
Defense Mechanism Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Your best defense against anything that's trying to hijack your attention is something like honesty."
"I think his superpower is how he's the 'I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say about me bounces off of me and sticks to you.' He embraces it and then accuses you of it."
"Armor of Agathys gives you 5 temporary HP and deals 5 cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack."
"The microbiome of our skin will literally defend us to the death."
"Laughter is a defense mechanism against overwhelming internal emotions."
"Wonder Guard makes you immune to everything that isn't super effective."
"Self-deprecation is the greatest way to deflect criticism."
"Your front line of defense is microbiome even before things hit human cells."
"Some people think silence is a weapon, but for Malory, it's a shield."
"Force field, you get 35 shield for 30 seconds which is just so long."
"Your peace can be a fortress that makes the mind and the heart impenetrable."
"You were misled. Stop justifying it. Let your guard down, take your ego out of the equation."
"Perhaps dreaming is actually an evolutionary outgrowth of the playing dead defense mechanism."
"Incoming DR when charging your grenade for either of those abilities, you get a little bit tankier."
"Wear a smile on your face because it's hard for people to give you negative energy."
"Swimming towards them so they retract their thorns cancel their attacks and run away is one of the most valuable strategies."
"Every single thing they do is a defense mechanism against that voice."
"Stuff Cheeks: The user eats its held Berry then sharply raises its defense stat."
"You're just calling them out so you don't have to get the heat."
"Thomas provides shield over time which guarantees the possibility of shield for the whole duration of his burst."
"Time for me to add some walls to my Tycoon to keep you out of here."
"The body has always had in its arsenal of tools the ability to starve any cancer."
"It’s got a wonderful defense mechanism––you don’t dare kill it."
"The moment you identify yourself with something, you have subjugated your intelligence to just self-defense and protection."
"Matara's complete body Susanoo uses its secondary set of arms for attack and defense."
"Logia fruits turn you into the element of substance of that devil fruit. Any normal attack will literally just pass right through the user."
"The soldier starts firing his rifle to scare off the animals."
"Divine: Upon attacking six times or dropping below 50% health, you start glowing and take 25% reduced damage."
"Building our layer to defend against the forces of justice, just for fun."
"Inflammation is not a bad thing; it's just basically sending immune soldiers to where they're going to likely be most needed."
"The immune system is recruiting cells and immune factors to that region to protect it and to start triggering the rebuilding process."
"Anger was my first emotion that protected me from a lot of other emotions."
"Millipedes are poisonous... they'll catch them and then roll the millipede around in the ground forcing it to expel all of those chemicals in self-defense until it's sort of exhausted."
"Whenever you are in fear, you're going to justify the need to defend yourself against the thing you fear."
"Irony at its most successful asserts that you don't care about anything, so how could anything hurt you?"
"The CIWS, just like a goalkeeper, is the last resort to prevent a disaster."
"Antibodies protect you...kill...give those microbes hell."
"If you come for me or if you say anything about me at all or if you criticize me or question whatever is going on then I'm gonna say that it's all my mental health issues."
"Dampening fields are a very flexible form of defense."
"Porcupines can shoot their quills."
"So, you are only seeing this outward stance where it almost seems like your person doesn't care or doesn't need it but it's actually kind of like a safety mechanism that they have in behind the scenes."
"How come I never saw this before? It's because I use my work as a shield to prevent me from deep diving within me, absolutely, you know what I mean? And it worked. Shield me all you want, because now when you have to, when I sit down and talk about it, even with my mom."
"They're feeling very anxious, like they're feeling the need to just kind of be very defensive, put up a wall."
"Puffer fish can inflate themselves like balloons for survival, becoming inedible when swollen due to their highly toxic poison."
"A pet parrot in Rochdale learned to imitate a barking dog to scare off cats."
"Confabulation is the narcissist's way of converting you into a mother substitute."
"Confabulation fulfills critical psychodynamic functions in the economy of the narcissist's mind and soul."
