
Virus Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"We are dealing with a deadly virus and this behaviour is unacceptable."
"A virus has gotten a hold of ours and all other dimensions that have been explored, creating monsters and wiping out most of humanity."
"It is incumbent for us to adopt as it's quite obvious that the virus itself has adapted."
"This is such a new virus; no one in the world had any immunity against it."
"We can compete against this virus and do well."
"Put something over your mouth, and you won't spread droplets which might have virus in them."
"The thing about a virus is it doesn’t destroy you head on. Instead, it brings you down from the inside, turning your own cells into enemies."
"There's a natural selection that occurs, the most severe strains are eliminating themselves by killing people, the less severe variants are more likely to transmit because the people are less likely to be hospitalized."
"It's not a bioweapon; it's a natural virus from the environment."
"This virus attacks the respiratory system directly."
"Our enemy is the virus. It is not each other."
"Ultimately if you ask me I think this virus does not originate from Earth..."
"The idea of sending a computer virus through email sounds ridiculous…until it actually happens."
"But where did this virus come from in the first place?"
"I'm not saying the virus isn't real; it's just nothing to be afraid of."
"The thing that when I think back on was evolving in my mind was something that was a virus that was much worse than what I had thought it was gonna be."
"This virus can only reproduce inside human cells."
"Our analysis clearly shows that covet is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus."
"This virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away." - Dr. Mike Ryan
"Welcome back! So we're hearing a lot about this new delta variant in today's video. I would like to share some science that I was able to discover."
"Adjustment reaction: normal, healthy reaction."
"The more we learn about the virus, the more the facts change and the worse it gets."
"We've learned a huge amount about how to tackle the virus."
"No one is totally invisible against this virus."
"It's absolutely critical to discover the origin of the virus."
"The only real protection against a novel virus is herd immunity."
"If you cannot get a hold of any of those things, good old soap and water will actually lower the majority of the viral load."
"Spanish doctors say foot sores may be a new symptom of the virus."
"This virus is behaving quite differently than SARS and unfortunately the ways in which it is different make it particularly difficult to contain."
"I think it's a natural virus that escaped through a lab."
"Virus samples and genome sequences may be the exact ingredients we need to find our answers."
"Error indicates a virus infection! Infected file is being archived."
"There is no evidence that this virus is a bioweapon or spread through 5g or any of that."
"I'm not scared of anything, I live not scared, and if I get a virus that doesn't kill me and it kills me, then I'm dead."
"This virus is a perfect weapon because it has no respect for borders, it doesn't care for languages, so they can use it without even a political agenda being shown behind it." - Ola Damagard
"This is a virus that is infecting every major institution in our country."
"In the United States of America... we are screaming... potentially ruin our economic growth forever because of a virus."
"Viruses are one of the coolest things in the whole world."
"These antibodies make viruses clump together and then they're ingested."
"This is a beautifully devastating, sci-fi flavored drama set in a world where a mysterious virus is causing people to lose their memories."
"The purpose of this course is to learn what we know about this virus and the pandemic from the best scientists around the world."
"Our study calls for the development of mitochondria-targeted pharmaceutical drugs that can neutralize virus-induced reactive oxygen species production in these cellular organelles."
"It's like a virus, so what do we do with any virus? Quarantine, contain it."
"If antibodies can block this interaction, then, of course, the virus never gets in, it gets cleared, and you have immunity."
"She was able to escape from the airport to the city which also had this virus that was eating everyone."
"Evil really isn't a thing. It's like a virus. It's not alive but once it contaminates its host it spreads. Evil has a will. It's for more evil."
"If students are happy about a deadly virus closing schools then maybe schools should rethink their education system"
"If you have an infection with a virus like a cold flu or covid infection these could all cause brain fog."
"The virus is mutating and decreasing its lethality, it's getting more and more hemmed in."
"Monolaurin can conceivably work against even extremely serious viruses that have envelopes around them."
