of film as an art form and reflection of our culture."
"These people are really kind. I doubt if we would have been as kind to them had they come to our country."
"Art is a means to express social, political, cultural questions."
"What does it say about our culture that we allow this to be how it's viewed? Why are we doing this?"
"Get ready for mouth-watering stories that intertwine with the cultural and political landscape of the time."
"Music is just an echo of the culture we're trying to push."
"One True Thing: meditations on the black aesthetic."
"Listen for what's important to families and make sure you are reflecting their language and culture."
"Pro wrestling mirrors pop culture."
"This month long celebration is an opportunity to reflect on the important contributions and perseverance of black people."