
Religious Identity Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"Islam is the only religion that hasn't sold out to the modern liberal world."
"A Jesus Freak wasn't your traditionalist hymn-singing, confession-giving Christian, but someone who wanted Jesus Christ to be at the foreground of their identity."
"Jesus, as a Jew, is depicted as black because recognizing his identity is inseparable from acknowledging and addressing the injustices faced by black people today."
"The identity of Muslims also needs to be normalized in a country that is so deeply Islamophobic."
"I'm never afraid or scared to say I'm a Muslim, and I'm quite proud to say that."
"Christianity, of all the world religions, was founded by a man who came and said, 'I'm God, come to find you.'"
"Every religion has this: 'They're not the real Christians; they're not real Muslims; they're not real Jews.'"
"I realized like you can be a Christian and not live like this; like these are normal people."
"Don't be intimidated by the spiritual bullies around you. You are complete and righteous in Jesus Christ."
"If Jesus says I am and he's referring to himself, he seems to be claiming the name of God from the book of the Old Testament."
"No child of God is a victim. We are victors."
"I was a real super Christian... and I'm not gonna do it."
"When people see you, they see a reflection of Christ."
"If you're a white evangelical in America in 2021, you're no longer represented by Jesus. You're represented by the MyPillow guy."
"It is time to be the set apart nation that Yah has called us out to be."
"We don't need everyone to understand us because the Lord understands us, and he's the core of our identity."
"You're not Christians, you're not like Christ."
"Yahweh's name is vitally important if you're disguising that name through some sort of deception."
"If you voted for someone who would vote for, approve, sign, whatever terminology you want to use, the Equality Act and you claim to be a Christian, you need to repent." - Speaker
"Being an Israelite is not a ticket into the kingdom of heaven... being Christ-like is."
"The Sabbath is God's signature, and if we keep it, it lets people know that the God of the Bible is our God."
"A burning desire to follow God's will... a clear sign that you are a child of God."
"Every newborn child is born upon the way of Islam but it is his parents that make him into a Jew, Christian, or a magian."
"Islam has filled that need for identity, that need to glorify and show awe of something higher."
"It was a shocking reversal, one driven by a sense among white Christians that their way of life was at stake."
"Maybe you were never really a Christian, and that just broke me. What do I do with that?"
"You don't have the right to revoke my ex-Christian card."
"I am a Christian in a large part because of the Old Testament."
"I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
"If you're not dealing with the baptism of Christ, I don't care how many people in your group, you are an antichrist."
"We do need a return of being proud to be Christians."
"What does it mean to be a child of God?... Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
"God gives us a new identity as His children. We belong with Him as he intended."
"You're a sheep like one. Congratulations, you've made it."
"He was looked at as a very devoted Christian."
"Be skeptical when people tell you that they're religious. Be skeptical when people tell you I am a Christian or I am a Jew, especially if they say I'm a Jew."
"I care less whether someone is religious than whether they have the capacity to think logically."
"Hold your head high and proclaim: I'm a son of the Living God, I'm a daughter of the Living God."
"Jesus wasn't a Gentile; he wasn't a Westerner. He was a Jew."
"If I'm a Hindu, which I am, and I'm a born Hindu, do I need to be apologetic about my status? No. Do I need to be fearful? No. Do I need to suffer in order that I'm part of the majority? No. Where is the logic track in all of this?"
"You are a seed of Abraham. Now, being the seed of Abraham, what he promised Abraham is mine, too."
"Jesus is not God, as Jesus Himself declared, but is the Son of God."
"They walk hand in hand with the world because they're afraid to be looked at as the odd one. That's right. Don't you know if you got a mind to walk with God, the Bible calls you a peculiar people. That's right."
"I am without apology a Bible-believing Christian."
"A Christian is someone who is in Christ, inhabited supernaturally by the Spirit of God."
"No one would have bat an eye if that person came out and said 'I'm Mormon'."
"Jesus doesn't ask sinners to identify with him first, but through baptism, he identifies himself with us."
"No identifier should displace, replace, or take priority over these three enduring designations: child of God, child of the Covenant, and disciple of Christ."