"A trojan horse is a virus attached to a seemingly innocuous application. When the application is run, it infects the system, which often opens the system for even more viruses."
"If you're feeling good, it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have the virus or are unable to spread it to other people."
"As the virus attack occurred, Gallian made one of his most daring decisions in his long and lonely life."
"The virus grows to very high titers very early in infection. RNA loads will get to--sometimes to a trillion viral RNA copies per milliliter."
"Your body can actually learn to be immune to a virus by defeating it if you get the virus."
"Your body can learn to be immune to a virus if you have a healthy immune system and you learn to defeat the virus and learn to identify it."
"They'll die. The virus will then stimulate electrochemical activity in the brain stem, restoring motor and sensory functions after a fashion."
"The virus from Wuhan was a delivery system for tremendous change."
"It's tiny little mosquito that could be carrying a deadly virus."
"To me, this movie is terrifying not only because of the zombies, but because it shows you how quickly a virus can spread if it isn't properly contained."
"Many of us believe that it may be infectious that it may be a new Mutant type of virus."
"Antibody cloning revealed potent antibodies in individuals with diverse responses, indicating shared solutions to the virus."
"A million people died from something like this, a million people died from a leakage of a virus."
"Soap kills the virus. Yeah, kill the germs, man."
"The idea is that racism could be born via virus rather than learned."
"A virus can affect people of any race or ethnicity, and their impact is determined by various factors."
"We're trying to remove the virus from its reservoir, trying to identify the infected cells so that the immune system or potentially a kill agent could kill those cells that are harboring the virus."
"The virus is exceptionally potent with no apparent incubation period."
"The less virus that makes it into the system the longer it takes and conversely the more that makes it in the quicker symptoms manifest."
"Mayhem, really good office set kind of virus film."
"It seems fairly easy to beat these days. I think that JZ mic definitely beats it."
"The I love you virus managed to infect a thousand two hundred people in just the first three hours and millions of people after a day."
"Measles is a virus. It is spread by liquid droplets in the air."
"The blacklight virus can rewrite yourselves all the way down to your DNA and somehow it granted Alex incredible superhuman abilities."
"The treatment is very different. We're not treating a virus or the effects of the virus acutely here, we are trying to calm down a part of the immune system which has become angry."
"The black light virus can rewrite your cells all the way down to your DNA."
"... anything can happen and like there were people out there lying and hiding the fact that they tested positive for the virus so I know some of y'all would hide your zombie bites and that's just messed up."
"We are reinforcing, we're not fighting the virus; we're reinforcing the host."
"Depression is a very bad thing. It's like a virus. If you don't stamp on it, it spreads throughout the mind."
"What seems undeniable is that if we want to stop the release of these viruses and reduce the spread, we need to deal with climate change."
"It's very rare, one in a million, but some the virus is persisting in some way, a nucleic acid form that we don't understand."
"I always bet on the virus, they're very clever."
"A pandemic is just a novel virus, it has nothing to do with its virulence."
"She didn't care what the virus had done."
"The virus leaps from the wild to the domestic, and from the domestic to the domesticator."
"If you catch this virus and you find yourself having to puke, please do yourself a favor and sit on the toilet while you puke."
"The virus is not keeping people from wanting this baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus."
"Is it possible that that inside-out architecture is hindering, preventing the virus from accessing the STBs?"
"Meds cannot kill a virus. Just like when we get a cold, all we can do is treat the symptoms."
"...your body doesn't even know what to do with the virus."
"It's the threat posed by a deadly virus and probably not the one you're thinking of, wokeness is a virus more dangerous than any pandemic hands down."
"A3G introduces mutations into the viral genome, making the virus non-viable."
"What it is, is you can see how things happen, just how because of fear, that is what creates a tiger out of a mouse, a little itch in your throat, a big virus."
"Caution is good. We can't underestimate this virus."
"These long non-coding RNAs have lots of positive and negative effects on virus reproduction."