"The cushion star Terraster tessellatus got a little more creative. It evolved a way to create and expel toxic slime from a little hole on the top of its body. Not a little bit of slime either, like a lot of slime."
"So, anger is what we call a secondary emotion. We use it instead of the breastplate of righteousness to protect ourselves."
"...they are also able to charge at an approaching threat then curl into a ball after building momentum and speed to roll like a spiked boulder at the hunters coming after them."
"Shaking her tail is actually a good way of putting off unwanted visitors."
"That deep sea shrimp has the best defense mechanism ever."
"When a disease invades your body and wants to destroy you, your immune system produces antibodies."
"Grandiosity is a desperate attempt to fend off life-threatening shame and hurt."
"If there's one thing that you can try to be self-aware about is defensiveness."
"Defensiveness: righteous indignation or self-victimization as a result of a perceived attack."
"When the self observes someone do something which they're not, it wants to defend itself because it doesn't want to go away. It doesn't want to die."
"Perfectionism is used as a shield to protect against the pain of blame, judgment, or shame."
"It's just a defense mechanism, like a pac-man."
"But it can't hurt you if someone throws something at you," said Harry reasonably.
"Here's a trick, if you call out your flaws before other people do, it sounds like you're aware of them and you're being witty or something, and no one criticizes you."
"A phobia is an example of a reaction formation: the person wants that which he fears the most."
"It's saying, 'Don't come near me,' and it shows it with its colors. It's got the colors that say it doesn't want to be eaten."
"Just cuz you got your feelings hurt exactly exactly I feel attacked."
"He went straight Eminem on Eight Mile. He just made fun of himself so that we couldn't get to it."
"The Adaptive immune response relies on cells being primed or activated, so they can fully differentiate into the right kind of fighter to kill that pathogen."
"Displacement: When someone moves their thoughts and feelings from a specific person or situation onto another person or object."
"Projection: When someone projects their uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and desires onto someone else."
"Loneliness and abandonment and fear of it, and so push people away so they don't get to do it to you first."
"I don't think she's delusional. I think it's like a defense mechanism or something. That's all I can think about."
"Sometimes that's how people need to act to protect themselves."
"A guilt complex is often a defense mechanism someone with ADHD will develop."
"Sarcasm is the human body's natural defense against stupidity."
"Pain itself is part of the body’s defense mechanism."
"The body isolates harmful invaders or damaged cells."
"A trigger is a protection mechanism that blocks entry into a wound. Triggers distract you from an actual wound that's within you, that you have not healed."
"The most amazing thing about this squid is its ability to turn inside out to protect itself from predators."
"It's almost like you internalize all the bad things so then if someone tells you it, you already accepted it yourself so no one can really hurt you."
"Skin and mucous being our first line of defense is a really good way of stopping anything as the first protocol."
"The ladies don't like me, Chef. That's not it. They're threatened. That's their defense mechanism."
"Platypuses are some of the few mammal species that can poison you; they have spurs on the tips of their back feet that can release venom."
"The bombardier beetle can shoot hot fiery gas."
"Nothing is less certain. Nothing is less true. It's a form of armor, protection to avoid the questions asked by nosy parker's to stop himself thinking too much and suffering."
"We put up all these you know and it's fair enough because we are part of a community that's had to learn to put up walls and learn to kind of you know we have a lot of insecurities for a lot of reasons and therefore we have to like you know make armor and stuff."
"Insanity was the logical defense because no one wants to believe that there’s someone out there that will do things like that."
"It is like trying to dismantle a burglar alarm and the burglar alarm knows that what you're doing is trying to dismantle it so it'll go off."
"This is the nature of the defense mechanism. It is superb in terms of what it does, i.e the maintenance of the existence of the narcissist."
"Gray Rock means to render yourself uninteresting to The Narcissist, a bad source of narcissistic supply."
"If something scary comes along, opossums might play dead or 'play possum' to survive."
