
Modern Relevance Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Graphic design is arguably one of the most important types of design nowadays."
"These men of every race and every nationality have one sole faith and discipline, one sole interest in the gospel in its application to the needs of today's world."
"The book 'Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum' won a worldwide competition for the best book of Seerah suitable for modern times."
"It's a powerful tradition that has survived for many centuries in esoteric circles but shows no indication of slowing down here in the 21st century."
"Confucianism emphasizes cooperation, collaboration, education, discipline, study—all of those things are important for success in the modern world."
"Maybe the wisdom of Jesus still has a place in today's culture—you know, love your neighbor as yourself."
"Foucault's life is almost like a microcosm of what's happening today in terms of his radical exploration of power and sexuality."
"The traditional wife is now considered cutting edge, fully consistent with a futuristic notion of the reproachment between technology and tradition."
"Islam is about direction, not just rigid adherence to the past."
"The humanities, philosophy, history, are now maybe more important than ever before."
"I thought it was McCartney addressing the modern world and actually producing a song that did sound engaged the modern and forward-looking without sounding pretentious in any way."
"Questioning our assumptions around bathroom design is just as important today as it's ever been."
"Don't take it for granted, this stuff is proving even in modern times to be very powerful to have specific neural effects and to literally aid in actual mind control."
"It is important to make people laugh in this day and age where lots of crazy things are happening."
"The fact that so many more women are moving towards these politics, not because they're dredging up second wave irrelevancies from the 1970s, which was pre-internet and almost prehistoric."
"Basic digital building blocks like shift registers still have a place in modern electronic designs."
"Most architects will tell you that sketching and model making, they're still a part of their design process today."
"Even with us thriving and doing pretty well, there is an interesting period of time that we can point to that was sort of a blending of the current time frame where sure mystery still exists today and in today's era but things are more explainable."
"It's amazing if you read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations... things that we can recognize in our economies today."
"It's not just any other run-of-the-mill Shonen action series... it's in its execution of these themes and ideals that really resonates with modern-day readers."
"This is artistry on steroids, bro. Like, that is crazy how they're able to link the cultural references in the past and in their presence into their lives."
"Spider-Man: Homecoming - truly a reflection of modern-day society."
"Bringing ancient wisdom into our modern world offers fresh perspective and new hope."
"I don't know. It's interesting, right, this idea of fame, 'cause what is that even now, right?"
"Padre Pio has been called a second Saint Francis for our troubled current times."
"It's mysterious and dark, and it also taps into commentary on today's world and society and politics."
"Lots of ancient people already knew what we're trying to find out today."
"There are elements of this work that can be read as shockingly preent and David Foster Wallace totally nailed the spirit and the concerns of the era..."
"We may indeed be on the precipice of one of the most important discoveries of our Modern Age."
"Hamilton is set hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but I kept seeing our times' topical issues."
"Empires will not survive in the 21st century."
"This had more truth in it than anything we hear in a modern context."
"The Bible is a book of antiquity that speaks to us in modernity."
"Athens is an incredible bridge between the past and the present."
"Learning to reason well is more important than ever. There's a lot of resorting nowadays to falling back on emotions, but refocusing on classical reasoning is more important than ever."
"It just works so well, making all of the content of the game feel like it's current day in terms of the gameplay design."
"Miyazaki's works contain an unparalleled richness when it comes to the critique of our age."
"Why listen to a preacher tell me that this isn't for today? Is there no sick people today? Is there no demonized people today? Of course it's for today."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"Data is a strategic resource in the 21st century."
"But what's left in its wake is a legacy still felt in our own world today."
"Comparisons are almost always drawn up between our current situation in the modern day and Nazi Germany."
"God grows and changes, and it's important to see how religion relates to modern lives."
"Embark on a transformative journey with our Soul Wisdom Channel, a sanctuary where ancient insights meet modern understanding."
"The concept of the hero and devil King are just relics of the past."
"A mix of old and new would be really good to see."
"Prayer is the way to bring people home, especially in this day and age."
"Listen, Alexander the Great was the most famous person ever 3000 years ago, if he was walking around today he'd just be an idiot in a toga."
"It's a world of energy, and astrology is a brilliant modality for these times."
"The superstitions that Stoker harnessed in writing Dracula are still alive in the 21st century."
"The god hypothesis is a more respectable hypothesis now than at any time in the last 100 years."