"Being Jewish is part of your biological genes... A Jew believing in Jesus is the most spiritually Jewish thing you can do."
"Jesus identifies himself more closely with David than any other figure... He was someone that everybody overlooked."
"We are the church, we are the living expression of the body of Christ."
"If your lifestyle is not different from unbelievers, by what means will you prove that you are saved?"
"The liturgy ultimately forms the priest's identity by focusing on God and directing his orientation towards Him."
"He's Jewish, a lot of conservatives will never ever accept him."
"Ye shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. What you claim to be, is what you are."
"By definition, we say that person is a Muslim... anyone who submits to the Creator."
"His sheep hear his voice. So there's something wrong when the church starts acting like the world."
"Food innovation and markets are going to save the world, and you can be part of it."
"I'm a Satanist myself. If anything, he teaches open your mind a little."
"God wants to give you a new start, a new name, and make you part of His family."
"The Holy Spirit is a real person, he's not a force, he's a friend, he's not a feeling, he is a person."
"Jesus is not popular; it's actually one of the most counter-cultured things."
"When we're born in the covenant, we take our new father's name upon us as a new creature."
"The name of Israel with a Divine element of Yahweh."
"Your identity in Messiah has been hidden from you."
"We give hope to the one who you call Father. So, we are followers of Jesus and you don't follow Jesus."
"If you're outside Benet yes or Al or son of Jacob then you are considered a son of Noah."
"I don't care what nobody has, if you don't have God, you don't have nothing."
"Catholic means Catholic. That's the end of it."
"The Church of the 21st century will be a Christ-centered Church born of the gospel in full or it will not be."
"Even the word Evangelical in almost every case someone who will push back and say I don't like the word Evangelical let's not use it that's almost always somebody who is the most committed uh kind of Evangelical."
"Yes, I am a born-again Christian. I do not want to hide that."
"Jerusalem and the temple might emerge as powerful symbols not just of the oneness of God but also of the oneness of the Jewish people."
"Rejecting anti-Semitism is essential to our understanding of who we are as Christians."
"I do believe Jesus is God, but he's not the father."
"They are at their core Kingdom Independence, they do not ultimately belong to any political party, they belong to the kingdom of God."
"We accepted Christianity not as our clothes, but as our skin, undetachable from our body."
"Once Catholic always Catholic? Not true. You're not properly Catholic if you're missing any of the tripartite indicators of membership."
"The church is the secret and powerful Society of the redeemed."
"They're not even Jews, but they're misleading them."
"We are the family of God, a family of families, gathered or scattered, still united."
"They're putting Jesus in a category completely of his own as a son."
"God isn't gonna protect you because you call yourself a child of God."
"True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of the world."
"Why we are called a holy people: we are the seed of the Most High."
"The lingering problem is that some people who think they're Christians aren't, and some people who claim they're Christians aren't. Repent and put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ."
"There's a difference between people who sin as a pattern and the people of God. There's a big yeah."
"Faith of course is so vital to Christianity that sometimes Christianity isn't even called a religion but it's called what, the Christian faith."
"I'm a Catholic. Catholics don't hate people. By the way, what a solid Catholic she is."
"To become a Muslim you just need to believe in Allah and his prophet and his message and you're Muslim."
"Catholic Christianity is not a religion of the book but it is a religion of a word but the word is a person a divine person the Word made flesh."
"We need to find our identity in Christ and in Christ alone."
"I feel like I'm more Christian in my mind, but Islam's in my heart. It's just a hard thing because you can't be fully Muslim but pray to Jesus." - Mister Latoya
"As believers, we get to have this confidence in our identity as a child of God."
"There are people who claim to know Christ, but even still, they don't know Christ."
"Are you born into the family of God? Yes, you are. Are you adopted into the family of God? Yes, you are."
"I do see myself as Catholic... I pray for church Unity."
"So this is why I call them Quranic Nazarenes. Okay?"
"Every day, I shed off an old layer and I'm stepping into who God has created me to be."
"The only thing that makes you the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the doctrine of Jesus Christ."
"Don't try sending us emails, though, 'cause I'll know if it's Christian or not."
