
Mutual Learning Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"This person is a teacher; they're a leader. You guys will learn a lot from each other."
"The Belt and Road Initiative embodies our aspiration for inter-civilization exchanges and will promote mutual learning and add splendor to human civilization."
"When you find somebody that’s willing to learn, it doesn't matter what level they're at. You can take that person and be able to, oh yeah, come on because in your learning, you're gonna be able to teach me something."
"It's important to know that this person is not coming in to punish you...you guys are going to be teaching each other a lot."
"Your training process isn't just about the great choices they're making. It's also going to be about the good choices you're making."
"We're all kind of committed to learning to live in Greater harmony with one another and the Earth around us."
"Those algorithms are teaching us just like we're teaching those algorithms."
"Learning is a process that happens between two sides, and both of these sides are equally responsible for the success of this process."
"I am fully willing to pour into you the way that you need. You know fulfill your desires, learn whatever things you want me to learn."
"We talked about adoption at the business level... they're a partner that we can grow with, learn from, and encourage."
"Instead of being enraged by it we should say how can we learn from each other."
"Learn from each other. Stop trying to take ownership of something that's not yours."
"I think yes definitely China and America could both benefit and learn from each other."
"Both sides can learn from each other and both sides kind of have to have the humility to realize that one side doesn't know everything."
"It's the one where we respect the animals enough to bring them into our home and have an understanding and learn from them."
"I taught him so much and he taught me so much. So I'm excited."
"We're trying to learn from each other. We're trying to grow from each other."
"There is this beautiful undercurrent of spirituality, of awakening, of learning from one another."
"Spirit is saying keep an open mind because this person can definitely teach you something, and you can teach them, right, with what the teachers and the students, they're teaching each other."
"You can teach this person something, and they can teach you something."
"I value all my relationships with all of you folks who watch me and listen to me and learn from me and I learn from you."
"We all have lots to learn from each other if we listen."
"This relationship is one that is so worth having because both of you are learning so much about how to navigate the world around you."
"Not only does God use us to teach our kids, but God uses our kids to teach us."
"Both of you guys are going to teach the other person so much about life."
"They see you as someone they could learn a lot from, someone they want to build with. There's Big Love here between you."
"Gravitate towards other women who are alike because they feel like they can learn more because they're on the same page."
"I feel like I'm surrounded by good people both Muslim and non-muslim and we all learn from each other."
"Our intention is only to teach everyone and while we are exchanging this knowledge, we are also gaining some part of it."
"We have so much to learn from one another."
"You learn from me, I learn from you."
"Sometimes you guys learn from me, sometimes a lot of times I learn from you, and I just love it. It's just really awesome, everyone wins type of deal."
"They taught each other how to love."
"I'm a little anxious about this discussion... it always seems to be that I learn from you and you learn from me, and the aggregate of our understanding makes our situation seem much more daunting and worse."
"You're not just helping me; you're helping other people now by doing these comments."
"I'm learning so much from you as you're telling me that you're learning from me."
"We are all from different walks of life, we have all been through stuff, so just like how you can learn from me, I can learn from you."
"We've learned a lot from each other already."
"We can and should learn from each other as we work to mend our broken politics."
"It shows what we can learn from each other."
"It's hopefully a really heartwarming portrait of what the West can learn from the East and the East can learn from the West."
"Listening to your child and doing your best to understand, to educate, but also let your child educate you."
"We should be learning from each other... I learn from my child every day because I see the world differently now."
"We have to learn from each other."
"We're all here to teach each other; it's an 'Each one teach one' environment."
"Our goal is to have learning on all sides."
"We learn a lot from each other, it's all good, man."
"I love learning from you just as much as you may enjoy learning things from me."
"You guys can learn a lot from each other, it's not weakness."
"If I could teach him something, he could teach me something; it's a win-win situation."
"We learn from you guys too, as you learn from us."
"Womanhood should be a completion. We learn from each other, don't we?"
"There's no telling what we might learn from each other."
"Education works best when the students learn from the teacher and the teacher learns from the student."
"Learning and teaching one another, so it's beautiful."
"I learn as much from my subscribers as they do from me."
"You're learning something from this person; this person's learning something from you."
"It's about people learning about each other, moving forward calmly and peacefully."
"This is definitely going to be a kindred spirit; you may teach each other some things."