"Authenticity and honesty are some of the most beautiful qualities a person can have in this day and age."
"The teachings are always updated... because we apply them to the modern time."
"The Church of the 21st century must be a church of wisdom, skill, diplomacy, and application."
"Robin Hood is both a figure of comforting permanent tradition and a relentlessly contemporary rule breaker."
"Jesus would definitely be talking like that."
"Data science: the sexiest job of the 21st century."
"Peterson... teaching the Bible... gaining traction... with young non-religious... found particularly interesting... recovery of something like a spiritual vision."
"People don't come back to irreversible old-fashioned stuff."
"Is God dead," as Nietzsche once declared? Or is there space for a renaissance of religious belief in the modern world?
"Utilizing technology available in the present day."
"We're in the last days and Acts says it's for today. It says God will pour out his Spirit on all mankind."
"Giannis was clearly the better defensive player."
"The essay has become a talisman of our times."
"I think the college degree requirement is outdated. I think the college degree itself is outdated."
"This labyrinth of textures and colors and hulking forms made me smile, and also appreciate how the seemingly unfinished or even foolish can be more appropriate to the times than the rational."
"Do you think satirical characters can still exist today?"
"Picking up these skills that are relevant in today's world is very important."
"Yeah, it's funny because it's like it's easy to say like how out of touch can you be with modern society to not see this."
"The prophetic message is what I have to give anyway for this hour. In many ways, it's going to be a trumpet call for this time, the days of trumpets."
"It's called the mark of the beast right here in the bible."
"Green Day's biggest strength has been capitalizing on confusion; 21st Century Breakdown gets down to the modern 21st-century people of our generation."
"Get Out exposes something very important in today’s zeitgeist."
"I understand why marriage exists, but I don't think it's tenable in the 21st century."
"The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is more needed today than ever."
"It's got to be spiritual, has to be, given the world that we live in and knowing where this is all going."
"We need to speak this timeless truth of Orthodoxy to a world that is thirsty to hear it."
"Jason Martell: 'So there's a lot of interesting similarities when we start to look at this information that can cross over again to our modern use of this story.'"
"Battery life is bad and it's really not much of a valid option nowadays."
"Should the show come back? Hell yes, it could totally work today."
"The real battle today is over sufficiency. Is God's Word sufficient?"
"Booster Gold in this era of social media is a fascinating character."
"I'm not saying that we need to forget about our modern history, it's still very much relevant, but today I'm challenging you to open your mind to a broader context of our history."
"If you're using it for business use you can definitely write it off."
"We can sit down and learn a lot from the ancient world."
"The Utsuro-bune folklore in Japan has the key to solve the mystery of the modern UFOs, I think."
"They're giving a new message and that message is one of how this prophet's message can be seen to find fulfillment today, often times in Jesus."
"Almost to this very day, the principles involved in the French 75 are still present in modern artillery."
"The tragedies are few and persecution is still at the level of preferences. But more and more, this doctrinally diluted brew of music, drama, life tips, and marketing seems out of touch with real life in this world, not to mention the next."
"Diop wasn't just a historian; he related himself to the modern world."
"The ultimate standard for judging our leaders is what we should be looking for today more than anything else."
"The things which happen this early on in history have immediate ramifications on us in our modern day."
"Another way that we can save gas and save fuel, which is super important nowadays, right?"
"You're going to be probably very surprised to perceive the incredible parallel between both the predicament and the reactions to that predicament that we see today."
"This is a real shipping proposition, not something that went out with horses and carts."
"The story doesn't end in 1930; it continues into the 21st century and where we are at this particular historic moment."
"Freedom of speech means the same thing today as it did then; we have to figure out what it means today."
"The novel 1984 has resurged in popular culture because many have made connections between this dark society and our own."
"It is the culture and doctrine of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is the model for us, even today."
"This book has shown me single-handedly how important philosophy is in the current day and age."
"Deeper understanding of the Gospels in the light of spiritual science is essential today."
"What the peasants did in 1381 does echo down the centuries to us and it does have a resonance in terms of our own experience today."
"These ancient ecosystems are really going to help us understand what might happen to modern ecosystems today."
"The purpose of Voice of Islam is to inform people of the true teachings of Islam and to make it abundantly clear that Islam’s teachings perfectly conform a relation of needs of every era and every person."
"Dr. Psycho is a really terrific villain to have in today's world."