"If you're a Muslim, you're very afraid in this country."
"Everything I have done, I am confident in. My spirit is Christ."
"We latter-day Saints are not of the world. We are of covenant Israel. We are called to prepare people for the second coming of the Lord."
"The church does not replace Israel make sure you know this and live through this."
"Jews who believe in Yeshua remain Jews even though we are now spiritually joined to non-Jews who also believe in the Jewish Messiah."
"You receive your identity from your creator, from Jesus who died on the cross."
"Malcolm went as Malcolm X but he came back as al Haj Malik Shabazz."
"I don't believe in any form of racism. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation. I believe in Islam. I'm a Muslim and there's nothing wrong with being a Muslim."
"Malcolm X lived a life which is impressive for non-muslims but for us Muslims we have no concern about his life except three months before Allah subhanho wa taala took his life."
"Be a good friend first of all and be an unapologetic and publicly catholic person."
"You've had people come out and testify to these things, you know, you have so many stories, so the question is, why do you think some people, I mean, that's one thing, you're a Muslim, you know your purpose in life, you know, right?"
"It wasn't the Jews that killed Jesus. Jesus was a Jew."
"Who are you to tell them they're not a real Christian?"
"We're not protesting anything anymore we're just not catholics."
"There is a utility to using platforms and technology to get information out to potentially help."
"Every spirit that confesseth not that Christ is come in the flesh is Antichrist."
"Are we or are we not followers of Jesus? Is this or is this not the way he told us it would be?"
"You can't be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation."
"For the first time, Hindus have a place to call our home."
"You do believe there's one great Creator, one God, and you believe that prophets like Moses and Abraham, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them, were prophets. You're a Muslim."
"Being an Israelite isn't a threat to anyone else. The greatest Israelite was Christ."
"We stand strong we stand as men free men Americans Heirs of Jesus Christ Children of the Living God."
"It's not a support group for being gay, it's a support group for being a disciple of Jesus."
"It's not about religion. It's about identity."
"I was determined to kick my Judeo-Christian ghost."
"I'm on the same religion that Jesus was upon. I'm on the same religion Moses was upon, the same religion Abraham was upon, the same origin Noah was upon, the same religion that Adam was upon."
"What they really want is to take Christ from us."
"Christians of America must unite and stand against this."
"I'm not a Democrat preacher or Republican preacher. I'm a holiness preacher here. That's right."
"I can define what a Muslim is. A Muslim is one who submits to do the will of God."
"This is a time to let it be known: I'm a visible verbal follower of Jesus Christ."
"So, he does have something, he's really an heir of the Old Testament unlike the Gnostics who repudiated it."
"There's a human tendency to diminish Jesus, but at the center of Christianity, we have who Jesus really is and what Jesus really did."
"You can still be a Christian and not be a fundamentalist."
"I believe in everything is right okay so I'm not a Sunni I'm not a Shia and I yes I support my organization okay because I believe that they are doing a great job to bring their biggest enemy of mankind in Iran so I'm supporting them."
"To be steeped in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"No one is asking any Southern Baptist to change their theology. I'm not asking you to agree with my church. I am asking you to act like a Southern Baptist."
"Be confident in your faith. Allah honored us with Islam. And if we try to seek that honor through anything other than Islam, Allah is going to use that thing to disgrace us."
"We're a Christian organization, driven by love, but we're going to stand for truth."
"The ruling elites fastened onto Islam as an abiding binding agent."
"We will not apologize for embracing our culture and acknowledging our history this is the true history we are the Hebrews of the Bible."
"The church belongs to Christ, it's the Bride of Christ."
"I believe it's a religion. It's my religion, you know what I'm saying? If you say, okay, so you're not okay, well, have you tried, have you read a book, do you understand?"
"Jesus was a Jew from the tribe of Judah... from the family of David."
"I may not be the perfect Christian, but I truly believe..."
"To be Christian is to be Christ-like and we were made in the image of God."
"There are good Jews and bad Jews, good Muslims and bad Muslims, good Christians and bad Christians."
"Queen Caroline, a principled Protestant heroine."
