
Inadequacy Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"I'm not enough. I don't have it all in myself to make sure that I'm fulfilled and satisfied. I actually have to give of myself in order to do that."
"Core shame is the belief of being fundamentally broken, not good enough."
"You make us feel so inadequate as a country and so inadequate in who we are, and we have to destroy you because we can accept an idea of people being superior to us as long as they're white and a little bit inbred."
"We have so many people out here who feel like they're not enough because the world tells them they're not."
"The problem is that there's not enough shelter space for people who need it."
"African American history is not taught adequately. What we learned essentially is a whitewashed history."
"Sometimes you feel like it's not enough, like what you're doing or what you have. The feeling of like you're not doing enough."
"Sometimes your best is not good enough because what is required is more than your current best."
"It's amazing what God can do with our inadequacy if we will simply lay it on the altar."
"Society's capacity for dealing with mental health crises is severely lacking."
"Invention was running a hundred miles lower and we just weren't quick enough to keep up with all the fitters over your Bruins skilled enough to keep up with it but the amount of deaths happen through negligence."
"So like I would compare something like that um there have been people in the past that just knew more than me about a lot of like either conspiracy theories or about a given topic so I just wasn't able to adequately counter them."
"There's not enough done to protect children... it's a scary world, man."
"People cannot live on the salaries that they have right now."
"Is there adequate surveillance for new diseases? No, there's not."
"We're not doing enough to combat this problem. We're not taking it seriously enough. There are a lot of words, there are a lot of strategies around this, but there's not a whole lot of action."
"Look at what's happening here, you have nurses showing up wearing garbage bags as protection."
"In the absence of political power caused by their inadequacy, socialism will grow."
"We're always going to feel guilty, we're always gonna feel like we're not doing something well enough."
"There's just not enough words in the dictionary to tell you how bad it is."
"Materialism is hopelessly inadequate to explain the fantastic mystery of the living universe."
"You can't just put a band-aid on a gaping wound."
"You might feel unqualified... Isaiah the prophet felt unqualified. You know what made him qualified to go out and change the world? He said, 'I'm undone. I'm undone before God.'"
"Once that thing goes down, the infantry, while doing a passable job, it's just not enough."
"Given the scope of the problems and where we should be going, nowhere near enough."
"Cancelling just ten thousand dollars of debt is like pouring a bucket of ice water on a forest fire."
"Officers don't have the training to respond."
"50 minutes of battery life just isn't good enough."
"I don't feel too great, I don't know why I wasn't enough."
"Comparing oneself to others highlights another person's highlights can foster feelings of falling short."
"We never solve the problem. It's like plugging a hole in a sinking ship."
"After realizing how inadequate his skills were, Kazuki has been working to improve his magic."
"AMD didn't make enough villagers because they thought if they won one battle that'd be enough but it wasn't enough, this is a war."
"It was clear that the articles of confederation would not survive and nor would the congress."
"She's not good enough to be C, but she's D for sure."
"How many others will prove by saying and doing nothing that they too are inadequate? I feel as though Carly is talking about me."
"No one seems to be making enough of an offering to solve [the mental health issue]."
"I need another giant army to deal under 100 damage."
"Tanks do not provide them with enough ventilation... It's still not suitable to house them in an environment where you're going to make them more prone to developing respiratory infections."
"It's way too small. It's much smaller and the closest analogy we can come to this, man, is it's stacked on top of each other without the duct tape."
"It's absolutely obvious that Solskjaer is never going to be the man."
"Even though he has all the guards to help him, it's not helping much."
"Do you ever look at a tree and start to feel just violently inadequate?"
"You didn't really hit the nail on the head you didn't miss it but you just kind of [expletive] up okay like that's about it it's not amazing."
"Numbers and the typical things we get don't do the trick."
"Disasters like these are occasions for mourning, but mourning is not enough."
"I think there's a massive risk that so many of us are unfortunately raised in an environment where we can be tricked to feeling inadequate."
"How can words of a mere individual ever be able to accurately convey the characteristics of Allah's best creation?"
"Star, I love you. Simple words such as this are not enough to convey."
"Being innocent was not enough, being innocent was not enough."
"one of the greatest kryptonites for man is the feeling the belief the treatment that he is somehow inadequate"
"I've never felt like I was enough."
"And yet, they still failed to take adequate precautions."
"You're too good for me; I don't feel worthy enough."
"I don't have the right spark plugs for that."
"The narcissistic parent's psychological mission is to stomp out their own experiences of inadequacy."
"Every man has two primary fears: fear that we're not enough and fear that we won't be loved."
"When God chooses, the person chosen usually is convinced they can’t do the job."
"It's a horrible thing to not have the words, but I feel like nothing I'm going to say is going to articulate what I'm seeing."
"It's one of those types of series that I think no matter what words I use, no justice is served."
