
Religious Tradition Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"We have to recognize that there is an attempt to subvert the Catholic tradition and orthodox Christianity."
"The Exodus in Jewish tradition, it's that which defines Israel as a people. God brought them out, made them His own, entered into a covenant relationship with them on Mount Sinai."
"You like no skin? That's what the Jews have. We invented that."
"Peter’s Pence is the tradition from the 8th century when all Catholics are instructed to donate to the church."
"You can have a reliable tradition about someone being taken up to heaven even if that tradition does not preserve specific facts about the person's death."
"House Indoril: guardians of Morrowind's faith and tradition."
"The Latin language makes the prayers more pleasing to God and connects to the Cross."
"The judeo-christian tradition may be the source of advocacy for Sunday closing laws, yet a weekly rest from the economy serves all citizens."
"The Book of Enoch is not a single work of a single genre rather it is a collection of ancient apocalyptic Traditions transmitted for some centuries orally then as independent written documents and finally as one collected text."
"Hajj is being done around the Kaaba since the time of ibraheem alehissalaam."
"I didn't have what Augustine described as this special gift of holy orders through apostolic succession."
"For 1,700 years, pilgrims, believing Jesus climbed these stairs on the day he was condemned, have scaled the Scala Sancta on their knees."
"Tradition abounds in testimonies in the favor of the doctrine."
"Apostolic tradition and Sacred Scripture must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."
"The Church's tradition has very deep and rich kind of ongoing conversation about intrinsically evil acts."
"The grandeur of the Roman mass requires that the old form had to be retained."
"Even non-Catholics were saying, 'Please keep the Latin Mass going.'"
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"God has throughout church history of 2000 years god has providentially sustained his people by the lord's day gathering."
"Circumcising baby boys is God calls it an eternal Covenant when he gives it to Abraham and they believed he meant Eternal it means it's not going to end."
"The original Quran was recited, then transcribed, and then recon-signed with the consensus of the Muslim community."
"Stop holding on to your church tradition, your church custom. Don't be afraid to say it's wrong."
"Can you imagine being a priest, and every single day of your life, you have Lai Eucharistic ministers, Communion in the hand, and altar girls every day of your life?"
"Each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue."
"The traditional manner of distributing Holy Communion must be retained." - Pope Paul VI
"What earlier Generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."
"If priests that are ordained and you follow them up ten years later after ordination, the majority of them are all traditional priests that stay in the priesthood."
"It's just what Jews did... Moses himself says that these things were given to him by God."
"The church is rooted in the Apostles, those 12 men whom Jesus personally chose, shaped, and formed according to his own mind."
"Let us get back to that good old time religion of the Council of Trent."
"The Rosary was given in 1202, Saint Dominic spread it throughout the world. Saints say the Rosary, Pope's say the Rosary."
"The hate of the Amalekites is so persistent in traditional Judaism."
"In some ways, what evangelical converts are doing is reminding those here of that element of Orthodox tradition."
"The year of Jubilee is a year of rest, a sabbath, a holy year."
"Unlike other areas of rabbinic law, the burial practices of today don't originate from a formal documentary guide."
"Traditional Catholicism isn't about what cigar you smoke or what wax you put in your mustache."
"Every temple belongs to one sampradaya or another. There is no such thing as nondenominational. Even if a temple has both Vishnu and Shiva, it will still be a Hindu denominational temple."
"Our Lord is not going to permit that this form of the Roman rite be abolished."
"The Latin mass sustained Christendom for a thousand years."
"The Book of Ruth in Jewish terms is always read at the Feast of Pentecost. Why is it always read at the Feast of Pentecost? They have their reasons; we have ours."
"Palm Sunday is usually for the marking of the arrival of Jesus as king into Jerusalem the week of his death."
"...otherwise, 1400 years later, how would we know how we actually prayed?"
"The Tibetan tradition is a union of Sutra and Tantra."
"These ceremonialists were instead eager to rescue and repurpose as much of their Catholic heritage as they could."
"I think it's important for churches to sing Psalms and I think it's a very good part of the reform tradition that we've done it."
"The liturgy in Anglicanism is deeply cherished, shaping beliefs and fostering a sense of reverence and tradition."
"The form of Christianity that you see now is the Orthodox tradition."
"Bhang is also the preferred food of Shiva, the main god of many Hindu sects, and even earned him the name The Lord of Bhang."
"I honestly believe that one of the reasons why there are black folk who consider themselves Israelites today is because of the ubiquity of the Christian tradition."
"The modern philosophy is rooted in doubt rather than in the Christian tradition of belief."
"Sacred tradition and sacred scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the word of God."
"The primordial tradition is the thing that really matters and survives as the internal core of the world's great religious traditions."
"They set forth and prove also from tradition the very same dogmas which are found in scripture."
"That brings up a lot of questions about development of doctrine and Newman's hypothesis and the role of tradition."
"The traditions of which mention is made in the writings of the ancients are not all of the same kind."
"Sunday had come into Christianity as a tradition of the Roman Catholic church. It didn't come from the Bible."
"Our Lady is saved by our Lord; this is the tradition of Catholic debate a thousand years ago."
"This is the faith of the fathers; this is the faith of the Apostles."
"Father, lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
"A prime example of this is the way a number of postmodern thinkers, including Jacques Derrida himself, tugged at the thread of what they call the aporia of the gift, in order to problematize certain claims of the religious traditions."
"The Lord's Supper is one of the earliest traditions to develop in the early Church."
"It's the end of the year, and we are coming back having finished reading through the Torah."
"Can ye make the children of the bridegroom fast, while the bridegroom is with them?"
"Many traditions place the abode of the gods on top of their axial mountain or pillar."
"The tradition of Guruship is very important."
"Nazarite means consecrated person; anciently this rank belonged to firstborn sons and men who had been dedicated to God."
"The topic for this weekend is tradition, the title of standing on tradition and the importance of our Catholic sacred tradition."
"The early church inherited its worship tradition, its liturgy, from the synagogue and from the temple services."
"These are our ancestors, this is our heritage."