"So, if you can get your... what we have control of is our body. We can control what goes in our body. We can't really control a virus."
"A latent virus can remain asymptomatic in the host for long periods of time."
"The World Health Organization has labeled this virus as being a virus with catastrophic global pandemic potential."
"As we have come to realize, the virus actually infects almost every organ in the body, including the brain."
"We better get Whoop to hunt down that virus before this happens all over again."
"Alex Mercer, a man without a past and maybe no future, but he did have one thing: the blacklight virus."
"If you start giving human qualities to a virus, you're going to get it wrong at some point because you have no idea what is driving the virus."
"If you can understand how a virus is doing these things, you'll of course learn something important about what the virus needs to replicate, but you will also have learned something fundamental about how the host functions."
"Guys, please do not forget your olive leaf. It's pretty much gonna help against the virus."
"The virus is the real deal. It'll suck two weeks of your life away if you're lucky. Some people have it much worse. Take it seriously."
"The worst thing is not the zombies themselves but the virus, the consequences of which go far beyond the scope of human imagination."
"How do our bodies create millions of antibodies that are exactly the right shape to combat a new virus?"
"Their defiance was spreading like a virus from one timeline to the next," Political Officer Talyax stated.
"All viruses mutate, and the big question is, do they mutate in ways that they can escape immunity in a substantial way?"
"If people are asymptomatic, they may just not have enough virus to trigger this."
"...adaptive immunity was associated with better control of the virus."
"Don't wait and see. Act during the viral replication phase."
"Immunosuppression is a consequence of virus infection."
"Viral immunopathology is nothing new."
"The Medusa virus has found its way into our ventilation and drainage."
"There's little doubt that this virus will remain a permanently established pathogen in humans and animals for the foreseeable future." - WHO
"What kind of virus makes people do this kind of thing?"
"Created by the dark web’s Double Dan, Arthur is an insecurity virus created to spread infections around the Internet."
"The aim and the goal could not be and should not be to completely suppress the virus; it was about changing the shape of the curve."
"On the 4th of May 2000, email users across Hong Kong began to receive a strange message in their inboxes, seemingly a love note from someone they knew."
"We now understand why the virus persists."
"HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus."
"It's remarkable how fast a virus could spread all over the world just by air because people have to breathe."
"The enormous diversity present in a virus quasi species is incredibly important in driving this."
"The virus will endure only if it causes serial infections or chains of transmission."
"Most women will end up clearing the virus usually within about a year or two."
"Guy shares more information about Shu's father, mentioning that he met him when he was a professor at a prominent university and one of the pioneers in fighting the apocalyptic virus."
"This virus is perfect at finding a new host already; it transmits beautifully."
"A virus does not know borders, and a virus that spreads in one area of the world unchecked is going to evolve."
"We're not defenseless against this virus."
"Whole worlds were put to the sword by their Astartes, wiped clean of all life by Exterminatus orders that unleashed a hideous flesh-dissolving virus upon their inhabitants."
"An infectious obligate intracellular parasite made up of genetic material."
"Without a cell, viruses do nothing."
"A virus is an organism with two phases: one nonliving and one alive."
"We have many viruses at a time coursing through us."
"Viruses were probably around at the first days on Earth."
"Virus is actually a Latin word meaning slimy liquid or poison."
"...we use point 2 microns as the definition of a virus smaller than point 2 microns, but we now know many viruses which are bigger than that."
"...viruses were not liquids, they were particles... today our knowledge of virus structure is astounding."
"...viruses outnumber cellular life on Earth by at least ten to one, so they are the greatest biodiversity on the planet."
"...they drive global cycles, they turn over organic particulate matter in the oceans, and that liberates various elements that we need."
"...all viruses have to make mRNA that can be recognized by cellular ribosomes."
"This virus is a death sentence, but it can easily be prevented by means of a proper vaccination protocol."
"This virus is far more dangerous for some people than others."
"The most lethal virus is certainly going to be coming from an animal."
