
Error Reduction Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"This feat of biomechanical engineering surpasses mortals in regards to motor function and isn't prone to human errors and miscalculations."
"Every time you learn something, your errors minimize."
"Errors on site have been almost completely eradicated, saving time, money, and waste material."
"Our focal point was reducing and getting rid of the mistakes."
"Automation is extremely important and in the future it's going to be able to get rid of the type of errors that occur when you put massive pressure on a human being to be 100 perfect."
"Machines will always win, not because they're perfect, but because they make fewer mistakes."
"You can use drop-down lists to reduce errors with entering data."
"Taking those extra few seconds to visually mark out exactly what I need to cut helps dramatically reduce errors."
"Success in business is just making fewer mistakes."
"It's not about being smarter being dumb, you know? The more you minimize complexity, the more you minimize mistakes."
"Having a trading plan helps limit mistakes and minimize losses."
"The secret to lower scores is not more birdies. It's less bogeys and less nonsense."
"Patting from 1 to 5 feet is key to error reduction."
"Limiting the mistakes of your teammates is quite important."
"Being able to write a single formula and getting an array of dynamic results means writing fewer formulas, and that also means fewer errors."
"With terraform, you can minimize user error. As humans, we make mistakes, we click the wrong things, we add the wrong VPCs and things like that. With terraform, we can declare it, test it, deploy it, and get it perfect."
"With terraform, you can minimize user error."
"Strategic thinking reduces the margin of error. Strategic thinking, however, greatly reduces that margin for error. It lines up your actions with your objectives."
"What the genetics actually gives you is a system that is able to execute error reduction."
"...splicing with fiber holders can improve ease of use and reduce handling errors during the splice."
"Using enumerations with functions enhances code clarity and reduces the risk of errors."
"Continuous improvements help you identify issues, reduce errors, and optimize processes."
"Surgeons who play video games make fewer errors."
"You want to be able to reduce the rare cases, so accuracy does not achieve this."
"It'll make you more productive, make your life easier, and above all, less errors, more manageable."
"...now to minimize the risk that somebody types in the wrong price, now you have the barcode scanning."
"Although completely eliminating errors is impossible, making raters aware of potential errors and biases helps to reduce them."
"It reduces the random error, hence we could be more confident about the overall findings."
"AI is going to make fewer mistakes... they will simply make fewer mistakes."
"If we do a really good job on the big mistakes, I think we will reach a point that AI will be already less biased than people."
"We're eliminating all that potential for error."
"Minimizing opportunities for mistakes is a good motto to have."
"Follow the model, you can eliminate most of the errors by just following the steps."
"You save a lot of time and you do less errors."
"Fall protection is two things: it's a series of numbers and it's a series of mistakes. We need to get the numbers right and we need to take the mistakes out of the picture, one by one."
"If you could somehow get rid of all or at least most of this configuration State concerning resolving references and permissions, you would be eliminating the primary cause of stupid errors."
"The independent errors within each model will cancel out and we'll have much better recommendations."
"This simplicity translates directly into fewer errors and improved security."
"The key advantage in using this is that it helps us make fewer mistakes."
"It's easier for people to read your code, it's easier for you to check your code, and you're actually going to be less prone to mistakes."
"By reducing human error in maintenance, we not only increase safety but we also increase profitability."
"These kind of approaches have reduced the word error rate in the speech recognition system by more than 30 percent."
"It comes with many advantages: faster code delivery, reduction to no manual deployments, less to no errors in your production code, cost reduction."
"If more people understood how and why science works, you could apply it to other walks of life and the world would be less error-prone."
"If you practice correctly and you're doing the right things, you will definitely dramatically reduce the amount of errors you will make."
"Making things as simple as you can with the short game to take error out of it."
"Get yourself in this routine of going through this, and you'll have less mistakes."
"The error has dropped significantly, especially in the central finite differences."
"The gradient is how we should change the model to reduce the current error."
"Just a modest increase in sample size can really decrease that standard error."
"By removing gotcha special cases, classes of errors, even though it's not trying to get all dangling errors but common classes of errors that we get over and over again."
"I think anytime you can reduce that slight bit of user error, it's a win."
"Your ability to hold your attention on what you're doing produces less errors and a better quality of work."
"It's really going to help to make CI/CD easier and less prone to deployment errors."
"You don't want to always do things in a more difficult kind of way; it just takes time and there's a lot more opportunities to make errors."
"What we really want to minimize is the overall error across the entire space."
"We have this notion of reusability that starts to make our code no less sophisticated, but much, much smaller and much less prone to mistakes."
"In research, errors would be there and you need to cut down these errors as much as possible."
"The only way that we can reduce the probability of both Type One and Type Two errors together is if we increase the sample size that we use in our analysis."
"We're able to not have to create this parts list from scratch every time and it'll reduce errors."
"The chance to make a mistake is reduced by more than 80%."
"Pausing appropriately allows you to feel in control much more, and that can result in much, much less errors."
"Error in approximation can be reduced by having a large number of linear segments."
"The integral term reduces steady-state error to zero."
"Eliminate errors and it can increase customer satisfaction."
"As I make Delta smaller, these rectangles become smaller, so these areas of error, which is the source of error, become smaller and smaller."
"It increases the data precision, it reduces estimation errors."
"Less amount of steps is also not only less prone to error but also faster workflows, shorter delivery times, and less amount of appointments."
"We always strive to achieve the lowest possible probability of error."
"Increasing n can decrease both type of error, that is type 1 and type 2."
"The feedback or the closed loop reduces the steady-state error."
"That eliminates the ability for errors to creep in and reduces a lot of the duplication of effort."
"They reduced prescription mistakes by 88%."
"This brings consistency to your entire code, and that's what TypeScript is all about: getting less error, having more consistency."
"Twenty-five percent improvement in reducing errors."
"Good lift, we certainly reduce your chances of making an error."
"The crown down which on the face of it appears to be a more advanced protocol but it's not actually it's less prone to errors."
"Style should not be about personal preference or self-expression; it should be about driving down your error rate."