"I'm almost going to 100% guarantee that what you're watching right now, even if it's on one of those gigantic HD TVs that you've got to sit back to see, is not going to do this place Justice."
"Beautiful and intelligent, she was too good for me."
"You made me feel like I wasn't good enough."
"I don't think we're strong enough. It's not strong enough."
"It's a good-looking picture, but it doesn't show you enough."
"I felt inadequate, like I was always trying to hit a target that she kept moving. I never felt that way in my life before her, and part of me realized that she wanted it that way so that the focus would be on me instead of her. That's not love, that's evil."
"They don't feel like they're worthy enough or they don't feel like they have enough money."
"He anguishes at the fact that he didn't do enough for her."
"I don't belong here," Shin Chong concluded, feeling inadequate.
"I realized more keenly than ever," admitted Kell Aaron, "that I was a very ordinary man, hopelessly inadequate for that fantastic task."
"Super Saiyans aren't enough to win this fight."
"You know I love you, you know how much I wish it was enough."
"Sports business is not covered very well by the sports media, ill-equipped."
"There are people who feel inadequate."
"I simply can't compete with that."
"I wish you guys could see it because the video just does not do it justice."
"I'm convinced that the majority of crimes... are a manifestation of inadequacy if you like. Criminals didn't sooner or later feel the need to boast of what they've done, there wouldn't be nearly so many of them in prison."
"Maybe there's something wrong with me, maybe I'm not good enough for a living."
"Words don't do it justice, I don't have the words for it."
"It feels like adding Cal and SMU in Stanford feels like putting a Band-Aid on a bullet hole."
"There's a part of me where it's enough and there's a part of me where it's not enough."
"That's the biggest area where I don't feel enough."
"You feel less than... You're still not good enough."
"We're living in this time where nobody feels good enough."
"I love you. If only love was a word that did justice to it."
"The demands have to seem achievable but are actually impossible, and it creates in each person a system of perpetual inadequacy. You always feel like you're not enough."
"I think that's what I always fear, was that alone, was okay, I don't have the manpower."
"Perfectionism is a coping mechanism for a deeper feeling of inadequacy."
"It was just about punishing myself. It was about not being good enough and not being good enough for him."
"Imagine going against an army with a BB gun."
"...she doesn't give us everything that we need."
"Insecurity is a feeling of inadequacy or not being good enough to handle something."
"There is no sentence that I can impose that will truly be enough."
"You have been measured and you absolutely have been found wanting."
"Feelings of not being enough seep into many aspects of our lives."
"There's always a sense somewhere inside of you you're not good enough."
"She came to me wet and willing," he had boasted. It seems Victarion is big everywhere but where it matters."
"I hate to have to key up the mic and tell you that I don't have enough."
"You will feel inadequate. You will feel ill-equipped."
"Those who feel powerless or inadequate often abuse power."
"Whatever it is, in life you're gonna run into that time, that space, and that moment where you just don't feel like you're enough."
"It's like bringing a sword to a gunfight."
"Feelings of inadequacy can lead to shame and low self-esteem."
"I am not good enough for this. This is way bigger than I am."
"The incompetence of the prosecution."
"It was one of those things where even if you wrote this all down on paper it doesn't sound good."
"I don't even know if that's doing it justice."
"I feel like I give everything I have, but it's never enough."
"Imposter syndrome feels like I am this tiny little piece of inadequacy who contributes nothing."
"Words just don't describe my feelings."
"To say that she made me feel like even more of a failure would be an understatement."
"Why does it feel like I'm never enough?"
"At some point, we have to embrace that sense of inadequacy and ask God for His favor, blessings, and anointing. There's a God in heaven that loves us and wants to perform miracles in our lives."
"I feel un untold. I don't have enough tools. I should have brought more tools. I wouldn't know what to do with them. Certainly being pointless, but at least I could look the part."
"Wow, wow, this is crazy. The pictures that you sent me they don't do the Justice."
"No matter who it is, everyone's had their version of 'not enoughness'."
"There are times when justice isn't enough."
"Feeling very under-qualified but very grateful."
"There's no filters, there's no photos, there's no videos that will do this place justice."
"I felt inadequate in every way imaginable, like I wasn't going to be able to do good enough."
"Inadequacy has assassinated just as many assignments as arrogance."
"But he still does not have the speed to stay with these faster cars."
"I'm so sorry that I'm not good enough. I'm so sorry that I'm inadequate and unqualified."
"The National Academy of Sciences has issued a very stern warning on the subject of AIDS. The current effort described is woefully inadequate."
"There will never be enough justice."
"The student is half afraid to meet one of the great philosophers face to face; he feels himself inadequate and thinks he will not understand him."
"Passwords really aren't good enough, anymore."
"Most of us feel like we're never good enough."
"The way our society loves to remind people that they are not enough. It will never be enough."
"It's incredible; pictures and videos don't do it justice."
"The space of answers we have is not adequate."
"It's just not gonna get the job done."
