
Impressionism Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"The invention of the camera and oil paint in tubes were two forms of technology that really created Impressionism."
"Without this picture, there wouldn't have been impressionism."
"Jazz impressionism, like a beautiful painting in soft focus, music that heightens emotion because it is so ambiguous, it's a hallmark of Wayne Shorter's compositional style."
"Monet's great unfolding mural is concerned not with flowers but with the shimmering reflective endlessly fascinating presence of water."
"He did over 250 paintings of water lilies. I think prolific is the right word to describe him."
"The final product is just as impressionistic and beautiful, if not more so."
"Claude Monet's garden is a masterpiece of landscape design that served as the inspiration for many of Monet's most famous paintings."
"Because the outdoor art of the Impressionists, their most famous contribution to painting, was a to paint. Achieving that pleasant sense of outdoor relaxation was so much harder than it looks."
"Hog's hair brushes were the key to Impressionism. Without the latest brushes, applying the latest colors in the latest ways, Impressionism couldn't have happened."
"Van Gogh was only in Paris for two years before he suddenly decided to leave for the south of France just as abruptly as he'd arrived, so this impressionist phase of his was really short. But the change in his work was momentous."
"The closer you get to an impressionist picture, the easier it is to feel the spirit of the revolution."
"The true hero among the original impressionists, the ones who started it all, was Monet."
"I do micro-impressions now, just to amuse myself."
"It's kind of like the term impressionistic kind of means. ... It's about saying the most with the least."
"Everything just kind of blends into each other. The rivers help, but everything else is just these little sections of colors all just blending right into each other."
"Impressionist paintings are my absolute favorite, I love landscape paintings in general."
"Once this new Liberty had been won by painters they handed it on to the Impressionists."
"Turner could be seen to be Forerunner of the Impressionists because of his radical treatment of the effects of light and the effects of Rapid movement through the use of paint."
"Realism. Impressionism is just turning its back on realism."
"Sometimes I paint these impressionist ones, and all my students go, 'I like the impressionistic one the best.'"
"So, what I'm looking to do is just give it kind of an impressionistic type of look."
"It's super expressive, it's super impressionistic, it's super friendly to beginners."
"It was a complete Revelation to him to be among the impressionist painters and he absorbed a lot of what they were doing."
"Impressionism: capturing the ever-changing light."
"Perhaps the least impressionist of the Impressionists, but he is the one who will participate the most in the impressionist exhibitions."
"What could be better than impressionism here in the southwest of France? It's literally where so many of the French Impressionists painted."
"Post-impressionism... the essence of the impressionist Revolution was not put into question."
"A radical approach to his art, a pioneer of impressionism."
"His films are extraordinarily beautiful, exquisite to look at, impressionistic almost like Monet paintings being brought to life."
"His approach in this piece pushed impressionism towards a new enduring direction."
"They're not perfect because they're farther away; we don't need that much detail. It can even look a little impressionistic if you want."
"At the moment, it's quite spontaneous still and fresh, more like when you paint it on location, getting something done in a certain amount of time, it's got that fresh spontaneity, that rugged accuracy."
"What, and I feel like if you capture it in that way, I think of it as a moment in time, capture it just as an essence, just that quick impression, it actually gives you the feeling more like you're there at that time, in that fleeting moment."
"I like to paint the impression and not photographic details."
"The Impressionists were all about using blue for the Shadows to create cool shadows on warm days when the light was warm."
"Monet was a French painter whose work came to epitomize the art movement Impressionism which was all about capturing the way that light lands on natural forms."
"Chopin's Nocturnes are poems that dissolve into mist, into a nebulous night-world."
"Reflets dans l'eau is among Debussy’s compositions that revolve around water, specifically capturing the interplay of light on its surface."
"This is more reminiscent of the more impressionistic kind of landscape photography."
"it's really sort of impressionistic and about sort of emotions and feeling in flashes of memories"
"These artists were valorizing their first impression as their immediate response as something worthy of sharing with the world."
"The French Impressionists and Monet's particularly would make color sing by in passing quite strong almost primary colors and their full strength dabs here and there if you observe the way this blue is singing out at least I hope so in amongst the other colors."
"Capturing paint-like effects by shooting through windows, creating an almost impressionistic view of the scene."
"I got to say I think you're the greatest impressionist to come I mean in a generation or two."
"Which painter is hidden here? If you're learning about impressionism, one thing you need to remember is that this water lilies painter was a key exponent of it. Jenny?"
"It's easy to use color when you're using it as an impressionistic device, but to make something solid and believable using color as well, it's a step further, and that it can do both is pretty impressive."
"Everybody loves these Impressionist exhibitions whether it's Boston, New York, Chicago, wherever it might be."
"So the general form here, as if often true with these Impressionist composers, is just ternary form, A, B, A with the second and final A slightly modified."
"Impressionism was a revolutionary movement in European art."
"Impressionism found its subjects in Pleasures which nearly everybody above street level could have."
"Impressionism changed everything."
"Nocturne in black and gold: the falling rocket."
"It’s like an impressionist painting of a memory, giving us the chance to see the world through Setsuko’s eyes."
"Just a loose, expressive few lines imagining a really big bushy tree can give that impression really easily."
"Debussy writes as if he were a painter, blurring together sound colors and harmonies to create something that is not set in stone, but an impression of exquisite beauty."
"The harmonies and sound colors became blurred together, expertly producing an effect that wasn't focused on solid forms, but on the subtlety of impressions to create these sensations of exquisite beauty."
"I love Claude Monet because he has absolutely no regard for detail."
"Impressionism initiated the greatest change in art since the Renaissance."