"I don't know how to feel, because you're trying to unravel my defenses. Like I survived this long by being guarded. I even forgot about most of my past."
"It's like a defense mechanism that's trying to distract you from your feelings again and so it's kind of coming up as a way for you to do something else that's not the feeling of the feelings does that make sense i hope that helps i know it's hard but you got this"
"Are you triggered? Is this a defense mechanism? Are you worried about what you're gonna think or feel?"
"The short answer is reaction formation."
"So when we witness behaviors such as the ones recently with white supremacists, homophobic groups, inside family dynamics, when we witness reaction formation, we can safely assume that the original rejected, resented, feared impulse does not vanish, it persists."
"Malignant optimism is a defense against the unbearable realization that your pain means nothing to anyone but yourself."
"Pain, it's their defense mechanism."
"Denial, the positive neutralizer of the psychic influence of another person."
"Perfectionism as an armor... it literally is an armor."
"Poke a little fun at yourself. These guys are gonna back off because they're bored."
"They have evolved uniquely, but what's important to realize about this is that they're not the same as all these other fish that when they have a problem, all these fleshy fish and fish covered in little scales, they have the ability to have a slime coat that protects them."
"...they also have another amazing way of staying hidden to avoid being eaten by predators these critically endangered tortoises evade predation by inflating their lungs."
"That is the only defense you can come up with in a public context."
"Pretending to have a disease in order to keep others from messing with you. If they think that you're on fire, that you've got something, ain't nobody trying to fight you."
"For the people that are remaining, the fact that they can't get in a conversation with that they're not curating and they get their ideas challenged and they get agitated when their ideas are challenged, speaks to, I think, they're protecting their self-image."
"It's a defense against people wanting to be dumb."
"Once I enter a public place, I become incredibly rude. I turn into a huge assh–e...and that's like my only way of defending myself."
"She's often not distant on purpose, but it's more of a body defense mechanism where the, the closing off just comes very naturally."
"Plants can't be defenseless because they're always being attacked by animals."
"What are we going to eat as humans? Well, we can eat fruit, be a fruitarian. But if you want real fruit that's not defended by hairs, by spines, by revolting chemicals... um, I'd be a carnivore."
"Why do you always have to make everything a joke? It’s called a defense mechanism."
"You armor yourself against emotions sometimes."
"Dissociation is a defense and when we have that perspective, we suddenly open up the possibility of moving beyond that defensive response."
"His humor is definitely a defense mechanism but it also helps us to relate to him a little more and soften is otherwise really unlikable Behavior."
"Emesis, or vomiting, is a natural defense mechanism to remove infected or poisonous food from the gut."
"I'm only mean because my heart is broken."
"Never before has this type of behavior been seen in a mammal a researcher from the University of Oxford has said that this is one of the most extraordinary defenses of any animal living on Earth day."
"I don't remember being hostile, I probably acted like that 'cause I have a how to Art out or shell."
"Projection, projection, projection."
"Denial is really a psychological defense mechanism where you tell yourself that something that is happening or something that has happened is not true. It's a way of not really acknowledging an event."
"The only defense is to master your charisma, your passion, your anger, your confidence."
"The defender... always sees your correction and your feedback as criticism and an attack against their character."
"These Asian giant hornets built a nest in the ground most of the time, and it is the inadvertent and accidental disturbance of a nest that is what provokes such a very strong defense response from these hornets."
"Every time you defend yourself or whenever you just completely collapse emotionally, they're thinking I win."
"Arrogance may be a defense mechanism."
"I think this is a culture thing. I think it's ego protection. Because if you say 'I killed,' then people can't attack that. Like, 'I killed,' no one could question that."
"That's a solid defense mechanism to defuse the 'you sound white' angle. Very self-aware and intelligent."
"Denial: A primitive defense mechanism that threatens the ego's main function, which is reality testing. Denial of reality leads to becoming out of touch with reality and psychosis."