"We need to be extremely careful not to create a sense that all of a sudden the virus has mutated and then it's not as deadly as it used to be."
"Trying to control the spread of the virus is the most important thing right now."
"It all started at the end of the old world when the great virus had yet to destroy life as we knew it."
"This is endemic, same as so many other viruses."
"We are going to have to learn to live with this virus."
"Because of the virus, we were so lucky and so fortunate to be able to still exhibit."
"Travel spreads the virus more quickly."
"I think that people sometimes forget that it's not just you live or you die of this virus, there are a lot of really severe complications."
"We've only completely eradicated from the planet one virus that afflicts humans, and that's smallpox."
"Despite everything that we've done with SARS-CoV-2, I don't think that anybody knows on a molecular level why it spreads the way it does or why it behaves the way it does."
"This virus is gonna change a great deal about how we do a lot of stuff."
"A virus is more powerful in creating political, social, and economic upheaval than any terrorist attack."
"The less virus that you get in, the less likely you are to get sick."
"In short, SCP 701 is a self-evolving mimetic virus transmitted through unknown means through the text of the play."
"The virus isn't going to go away nearly as quickly as it arrived and it's going to linger."
"Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2."
"It's not that the virus is moving away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and then across the city, it's actually moving towards it from the Huanan market."
"This virus has now been dubbed Plaxia virus."
"Colossus died a noble death when he selflessly injected himself with the deadly mutant killing legacy virus."
"Julia discovers a way to cure the virus by using the virus itself."
"Ramsay Hunt syndrome is associated with herpes, a herpes virus."
"We should not underestimate any virus or any viral infection, especially to persons who are vulnerable."
"What SARS-CoV-2 has done to the world, I'm actually still stunned."
"The virus genetic code then commandeers the protein-making machinery of the host cell to make new copies of the virus itself."
"This virus is not something you should joke about, especially on April Fool's Day."
"The most complete translational apparatus of the virusphere is what's been called for this new virus."
"A virus would want to survive and thrive the best way it can."
"This is the next step of the virus's evolution."
"Virus infections are influenced by geography."
"Virus infections are also seasonal."
"The virus enters the population, it takes off, it goes up to a high level, then it peaks and comes back down again."
"A virus without intentions, without malice, without anything but Darwinian imperatives to guide it."
"Never have I known of a virus that has a backup effect; it's almost as if the virus itself is a living organism."
"We've learned a lot about the virus."
"You can count each plaque and calculate the titer of the virus in plaque forming units per milliliter."
"With the electron microscope, we can see the virus and even go further still."
"The creeper program also known as the creeper worm or virus was the first ever virus to be created."
"Elk Cloner: the program with personality. It will get on all your disks, it will infiltrate all your chips."
"We've learned there's still things we don't know about this particular virus."
"Take care of yourselves out there, you guys; that virus is still floating around, and we have just so much crap going on right now."
"For any virus, there will be one percent of the human race that is naturally immune."
"This is a world where people awaken special abilities due to being infected with a virus."
"We don't know where this virus came from."
"The reality is, it's still here with us, it's still circulating, and it's still making some people very sick."
"The virus didn't come from a lab; it came from a bat."
"The way that a virus attacks a bacterium also involves Martensitic transformation."
"The virus does what it does, and our job is sort of try to be as prepared as possible."
"We've largely concentrated on the proteins that build the structure of the virus particle, but there are other things in there as well."
"The virus feeds on our lack of action and on our apathy and on our fear."
"Any respiratory virus that is easily spread and has a potential mortality rate of up to two percent should be taken with a tremendous amount of seriousness."
"As a mom, I'm more panicked about everything shutting down than I am about the actual virus itself."
"We have a virus that is 16 times more deadly than the flu and people will still be skeptical of its existence."
"Sometimes you can spread the virus without showing symptoms; that's called being asymptomatic."
"This virus has a massive genome, and with it infecting millions every day, there's still room for it to play."
"It's very hard to make predictions where it's going to go next."