"The city of Rome just wasn't the same, and the repairs that narcy's made were not sufficient to get the city's infrastructure back in shape."
"How can I ever be the son you need me to be?"
"That would obviously be radically insufficient to the task."
"You know, I've said it a bunch of times but there's some views that no picture will ever do justice."
"I just feel sad and hurt and I honestly feel like I'm not enough."
"What's the wrong with the rest of us?"
"When you say, 'Well it's kind of like you've got worms crawling inside your legs or your arms or anything,' just look at you and that isn't an adequate description."
"You feel as though this person feels like you are not worthy enough, you feel as though this person feels like you are not good enough for them, that you are worthless, that you don't matter to them, that you are unattractive."
"Scriptural language is human, and all human language is inadequate to talk about God."
"The ugly truth of being single digit: you'll never feel ready, you'll never feel adequate enough."
"Humility is framed from feeling inadequate. When you say 'I am not enough,' it makes you pray harder, it makes you seek harder, it makes you ask for more grace."
"I can't save myself. I can't be good enough."
"I can't make it, I can't be holy."
"Honestly, if I had 10,000 thanks, it still won't be enough."
"You're not good enough and you never will be."
"It seems like no matter what I do, nothing is good enough for my mom."
"No, I hit him with everything I had, and it still wasn't enough."
"All of you said these two words: 'Not enough.'"
"God's calling on your life eclipses your inadequacies."
"The feeling of not being enough, and how would you measure enough?"
"I felt like I was driving a two-cylinder car while everyone else was driving a 10-cylinder Lambo."
"Even watch footage does not do the feeling justice."
"Our terminology is not adequate to describe the god of the Bible."
"No matter how much I did, it was never enough. It was never good enough."
"Fear is our inadequacy turned into an emotion."
"That void in your heart, the void that's in your life is not going to go anywhere because just like I said as soon as you fill it with something that's not going to be good enough and it will be the void will show back up you will be empty again."
"Men cannot handle the idea that you find them inadequate as a human being and you don't respect them for who they are as a human being."
"Emancipation in the West, the emancipation of individuals, had not just been insufficient but been a disaster for the Jews."
"Words are never enough for those who serve."
"Niagara Falls is breathtaking; it doesn't do it justice in pictures or videos."
"Knowledge has traditionally transmitted is now inadequate. You have to augment traditional knowledge with something new and something greater."
"Roxy explores the subject of pretty much stagnation and growth and the inadequacy that's caused by those around you being more skillful than you are."
"We knew that remote education was not a substitute."
"We all have a nagging sense that we aren't doing enough and we aren't good enough."
"You can't just put a Band-Aid over an open wound that needs stitches."
"We're reminded of that great love that God has for us and how that crazy love- how we would define it and our words fall short, right?"
"Those are the places where we need houses because the hotel industry doesn't serve well enough."
"There's not enough money in the world to make me whole."
"You're like Jesse from Breaking Bad, 'cause without your partner when it comes to bars, you can't match the pedigree."
"Perfectionism is a behavioral adaptation to believing you're inadequate."
"We can never be good enough, that's why Christ died."
"Remember me when I've done the best I can and it's not good enough."
"It's very hard, Mark, to live with somebody so wonderful when you're not so wonderful yourself."
"Honestly, thank you is not enough."
"Jesus offers an interpretation that confronts humankind with an ideal that we can never live up to; we are necessarily intrinsically inadequate, and for this reason, this kind of ethics necessitates forgiveness."
"We as clubs and the PFA, we don't do enough."
"Literature at its best arrives when the dictionary in its definitions are not enough."
"We grow up to think we should be doing something, and that makes most of us feel inadequate because most of us have never been taught how to do anything."
"The current recommended amounts of vitamin D are way too low."
"No matter how faithful you are, how good you are to someone, it will never be enough for them to fill that void of how they feel about themselves."
"The sunset specially, camera can't justify the beauty of this sunset."
"Thank you, thank you does not cover it."
"Inadequacy is an indication that you become self-reliant instead of God reliant."
"I'm not adequate, not smart, I'm not good enough, it's You."
"Sometimes sorry just isn't good enough."
"You cannot cover your shame with your own works."
"Thank you doesn't feel like enough."
"Constantly this feeling of never enough, never enough, never enough."
"I would feel so... not good enough."
"Compassion, empathy, you put all those words together and it's still not enough."
"The education that we were provided, public education, is not sufficient to figure these things out. When you get out of school, the learning really starts."
"I'm pretty sure my words don't even really do justice."
"The transformation of man is an ancient notion, for a long time mankind has felt inadequate."
"Books ain't no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him."
"All I can do is say I'm sorry, but that is not enough."
"I understood if I stayed my whole life would be like this, never measuring up, never being enough."
"Despite my relentless efforts to meet my father's lofty standards, I perpetually felt inadequate."
"Solving world hunger apparently isn't good enough."