"People just don't want to face the facts. They can't bear the facts; they can't bear the anxiety that would be generated if they looked clearly at the facts, so they deny the facts. Primitive defense mechanism: the ostrich burying your head in the sand. Not wise, of course."
"Narcissism starts off being a defense mechanism to trauma that the narcissist experienced when they were young."
"Plants have tannins to make themselves unpalatable. Their purpose in nature is to deter animals from eating a plant's fruit or seeds before it's ripe. Tannins are responsible for that astringent feeling you get from biting into an unripe fruit."
"Anxiety is a defense mechanism however when it reaches a certain level of intensity and frequency it stops being useful."
"...when confronted with the love you deserve, it is easier to mock it than to accept it."
"When threatened the obt won't hesitate to use its fangs and potent venom is a deterrent to the threat."
"The whole point of it being chopped up is because this lizard, if you scare it, it will detach into multiple parts."
"The immune system... it's your defense system against foreign invaders."
"Your ego is actually a protective mechanism; it's like the bouncer for your mind."
"Your immune system is an amazing, highly organized army that is sitting there waiting for the introduction of pathogens into your body, and that army is going to fight that pathogen from every different direction."
"Pine sap is actually the tree's defense system, so when the tree gets wounded... it'll fill with pine resin and that protects it from infection."
"Like skunks, red pandas release a strong smell to drive others away when they are afraid."
"Anger is a defense against sadness."
"Humor... releases dopamine in the brain and can be a very useful defense mechanism."
"Vibrissae, that first line of defense to protect the inside of our respiratory cavities from the external atmosphere."
"A defense mechanism is an unconscious distortion of thoughts or perceptions that act to reduce anxiety."
"Reaction formation is when repressed wishes or feelings are expressed consciously in an opposite way."
"The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the first line of defense against invading pathogens."
"Kentrosaurus, defensive roar. Cool, cool, cool."
"The ring can turn you invisible, create visions of impending doom, and has one hell of a defense mechanism."
"Identification with the aggressor is considered a defense mechanism, where people who have been traumatized, especially children, end up not hating the people who traumatized them, but end up identifying with them, defending them, thinking they are good."
"The thickness and hardness of its shell makes the ironclad beetle largely impervious to most conventional forms of harm."
"Emotional detachment is a common response when you go through trauma."
"That's what narcissism is, it's that protective shell to protect your fragile ego."
"Viruses often will attempt to break these rules, and in this sense, you can think of quality control as a first line of defense against invasive things like viruses."
"These ants here are kind of like antibodies or like your skin that keep all foreign bodies outside, protecting all of your insides."
"Repression is essentially a defense mechanism our brains are capable of when a memory or situation triggers an emotional response from an individual."
"Defense proteins like antibodies recognize foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria."
"Lymphocytes are like smart bombs, they can see like the antigens on the cells that we can't see and they go in to attack."
"Plants will produce a compound that attracts the predators of the insects that are trying to eat them."
"The second is it acts as a sensory antenna."
"Inflammation is our body's natural first line of defense."
"Some animals can actually scare off their predators with bursts of light."
"Allergies seem like they could have evolved to be the last line of defense."
"You pay a points penalty, but you pretty much immune to bulk gunfire thanks to toughness eight, you have a lot of staying power."
"So as long as the enemy moves into the circle, then it'll be shot by the turret."
"The biggest defense anyone can have is the ability to laugh at yourself."
"That mane protects that area and acts like a big cushion."
"Splitting is what saves us from psychosis because it's the first order and the first organization of mental life."
"The caterpillars will feed off this plant as they sequester hydrogen cyanide from the plant, which makes the caterpillars noxious or poisonous."
"The reason why they call it the ball python is because in the wild, they will actually curl up into a ball if they feel threatened."
"As long as you've got a healthy immune system, it is designed to defend us against bacteria, viruses, and even cancerous cells."
"Prayer is our own weapon of warfare against the enemy."