"It's called 'Harmony in Pink and Gray,' and you can see where the subtleties and nuances of those hues are placed side by side."
"I try to paint a realistic feel but impressionistic."
"This one looks like if you pull back from a Monet painting, like a Monet garden painting."
"Rodin left his thumb prints and fingerprints in the piece to give it this very kind of rough and more impressionistic feel."
"This is a very loose style of painting; there's more emotion to this impressionistic style than there is realism."
"I really like this look, you know, that kind of impressionistic kind."
"I'm keeping this loose and painterly; I want this ultimately to be an impressionistic collage."
"The idea is to try to stay loose, to be impressionistic and think about simple shapes."
"Impressionism is essentially about color and light."
"The colored brilliance of the city would be replicated in oil brushstrokes in the water, like an impressionist painter had carelessly streaked vibrant pigments on a jet canvas."
"I'm going to be using this brush to create these big impressionistic kind of leaves."
"I'm going for an impressionistic look so I'm not trying to be perfect here."
"That's what I love about Impressionism; I'm not giving you all the facts."
"I'm a big fan of Monet and Monet's paintings."
"As an Impressionist, I'm going to paint this contemporary Impressionism."
"It reminds me of a Monet painting."
"The further you are away from the designs, the more impressionistic they look."
"There is a truth of impression as well as of form."
"They wanted to capture not just the present, but a moment, the modern moment."
"Monet is only an eye, but my God, what an eye."
"Impressionism changed the rules forever about what painting is and what painting should be, which is why so many people regarded it as the first modern movement."
"The quick strokes give you the idea of the water lilies lying on the surface of the water."
"The Impressionist wanted to record what the eye saw when it opened upon the external world."
"Renoir is perhaps the best loved of all the Impressionists for his subject matter."
"The painting is made up of a series of impersonal small dots and yet out of this arises the most tremendous atmospheric effect of rich luminous color."
"Do you think Van Gogh cared about how his brush moved on the canvas? It was about the effect that he was creating."
"Impressionism... was one of the big breaks in the history of art."
"Impressionism is happening right there."
"This is Impressionism, a style of painting that doesn't show exactly what something looks like... more like how something makes you feel."
"This is really stunning, oh wow, I think these are inspired by Van Gogh."
"The French Impressionists broke up their planes of color with quick brush strokes to create the effect of shimmering light."
"Recognized as an important artist in his lifetime, Degas is now considered one of the founders of Impressionism."
"Warm sunshine, flowers in bloom, a master's motif."
"Monet spent the summer of 1875 in Argenteuil, a suburb of Paris, inspiration to many impressionists."
"It is a very impressionistic artwork; it conveys the feeling of the moment when you accidentally see bright sunshine beaming through the tree foliage."
"I kind of want to keep them sort of soft and, you know, that kind of Van Gogh look."
"The colors are bonkers in the water, but in that kind of Renoir sort of impressionist French way, it works."
"You can take a photograph and then see, okay, if Monet or Van Gogh did this, how does it look like?"
"It's very Monet-ish, like a Monet painting."
"Some of Kobayashi's best work that he's ever going to do, at points pushing his impressionism to whole new heights."
"In some ways, this picture encapsulates the history of Impressionism or indeed its triumph."
"This is something that Renoir gave to Impressionism, and Impressionism gave to subsequent generations of artists: a freedom of style and of subject in order to take on the more pressing questions of what our world looks like and how does it feel to live in it."
"French painter Pierre Bonnard merged in the twilight of Impressionism and in the birth of cubism."
"Interest in Vermeer's work coincides with the popularization of photography and the emergence of impressionism."
"Monet's garden at Giverny, as he painted a picture like this, encapsulates the triumph of Monet's journey and the final part of his career which changed painting forever."
"Yes, the writing is impressionist, trying to find that hazy middle ground of place among one's own memories and experiences."
"Not painting in every single branch and leaf, just giving the impression."
"When you think of Monet and his paintings, it always has that beautiful blue, pink, all those pretty colors."
"It's really impressionist painting."
"Represents the essential spirit of impressionism."
"The colors can appear to be more warm, which is very common with a lot of impressionist art."
"Realism comes from suggested impressions of things, of values and shapes, not copying the photo."
"Realism is about the effect, the impression of light and shadow in form."
"We're kind of verging on Impressionism in here, a little bit of realism and the way that we're doing our highlights and everything."
"It's all very impressionist, you know, just kind of you put a little dollop of one color somewhere, and it tells you what you're seeing."
"The focus is on painting in the style of the French Impressionists."
"Impressionism doesn't necessarily mean that you don't know what the subject is."
"Manet's femininity is inscribed not merely in his subject matter but in his style."
"I am somewhat of an impressionist."
"I thrifted for twenty dollars and it's the most gorgeous impressionist original painting that's signed."
"When you look at a Monet painting, you see paint, you see brush strokes, and you see a person responding sensitively to form and color and movement of light."
"This is kind of like a mixed media watercolor and a little gouache to create this impressionistic looking landscape."
"When I think of the Impressionistic movement, that's what I think of: expressing what you see."
"It kind of reminds me of like a close-up shot of like an impressionist painting."
"Rick is among the world's foremost authorities on impressionism and modern painting."
"A vision of impressionism that was as intricately tied to the social, political, and economic life of France as it was about pure painting."
"It's messy, it's Impressionist in a way, and I love that."
"Impressionism is about capturing those transitory effects of nature, the light."
"With loose watercolor, you really just want to give the impression of the subject without being super realistic and detailed."
"I'm going to go for kind of a painterly look, a little bit more impressionist."
"This is supposed to look impressionistic; it will draw your eye toward the lily."