"We are one family, we're the seed of Abraham. He's coming soon."
"If you asked me what is a woman, I would simply tell you, 'Acts the God who made her.'"
"When Indians or Hindus try to reinterpret our tradition in a positive way, that's considered chauvinism and fascism."
"There's a reason why we are... called soldiers of Jesus Christ... we have to defend ourselves against this attack..."
"Was he a Christian? Well, no, but here's where things get complicated."
"But if the truth offends, I can't take it back. I am undeniably Christian, a preacher of the gospel."
"Jesus is one Divine person with a human nature."
"My identity is in Jesus Christ, I am who He says I am."
"I spent about two years from about two thousand seven eight nine ten where I was kind of really having a hard time with Uniate position with Roman Catholic position."
"Child of God, daughters of God, you are a female, a woman, and a wife who is called by God."
"The majority of the Palestinians I was with were Christian Palestinians, not Muslim Palestinians."
"I'm proud to be American, proud to be a child of God."
"The whole world knows what the church is against, but it's getting harder and harder to know what it's for."
"Give honor to the blood of Jesus by standing tall in the mirror and saying, 'I am the righteousness of God in Christ'."
"Being a Christian is not saying you're perfect, it's saying you need a savior."
"My way of life is Islam, is submission to Allah."
"You've been seated at the table of the Lord. You don't just get to sit here, you get to enjoy everything that's here. You're a son and you're a daughter. The last time I checked, you got royalty flowing through your veins."
"That's enough for me. I mean there's differences in all religion I realize Mormonism is different from Christianity but you know what he's a man of faith and values and to me that's that's strong."
"We are people of the book and of the gospel."
"Praise God, I'm set free! Praise the Lord, I'm a child of God!"
"Those that are continually led by the spirit, those are the sons of God."
"It is the Bible that keeps Christianity Christian."
"We believe we are the Church of Jesus Christ."
"Be proud to be called a Mormon... stand up and say you're a part of this great church."
"Religion means belief. You believe this, this and this, then you belong to this religion. If you believe that, that, that, you become that religion."
"A Muslim is not a certain nationality. It's not somebody from a certain country. Anybody who submits their will to their creator, that's a Muslim."
"Become who you're supposed to be in Christ, and then what you're supposed to do comes naturally."
"We are coming from a position of power, we are the sons and daughters of the Most High, we have been given knowledge, understanding that others do not have."
"We only represent what God told us to be and that's holiness."
"It's weird looking back too because it's like on the outside like most people that weren't close to us like people on our ward would have thought like oh like the perfect little spiritual mormon family."
"What makes us different from everyone else is that our object of worship is recognized as Allah."
"Some of you come from a prophetic lineage. Walk in that grace."
"The identity of the Jew became a rejecter of logos."
"The people that see Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. Steph A. Smith doesn't. Most people in corporate media don't."
"It's the strong monotheism of Islam that creates certainty in Muslims and makes them reject secular efforts at reforming and liberalizing their religion."
"The church must stand on the rock, for if it loses its identity, it has no identity."
"This is not Christianity and Josh Duggar is not a representative of Jesus."
"They're saying he's not a Christian. Don't look to him as being a Christian. Don't reject Christ because of what Josh has done."
"Declare Philippians 3:20, 'Our citizenship is in heaven.'"
"Many are close, but please remember that in my experience as Yeshua I was born a Jew."
"The people of God have to assume a pilgrim mentality."
"This message is the message that come from God don't come from Gino Jennings."
"The most psychotic neurotic person you can find that carries the name of a Muslim is expected to condemn killing an innocent human being."
"He strongly denied that it was Jesus Christ but refused to acknowledge whether or not it was a Christian saint."
"Did I mention that Jesus Christ, a Jew of the tribe of Judah, is a black man?" - Captain
"The fourth mark of a true believer is that they have the holy spirit inside of them."
"A Muslim means one who submits their will to do the will of God."
"Jesus is claiming far more than just being some metaphorical son."
"Some want that to get confused... oh, it's specifically our Mormon religion what I'm saying."
"That's real Christianity right there that's what it looks like to be just an absolute Alpha Christian."